THE NEW HAMPSHIRE VOL. 58 NO. 53 Wednesday, May 15, 1968 D U R H A M , N.H. Honors Speakers Seven Officers Go Unopposed Nine students have declared their Incumbent president Jose Fernandez Student Senate; and was elected vice- Stress Potential candidacy for eight junior and senior of the junior class and Carmen Frata- president of Senior Key this week. “ Can fundamental education make class offices. The only contested posi­ rolli of the sophomore class will seek “ My main qualification for the office the same appeal to student interests as tion as of 5 p.m. yesterday was vice- re-election. No other candidate has is a willingness to work and work hard,” a campus crisis over student rules president of the junior class. filed a formal petition, but a write-in Fernandez said. “ I have had experience or housing reform ?” The deadline for filing petitions of campaign is reportedly being organ­ as president for two years.” He hopes President John McConnell asked sev­ candidacy is today, and voting will take ized for president of the senior class. to improve class spirit by having a love- eral thousand parents and students this place tomorrow. Commuters and The only declared candidates for in in the fall to get the class together and question Saturday, in his annual Pa­ Greeks will vote in the Union, between senior class offices call themselves create unity. rents Weekend Address in Snively Are­ 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., according to Tom “ The United Ticket.” Members of the Dick Couture, a member of Sigma na. He maintained that its answer McGonis of the Student Senate Elections ticket are Fernandez; Dick Couture, Beta fraternity and treasurer of Senior should be “ an emphatic y es.” Committee. Residents will vote in vice-president; Toni Valley, secretary; Key, is running for vice-president on In his second major address in dorms tomorrow evening. and Pip Robinson, treasurer. the United Ticket. An R. A. in Engel- 24 hours, McConnell urged parents Awards Elections Fernandez has been president of the hardt, he is a representative to the to write members of the UNH fac­ Elections for senior men’ s and wo­ sophomore and junior classes, honora­ University Senate and social chairman ulty and administration, telling of their men’ s awards and the outstanding pro­ ry executive secretary of the Asso­ of the junior class. hopes for their sons and daughters in fessor in each college will also beheld ciated Class Officers of New England; He claims the class should “ try to the course of their education here. His tomorrow. a member of the executive board of the get more people involved. We should first address was at the TSAS com­ start with our friends and the people mencement Friday. we know, and go on from these,” he After remarking that the hopes of said. parents for their children “ have much Toni Valley, a history major and a in common with our hopes for the Uni­ resident of McLaughlin, the United versity,” President McConnell told Ticket candidate for secretary, has parents that letters “ will produce some been on the executive board of the surprising results. Your hopes are junior class, the joint ASO-Senate bud­ important and it would be most help­ get committee, and was chairman of ful if you would take the time to let the publicity committee for Spring us know what they are.” Weekend. McConnell went on to say that he “ I’ d like to see the seniors take maintained four hopes for the Uni­ more interest in their class as a versity. They are: whole. I’d like to see seniors join ...that “ the student body will find with us to alleviate apathy on cam­ UNH...a good environment for intel­ pus,” she said. lectual exchange.” Pip Robinson is the United Ticket ...that “ the University may discov­ candidate for treasurer. A member er the way to help students find mean­ of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, he was ing in life in a rapidly changing world.” not available for comment. ...that UNH could obtain a new home Junior Class for its international students, which Five sophomores are running in­ would be a way to “ initiate and in­ dependently for four junior class of­ tegrate students into University life.” fice positions. ...that the University “ will find a Carmen Fratarolli, the incumbent way to share more fully with the whole sophomore class president, hopes for state the knowledge and culture avail­ “ a coalition of all classes into a able on this campus.” H • An environment painting by two art majors now separate all-class council with repre­ The President emphasized the need I ' Q l l l l l l l f l keeps students on their toes on the ground floor sentatives from all classes,” as well for “ those of us who are directly con­ _ ^ ® foyer of Hamilton Smith. Doug Nydegger and Pat as a class newsletter, and block book­ cerned with the University to keep in E n V i r i l l l l l l P I l t Spaulding did the painting, while RHAC contributed ing of entertainers for big weekends touch” with members of the non-aca­ hIIV II V I I I I I VIII yjg supplies. (photo by Martin) through ACONE. demic community. The political science major from He also compared the internal work­ Stamford, Connecticut, is a member of ing of a University to the story of pike, was a sophomore sphinx, a stu­ Sleeping Beauty. In McConnell’ s anal­ McConnell Urges Parental Interest, dent senator, a member of the Council ogy, he likened Sleeping Beauty to a on Physical Education and Athletics student; her parents, the king and of the University Senate, and was presi­ queen, to students’ parents, and the Then Uses Fairy Tale Illustration dent of the freshman class. good fairies and the bad witch to the “ A great potential is a heavy bur­ of the most valuable advantages that John Kuzmann, a political science faculty. He declined, however, to den.” students receive from honors work. major in Lambda Chi Alpha, is run­ identify the bad witch. Helen Poworoznek, a senior who will Stressing the value of honors work as ning independently for vice-president Continuing the comparison, he said graduate with honors next month, told a career reference, he said, “ I propose of the junior class. that when Sleeping Beauty was born, a convocation of honor students Sunday that you students...have already em­ He would like to see the incorporation various good fairies bestowed valuable that this statement made by Charles barked on a career that will be its own »of class officers into Student Senate, as gifts on the princess, but one witch Schultz’ s “ Lucy” , summarized many reward.” a committee of all class officers with a declared that she would die at an feelings of those involved in honors business manager and coordinator on work. Miss Poworoznek told the convoca­ Senate. early age. tion that “ the most important thing is Miss Poworoznek, Homer Priest, of Robert Near, a member of Phi Mu However, “ one good fairy created the attitude that the honor student has, the Class of 1938, and Dr. Verne Brown, Delta, is also running for vice-presi­ a compromise” , saying that Sleep­ as he or she tries to achieve.” of the Class of 1960, each spoke of the dent of the junior class. He is a mem­ ing Beauty would only sleep for 100 different rewards of such “ a great po­ She said, in an address that received ber of Air Force ROTC, the orienta­ years. McConnell indicated that this tential” , at the final event of Parents extended applause from the audience, tion committee, and has been a student is the sort of compromise between Weekend. “ To me, honors work is friendship; to Senator. two opposing factions for which an Priest, who also received an honora­ me, the friend at the University has “ I have the time and the desire to do institution should strive. ry degree at the convocation, said, “ It been the administration, the faculty, and something for the class. I feel there is McConnell also spoke of the re­ is the ability to accept a challenge... the people of the University commu­ too much class apathy,” he said. sponsibilities of parents, and said that which is the real reward of honors nity.” Barbara Malecki, a member of Alpha “ giving our son or daughter freedom work.” “ We students...can be friends with Chi Omega, will run for secretary of to choose is not an abdication of He also emphasized the benefits of the administration and faculty,” she the junior class. She has served on responsibility.” honors work that come after gradua­ continued. “ Together students and RHAC, Student Senate, and was social tion, as in the fields of science and faculty try to create an atmosphere chairman of her residence hall. industry. “ We are, and we will be for of academic inquiry. But we students “ I have had experience working in Draft Counselor a long time, short on people who are must respond to the attempts made by student government. I want to see the willing to accept the challenge of the the faculty and administration.” class get on its feet,” she noted. “ We Here Thursday modern technical world,” she said. She spoke of the “ moments of frus­ need more class activities, something Priest concluded that “ confidence like Co-Rec day, to get the class to­ Kendrick Putnam, Official Draft tration” of an honor student, as when and self-esteem...are some of the re­ he can’ t get into a course because he gether.
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