Leicestershire [Kelly's

Leicestershire [Kelly's

':;06 HOS LEICESTERSHIRE [KELLY'S HOSIERS-BAG. Jackson Hy. 71 Buckingham st. Lestrl Broughton Bros. 30 Silver st. teic€'stI' Allen Jas. 82 Birstall st. Leicester Jesson Wm. Gilmorton, Lutterworth Broughton J. D. Wig.ston Magna,Lcstr Be.eby Arthur, Whetstone, Leicester Jones Richard, 50 Gallowtree gat,e & Brown W. & Co. 4 Lower Free la.Lestr Bentley Jas. Whetstone, Leicester 7 1 Market place, Leicester Brown W. Church la. S)'lston, Leicestr Bentley John, 133 Wheat st. Lcstr Kinton Charles, Glenfield, Leicester Burgess Daniel, Engerby, Leicester Bram1ey. Robert Bruce, 5 Morlidge st. Kirk ~dwin S. 4 & 6 Applegate st.Lcstr BUl1gas's ~o.ber.t, Enderby,. Leice·steI' & I MIdland street, Leicester Ladk~n Thos. Broug~ton Astley, Rgby Burley WIlham, Cosby, Lerce·ster Burden S. 3I~ Crown street Leicester Martm E. & Co. SIleby, Loughboro Burnham Saml. Arthur, Oadby, LestI' Budey Samuel, Oountestho~pe, Lcstr Ma~tin Oharles (truste.es of the late), Caldwell Frederic, 48, 50 &; SI Church Clark John, 19 Denman st. Leicester Slleby, Loughborough gate, Loughborough Clay Thomas H. 260 Belgrave gt. Lcstr Moody Charles, Hathern, Loughboro' Callis William, Packington hill, Keg­ Cowell L. 17 New Bridge st. Leicester Nelson G. & J. Shepshed, Loughboro worth, Derby Cox Thomas, Oounteithorpe, Leicestr Oliver Wm. 20 Market street, Lcstr Cave Brothel's, 30 Painter street, Elliott Joseph, Oountesthorp.e, Leicestr Palmer W.W.76Humberstone rd.Lcstr Belgrave road, Leicester Findley Henry, Countesthorpe, Lcstr Parry John Henry, 44~ Granby st.Lcstr Cave .John, 45 Laxton street, LeicE'ster Fitchett Geo. II5 Ourzon st. Leicester Payne A. 29 Gresham st. Lekester ChambeI'lin Alfd·. & 00. 23 Newarke Fitchett Mrs. Jane, Groby, Leicester Plant Arthur Neale, Corporation bldgs. street, Leic·e·ster Gee John, 42 Denman street, Leicester Market place, Leicester Clarke Harry, 42~ King ,st. Leicester Hall Amos, II3 Wheat street, Leicestr Preston Henry, Sileby, Loughborough Clarke Wm. 23 Rus.sell st. Loughboro' Hall WaIter, 146 'Wellington st. Leicstr Price John, Hathern, Loughborough Olarklson Edward, IIa, & 12 Buckhorn Hill Francis, Ratby, Leicester Randon George, Post office, Hathern, square, Loughborough Hill Rowland, Wigston Magna, Leicstr Loughborough Clayton Sam!. 2 Duches's st. Leicester Hubbard Edwin, Countesthorp.e, Lcstr Ross Wm. Frisby, 2 Halford st. Lcstr Clow In. 12 &; 14 Eatan st. Leicester Hurst Ebenezer, Wigston Magna, Lcstr Scarborough Thomas, Church street, Collins Alfred, 4~ Church gate, Lcstr Hurst Mrs. S. Wigston Magna, Lcsh Market Harborough Colver Mrs. M. Earl Shilton, Hinekley Immins Wm. Countesthorpe, Leicstr Shaw G. 41 Filbert street, Leicester Cooper, Corah & Sons, St. Margaret'i J ohnson Henry, Countesthorpe, LestI' Sibley & Co. Belgrave road, Leicester works, CaI1ning .street. Leicester Johnson John, Whetstone, Leicester Sills A. Marvin, Melton rd. Leicester Ootton W. & Sons, Shepshed, Lghboro' Jordan Ernest, Ratby. Leicester Smith Michael, Shepshed, Loughboro Cousins Geo. 21 Grape st. Leicester Kind Wm. Burdett, Whetstone, LcstI' Snow den Thomas Edwin, 44a,Humber- Cowd·ell H. & Son, 7 Ratcliff st. Lcstr. Lord A. T. Countesthorpe, Leicester stone gate, Leicester DagIey Benja.min, Barkby road, SY1s- Lowe George. Anstey, Leicester Southwick R. 4 & 6 Victoria par. Lcstr ton, Leicester Luke Cow.ell, 17 New Bridge st. Lest!' Stevenson A. G. 4 Princess st. Lestr Davenport Arthur, Castle st. Hinckley Mason J oseph, Wigston Magna, LcstJr Taylor Wjlliam Duke. Willoughby Davis, M{)ore & CD. 67 Granby street, Mason Wm. Wigston Magna, Lcstr Wat.erless. Lutterworth & Calais hill, Leicester; & Burbage, Orton Henry, Blaby, Leicester Thompson Geo. 30 Raglan st. Leicester Hinckley Peet John Jas. Countesthorpe, Lcstr Thompson John, Hathern, Loughboro' Davi.s S. & Sons New bldgs. Hincklev Peet William, Countesthorpe, Lcstr Tilley Wm. Gt. Peatling, Lutterworth Davis & Son,Kegworth F:ictory,Station Preston Richard, Huncote. Leicester Toone Henry, Sileby, Loughborough road, Kegworth, Derby Pritty William. Whetstone, Leicester Turner Francis, 2 Granby st. Leicestr Davis J.sph. Wood market,Lutterworth Richardson John. Ratby, Leicester Webb Miss E. 64a. Catherine st. Lcstr Denton & Wright, 37 Welford rdl.Lcstr Smith Arthur, Whetstone, Leicester Weston. John .William, Belvoir road, Devas, Routled'ge & Co. Lim. (William Thornton Wm. In. Countesthorpe,Lstr Coalville, LelCester Buckler, man.), Sth. Wigston. Lcstr Toone Joseph, Ratby, Leicester W~yte T. Shepshed, Loughborough Downing T. H. & CD. Newarke stree" Warburton Robt.. Countesthorpe, Lstr WIlt on W. 38 Market st. Ashby-de-Ia-Z & Pocklington's walk, Leic8lSter W·ells Danl. Whetstone, Leicester Yealey :M'rs. O. 24 Belgrave gt. Lestr Dutton Edward,Shep.shed, Loughboro' Wells Thos. Paradise lane, Leicester Ellse Abraham, Kegworth, Derby Wells William, Whetstone, Leicester HOSIERY AGENTS. Foist.eI' Charles, Thurma'ston, LeicestI' Barber & Son, 72a, RutIand st. Lcst·r Ford, Son & 00. North It. Melton HOSIER-WHOLESALE. Catlin R. N. II Millstone la. Le~eest.er Mowbray; & 5 Charles st. Leice.ster Dalby Fre.dk. 4a, Ru.tland st. LeIcester F01'1sell John Nichols, Derby road, Keg­ Hamson William, jun. 43 &; 45 Upper Jordan MISS Jane Elizbth. Groby,Lestr worth, Derby Bond street, Hinckley Foxon Mark, IS Bay "treat, Leicester HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS. Garner & Hill, Friar's caus.eway,Lest!' HOSIERS & GLOVERS. See also Stocking Manufacturers; also Gibbs Charles, Blake street, Leicestel' AlIen Geo. Gilmorton, Lutterworth Framework Knitters. Gilfo·rd John, Wigston Magna, Leicestr Anderson James, ",oa, Charter st. Lcstr Abbott W. Wigston Magna, Leicester Ginns, Son & Moore, Crustle st.Hinckly Bailey Thomas, S'ileby, Loughborough Adams A. E. & Co. Albion street & ~ Glazebrook J. & Co. 3' Helvoir stree·t, Baines Wm. & Son. 32 Market pl.Lcstr Wellington street, Leicester Leice·ster; & CountelSthorpe, Leicstr Barnes John, 70 Granby street, Lcstr Adcock Rd. Brook st. Syston, Lcstr Glov,er Samuel, Wi~ston Magna, Lostr Barrow B. B. 23 High st.. Loughboro' Aleocks & Voce (MaIIJsfie:d), Denbigh Good/son Richd. Arthr. Desford, LcstI' Bott Geo. Shepshed, Loughborough chambers, 10 Bowling Gre.en st.Lcstr G()sling Chas. Ed'Wd. 33 Castle st.Lcstr Brady & Son, 30 Silver st. Leicester Aldwinckle Arth. 3, CarIton st. Lcstr Gregory Robt. Que.niborough, Leiestr Bream A. E. 6 Granby st. Leicester Allcock, Wood & Wheatley, Hill street, GrettoIl! N. London rd. Kegwrth. Drby Brown Bros. 8 High street, Leicester Hinckley Griffin & Gamble, 7 Belvoir st. LcstI' Buck Mrs. Sarah Ann, 16 Market st. Almey Geo. Earl ShiIton, Hinckley Gunn & Co. Crafton street, Leicester Ashby-de-la-Zouch Anderson, Son &; Co. Countesthorpe, Gunn WaIter, IC, Jo,seph st. Leicestel' Calladine Samuel. Sileby, Loughboro' Leicester; & go Rutland' st. Lestr Hackett John,66 Ohestnut st.Leiee.ster Chamberlain William, Mount sorrel, Angrave Bro·s. 82 Jarrow st. Leicester Haines John, Haines New buildings, Loughborough Atkins Brothel'ls, Bond st. Hinckley Dun's lane, Leicester . Coleman A. Gilmorton, Lutterworth Bai.llf~s Samuel Charles, 13 Exchange HaU & Earl, BrauIIJstone.gate, LeIcestr Cook Henry. 21 Derby rd. Loughboro' chambers, Rutland 'street, Leicester Hall & Co. S'tok.e G?ldlll~, Nun-eatoD Davenport Sam!. Hathern, Loughboro' Baker Mrs. Mary, Sy.ston, Leicester Hames J. J. VIctorIa mlll, Ro.thley, Dear George Stephen, Central build- Bake·r Reuben, Willoughby Waterless, Loughborough . ings, Market place. Leicester 'Lutterworth Ham-son George, 27 New st. H~nckley Drakeford T. H. 7 Rut.land st. Lcstr Barfoot & Co. Canning place, Leice.str Hamson Tho~as, 29 New st. Hmckle~ Foister Ohas. 196 Belgrave gt. Lcstr Bat,es Hy. South Wig.ston, Leice.ster Hanfor~ & MIller, Derby rd. Lghboro Fuller Fred, Hathern, Loughborough Baum A. 18 Up. Brown st. Leicester Har~wIck & Co. Sm-eeton West.erby, Fowkes William & Son, 16 Oauseway Bedford G. & Sons, Druid st. Hinckley LeIcelSter, " lane Leicester Bent WaIter Sy.ston Leicester Hardy H. & Co. 37 Welllngton st.Lestr Glove; Henry, 62 Abbey la. Leicester Berrington &, Co. Gladlstone st. Leicstr Ha~man .J.& S.Shepsh~d~Loughbro' Grant In. 50 Up. Conduit st. Lcstr Billings & Co. Stockwell head,Hinckly HarrlS, 'YrIght & Co. (WIlham Henry Green James, Barwell, Hinckley Black & Driver, Barrow-on-Soar, Kettermgham, man.)! West streei & Grimley Thomas, Shepshed, Loughbro Loughborough; & (Geo·rge Disney, Br~unstone gate, .L'eIcester , Hacket.t Alfred, 39 & 41 High st. Lcstr man.), Station rd. Kegworth, Derby HarrISo Ja.s. 32a, MOlra st. Loughboro Hart Frank, I06 Granby st. Leicester Bolton E. & Co. 8~ Grafton st. Leiostr Harri.son H. Roberts & Co. Market pL Hobbs Mrs. Lucy, 10 Sparrow hil~ Bott G. & Son, Trinity la. Hinckley Castle Donington, Derby Loughborough IBraund Geo. Wood gate, Loughboro' Harri.son & Hayels, 59a,Filbert st.Lcstr Holyoak Misses Emma &; Elizabeth Bray Samuel, Blaby, Leicester Hawley Bros. Craddock st. Leicester Ann, 36 Waterloo street, Leicester Brocklehu1'1st &; Co. Castle st. Hinckley Heard E. F. Wigston Magna, Leicestr Hubbard Edwd. 10 Cbventry st. Lcstr Bromley T. &; Son,29 Clarenoe st.Lcstr Hedges F. & Co. 44a, O~ord st. Lostr .

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