Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-15-1958 The Ledger and Times, April 15, 1958 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 15, 1958" (1958). The Ledger & Times. 3295. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3295 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • PRIL 14, 1958 AM" Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper zit>I7V First. Largest Ions Circulation In with ES • . The City News ses Local Largest and Circulation In 101 Local Pictures The County MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. 90 United Press IN OUR 79th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, April 15, 1958 LXXIX No. • Happy Calls Seen & Heard Murray High Shows Op • • Around Murray e TON' SP :—Gov. A 13 Ch 7.1 Kenucky Mon- lenient:elate in- Check ceese f ,r an !_e;ience coy Well In ceme lag reitiotien fier persona Miller discussing 11..s recent Bob in the mrdile and kwer ineeme break says he bas jumped -Robert iae: of the topsy- • bone braeke s and sect r e federal 7 e_NISCFORT 01 —Dr. I'he rep et sic?erreeled dean Bill Is "In general, ditches, lot rei•- e as eris"..4o enferg the Harbor P.. Martin, slate superintendent turvy. currioulum: had to wait for a yam- ech_ela • have .f.0- etc., but • :-er.i roccesicn. By_ Ike cf inetructlen• said Men- I Kern eeke hrib break.rig his leg. Vetoed Gen befere Chanisier f lle wed former day ',het the ratio ef Kentucky lzwed the pree-mizant a F.-Ed- s--eiceee President Barry S. Truman in WASHINGTON AP —Presieent pupils ecme firm of set- esetera of cerergaTi ence and nesetisma'ecs is ap- anti menthe:mates Lff.ngtie an taking the accident • es•t !Ty:ng before the House Eisenhower today se Jed the $1,- He's pren(,mate:y the same_as that he air. ti and testisc grades." loseephiciarly hswever, and sports eierking Cerrur.retee se toking—tn- 578,812,000 rivers and harbors the the sec nil for the na,t:cn as a whale, adeied :hat sioth a pregratn a -Vote Fer Frank" segn en Ithe timaaer. r. cer the ex-tere f authorization bill — su-calied Mar sia.d a survey made by 'offers lees to the more cast. reess e en and 111::7DS of mhat- , t n,e he has rejcc ed he "pie le barrel" leg:she:an in 1hree -the- Bureau of reillruotian Of the capa-Ke -a n d mature .e in Chendtler was, the first of 10 years. .eepar.ment of Educe.i.in show- 'Partr...rs and seniors, soh. le" Smallest had to be promipted to -Xverners setheduled to • testify i he Presiden LAd C ingress ed, howLver, the: the Keetucky he. sm.::: • greatly by eat hit, egg yeetertbay murnong. Setere the c: menitee, sets, eh is in a special message :ha i it was percen, age is beceted He came back with the remark headoci by Rep. Brent Spence ev.e.h real regret" that he Lund 'students taking "general science" that that was juiet the reason tici..taz•sy fur the - second Time et-gebteeCe 341,11ai433. rather he did not plan _Pa -gel -married. the termer president and in two years to cetu a risers h reiseefic ceiunies in eilher harbsrs au.horization -bill. Debauchery Of Apparently he cF.d not think too Clittne'er urged that defense ex- and much of his wife's ifercing him peaditurei be inereased and lie said he approeed many Mil/ n said the "research timi- to eat les egg. Welfare ix:sr:nes such as health of the projects in the measure ngs are haonai (.riy and that 3f,d b be sttppej bp, but ve'oed it because "others no a eempt was nele Li dsaw Diplomacy Hit - A crowd of some 500 pereens arc net justified." emcee:eerie or try to evaluate are glad to see Geerge Hart We cin hand for Truman's remarks Demecrats hed advanced, ihe ho cuti:ity inotruotion. (he has recovered to a large extent 1mi-recession measure. tone of hrencd out whorl the farmer bill, as an Materlal for the toe of By Dulles ?rem his recant eye operatien. .0! imin Bit Ei3enh over said .pe, it .h:ee aiv-eory cemere,t.es which could has c litee e ci- to the seieente peeler beep_ :he Board Eeicatran .raered Martin to appeint last I wAsrF zo i- 'N- ite Focretary Munday has the latest in b' amc be,ween the Nash- kfect• Ray Neverriber. rf Sac J his Foster Deeps today pleasure crofts. We don't know _rieen Senators and Beeten Red 1 • W. Z. Cart.... Superintendent. chareee 'hat Pre-'a Is enlancer- what he cane it. but the deck reg world fleece by prostituting • kihe ree:c r said jekingiy : hat I -- — of City Schools tcld the Ledger rests on tare laree rCiftt.0 MS: An diplrmacy for propaganda pur- osing on af.er Trumen he "felt Murray Hospital land Times this morning that iron fence keeps yeu from fall- poses. ' • Like a feexw who has to fellew -------- - - - I Murray High School offered ing oft of it and the nye .is Delles. in an eeeey utburst and Ted Williams senior physi.s, s000more boo - attached at the rear. The craft See DMeegis. ••-mday's comple•-. record fol- seereesnee, ueerle new "pop-pp" firing logy, 11th grade chemistry, and al his news Is About12x58 feet long and 'is DUMMY MISSILE FIRED FROM UNDERWATER—These 1of the Navy's revolutionary in belling order." lows: hoisted the Polaris out of the plane geometry. This would put he words presee-1'7n and de- steered from a when located photos made on March 23 and just released by mechanism It —la ea mere serious vein, the some 100 feet in the Census 35 Murray High School within the bauchery in .desc•-i'eng Soviet usc the Navy show the launching of a full-scale , water prior to its Ignition venter cited what he termed about the center. missile clears the surface Aduk Beds 65 •if dio'imacy. • test model of the 1,500-mile submarine-launched i air. At top, the dummy "e:.m figercs" eh. Wrig Ken- percentages expressed in th is after leaving a launching Ektierg:1-.43y Beds 30 Dt emehetize neeer heless Polaris missile. The dummy with precise weight iof the ocean seconds tucky's unintsplcyed now nurn- orticie. housed in a stationary cyliader beneath the PaVntes Admitted 3 that he Uni•e4 S a es is prepared It is sort of a m. -tern Grayson and dimensions of the Polaris was shot from an i tube terce Murray High School also of- bottom. left. is a closeup of the test 'ter 126.000 out of a labor to' 'it down with Russia at pre- McClure original. underwater launching pad at the Navy's test surface. At PaIlentS amrii'Sed • 5 fers Algebra 1 and. Algebra 2. surface of the oceen and of 12,000.000. He sad mere then at any time. center near San Clemente Island, Calor The :missile as it clears the NEW Citizens 0 It does not offer solid geometry eentnit meetines shoots skyward atop a geyser half of tbre state's unemployed submerged launching proved the effectiveness I at right, the Polaris Patients admitted from Friday and trigonometry, however an ' press for peace. ' are in incireeeries not covered by He said he hopes that such A sign is being prepared for the 900 a.m. to Monday 1:30 p.m.: advanced mathematics course . unimp:..ymerst ineituar.ce. 1 pre-summ: am`ieseec4rr al iaits Carter Elonsontary Schcol which Mrs. Rudy L McDougal, 503 next year which is beirg plan - • • He said eastern Kentucky, seen will been in Moscow in a few will give a ploasing appearance. No. ; Mrs &Ka r Morr.s. Rt. nerd will include solid geometry. I . .effering frcm the effects of the . - aye But he did no: knew The sign itself is pairs'ed on Use Of Atomic Waste Will I: Syman J. Rudd, Rt. 3, Ben- Carter saod 'h at the goal In t Lynn Grove , New early NM !Dyad, is in the worst he exac, day. He said the West wood and will hang from a ton; Mrs. Hubert Brandon, 51 etta say schools is _S• 4..41•4*,-4 a- 1 -anipleyrikeets orking on a reply te snazzy arch nimaideturet §. 74h.: Mors. L. E. Young arid well rounded eta ndpoint. curriculum a n d 'the altmt Soviet vammunicatioa • Murray Cheassieneal -bon W. baby girl, Rt. 1, Akne; Mrs. Hove A Boon For'Humanity As an aid to eastern Ken- not to be especially heavy on , eggesting the discussions start PTA Will Meet Joe mere; Jackson. 1200 Syea science or t ecicy, he urged the establish- any other field. ;Thursday. Mrs. N obel Paschall and baby Th.? g • :- 1 1 - rldrJet a Gene Landoit is up and about Dulles explodes By JOSEPH L. MYLER lelotien has Ca I. the price 'of rn t II a fed "--ra:AY sP`''7711-'- red girl, Rt. I. Put-year. Tenn.; Mrs. long-range study designed to agion. 7-ea1-re-eat-eh ineestute, to engage Dulles discessed he possible On Thursday P•ess Staff Correspondent lite cne-scarce radios:et:ye ele-.
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