SPRING SPORTS PREVIEW INSIDE Grantastic! (again) Grant Hill scored 17 ofthe men's basket­ ball team's last 23 points to lead Duke to a win over Clemson. See -.sports, page 15. THE CHRONICLE CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 89, NO. 94 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1994 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Journalists criticize mass media By ZACK STURGES given to the attack on Nancy glosses over many of the is­ A nationally known colum­ Kerrigan and the trials of the sues," Duke said. "Too much of nist and a television corespon­ Bobbitts as examples of issues coverage tries to give cosmic dent criticized the mass media which attract excessive media meaning to everything on the for becoming too sensationalis- attention. campaign trail." tic. Broder singled out the Both criticized the media's Speaking to about 150 people media's coverage of allegations fascination with the lurid as­ in Reynolds Industries Theater, made by two Arkansas state pects of candidates' personal DavidBroder, anationally syn­ troopers that they helped Presi­ lives. The increasing popular­ dicated columnist forthe Wash­ dent Clinton arrange extra­ ity of tabloid newspapers and ington Post and Paul Duke, a marital affairs. television shows has led to "an senior correspondent for public "Newspapers don't have the insatiable desire to delve into a television, addressed the courage of their own convic­ candidate's personal life," Duke media's coverage of national tions," said Broder, Knight pro­ said. events. fessor of the practice of jour­ "I find all this emphasis on The two spoke Saturday as nalism at the Terry Sanford personalities and on triviality part ofthe annual John Fisher Institute for Public Policy, ex­ rather appalling," he said. Zeidman Memorial Colloquium plaining why stories such as . DukeandBrodercommented on Communications. the troopers' allegations can on the problems common to both "The tabloid press is increas­ become front-page news. print and television media out­ ingly driving the regular press," The two also expressed con­ lets. Broder said that reporters HELEN KRANBUHL/THE CHRONICLE said Duke, a moderator for cern about the way journalists Washington Week in Review. covered the 1992 presidential have overly intimate relation­ Don't mess with... "The lower common denomina­ campaign. ships with their sources. "We tor is starting to prevail within "We can not escape the fact have gone so far inside, we have Trinity sophomores Alex Fernandez and Jeremy Wine display the national media." that most ofthe media's cover­ left readers on the frozen out- their country/state pride. He pointed to the attention age is... superficial and... See MEDIA on page 6 •• 3rd NCCU student arrested, charged with kidnapping From staff reports lic Safety. They are both charged with first tramural parking lot next to her to drive around Durham. A third North Carolina Cen­ He is charged with first degree degree kidnapping and robbery Wallace Wade Stadium. Two They later demanded money; tral University student was ar­ kidnapping and robbery with a with a deadly weapon. Jones is men approached her, one bran- after she handed over $300 which rested Friday in connection with deadly weapon, both felonies. If also charged with possession of dishingasilver-colored, semiau­ she withdrew from an automated the armed robbery and kidnap­ convicted, Harris could serve up stolen goods, a misdemeanor. tomatic weapon. teller machine, they let her leave. ping of a Duke student last to 40 years in prison for each Harris is incarcerated at Though the undergraduate Officials are continuing to in­ month. offense. Durfiam County Jail on a $50,000 who was kidnapped said only vestigate whether the suspects Orlandas James Harris, 19, of Two other NCCU students, secured bond and is scheduled to two men participated in the are responsible for two similar 337A Childey Hall at NCCU, Brian Bookman, 21, of 7321 appear in court today. crime, a third person apparently incidents which occurred last turned himself in to NCCU po­ Crossridge Rd. in Raleigh and The incident occurred Jan 16 provided transportation for the month on the campuses of the lice the day after a warrant was BryantStephen Jones, 18, ofBox at about 10:15 p.m. when the others, Birkhead said. University ofNorth Carolina at issued for his arrest, said Capt. 230 on Rt. 1 in Kittrell were undergraduate woman parked The men told the student to Chapel Hill and North Carolina Clarence Birkhead of Duke Pub­ arrested Tuesday afternoon. her car in the West Campus in­ get back into her car and ordered State University, Birkheadsaid. Junior elected Chronicle editor Editor-elect plans to improve newspaper's training From staff reports student volunteers. Her respon­ Stuebe also said she plans to Trinity junior Alison Stuebe sibilities as president include improve The Chronicle's man­ will lead The Chronicle into its preserving the corporation's agement by building better re­ 90th year of publication. mission and representing the lations between the editorial On Friday, the newspaper's organization to the public. and business sides ofthe news­ editorial staff elected Stuebe Stuebe said she intends to paper. As a member of the editor of The Chronicle and enhance the educational com­ corporation's board of directors, president of Duke Student Pub­ ponent of working for a daily she intends to take a leader­ lishing Company, Inc., the new newspaper by improving train­ ship role in drafting a long- corporation responsible for pub­ ing at all levels. She plans to range plan and developing an lishing the campus' student-run work to expand the newspaper's alumni network. paper . The corporation's board coverage by honing the .As campus information be­ of directors certified Stuebe as newspaper's beat system, comes more electronically-ori­ eligible to run for editor and which she helped establish this ented, Stuebe said she will in­ president on Jan. 21. year as University editor. vestigate how an on-line Stuebe, 21, will succeed Trin­ "I'd like to be able to look archiving system, electronic- ity senior Peggy Krendl for a back and see that I have in­ mail and gopher-based com­ one-year term beginning May stilled the staff with the excite­ puter technology can advance 8. ment and the responsibility of The Chronicle's services. As editor, Stuebe will be re­ publishing a daily newspaper This year as University edi­ sponsible for determining the and hope to have covered the tor, Stuebe assigned and ed­ newspaper's content and lead­ campus as fairly and accurately ited campus-related stories, HELEN KRANBUHL/THE CHRONICLE ing a staff of more than 100 as possible," she said. See EDITOR on page 6 • Trinity junior Alison Stuebe was elected The Chronicle's editor. THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1994 World and National Newsfile Clinton resists pressure for retaliation Associated Press NASA delays: For the second day By ELAINE SCIOLINO option of air strikes. some of the Europeans than there is on in a row, NASA failed to release a N.Y. Times News Service Clinton also hinted Sunday that the the part of the United States," he said, science satellite from space shuttle WASHINGTON—Resisting growing administration would shift from its hands- "because they do have troops on the ground Discovery. Ground controllers tried pressure to use force in Bosnia- off role in the stalemated peace negotia­ and they are worried about some retalia­ to resolve the latest satellite problem: Herzegovina, President Clinton said tions and actively push for a peace settle­ tion coming to those troops." a malfunctioning guidance system. Sunday that there would be no immedi­ ment that would inevitably press the Clinton's public reserve on the use of NASA said today would be its last ate military retaliation for Saturday's Muslim-led Bosnian government to agree force comes as not only many Europeans opportunity to deploy the satellite. mortar attack in Sarajevo and urged the to the partition ofthe country along eth­ but also some ofhis senior advisers and country's three warring factions to make nic lines. leading members of Congress are urging Workers qualify: Laid-off peace. Nintendo workers are the first in the On the question of an immediate military retaliation against the Bosnian U.S. to qualify for federal help under Clinton's comments seemed to be military response to the mortar attack on Serbs. the North American Free Trade running against sentiment in Congress Sarajevo's main outdoor market, Clinton As the Bosnian Serbs have stepped up Agreement. Company officials denied and in Europe for military action. seemed to blame the Europeans for delay. their attacks against the Bosnian capital any link between the layoff and the In remarks to reporters after a meeting "There's more reluctance on the part of See BOSNIA on page 5 • trade deal. with his national security advisers, Clinton stated that it was "highly likely" Academy selects: Whoopi that the Serbs were responsible for the Goldbergwillbethehostofthisyear's attack on the Bosnian capital, which left Congress derails bill to Academy Awards show. The awards 68 people dead and more than 200 show will be held March 21. Billy wounded. Crystal turned down an invitation to emcee the show for a fifth year. But he acknowledged that the United put EPA at cabinet level Nations had not yet determined who was Man sprays: A man tried to spray responsible forthe attack and indicated a By JOHN CUSHMAN property owners and state and local gov­ Prince Charles with an aerosol can as reluctance to take military action, saying N.Y. Times News Service ernments. the prince spoke with wellwishers in that "in the absence of an attack on our WASHINGTON—Antiregulation In a bipartisan vote of 227 to 191, the New Zealand on Monday.
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