Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-6-1983 The BG News December 6, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 6, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4200. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4200 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. vol. 66 issue 50 tuesday, december 6,1983 new/bowling green state university Nude women display causes controversy by Monica Orou former with screws skewered through stall reporter her face and Ohio Players "Plea- sure," which shows a woman with her A display in the University Union arms chained above her head. depicting nude women has caused A Task Force statement taped up controversy between the University outside the display explains that the Activities Organization and a coali- media is a powerful in that it can tion from Women for Women and a affect the way women are depicted women's studies class. and helps to form opinions about The display was arranged by the them. coalition and the class through the When asked how many complaints Women and the Media Task Force. UAO had received, Misuraca said he The case contains album covers de- had no specific number, but that there picting women, most of whom are were "enough to make a difference." nude or semi-nude, in situations He later denied saying Women for which the Task Force says are harm- Women had to take the display down, ful or demeaning to women. and said that UAO was not "legislat- "I was told this (yesterday) morn- ing what is acceptable or not accepta- ing by Cindy Walters (UAO exhibits ble." director) to modify the display or take Misuraca said Women for Women it down," Penelope Lespinasse, a never signed a contract, required for senior French major and the person anyone leasing a display case, which who arranged to lease the display states that the showcase must meet case, said, lespinasse said later, the approval of the management. when she talked to Thomas Misuraca, However, Lespinasse, who ar- director of UAO programming, "He ranged for the display, said UAO said, 'You have to take it down be- never asked her to sign a contract. cause it isn't in good taste.' " When the keys for the case were Misuraca said "A lot of people," picked up. she said they informed her including the management of the she would not have to show the dis- Union had said the showcase "was in play plans or how it woiil be layed poor taste." out. "It's offended a number of people because we've had a number of MISURACA SAID of the display, calls/' he said. He also said that he "It's offensive not that they're trying told Women for Women to "modify" to make a point that women are being the display by 5 p.m. "or take it sold in that vein." but that the method down." used was "baseball bat advertising," INCLUDED IN the display is the hitting viewers over the head to make album "Below the Belt" by Boxer, a point. which shows a nude woman being He compared the display case with struck in the groin with a boxing an apartment that renters use with Dp, news/Patrick Sandor glove. Also included is Debbie Har- certain rules. "It's a usable, leasable Steve Landesberg, stand-up comedian and former television star of the once-popular "Barney Miller" ry's "KooKoo," snowing the per- See WOMEN page 4 Me and my shadow comedy series, performed for over 1,100 people Sunday night in the University's Grand Ballroom. Opening the show was Charlie Wiener, a Cleveland-based comedian, best known for his off-color folk tunes. See related story on page 5. Risk of Soviet confrontation increases with clash WASHINGTON (AP) - The growing middle, a target for various groups in Kremlin spokesman called the U.S. bombings were in response to an Syria is armed by the Soviet Union, tanks, more than 450 combat jet violence in Lebanon, punctuated by Lebanon that want to weaken Presi- bombings against Syrian artillery and "unprovoked attack" on unarmed and its gunners are trained by Soviet planes and four batteries of surface- the first clash between U.S. and Syr- dent Amin Gemayel and give the anti-aircratt positions "a new factor U.S. reconnaissance planes Saturday advisers. U.S. firing on Syrian posi- to-air missiles near Damascus and at ian forces last weekend, increases the United States a bloody nose. of aggression'' in the Middle East. - the show of American muscle could tions, which Reagan and Defense Horns in northern Syria. risk of a confrontation with the Soviet President Reagan insisted Sunday prove ominous. Department officials suggested might Union in the Middle East. Unless the latest show of U.S. force that the United States was not spoiling On the diplomatic front, the United be repeated, brings the superpowers No fewer than 7,000 Soviet techni- The Reagan administration has as- persuades Syria to reverse its policy for a fight with Syria, but sought only States informed the U.N. Security closer to a clash in the Middle East cians and other support personnel are serted its determination to protect the and withdraw from Lebanon, the Ma- to help the Gemayel government sta- Council that the attack on the Syrian than at any time since the Yom Kip- in Syria, according to Israeli esti- 1,500 Marines hunkered down in the rines' mission appears open-ended. bilize Lebanon and to defend U.S. E'.sitions was "a discrete measure pur war of 1973. mates. The Reagan administration outskirts of Beirut, and the Soviets The Soviets, stung by the U.S. aerial forces against attack. ken in self-defense." White House places the figure closer to 9,000. pledged to stand by Arab forces "who strike against their Syrian allies, said spokesman Larry Speakes said the The Soviets rebuilt Syrian forces are fighting the Israeli and American yesterday they would provide "moral ALTHOUGH Reagan emphasized U.S. Embassy in Damascus had made after they were humbled by the Israe- In Lebanon, about 100 Soviet mili- aggression." and material'' support to those oppos- that "we don't desire" a broader unspecified "additional diplomatic lis in Lebanon last year. The Soviets tary advisers are serving alongside U.S. Marines are caught in the ing the United States and Israel. A confrontation with Syria, and that the representations to Syria." supplied them with 800 to 900 T-52 the Syrians. * 1 Falcon hockey sweeps OSU by Steve Gulnn had five first place votes and 92 IN THE game down at Columbus, sports reporter points. the Falcons fell behind with just nine "The poll reflects how you are seconds expired in the first period, on The broom banging in the locker- playing,'' BG head coach Jerry York the first snot on goal of the game. room of Bowling Green's hockey team said. "Other schools have a lot of Defenseman Mike Farley put a shot indicates a series sweep of an oppo- respect for us on a national level." from the top of the left circle past nent. York said he does not expect any kind starting goaltender Gary Kruzicn to And it did not take long for a piece of letdown now that his team holds the Sve the Buckeyes a 1-0 advantage, of tape to be put on the broom handle number one spot. "When you are win- it that was the only shot to get past with the written scores, BG 4-2 and 8-6 ning a lot you have to remember why the freshman for more than two peri- over Ohio State. The Buckeyes were you are winning." ods. formerly the number-one ranked Each team hosted a game, both It was Just over 14' minutes before team in the nation and Central Colle- sellouts, with Friday's game beinB Dave O'Brian got BG on the board, giate Hockey Association leader. played at Columbus and the final putting a Tim Hack centering pass Formerly that is, because BG now game at BG in front of a crowd of 3,- past Buckeye goaltender Bob Kraut- holds the top spot in the nation and the 434, and a television cable and closed sak. Krautsak started in goal in place CCHA. OSU was undefeated at the circut audience. of the CCHA's number two goalie beginning of last week at 13-0, but The Falcons were forced to come JohnDougan. lostthree games, two of them at the from behind to win both games, and Dougan, a 1983-43 second team all- hands of the Falcons and one to Mi- played a major part of the series CCHA selection has faced BG in six ami. The Falcons now control the trailing the Buckeyes, before going on Cvious occasions, beating BG twice CCHA with an 11-1 record, putting the top for good. « ; year. But OSU head coach Jerry Buckeyes in secondplace at 10-3. Cooling from behind to win is noth- Welsh inserted Krautsak after Dou- BG ALSO claimed the nation's ing newfor the Falcons, but it was gan had trouble against last place MU number one spot in the WMPL Radio- done against stronger odds than in the hist Tuesday.
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