OFFICIAL PAPER Start Cramming, Of Student Body of the North Boys and Dakota Agricultural College THE SPECTRUM Girls ! Z 545a 4111=11■11■ VOLUME LIII. STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1937. NUMBER 11 ROBERT SANDERS Ballet Russe Has Cobb Finds Meanings LCT Will Present MARTIN WOLFE LCT Production For 1700 Students Christmas Festival Royal Folk; Due Good; Receives Names In Directory The Little Country Theatre presents its 22nd Annual Christmas Festival Here On Tuesday Herr (or Monsieur, according to your Sunday, Dec. 5, 1937, at 4 p. m. The Little Support point of view) Cobb with his interest- general , public and the student body Into the court of the late czar of ing fascination for tracing names back are cordially invited to attend. By JOHN LYNCH Russia went Col. de Basil to find the to their origin, has material for Some The festival will open with the sing- Most striking thing about the Little stars of the Ballet Russe which will time to come what with the student ing of carols by the girls' glee club in directory recently published, and all. the lobby of Old Main. This will be Country presentation, "Green Grow appear on the Lyceum series Dec. 7 in If it weren't for the Johnsons, Olsons, followed by the presentation of a play the Lilacs" Wednesday, was the lack of Festival hall. Andersons, and Petersons, together of the Nativity, "One Night in Bethle- support given it by the student body. All the romance of the Russian revo 7 with a few Smiths and Jones, Herr hem," in prologue and five scenes. In After rehearsing for several weeks, the lution is characterized by the feminine Cobb would have some 1700 names to the period following the play, coffee mull over. student players failed to draw a full stars who dance the picturesque leads will be served in the Lincoln Log The directory has a few items of of this ballet. There is Tamara Tou- cabin. It has been said that in the house and many of those present were geographical interest, too. Tin Yan manova, daughter of a Georgian prin- past 21 festivals, 21 barrels of coffee- Fargoans not conencted with the Jim On and Lillian Chow have the cess and high military officer who was have been served. At this same time school. The audience, however, mileage record outside the United was born in a freight car that was carry- Christmas stories will be told in the States, while the domestic distance very appreciative. ing her mother across Siberia away seminal, room and exhibits of the prize would go to Tyke Louras of The production itself, a cowboy- from the revolution. And Irina Baro- wrapping of gifts, table settings, and Jacksonville, Florida. Minnesota, Wis- nova famous for her feat of performing Christmas literature will be displayed drama in six scenes by Lynn Riggs, consin, Montana, and South Dakota 32 fouettes without stopping. Tatiana in the green room and the library. In was presented in the usual fine man- Brevities Director are all represented. the court will be the Yule Log Cere- Brevities Manager Tiabouchinska is the daughter of the ner which characterizes LCT produc- And now for a few words about the late czar's private banker. Alexandra mony. names themselves. Van Lee of Fargo tions. It was woven about a romance Danilova, the last of Diaghileff's great Old Main has. been turned into a takes the prize for brevity, ousting between a cowpuncher and a country solo ballerinas, completes the group of Saxophone Ensemble veritable forest of evergreen trees and the three Carrs from their previously Band Instigate s prima ballerinas. many of the windows will have sten- girl living in Indian territory. A. G. undisputed position of having the ciled pictures of Christmas scenes in The outstanding male dancer is Da- First Appears Jan. 11 Arvold was general director with Miss least number of letters in first and them. Broadcast Series vid Lichine whose most difficult feat Carol Ladwig acting as coach. Doc Putnam's twenty-eight piece last name. The committee in charge of the fes- is performing a leap of 3 feet 8 inches. Leads were played by Virginia Smith Saxophone band began rehearsals last Not only the mere list of students Wednesday afternoon, the Gold Star Due to the popularity of this par- tival consists of Robert Nichols, Wan- Tuesday afternoon. Their first public is available by perusal of the direc- and Justin Brainerd. Miss Smith was ticular ballet group which has toured da Peterson, Jennie Barton. Albert Band, under the direction of Dr. C. S. appearance will be at the basketball tory, but also the list of the campus Hinkle, Clara Giles, Lorna Bach, Shir- outstanding in her portrayal of the the United States four times previously organizations with their officers, which Putnam, opened their winter broad- game January 11. ley Parizek, Hubert Bahr, Robert San- fiery yet sweet country belle. Brain- the ballet has been put on a paying list gives the casual onlookers a rough casting series, with a thirty minute con- basis. This tour they will realize gross Members composing the group are: ders, Clair Evenson. Roberta Gregg, erd, well known to NDSC audiences, soprano sax—Rollo Piper and Leland idea of the big shots. And speaking Mildred Boettcher, Evelyn Wattam, cert over WDAY. • proceeds of $1,500,000. gave his standard performance. Stenhjem; alto—Gilbert Wagner, Willi- of big shots, there's a complete list and Anna Jane Black. December 8, a novelty program con- The company travels in its own of the faculty members with their ad- am Guy, Robert McDougall, Warren sisting of "Fest Overture in C" (Tur- Outstanding among talent presented special train of 11 cars, carrying scen- Hall, Orval Roble, Anthony Walter, dresses and telephone numbers, which SOPHOMORES MAKE WOOL on the campus for the first time was ery for 2 different ballets, 6,000 cos- andot), Lachner; a Zylophone solo "Ca- Dorothy Hawkinson, Geraldine Davis, might suggest a bit of big, shot apple DRESSES tumes, and numberless ballet shoes. nadian Capers" by Lloyd Collins with Lorraine Fitjar, who supplied comedy Jean Renwick, Sherman Hoganson, polishing. It has its own symphony orchestra and The sophomore clothing class of relief for the drama. Gwendolyn Kennet Vanderlaan, William Pratt; ten- Ah! What a storehouse of informa- band accompaniment; "Mardi Gras" stage crews. eighty girls, under the direction of Miss Stenehjem gave a very fine interpre- or—Kenneth Sutton, Robert Branden- tion is the student directory! from the 'Mississippi" suite by Ferde Minnie Anderson, has completed its tation of the crusty old aunt, the most burg, James Purdon, Dave Robinson, fall project, the making of wool dres- Graffe; and a cornet trio, three kings GRAHN IS CONVO SPEAKER difficult characterization. Bernard Trygstad, Norman Hanson, ses. The goal was individuality and on three King Silver-tone comets — Don Jones gave a spirited perform- Lyle Nesemier, Kenneth Kaess, and Gustav Grahn of the University of careful construction based on build, "Three Kings" — played by Robert ance as the traditional villain; Robert Flying Club Gets Howard Barrett; Baritone—Charles Minnesota extension division ad- color, personality, modes, fabrics and Itrich, Montel Vander Horck, and James Sanders, a peddler, and Leverett Hoag Benson, Edward Carlson; and bass — dressed a convocation audience Wed- decorative effects . Averaging six Fahrer, will be presented. gave fine performances. Minor char- George Putz. Accompanying the nesday morning on "The Camera in fifty a dress, priced ranged from three Practical Training acters were Helen Sorenson, Mildred saxophones will be Neil Tracy and Jack Africa." fifty to fifteen dollars. Watson, drummers. Corcoran, Shirley Olson and Wanda The month-old AC Flying club be- Wattam, Stenehjem Peterson as country girls, and DeLaur- came noteworthy last week with the ence Nelson, Clair Evenson, Leland announcement that several of its mem- Dr. Fortney 'Stresses Move Stenehjem and Joel Nelson as cowboys. bers have been taking flying lessons Work Is Begun Win Special Election Between scenes Ernst Van Vlissingen and were in the market for a small sang several cowboy songs. plane which they intend to purchase 'To End Venereal Diseases Evelyn Wattam and Gwendolyn On the business staff were Gwendo- co-operatively. Lawrence Douglass, On New Stadium Stenehjem were elected secretary and lyn Stenehjem, business manager; Vir- Inaugurating a movement on this EE jr., and 0. R. Vinje, AA&S jr., are treasurer, respectively, of the senior ginia Smith, costumes; Clair Evenson, Construction has started on the new campus to enlighten students as to the instructing. Both are licensed pilots, class at the special class election held properties; and Mason Arvold, scenic temporary stands being built on Da- dangers and the subsequent control of Vinje a former army pilot. A down- NOTICE Tuesday to decide the tie which for- designs and lighting effects. cotah field to replace the old bleach- venereal diseases, the Cosmopolitan town lawyer, also licensed, is assisting merly existed. Evelyn Wattam de- Next production on the LCT drama ers. All the old structure has been club at their last meeting on Nov. 29, All men NYA students returning them and advising the club in drawing feated John Vincent by a vote of 35 calendar is "The Good Earth," sched- torn down and the floodlights moved had as their guest speaker, the school to school for the winter quarter who up their constitution and purchasing to 28, and Gwendolyn Stenehjem re- uled for January 25. physician, Dr. Fortney. As there has are interested in retaining their the plane. Vinje will conduct ground out to make room for the new stands. ceived 38 votes to 27 for Frances been entirely too much ignorance re- NYA position please see Mr.
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