The Weather Foreeaat ol U. A. tS rather Bunau lt48 Cloud.v and aot m rold tonight: partly cloudy and .lightly warmer 8,537 Thursday. jii; t m t Member of the Audit HfrS Bureau of Circulatlona Manchester-r-A City of Village Charm ......— ' r- PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., 4VEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 (Clasatned AdvertlsUig on Page 18) VOL. LXIIL, NO. 58 I Stalin Kisses Sword %t Teheran 5th Army Captures Japanese Slacken Rabaul Activities; Mh Camino Summit; Fighters at Base British Move Ahead Emphahiti Lent to SeeS tion New Britain I»-i ^ Roiil Nazis froin Three land Base Getting. trV ea t W ttV Villages Southwest of Too Hot to Handle; Nazi Push Forces Mignano ami Recap* Bombers Drop Loads Still Ahead tnre Monastery Ridge; With Incessant Fury. Reds to. Retreat Eighth Army Reports *Thing$ Shaping for Vic- Southwest Pacific Allied tory' Says Premier of Fresh Gains on Adri- Headquarters, Dec. 8.— Retire from Several atic Coastal Sector; A slackening in Naval activi- South Africa; Step to Air Artillery Towns in Chernyak- Heavy Nazi (^suallies. ty observed at Rabaul lent Npir Opportunities. emphasis today to the offi- hov-Zorosten Area; Makes Plane Allied Headiiuarters, Al- cial assertion that the Japa- Cairo, Dec. 8.^—iP)—Field Mar- Znamenka Enveloped. giers, Dec. 8.—(/P)—The Al- nese are finding their once- ahal Jan Christian Smuts, premier lied Fifth . Army haa cap- proud New Britain island air of the Union of South Africa, told Premier Joseph SUlIn kisses the sword pj/aent ed to him at the Teheran conference by Winston T o p Weapon Churchill on behalf of King George VI of E ^land In honor of the heroic defense of Stalingrad. Prime Moscow, Dec. 8.— (A*)— One and sea base too hot to han- tured the aunimit of lofty Mt. press conference today that Minister Churchill stands with back to camera. Scene is from a motion picture nim made by u. dle. While Allied bombers poured of the moat desperate Ger- j Camino, routed the Nazis loads of explosives on the inva- things are shaping for viqtor>’ but Army photographer. man tank and infantry as- O r d n a n c e C h ie f R ea d y from three villages southwest sion-threatened island with Irfces- a great war is'still in front of ua. saults launched during the of Mignano, and recaptured sant fury, a spokesman for Gen. "I find everywhere the feeling To PretlicI Baltic Su- seven-wjeeks’ battle for the rain-and-blood-soaked Monas- Douglas MacArthur said aerial that things arc on the march,” said Kiev bulge has forced the. premacy Will Grow tery ridge in bitter fighting observation had show’n a notice- Smuta. "I aensed it in England. Important Events Expected able drop in Naval traffic at Ra- Something is taking shape before Red Army to retire from sev- A« ('raft Put in Use. to win heights overlooking the baul. , us that is still dim. But we have eral towns in the Chernyak- road to Cassino' and Rome, it wan Thla tied in with the recent deC' seen what happened in Russia. We announced today. Official reports hov-Zorosten area hut Soviet New York. Dec. 8.—IjP)—Devel- from Lieut. Gen. Mark W. Clark’s laration of Rear Admiral Robert have .seen what ia stirring in the After Turkey Talks at Cairo Carney,, chief of staff for Admiral Far East, where things have been troops have scored Important opment of "flying artillei-y” now headquarters .said the enemy had gains southwest of Kremenchiig William F. Halsey, the South Pa- asleep for thousands of years. makes the American airplane the been shoved back to the fringe of and almost completely enveloped ridgea on the northern and weat- cific fleet commander, that Ra. ’"nie elements are on the march, "most formidable battle weapon in haul, on the northeaat coaat of the gentlemen.” Inonu, Roosevelt and Znamenka, vital rail junction in ern edges of Mt. Camino and Mt. the Dnieper bend, a Russian war island, ia untenable to the Japa- Smuts addressed a group of 70 Expect Turks Urges Setting the air,” Maj. Gen. L,. H. Camp- Maggiore by the .steady, savage Churchill Conclude bulletin said today. nese and "we have complete con war correspondents in the press bell, Jr., United States Army ord- thrusts of American and British trol in the waters." — room of the Cairo conferences, in 1,700 Tanks Hurled Into Sector I t r o o p s . Conference; ^Closest nance chief, said today. Best Bose South of Truk which he was a participant. Will Act Soon Ec|uitakle Line Russian advices said that ap- "I venture to predict that from Fresh Gains b.v Eighth Army Papers To Play Important Role proximately 1,700 tanks had been The Fifth Army’s hammer blow* Rabaul, with its excellent deep- Unity' Binds ISations. now on our battle supremacy in the water harbor and six airdromes, He told the correspondents that burled into a narrow sector wert air will continue to grow as these through the deep, powerful Ger- after the war newspapers would To Curl) Prices of Kiev by F'ield Marshal FrlU man winter Une toward Cassino is Japan’s best base south of To Tell Stand weapons are put In use," he said in have to play an Important role "in Cairo, Dec. 8.— (/P)— The von Monnsteln. The Russian com- were accompanied by fresh gains Truk, which is in the Caroline an address prepared for delivery islands 800 miles away. Pounded seeing that there Is no repetition three-dav conference which munique said the Nazis had io.st lielore the Second War Congress of on the Eighth Army’s AdrUUc repeatedly by bombers, its neu- of this disaster — that we forge 53 of their tanks and left at the National Association of Manu- coastal sector. Torat> rm iim uiihiiie Em- Turkish President Ismet Ino- O Mahoney Sees Aclioii tralization would constitute a ma- something more firm than the old Terse Gon I i nu. President Roosevelt and a . Oii** o f A vert- least 1,500 dead on the field of facturers. Gen. Sir Bernarti L. Montgom- oi-der. jor victory. phasizing ‘Closest Uni- prime Minister Churchill As One Hope ol Avert battle. General Campbell disclosed the ery’s forces cru.shed repeated Nazi Another obaervation was that "The old world ia dead and the counter-attacks, and reported lim- 'T h e Nazi gains in the Kiev ordnance department had been at Rabaul'a airdromes contained significance of this war is that it is ty^ Will Hit TotterinR concluded Monday was view-, mging Cost-of-Living Cri- bulge, howevei'. were offset by work on the project extensively for ited advances in the area of the the first step to newoppoi'tunltler" somewhat more than 2(K) planes, ed here today Aft foreshadiJW- hiti b n Home Front. Russian gains to the south. Here the past four years. — Moro river, where both British preponderantly fighters. Since in which the press must play a Balkan Satellites.ing events of far reaching three Red Army columns were ".lust a day or ao ago. " he .*aid. tank* and infantry had crossed Rabaul has been chiefly a bomber greater part,” he said. driving on Znanienka from sepa- • flriit battle reports were received the stream. Smuts declared that the three significance in the Middle Washington, Dec. 8 —i/T)— De Evidence of severe German cas- base, the presence of fighters in London, Dec. 8-(4*. A declara- East and Mediterranean areas. rate directions and one already from the South seas about the per- daring that "taxes or inflation in ualties in defense of this coastal such quantity could be taken as tion by the Turkish government Conclusion of the parley was an- was within four miles of the formance of our new ‘flying artil- an indication that operations iConaniied on Page Ten) the end w'ili get us all,” Senator town's gales, the communique in- lery.' . .. We now have a major sector came with discovery that dehning the country’s stand more nounced last night in a communi- Field Marshal Gen. Albert Kesssl- there were switching to the de- que which stated that the three O’Mahoney iD-W’yo) today urged dicated. Fall of this strategic rail caliber artillery in our airplanes. conclusively in the light of the junction, which front dispatches Wings On Artillery Piece I'ing bad thrown the 90th Armor- fensive. government chiefs had studied the all-out price control” measure A strong force of 100 heavy and Inonu-Chuichill-Roosevelt confer- said was apparently inevitable. That ia saying a great deal be- ed Grenadier division into linn general political situation, “ exam- there to relieve the 65th Infantry medium bombers escorted by DeCaro’s Girl ence in Cairo was viewed here to- ined at length the policy to be fol- as the one hope of averting a cost- ^vould tend to disrupt the whole cause in our caliber .50 aircraft day as likely to come from An- of-llving crisis on the home front. German communications and sup- niachinc-gun, we. also have one of division. The..,65lh was so badly fighters splattered 150 tons of lowed” and found that their na- bomba on New Britain Monday, kara in the near future. W’ar Mobilization Director James I ply ayslem in the vast area below the most powertul and most dc'ad- smashed that one of its battalions tions are bound "by the closest lost all its officers, emerging with concentrating on the oft-hit Cape Takes Stand First reports, meanwhile, inai- unity.” The conference was held i Kiev, and would undoubtedly help ly airplane weapons the world over.
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