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It will be held on the cam- game under the lights that the Owls will play this year. pus grounds behind the William Coach Jess Neely, counting heavily on inexperienced players, Marsh Rice statue, where there sends his team out to what may be an all-revealing contest will be plenty of room for eat- ing, yelling and entertainment. against the Randolph Field Ramblers. With little or no idea The gathering will end shortly about how his charges will before our first football game of come through in actual combat, the season against Randolph Field Chemical Society Neely may well look forward to of San Antonio. the tilt as an opportunity to Bryant Bradley, chairman of the Names Five Men find out what he really has. (Continued on page 4) Randolph's Ail-American . To Membership The Ramblers, previously rated as an almost certain victory for (Continued on page 4) The Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi 0 Methodist Leader Lambda Upsilon, national honorary chemical society, announced this Gives Lecture week the election of five new mem- Graham Bolton bers on the basis of high scholastic On Immortality standing and personal qualities of NamedYell Leader leadership. Mr. E. Leo Allen, director of the Glenn Dobbs Two junior students elected were By Student Council Methodist Student Union and Asso- Robert Swasey of Pasadena and ciate Pastor at St. Paul's Church The Student Council has appoint- spoke on the subject of "Immortal- James Frank Magness of Terrell. ed Graham Bolton to fill the position ity" at the regular meeting of the Scholars New senfor members are Jim Bill of cheerleader recently vacated. Methodist Student Union Tuesday. Glanville of Dallas, Chester Morgan Upon acceptance of the resignation This lecture was the beginning of Hillsboro, and Dallas E. Hawkins of Jimmy Cotten from the station of a series of four lectures on the II of Dallas. of head cheerleader, the Council same subject. Mr. Allen quoted the Phi Beta Kappa Elects Initiation of the new members is was authorized by its Constitution beliefs of various ^ell-known theo- contingent on their passing compre- to appoint a successor. Graham was logians on the question of immor- hensive written and laboratory ex- suggested by the two remaining tality, and further stated that there Nine New Members aminations covering the several cheerleaders, Bryant Bradley and were three levels from which im- branches of chemical science, accord- Chili Richards, and was thoroughly mortality may be regarded. The The campu• s chapter o^f Phi Beta sion. Dr. McKillop, president, pre- ing to Warren C. Simpson, -chapter approved by the Council. first is lower level from which the Kappa, national honorary scholastic sided-over the meeting. president. The written examinations individual has little or no knowl- The list of new members released Cotten turned in his resignation society, met last Friday to nominate have been set by the chapter for the edge of the question and expresses by Dr. Floyd S. Lear, Assistant Pro- because of the conflict with football. the new members of the summer ses- afternoon and evening of September an opinion without a great deal of fessor of History, was composed of He had not expected to go out for 25. The date for the formal initia- consideration, thought, or study. football last year, but when he was the following students: Doris Clark, tion of the candidates will be an- Thence one progresses to a higher asked to come out for fall training, "Claudia" Tryouts Monroe Cohen, Katherine Fischer, nounced by the chapter in the near level from which the individual has he felt he could try harder for the Nell Joan Ranson, Edwin Reddick, future. studied and pondered the subject and school out on the field. As Jimmy Continue Friday Helen Segal, Billy Skipwith, Mary is therefore capable of giving it a 0 put it, "It would be kinda hard to more mature explanation. At Autry House Sumners and James Terrell. hold down both positions at the same time." The question of immortality was The initiation for these new mem- Rally Club Adds chosen from a list of four subjects Tryouts for the feminine roles in bers will be an event of October 1, , The Council also announces that by the students who wished to hear "Claudia,". Girls' Club presentation, according to the report given by Dr. 17 To Membership this week, the student tickets to all Mr. Allen discuss that topic. will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at Lear. the football games may be obtained The Methodist denomination is the Autry House. The meeting called for The nine members taken in this On FridayAt 1 by bringing your blanket tax and (Continued on page 4) last Friday was postponed on ac- time exceeds the usual amount taken claiming the set laid aside for you. • ' 0 0 — count of the pending storm. in to Phi Beta Kappa, which is eith- President - Bryant Bradley an- Eunice Johnson, director, in dis- er six or seven. Possibly there will nounced today that the Rally Club cussing the prospects of the play, be some new members added to this has elected 17 new members. These Engineers Present Men Change Rooms list after the mid-semester exams, said that the parts for the male roles members will be initiated at a meet- and there is a slight possibility of Alumni Speaker In Two Battalions would be difficult' to cast because of ing scheduled for Friday at 1 p.m. the galaxy of talent. Boys who read some being added after the finals in February. The total amount of mem- The new Rally Clubbers are as The Engineering Alumni will pre- Upon approval of the executive of- parts are Glenn Baxter, Clinton Red- bers, however, can not exceed the sent their first speaker of the year ficer, Lieutenant Commander Rath- graves, John Hayes, Hayes Kent, follows: Bob Porter, Bruce Moore, upper 10 per cent of the class. This at the Engineering Society meeting bun, USNR (Ret.), the rooms of the Lew. Brown, and Chris Hansen. John Van De Mark, Billy Bunte, Gil brings the maximum to 14 members next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the second and third battalions will be Director Johnson requests that Allen, David Noonan, Dumbo Greer, or possibly 15. Chemistry Lecture Hall, stated reorganized so that they will con- anyone who knows anything about George Bellows, Ken Fleming, John Members have also been named President Ray Simpson today. tain members of the same class; that stage lighting to get in touch with MacKenzie, Bill Broyles, Harold Al- her. She also stated that suggestions in the past from among graduate "The purpose of alumni speakers," is, juniors with juniors, etc. hart, Richard Issacks, Bill Grisham, said Simpson, "is the betterment of The first battalfon is placed in or help of any kind from the mem- students and fellows who did their Frank Lawrence, Dick Roessler, and the relations between students and rooms according to the standing of bers of the former Dramatic Club preliminary academic work else- Graham Bolton. industry." the individual members in the navy. would be more than welcome. , where. iUHHiMt 'rnmmmi, " * mi : • ' :; - I m *> Km '• ,\* , % * SPtIY Wo P^WB . TBS THRE8HB - RgMNHMMiffi MMMM 7 Hi MMMMMMMM — The Sophomore Gambol last Sat- By Meyers and they offer a valuable opportunity uvday night was certainly no "gam- As this column goes ^o press—to not only to those who like made ble"—it was a sure bet! The atmos- the considerable relief of the authors with their beer and pretzels, but to phere was perfect (pink elephants —the winter symphony season rap- those who like beer and pretzels All-School Picnic and Petty girls, poker chips and idly draws into focus. Scheduled to with their music. These observers, for two, are looking forward eager- The all-school picnic was originated by the Student Council huge playing cards). And the storm begin in the mid-part of October, warnings served only to make things ly to the afternoon when Levant and under the leadership of former President Earl Wylie in the fall the Society has programmed a gal- Levantisms stage their loeal inva- more exciting. axy of guest artists that should thrill of 1941. sion. First, a few congratulations seem the hearts of enthusiasts the city This affair was planned as an experiment for the purpose to be in order: to the Sophomore over. We may expect to hear Clau- Apropos to the discussion of the Class for putting on such a super dio Arrau, who was here last year season's guest artists is informa- of unifying members of the student body and faculty.
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