Marlboro Buyer Safety Code Faces Suit SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy and Cool ' Mostly cloudy and cool today. 'FINAL Chance of snow early tomor- }Kerf Bank, freehold C row, probably changing to / l,ong Urant'h I rain during day. EDITION 26 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper NO. 172 RED BANK, NJ. FRIDAy, FEBRUARY 25^1972 TEN CENTS Closer China Relations Seen PEKING (AP) - President "they just decided to delay." Peking, where Chou has an of- Thousands of Chinese — Once reserved for emperors A. Kissinger, the President's Nixon and Premier Ctiou En- In answer to another ques- fice. But instead the White perhaps as many as one1 mil- and their families and ser- national security affairs ad- lai held their fifth conference tion, Ziegler said Chairman House announced during the lion — were out early in the vants, the enclave in the heart viser, are talking with Chou late this afternoon but de- Mao Tse-tung was not afternoon that the premier morning cleaning'Peking's of Peking totals more than about big-picture issues in- layed the meeting for nearly present. would go to the guest house streets and the route of the 9,000 rooms. The tour was the volved in establishing what three hours without ex- With about 20 hours of talks where the Nixons are staying, President's motorcade to the second highpoint of the sight- the premier has termed "nor- planation. with the top Chinese leaders and they met there. site of the ancient imperial seeing part of the Nixon's vis- mal state relations." The session had been set behind him, Nixon was'report- Sightseeing palaces. it to China. On Thursday, they While the top American and first for 3 p.m., later was ed aiming at eventual-restora- President Nixon began his Hatless andgloveless, Nix- saw the Great Wall.'. \ Chinese leaders formulated shifted to 4, and the two lead- tion of full diplomatic rela- "fifth day in China with some on entered the Forbidden City In the evening, the Nixons broad policy,. Secretary of ers finally met at 5:45, Peking tions — whatever the reper- more sightseeing — a visit to through the Gate of Supreme are entertaining Chou and State William P. Rogers, his time. cussions in Taiwan. the Forbidden City in the cen- Harmony. He chatted with his other prominent Chinese in Chinese counterpart Chi Asked the reason for the The meeting between Nixon ter of the capital. He made, hosts as they led him from the banquet room of the Great Peng-fee and their associates delay, White House press sec- and Chou had been scheduled the tour of the old imperial palace to palace. Mrs. Nixon, Hall. were working out nuts-and- retary Ronald Ziegler said it originally for the Great Hall palace in a snowstorm that in furs, accompanied the An informed American bolts questions of how to ef- was by mutual agreement — of the People in the center of blanketed the city. President. source said Nixon and Henry fect summit policies. Session Urged on Taxes '" TRENTON (AP) - The hstaced by the arrangement should be held in the summer Legislature may consider the between Assemblyman David to giye school districts as sweeping recommendations of Friedland, D-Hudson, three much time as possible for the State Tax Policy Ctfm- other Democratic Assem- planning their next school mittee in an early special blymen, and Assembly Re- budgets. summer session. publicans. "Paul Sherwin, secretary of Richard DeKorte, Republi- According to one report, state and chief political advi- can Assembly floor leader Friedland and the other three sor to Gov. William T. Cahill, from Bergen County, said yes- Democrats agreed to consider said the administration also terday a special session de- tax refrom'on its merits as part wants a special session de- Voted exclusively to tax re- of the bargain they made in voted only to tax legislation. form should be held as soon as January to bolt their party But Sherwin said the admin- the current regular session and support the election of istration had no definite time - TfiW-EIEOFRiAME — Rarnes. shoot oat windows ends. The regular session is Republican Assembly Speaker in mind at this point. • .urascMirfSrOepartttJent store-office building In scheduled for June com- Thomas Kean of Essex Coun- In determining when to act aB*Bto\vhSqo Paula, Brazil yesterday. Author- pletion. ty- on tax legislation, the legisla- Hies -said as many as 20 may have died In blaze, Meanwhile, it was reported DeKorte, a member of the ture must keep in mind a while hundreds more, trapped on the roof, were that the prospects of the pro- tax policy group, said he be- court-ordered deadline for rescued by helicopter. posed tax program were en- lieved the committee's recom- producing-a new method of fi- mendations have a good nancing public education in chance of passage in the As- the state. - . - sembly where? there areiO Court Ruling IN FORBIDDEN CITY — A bronze st&finfof a horse stepping on a swal- Democrats, Z9 Republicans,•• -Superior Court Judge Theo- low, from the Han dynasty. Is adtolr'ed by President and Mrs. Nixon dur- andonetntfeffciment. " -" dore t 'Botter has ruled that ing a tour of Peking's Forbidden City today. State Is Expediting Major Proposals the local property tax is an The major recommenda- unconstitutional method for fi- tions call for enactment of the nancing schools because*it first graduated state income creates unequal spending for tax, a statewide property tax education. Home Buyers Code School Plans and removal of the present Botter has given the Legis- WEST LONG BRANCH one has discussed the project an appeal" sales tax exemption from lature until Jan. 1, 1973, to The, .state Department of with him yet. And you're set- The reference is to the Long clothing. find an alternate solution. If it Health is expediting its plans, ting up a school in Monmouth Branch United Civic and Tax- The committee said the to- doesn't, he said, the courts for conversion of the former County," Robert Newman, payers Organization, which tal tax package would pro- would resolve the issue. May Be Challenged Star of the Sea Academy in the county's principal proba- went to court in an attempt to duce $1.5 billion, enabling the -The Botter decision is ex- "Long Branch to a therapeutic tion officer, said. state to take over virtually all block the school. Earlier this pected to reach the State Su- MARLBORO - The N.J. to force developers and real He said this certificate is to local school operating costs school for a limited number of Earl B: Garrison is county month, N.J. Superior Court preme Court for a final ruling Home Builders Association estate agents to inform home be delivered to the township's and would reduce property young teen-agers who are superintendent of schools and Judge M. Raymond McGowan later this year. may begin suit against the buyers of adjacent property division of consumer protec- taxes an average 40 per cent. - having trouble "making it" in also a Narcotics Council dismissed the suit, ruling that Earlier this week, former Township Council for adopt- usage. According to the ordi- tion within 20 days after the their own school systems be- member. He wasn't at last the state has immunity from The initial legislative reac- Sen. Harry L.' Sears, chair- ing a home buyers protection nance, a firm selling homes closing. cause of involvement with night's meeting. municipal regulations and tion has been sparse and man of the tax policy com- ordinance last night. here must post.a map in its of- Mr. Hutt said a buyer, could drugs, the county Narcotics Not Informed doesn't need city approval for cautious. But several mem- mittee, said he saw little hope . Stewart Hutt, an attorney fice showing the subdivision in use that clause to force the ' Coiiricil was told last night. ("If they're talking about a the school. ' , . bers of both houses have pre- for legislative action in 1973 representing the association, question and the usage of land seller to lower the price of the The information came'from public education facility, it Mr. Makuta: said the organi- viously stated outright opposi- because it is a gubernatorial said legal action would be tak- within l,500.feet of the home home. The attorney said the Edward Makuta, the assistant might have been nice for me zation is appealing that deci- tion to an income tax. election year for New Jersey. en He said that ambiguities for sale. •• ' • • • buyer could come to the bro- project director for the ther- to have known about it," Mr. sion:' •• •••'. ••;•' -' • ' •. • DeKorte said, however, Sears said the committee's in the ordinance would mis- In addition, all. existing ker just prior to closing and apcutic school. Garrison told the Daily Regis- Mr., Makuta said the Long "the chances are reasonably program should be acted on lead home buyers, and that it structures and 'public -facil' maintainthat he did not have ter on Jan. 12, 1971. At, that Mr. Makyta appeared at Branch therapeutic, school is good" in the Assembly. He this year to have a realistic also is unfair to developers. ities within 1,500 feet must be enough time to study the map. last night's Narcotics Council time, he said he learned of the • See Statev'Page .3 said the special tax session See Special, Page 2 The ordinance was created shown,- as well as variances Sees Litigation meeting' to outline the plans planned school the day before received from the Board of ; "The guy (buyer) could say farthe school.' when he read of it in the Adjustment for the surround- that if you (seller) don't take Several narcotics council newspaper.
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