E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 No. 125 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. marks.) marks.) Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Mr. BLUNT. Mr. Speaker, we come Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, the gen- Two years have passed, but we have here today to remember the tragedy of tleman from Missouri (Mr. BLUNT) is not forgotten. America will never for- 2 years ago and remember the changes my counterpart in this House. It is his get the evil attack on September 11, that it has made in our country. responsibility to organize his party to 2001. But let us not be overwhelmed by Two years ago this morning, early in vote on issues of importance to this repeated TV images that bring back the morning, a beautiful day, much country and to express their views. paralyzing fear and make us vulnerable like today, we were at the end of a fair- And on my side of the aisle, it is my re- once again. Instead, in a moment of si- ly long period of time in this country sponsibility to organize my party to lence, let us stand tall and be one with when there was a sense that there real- express our views. At times, that is ex- the thousands of faces lost in the dust; ly was no role that only the Federal traordinarily contentious and we dem- let us hold in our minds those who still Government could perform, that many onstrate to the American public, and moan over the hole in their lives. things that were done could be done at indeed to the world, sometimes deep With pride and purpose let us recall better places. By noon on this day 2 differences. survivors and ordinary heroes and her- years ago, there was an understanding But the gentleman from Missouri is oines who came to rescue, carry, heal, that there were some jobs that had to my friend, he is my fellow citizen of lift up, tear down, pray confidently, be done on behalf of all of us, from this greatest of democracies and na- and create anew. With determined faith those of us who had the responsibility tions. And on September 11, 2 years and heartfelt compassion, let us today to work here in the Nation’s Capitol. ago, he and I and our colleagues were be united in silent prayer. Amen. America was changed that day. on this hill, and we heard that there I am pleased that the Congress has f was a plane coming towards this city. responded in the way it has, to quickly THE JOURNAL act in the environment that the found- It was in the context of one plane hit- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- ers did not intend to be quick, to even ting the north tower and one plain hit- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- on that week 2 years ago respond and ting the south tower of the World ceedings and announces to the House still today to have the ongoing con- Trade Center in New York. On that his approval thereof. cerns of establishing a new depart- day, there were no Republicans, there Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ment, of facing our enemies in the were no Democrats, there were no lib- nal stands approved. world, of reaching out and putting our erals, there were no conservatives. f arms around those who suffered the There were Americans. There were rep- resentatives of 280 million people elect- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tragedies of September 11. Certainly, that was a moment that ed to serve this great Nation. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman changed America, a moment that Today, we are as one with our Presi- from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) come for- changed this Congress, and it was a dent and with our people in remem- ward and lead the House in the Pledge moment that changed the world. That bering, remembering those whom we of Allegiance. was a moment that we recognize not lost from this Nation, and indeed from Mr. FLAKE led the Pledge of Alle- just in silence but we recognize today nations around the world. We remem- giance as follows: in our activities all over the globe, at ber the heroism of those brave citizens I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the home and abroad to ensure that the en- on that plane over Pennsylvania, deter- United States of America, and to the Repub- emies of freedom never prevail, and mined that the information they had lic for which it stands, one nation under God, received about terrorists taking down indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. those who love freedom always know that they have strong friends in the buildings would not be allowed by them f United States of America and that we to happen as a result of the plane that ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER intend to be the symbol for freedom they were on being crashed into what The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- and free people everywhere. we ultimately conclude was either this tain ten 1-minutes on each side. f building, the center of democracy, or f the White House, the House of the lead- REMEMBER THE TRAGEDY OF er of the free world. REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 SEPTEMBER 11 And so, Mr. Speaker, as we remem- (Mr. BLUNT asked and was given (Mr. HOYER asked and was given ber, as we reflect, we renew our resolve permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 that we will confront terrorism; that in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8199 . VerDate jul 14 2003 00:31 Sep 12, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11SE7.000 H11PT1 H8200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 11, 2003 John Kennedy’s words, we will pay any on a daily basis, because they are on Unfortunately, as a member of the price, bear any burden to defend free- guard for us 365 days a year to protect Committee on Homeland Security and dom here and around the world. God our lives all over this country. a senior member of the Subcommittee blesses America, God blesses America And, finally, I join with all of you, on Aviation, I can say with confidence through the resolve and the courage of with deepest gratitude, to the leaders that we have fallen far short of that its people and its commitment to free- of this Nation for bringing us together. mark. Significant portions of the Avia- dom. And we should remember to remain tion Security Act have not been imple- f united as a Nation, because if we re- mented. Our first responders, those main united as a Nation, the forces of who responded so selflessly on that REFLECTING ON THE evil shall never prevail. tragic day, still lack basic resources ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11 f and help from the Federal Government, (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina even as Congress is considering the TRIBUTE TO C.E. ‘‘PEP’’ COONEY asked and was given permission to ad- President’s request for another $87 bil- OF ARIZONA dress the House for 1 minute and to re- lion for Iraq. vise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. FLAKE asked and was given On this day, Congress should resolve Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. permission to address the House for 1 to remember by redoubling its efforts, Speaker, this moment marks the sec- minute and to revise and extend his re- avoiding dangerous distractions, and ond anniversary of the surprise attacks marks.) providing all the funds necessary so we on America in New York, Washington, Mr. FLAKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise can say with confidence, never again. and Pennsylvania. As we reflect on today to honor the memory of C.E. f why America was attacked, I believe it ‘‘Pep’’ Cooney, an Arizona television is clearer than ever: It is because icon. Pep’s career in broadcasting HONORING THE FALLEN America is the symbol of liberty and spanned more than 45 years, taking (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given freedom in the world. him from advertising to president to permission to address the House for 1 Our values of freedom of religion, general manager at KPNX, where he minute and to revise and extend his re- freedom of speech, freedom of assem- led that station to its stature as the marks.) bly, and the opportunities for women number one rated television station in Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, as we to fully participate in society are cher- the State. have heard so often this morning, this ished. But these values are a challenge Pep’s nightly commentaries, or ‘‘Pep is a special day, and it is appropriate to evil people who fear our freedoms as talks,’’ made him one of Arizona’s for us to take the time to honor the undermining their enslavement of oth- most recognizable figures. Pep was also fallen and acknowledge our gratitude ers. the quintessential community leader.
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