NEWS FROM THE UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE SPRING 2012 We Meet AgainClass of ‘61 highlights big weekend at 34th annual BNDM/Reunion Dinner Dance As the incoming president of the University at Buffalo Dental Alumni Associa- tion, it is my privilege to serve and represent the thousands of alumni of the great institution that we graduated from. I’m not only speaking of “the dental school,” but rather the University at Buffalo as a whole. Too often, I hear my colleagues and myself make this distinction, and I feel we lose some of the pride of the univer- sity—the largest public university in New York State. In this regard, it is an exciting time for the alumni association of the dental school. Membership in the UB Dental Alumni Association also includes member- ship in the University at Buffalo’s Alumni Association. This will be a great way to mirror our pride for the dental school with our pride for the university. Very soon, Squire Hall will be even busier than the normal hustle and bustle of dental students, faculty, administrators and staff. I am very excited to report that the university has promised a multi-million dollar loan for renovations to the den- tal school. It is obvious that this is much needed to update the school, especially FROM the preclinical and clinical areas. Given the dental school’s sterling reputation both nationally and internationally, it is imperative to match the tangible—physical THE building—with the intangible—an excellent reputation. Likewise, the UB Dental Alumni Association is working at full speed to reach out and form President regional chapters across the country. It’s easy to forget that graduates and colleagues practice outside Western New York. The association, rightfully so, believes that it is important to identify these regional areas and establish functional chapters. It will be an invaluable way to foster camaraderie, spirit and pride, while providing the opportunity to host continuing education classes and social events. Assistance from alumni is critical for this initiative to be a success. Dean Michael Glick is an active participant and supporter of the alumni associa- tion; he unites the school with its alumni. He works tirelessly to operate a func- tional and successful dental school. At this time, a figurative noose has been placed around the neck of the school due to the financial crisis of the state; yet, under his leadership, it still thrives. The school needs its alumni now more than ever. Your time, voices, expertise and finances are critical. Joshua Hutter, ’05, president, UB Dental Alumni Association ON THE COVER: Downtown Buffalo hosted IN 2,600 attendees of the annual Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting in October. THIS Insets: John LeFevre, Roger Triftshauser and ISSUE SPRING 2012 John Marasco, all ‘61. PHOTO: DOUGLAS LEVERE UBDentist News from the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine UB Dentist is published three times a year by the School of Dental Medicine; produced by the Office of University Communications, Division of University Life and Services. Spring 2012 | 11-DEN-005 4 8 19 www.dental.buffalo.edu NEWS BRIEFS MATCHMAKER HIGH HONORS SDM EDITORIAL GROUP Roundup includes talent Match Day is a proud, Kevin D’Angelo, ’81, show highlights; CARES receives Honor Award for Pamela C. Jones, PhD exciting moment for fourth- Assistant Dean anniversary; SDM’s new year dental students. his many contributions to School of Dental Medicine additions. charitable dentistry. Marilyn I. Sulzbach Secretary 13 UB Dental Alumni Association Q & A Local patient talks about clinic care Joseph L. Rumfola, ‘02 Clinical Assistant Professor 16 RETIREMENT UNIVERSITY COMMUNIcaTIONS “Dr. Whiz” wraps up 42-year career at SDM David J. Hill Editor 18 BNDM RECAP Bob Wilder A look back at the 34th annual Buffalo Niagara Dental Art Director and Designer Meeting and dinner dance Cynthia Todd Production Coordinator Web Extra 21 BUSINESS FOR dentists SOM, SDM offer new course In February, UB’s home page Office of the Dean featured a story on Give Kids a 22 CE COURSE CALendar 325 Squire Hall Smile Day. Visit www.buffalo. Buffalo NY 14214-8006 edu/home/feature_story/give- 26 aLUMNI NEWS (716) 829-2836 kids-a-smile-day.html to read [email protected] the story and watch a video. Segelnick, ‘92, reflects on Dean Feagans; Veihdeffer, ‘42, featured in PA journal UB Dental Alumni Association 28 CLASS NOTES 337 Squire Hall Buffalo NY 14214-8006 800-756-0328, ext. 2 (716) 829-2061 Fax: (716) 829-3609 [email protected] Publication of UB Dentist is made possible by the generous support www.ubdentalalumni.org of the University at Buffalo Dental Alumni Association. NewsBriefs B A C D E Talent show ’14; and “Mission Impossible AIMBE honors course of highlights 5: No Kash Accepted,” by the Meyer her 15 years Class of 2013. as an AIMBE Dental students and fac- The American In- Fellow, cul- 1ulty tend to be a well-rounded Joe Rumfola, ’02, clinical 2 stitute for Medical and Bio- minating in assistant professor in the bunch whose talents extend far logical Engineering (AIMBE) more than Department of Restorative beyond the realm of dentistry. has selected Anne Meyer, five years of Dentistry, served as master of That was evident at the 16th research associate professor service on MEYER ceremonies. annual SDM Talent Show held in SDM’s Department of Oral its board of directors. Jan. 20 in the Center for the The show is made possible by Diagnostic Sciences, as the Now AIMBE’s treasurer, Meyer Arts Drama Theatre, North financial support from the Alan 2012 recipient of the Fellow also has served as chair of Campus. J. Gross Student Resource Advocate Award. the Council of Societies and Fund. Gross was instrumental The show featured SDM stu- The Fellow Advocate Award the Bylaws Committee, and in starting the talent show, dents, faculty and staff per- was created to recognize a actively participates in the along with Elaine Davis, in forming musical and comedy Fellow who has made out- Women in Medical and Biologi- 1997. “Alan was really instru- routines, among others, in standing contributions to cal Engineering (WIMBE) Com- mental in getting the show off front of their peers. Perfor- advancing federal policies mittee. Additionally, her work the ground, and I only wish he mances included an alto sax assisting the field of medical with the Advocacy Committee were still around to see what medley by staff member Karen and biological engineering. has greatly advanced AIMBE’s Henry; an El Asatok dance rou- a marvelous event it has be- In announcing this year’s mission. tine; a freestyle soccer dem- come,” Davis says. award, AIMBE said Meyer onstration from Josh McPhee, Perhaps Meyer’s greatest has made an indelible mark ’15; a pipa solo by Yiching Wu, contribution to AIMBE’s public on the organization over the policy efforts was her semi- 4 UBDentist SPRING 2012 CARES marks different services and interven- procedures 10th anniversary tions offered by the social work- both at UB A. YICHING WU, ’14, PERfoRMS ers, which they can recreate and the “DANCE OF THE YI PEOPLE” ON SDM’s groundbreak- THE PIPA. while working in their practices. Eastman ing social work Dental Cen- B. MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 3 Over the past decade, the pro- program CARES—Counseling, ter, in Roch- 2013 PERfoRM “MISSION IMPOS- gram has forged the develop- SIBLE 5: NO KASH ACCEPTED.” Advocacy, Referral, Education ester, in the ment of an entirely new field of and Service—is celebrating its 1960s and C. VoCALIST YVONNE SCHMIDT social work in dentistry. BUHITE AND faCULTY MEMBER CHET 10th anniversary. 1970s. After GaRY PERfoRM WITH A BAND serving on the faculty of the Har- THAT ALSO INCLUDED faCULTY Created in 2001 as an innovative AAID honors Buhite MEMBERS MICHAEL HATTON, vard School of Dental Medicine solution to address access to Robert Buhite Sr., JOHN NASCA, JOE MODICA AND oral health care issues faced by from 1986 to 1993, Buhite was FRANK WOODS. a clinical associ- invited to start up the implant a diverse population in Western ate professor in D. DAVE JETTE, ’12, DISPLAYS HIS New York, CARES allows SDM program at UB’s School of Dental BEATBOXING CHOPS. the Department students to directly benefit from Medicine in 1993. E. CLASS OF ‘13 STUDENTS PER- of Restorative increased patient retention 4 Buhite has received several foRM EL ASATOK daNCE. FROM Dentistry, received the American LEFT: JENN BaloN, BINAL Pa- rates, which translate to more Academy of Implant Dentistry’s prestigious awards throughout TEL, BARBARA HNIZda, CaiTLIN clinical experiences. top award this past fall. his career. DEITZ, HARGUN SINGH, SANDRA NAIROOZ AND JILLIAN ROZANSKI. In addition, dental students Buhite received the academy’s He practices with his son, work in partnership with area 2011 Aaron Gershkoff Memorial Robert II, an SDM alumnus and social workers to gain firsthand Award, presented Oct. 22 during also a clinical associate profes- experience in addressing the the organization’s 60th annual sor in Restorative Dentistry, nal role in founding AIMBE’s complex psychosocial needs of meeting in Las Vegas. three days a week in Irond- Federal Symposium in 2005. a diverse patient population. equoit, N.Y. Buhite began teaching implant The Federal Symposium has The program was conceived in become a hallmark of AIMBE’s May 2000 when the deans from advocacy efforts, forming last- the schools of Dental Medicine ing relationships with lawmak- (Louis Goldberg) and Social ers and demonstrating one of Work (Lawrence Shulman) dis- the clearest and most tangible cussed the opportunity for col- means of advocacy for AIMBE laboration to better understand Fellows.
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