<^ /a Collection Aids Christ's Poor Jerry Is still a little fright­ the understanding and service All were given the same virtue of charity to the extent ened. but be is beginning to in keeping with modem scien­ careful consideration. The of our ability. feel at home. tific knowledge and the tenets welfare of the child was fore­ The motherless boy is find­ of Christjan charity. most in the mind of each ASSISTING Catholic Chari­ ing comfort in the tender In the past year almost 3,000 .social worker as the situation ties by donating to this Sun­ persons appealed to the C*»lh- was studied. guidance of the Sisters, in the day’s special collection. Cath­ friendship of the other young­ olic Charities for assistance. Evei^ worker at Catbolic sters at Mt. St. Vincent’s Some came asking for tem­ Charities acts in the name of olics will be able to partici­ home. porary financial help, some every Catholic in the archdio­ pate in the work of the agency The need to give Jerry a needed assistance in earing cese. The complexities of pres­ that helps many needy per­ for their children, others good home, to comfort him ent day civilizations often sons in tbe archdiocese. Earn­ after the tragic loss of his wanted adoptive children makes it impossible for the est consideration of the work mother, is one of the reasons placed with them; unwed individual to perform direct of the Catholic Charities is ~ one of the many reasons — mothers begged that plans be acts of charity for his neigh­ necessary to continue help to made for their children. that Catholics of the archdio­ bor yet we all can develop the God’s poor. cese will be asked to give I generously to the Catholic | Charities collection next Sun­ day. ' Till-: STORY OF the 8-year- old boy recently admitted to Final Council Session Mt. St. Vincent's home is a familiar one to the staff at , Catholic Charities. The death of Jerry’s mother changed his whole life. .Along with his grief came Will Start on Sept. 14 the confusions of a motherless home the lack of the well- prepared. balanced meals, the (NCWC Nows Service) clean clothing, his mother's Vatican City — Pope Paul VI conscientious care for his ed­ jhas decided that the fourth and ucation and spiritual welfare, final session of the Ecumenical 1 Council will start on Sept. 14, and the sense of belonging and 1 1 9 6 5 . being loved. DENVER CATHOLIC As Jerry entered the care at The Pope made his decision St. Vincent’s home, he found i known (Jan. 4) at an audience that he was again an impor- | I with Cardinal Amleto Cicogna- tant member of a loving fam­ ni, Papal Secretary of State. ily. I The Vatican announced it the Jerry and the other 518 chil- \ next day. The Pope again em- dren entru.sted to the care of R E G IS T E R I phasized that the fourth will be the Catholic Charities and its Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations I the last council ses.sion. Less than a week before the child care facilities find the i THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1965 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LIX No. 22 answer to their needs through | Pope’s decision, the Council’s the central organization of ’directive bodies had met for Catholic Charities. the first time since the third session’s end to discuss the or­ THK PROFESSIONAL staff Pre-School Religion Classes Begun der in which the fourth session J e r r y of 16 trained and experienced I will deal with items still on the I agenda. Five young residents of Mt. St. Bill Griebling. Sister Daniel, superior social workers are under the By Paul llallett The children are divided into meals and the Hail Mary. In Vincent’s Home for Boys give a wel­ supervision of the Rt. Rev. Colorado Springs — Pre­ two groups, pre-school and kin­ addition to their religious in­ All but two of the items have of the home, smiles her greeting in Monsignor Elmer Kolka. di­ school religion classes, the first already been debated by Coun­ coming smile as they greet a new­ the background. This week the annual dergarten. During the 8:15 a.m. struction they are given ex;-er- rector and the Very Rev. in this area, have been started ^^ass. .Mrs. Helen Randall, a ience in social values, such as cil Fathers. The subjects which com er to their midst. Jerry, the 8- collection for the support of the ar­ .Monsignor William Monahan, ; at Holy Trinity church for ap­ public school teacher, has have undergone debate are the year-old at the right, is accompanied working with the group, kind­ chdiocesan Catholic Charities will be associate director. They bring proximately 70 children ranging charge of the kindergarten ness. respect for property. The schema.s and propositions on di­ by a Catholic Charities social worker. taken in all the churches. to needy adults and children in age from 3Vi through 5 years. group. Mis.s Jane Shumate, as­ major emphasis is on the Mass. vine revelation, the lay aposto- sisted by Christine Farrell, is in I late, the pastoral duties of charge of the 3»r2-4 year olds. At IN THE KINDERGARTEN Bishops. Religious, seminaries, the 9:30 Mass, the kindergarten groups the children learn about I Chri.stian education, the Church Nun-Expert on Religion To Address CCD group i.s directed by Miss Aline the Joyful Mysteries, during I in the modern world, and the McActee. a student nurse at which time they make their priestly life and ministry. Fath­ ers will vote on these at the A nun-expert on theology and fessor of theology and religious from 8 to 9;30 p.m. in the Religious Sense of the Child.” , SISTER ROBERTA has an Penrose Hospital. own rosaries. They review the fourth session after they have the teaching of religion will be education and a member of the gymnasium of All Souls School: 'M.A. in theology from the Uni­ prayers learned in the four- Classes for the younger child­ been revised by commissions in the principal speaker at a cat­ Los .Angeles .Archdiocesan Reli­ “Our Task, Communicating the THE SERIES has been versity of Notre Dame and has year class. ren are taught by Mrs. E. J. the light of the recommenda­ echetical workshop to be held planned so that priests and taught theology and religious gion committee. Message’’ and “ Christ, The Rodgers and her daughter, Eli- The pre-school classe.s at tions made during the earlier for the clergy and laity of the education at Immaculate Heart Sponsoring the workshop will Word We Communicate.” CCD teachers will be able to za1;eth. Holy Trinity adopt Montessori debates. area Friday-Sunday. Jan. 22-24, be the Confraternity of Christian attend the talks without cancel­ college for five years. She also There will be three talks on concepts of teaching doctrine The schema on the missions at .Ali Souls’ school. Englewood. Doctrine officials of All Souls' Saturday, Jan. 23, from 11 a.m. ling classes on Saturday morn­ taught theology at the Novitiate THE CLASSES are pro­ and liturgy. She is Sister Mary Roberta, for six years. was rcturntHl to commission for parish. to 3:30 p.m.: “ God’s Plan of ing. grammed for each Sunday of ThLs program has also been a member of the Sisters of the There will be a question-and- complete revision during the Redemption,” “Scripture in the year and are liturgically inaugurated ■ at St. Paul’s third session. This may again Immaculate Heart. Los .Angeles, SISTER ROBERTA will de­ answer period after each talk She studied one year at the Catechesis,” and “ Liturgy and geared to the child's level of church, Broadmoor, at two of be debated at the forthcoming Calif., for many years a pro­ liver two talks Friday, Jan. 22, and. depending upon the num­ International Center of Studies Catechesis.” .A box lunch will be in Religious Education (Lumen comprehension. The first se­ the Sunday Masses. The pro­ session. ber attending, discussion per­ mester for 3V2-4-year-olds be­ served in the cafeteria at noon Vitae) in Brussels. Belgium, and gram is under the joint direc­ Two items — the declarations iods among the participators, gins with the Sign of the Cross, for those who wish to cat here visited and observed at tiie cate­ tion of .Mrs. Roger Siilli\an and on relations with non-Christian There is no charge for the followed by stories of the Crea­ Burse Generosity Continues at the school. chetical centers of Holland, the principal of St. Paul's religions and on religious liber­ workshop, although a fee will tion and sacred history leading France, Germany, and Italy. i school, Sister John Catherine. ty — have not been formally As Eleven Gifts Total $211 Sister Roberta will deliver an­ be charged for the lunch. The up to the birth of Christ and other talk in Denver Saturday Any parish desiring further adopted by the Council. The Fa­ Denver Catholic Register will She has spoken at CCD con-! His childhood. Continued Christmas time ge­ their own burses include St. evening at a time and place to information on this method of thers, however, have accepted include a registration slip in the ventions in Los Angeles and is The importance of the mis­ nerosity to the St. Jude burse Joseph’s, Akron, $65.85; Sacred be announced later. The topic pre-school religious in-struction the former declaration in princi­ Jan.
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