
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION SENATE—Tuesday, September 5, 2006 The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was will reframe what I expect to happen tax relief and fiscal restraint we have called to order by the President pro over the course of this week and in the implemented. tempore (Mr. STEVENS). near future. What is forefront in the minds of the Similar to many of my colleagues, I American people is the economy; even PRAYER spent the month traveling the country. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- more so is security—yes, economic se- I began in Tennessee and ended in Ten- curity but security in general. fered the following prayer: nessee. I visited a number of States, Let us pray. from the west coast to the east coast, From Georgia to California, and each Lord and Creator of humanity, bless from Washington State to Florida. At stop in between, the people I met want this legislative body today. Give Sen- each stop, I spent a lot of time doing reassurance. They want to know when ators, during these challenging times, what I hope, and I am sure, all of my their family boards a plane, for exam- the calmness of Your abiding presence. colleagues did, listening, listening very ple, on vacation or going to Break the tensions of partisan divi- carefully to what the American people Disneyland, that plane will be safe. sions with the soothing music of uni- are thinking and what they are feeling. They want to know, when they hop on fied effort. Teach our lawmakers the As I summarize and step away from the subway or the Metro to go to work, importance of slowing down long the messages that were sent to me, it that train will be safe. They want to enough to seek Your wisdom, to hear is pretty clear how we need to spend know, when they fill up their gas tank, Your voice, to connect with each other the next 4 weeks in the Senate before the money in their wallet is not going and to send their roots deep into the taking a break before the elections to end up in the hands of some ter- soil of life’s enduring values. themselves. I will recite a few of the Empower each of us to grow toward rorist overseas. items and point out the direction that the stars of our greater destiny. I share these same concerns. That is will lead us into the next several We pray in Your wonderful Name. why we have set a very aggressive weeks. Amen. agenda for the remainder of this ses- I listened carefully, and again and f again people confirmed what I already sion that does focus on fighting and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE knew: The Republican-led policies that winning this war on terror. The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the we put into place are, indeed, working. Last week, one of my colleagues said Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: To begin with, although despite deri- that 99 percent of Democrats want to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sion from my colleagues on the other fight a strong war on terror. This week United States of America, and to the Repub- side of the aisle, the economy con- we will hold this Senate to that as we lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tinues to grow. As we saw yet again continue to debate Defense appropria- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. last week, month after month we con- tions. sistently have added new jobs. Produc- f Our troops provide us an invaluable tivity, the driving impetus that raises RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME service. They fight daily on behalf of the standards of living, continues to those enduring principles of freedom The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under accelerate, continues to go up. We have a previous order, the leadership time is faced down many adverse develop- and liberty. For their invaluable serv- reserved. ments, many adverse events in the past ice, we owe them the very best of re- f few years, including the 2001 recession, sources. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE the terrorist attacks of September 11, The Defense appropriations bill is APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2007 corporate governance scandals, and crucial to fighting a strong war on ter- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under more recently, the devastating hurri- ror and to winning it. The bill provides the previous order, the Senate will re- canes and substantial increases in the our soldiers with the resources, the sume consideration of H.R. 5631, which cost of energy. training, the technology, the equip- the clerk will report. People do feel the rising cost of en- ment, the authorities they need to win The legislative clerk read as follows: ergy at the pump each day. They feel the war on terror. the rising cost of health care. A bill (H.R. 5631) making appropriations I encourage each of my colleagues to As Federal Reserve Bank Chairman for the Department of Defense for the fiscal demonstrate their commitment to year ending September 30th, 2007, and for Ben Bernanke pointed out last week, fighting and winning a strong war on other purposes. despite all of these obstacles, our econ- terror by engaging in a productive de- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER omy continues to advance and con- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The tinues to grow. I am convinced, as are bate, a debate that is on point and fo- majority leader is recognized. the constituents I met with during cused on how we can keep our troops strong to win this war. SCHEDULE each stop across the country, the eco- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I have a nomic security we enjoy is due in large At the end of the debate, I hope each short statement to make, and then I part to the Republican-led policies of and every one of my colleagues will ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a member of the Senate on the floor. 17079 VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:48 May 10, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\S05SE6.REC S05SE6 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 17080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 5, 2006 join me in demonstrating our commit- tant issues that so dramatically im- THE SENATE FAMILY ment to our troops, our commitment pact the security of the American peo- Mr. President, we are a family in the to strengthening and maintaining and ple, the security of our homeland. Senate. That includes not only the 100 enhancing our security at home and As we learned last year with Hurri- Senators but the staff we have. Al- their commitment to winning the war canes Katrina and Rita, on September though he is off the Senate floor now, on terror by voting to pass the Defense 11, almost 5 years ago, complacency Jack Hickman, who has worked for the appropriations bill. and passiveness have no place in the Senate for many years and sits right in But there is more we in the Senate Senate. We must work together to en- front of me, had knee surgery or knee can and will do to help alleviate the sure that we anticipate and address the replacement. As a result of some things concerns and fears the American people problems facing everyday Americans. that do not work out as well as one have about security and winning the We must work together to keep Amer- could expect, he became gravely ill. We war on terror. We need to strengthen ica moving forward. We must work to- are so happy that all worked out, that port security. After months of negotia- gether to fight and, yes, win the war on he is now strong and healthy, and his tions on this critical issue, it is time to terror. knee works well, although the surgery act. We need to pass the Homeland Se- Mr. President, let me take a final was very traumatic, especially the side curity appropriations conference re- minute and update our colleagues on effects. port. We need to confirm critical secu- the specific schedule for today. We are glad Jack is back and he is rity nominees such as John Bolton, Under the order, we are to imme- healthy. He represents the Senate fam- U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.; Alice diately return to the consideration of ily that works long Senate hours with Fisher, DOJ’s Assistant Attorney Gen- the Defense appropriations bill. We little recognition—recognition which eral for the Criminal Division; Kenneth began this important funding measure they deserve. Wainstein, first Assistant Attorney prior to our adjournment. We were un- LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES General for DOJ’s new National Secu- able to finish it prior to that recess. Mr. President, the Chaplain, this rity Division. Although we do not have a unanimous morning, said the thoughts that were We need to address the Supreme consent agreement on the bill, the on my mind before coming here, and I Court Hamdan decision, authorizing Democratic leader agreed prior to the certainly could not say them as well as military commissions for terrorist recess that we would finish the bill no he did, so I will read what he said in his combatants. later than Wednesday of this week, al- own prayer: We need to send an energy package though discussions prior to our begin- Bless this legislative body today.
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