Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51385-2 - Japan Rising: The Iwakura Embassy to the USA and Europe 1871-1873 Kume Kunitake Index More information Index Aden, 107, 496f., 498f., 508 Bismarck, Otto von, 230, 293, 298f., 306f., 372 agriculture, Bonaparte:, see Napoleon I Britain: improvement societies, 206f. Boston, 84ff., 102ff. Denmark: cattle-breeding and dairy farming, Bradford, 182, 186, 363 356 Brazil, 433, 458, 474 Germany: crop rotation and fertiliser, 291f. Bremen, 299, 353, 372 Russia: Agricultural Museum, 333f. Brighton, 121f. United States:, 54 Britain, 10, 12f., 343, 349f., 413, 429, 431, 433, Bureau of Agriculture, 69 457f., 467, 477, 484 farm machinery, 53 colonies, 107, 517 water-control, 48 government, 127ff., 158 Alabama arbitration (1871), 90f., 242, 457f. land and climate, 107f. Albert, Prince, 120, 161, 430 manufacture and trade, 108f., 208 Alexander II (tsar), 336 political parties, 128f. Amsterdam, 274, 279, 282ff., 315, 471, 484 religion, 112 Antwerp, 260, 271f. wealth and poverty, 110f. armies, British Museum, 136f., 305 Belgian, 264 Brussels, 260, 262f., 268, 271 British, 131 Buckingham Palace, 126 French, 220, 228, 237f., 240ff. Buddhism/Buddhists, 13, 98f., 339, 393, 399, 467, German/Prussian, 220, 226, 242, 270, 310f. 502f., 505 Russian, 346, 348 Zen Buddhism, 324 Swiss, 397f., 442f. 17 24 44 61 73 77 United States, , , , , , f. Calais, 107, 215, 218 175 190 241 Armstrong, Sir William, f., , California, 13, 17, 27, 28ff., 31, 39, 44f. 159 166 168 Atholl, duke of, , , Catholic Church, 13, 112, 222, 289, 217 241 287 299 Austria/Austrian Empire, , , f., , 298f., 324f., 337f., 377, 379, 386, 393ff., 306 349 361 381 412 413 415 417 432 , , , , , f., , ff., , 488, 515 436 473 f., Chicago, 20, 45, 47, 48ff., 52 China, 26ff., 48, 95, 107, 122, 127, 130, 137, Baltimore, 54, 100 163, 189, 207, 228, 253, 255, 281, 309, 341, Bank of England, 117, 247 371, 382, 393, 401, 439, 461ff., 465f., 503, 513, Banque de France, 246ff. 517ff., 521 Belgium, 3, 114, 120, 195, 213, 257ff., 259ff., Chinese in the United States, 12, 28f. 262ff., 267ff., 275, 308, 312, 330, 346, 353, civil engineering, 143, 178ff., 245f. 357, 378f., 421, 429f., 435, 447, 464, 475 coal and coal mining, 108f., 176f., 260 Berlin, 287f., 290, 296ff., 305f., 308ff., 313ff., and iron, 108f., 260, 265 416f., 436 colonies, Berne, 371, 434, 442, 446f., 452, 453f., 460 British, 109f., 509f. Bibliothe`que Nationale (Paris), 228 colonial trade and mercantile system, 148, Birmingham, 193, 196ff., 199, 253 484 524 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51385-2 - Japan Rising: The Iwakura Embassy to the USA and Europe 1871-1873 Kume Kunitake Index More information Index 525 Dutch, 273ff., 278, 505 land and climate, 214f. French, 213 National Assembly and government, 251 Confucianism, 98f., 467, 469, 520 national character and culture, 217, 223 Copenhagen, 356ff., 368f. Franco-Prussian War, 85, 213, 217, 227, Coventry, 193f. 230, 238, 240, 288, 294, 377, 383, craft industries, 433ff. 436 clocks and watches, 434, 455f. Frankfurt-on-the-Main, 90, 288, 316, 373, glass, 412, 435 374f., 377 gold and silver, 198, 253, 433 Franz Joseph (Austrian emperor), 418, porcelain, 143, 199, 201, 215, 223, 225, 423, 431 236, 260, 266, 305, 309, 315, 366, 384, French Revolution, 213f., 298, 429 401, 417, 433 Friedrich II (king of Prussia), 293, 300, 304, tapestry, 215, 249, 433, 436 309, 315 Crimean War, 329 135 190 430 Crystal Palace, f., , f. gardens:, see public parks and gardens Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 383, 488 3 12 217 241 288 306 308 351 Denmark, , , , , , , , , Geneva, 434, 454ff., 459f. 355 360 361 369 437 ff., , ff., , Germany, 3, 90, 111, 114, 121, 186, 193, 216f., 270, 99 153 department stores, , 287f., 349, 372f., 391f., 436, 440, 442, 444, 7 Devonshire, th duke of (William Cavendish), 467, 475f., 477 159 185 188 , , education, 289f. 130 Disraeli, Benjamin, national character, 289 political system, 302f. Edinburgh, 160, 161ff., 173f. Prussia, 3, 67, 85, 227, 237, 242, 270, 287f., education, 289, 290, 293f., 299f., 370, 417, 429, 436, church schools, 299 474, 488 elementary/primary schools, 19f., 132, 183, religion, 289 367f., 453f. status of women, 290 secondary/grammar schools, 19, 184 Ghent, 258, 263 schools for black children, 61f. Gladstone, William Ewart, 130 schools for the blind, 254f. Glasgow, 156f. schools for the deaf, 253f., 345 Grant, Ulysses (US president), 58, 60, 73, universities/colleges, 154, 162, 279 90ff., 457 Essen, 292ff. Greeley, Horace, 91ff. exhibitions/expositions, Greenwich, 8, 207 London (1851), 119, 120, 135f., 161, 430 London (1862), 431 Hague, The, 276f., 283, 286, 291 Paris (1855), 121, 431 Hamburg, 299, 351, 352ff., 369f., 372, Paris (1867), 431 463 471 1873 419 421 429 431 436 , Vienna ( ), , ff., , ff., ff. Holland, 257, 260f., 270, 273ff., 299, 467, 470, 474, 484, 505, 513 Fillmore, Millard (US president), 82 488 508 322 325 361 colonial rule in Java, , f. Finland, , , commerce and water transport, 274f. fire-brigades, 50f. dairy farming, fishing, diamond Finland, 322, 325, 361 cutting, 274 Fish, Hamilton, 20, 60, 71, 88ff. 273 285 314 land and climate, f. fisheries, f., f. Hong Kong, 27, 107, 463, 517f. Florence, 382, 386ff., 408 97 99 183 207 297 304 324 260 272 433 hospitals, , ff., , , , ff., , forestry, , , 343ff., 347, 366, 399, 515 France, 3, 6, 11ff., 15, 22, 85, 96, 100, 107, Hungary, 361, 413, 418f., 425f., 439, 467 109f., 120f., 162, 207, 208, 312, 349f., 429ff., 433, 435f., 454f., 465, 470, 475f., 485, 487f., 490f. immigration/emigration, 12, 28, 45f., 70f., 111, colonies, 213 362, 372 crafts and manufacturing, 215f. India, 107, 109, 124, 137, 484, 497, 506 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51385-2 - Japan Rising: The Iwakura Embassy to the USA and Europe 1871-1873 Kume Kunitake Index More information 526 Index industry and manufacturingiron (see also iron Venetian glass, 412, 435 and steel works) woollen mills (Lowell), 102f. alpaca (Saltaire), 182f. iron and steel works, 145, 148, 157, 186f., 190f., armaments (Woolwich), 130 260, 292f., 343, 347, 421 Bergsunds’s shipyard (Stockholm), 366 Armstrong’s ordnance factory (Newcastle), Booth’s mining machinery (San 175f., 190 Francisco), 17 Cammell’s works (Sheffield), 186ff., 190 cartridges (Saint-Cloud), 256 Dubs’s locomotive works (Glasgow), 157 Cash’s textile works (Coventry), 193 Higginbotham’s works (Glasgow), 157 Chance Brothers’ lighthouse lenses Kolpino works (Moscow), 342f. (Birmingham), 196 Krupp’s works (Essen), 186, 292f. Christofle gold, silver and bronzeware factory Socie´te´ Anonyme John Cockerill factory (Paris), 253 (Lie`ge), 265, 270 Cornforth’s nail factory (Birmingham), 197f. Vickers’s works (Sheffield), 190f. cotton industry, 102, 147f., 152, 263 Whitworth’s works (Manchester), 148 Crossley’s wool mills (Halifax), 184 Islam/Mohammedanism, 112, 337, 499, 505, Cutlers’ Feast (Sheffield), 191 512 Dixon’s silver-plated ware (Sheffield), 191 Italy, 288, 299, 380f., 382ff., 399, 413, 418f., Elkington Brothers’ gold and silver works 436, 442, 458, 461, 479 (Birmingham), 198 Ito¯, Hirobumi, 7, 60, 61, 89, 90, 103 Hemptinne’s cotton factory (Ghent), 263 Iwakura, Tomomi (ambassador), 3, 5, 7, 9, 16, Hinks and Wells’ steel pen factory 17, 58f., 61, 90, 165, 178, 191, 224, 228, 314, (Birmingham), 197 358, 365, 371, 411 Huntley and Palmers’ biscuit factory (Reading), 205f. 3 7 14 20 23 26 29 46 48 52 152 Japan, ff., ff., ff., , , f., , , , f., india rubber (Manchester, Edinburgh), , 60f., 69, 72, 76, 79, 82, 84, 107f., 113, 121f., 163 127 133 148 152 159 163 179 189 192 16 , , , , , , , , ff., Kimball Carriage Factory (San Francisco), 196, 201f., 206, 215, 218, 224ff., 228f., 238, La Lys linen factory (Ghent), 263 245 252 255 266 267 273 275 279 278 , f., ff., , ff., , , , Maatschappij shipyard (Rotterdam), 280f., 286, 291f., 295, 299f., 307, 309, 316, match manufacture (Stockholm), 367, 437 338 349 359 363 375 382 388 424 53 f., f., , , , , f., , McCormick’s harvesting machines, 431, 437f., 439, 440f., 503, 514 Minton’s porcelain factory (Stoke-on-Trent), Java, 273, 278f., 508, 513 201f. 299 378 394 16 Jesuit Order, , , Mission Woolen Mill (San Francisco), Jews, 13, 289, 325 paper (Paris), 255 255 perfume (Paris), Kido, Takayoshi, 7, 17, 22, 103, 268, 284f., 351 plate-glass (St. Helens), 146f. Krupp, Alfred/Krupp’s works, 186, 241, 292ff., Rodger’s cutlery works (Sheffield), 190 348, 421, 440 Royal Worcester Porcelain Works, 199 Se`vres porcelain factory, 215, 236, 305 268 Lausanne, 454, 459 sewing needles (Belgium), 148 153 251 sheet-glass works (Courcelles), 267 law courts, f., f., ff. 303 Leiden, 279ff. Siemens’s electrical machinery (Berlin), f. 493 silk industry, 6, 109, 193f., 389f., 433, 461f. Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, f. Lie`ge, 260, 265 small-arms (Springfield), 87 lighthouses, 164f., 181, 196 soap (Paris), 255 193 Lincoln, Abraham (US president), 63, 65 Steven’s silk-weaving factory (Coventry), 107 114 138 263 Tannenburg’s cotton fabrics (Berlin), 436 Liverpool, f., f., ff., 157 London, 107, 114ff., 126, 132, 208f., 218, 220, 222, textile machinery, 394 434 471 Tharsis copper factory, 179 , , 163 Lu¨beck, 352, 368, 369 traction-engines (Edinburgh), 450 452 174 Lucerne, f., tweed (Galashiels), 289 362 393 455 163 Lutheranism, , , , Valleyfield paper mill, 214 459 461 488 Val-Saint-Lambert glassworks (Lie`ge), 265 Lyons, , , f., © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51385-2 - Japan Rising: The Iwakura Embassy to
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