. OPE'RATING· ENGINEERS LOCAL 3 STATI_()NARY ENGINEERS lOCAl 39 ·VOL. .7-..No. ,7 _ SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF • . 'I ew Two-Year ACiC ree t ·· ·~______,----''-------~ :--,. ---------. Covers Northern 1 _,. -Deaths ·Mount ·on :·· OFFICIAL NOTICE TO MEMBERS A dc t I c ., ~ - R. Gray· Speak_s ··. ". - ~ - .: _t.. : ·.: . J·... b. OUR BLOOD BANK IS DEPLETED!!! In several issues of our n - en ta a1I . -~-C· · ons: rue ron·.. 0 s.;-,_. ~~;:e:~ ~s~::n:;e:~:e a:f:~~e!tl;:n ~~~::i~~i~~~a~l=~;~ I The result of many hours of At A t• ···_ ___ _·_, 2. _·. •..4:·. oo' : ·.·.· u ··l' e·.- ---: _.1-·n··,· -._._·u·_" .-_.·._· _s-·.. ·:_· __• · . _·_'_. MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK for •the purpose of building up a credit neg~tiating_ _between t_he Op- - ICe _ so that members of our organization, . and their- families, would be t E U L p.pren . entitled .. .to blood donations in -case of . emergency. Iera mg ngmeers. mon, o-. Pres. .-M~loriey . in 3: letter· to ~ offi~ There, have been several occasions when members of our Local cal 3 and the Northern and 1 G d • H _ced·and:·· members.of'Opetati!'rg Ep- ' .Union have been in need. of plasma and have received it from the I c:entral Chapters of the Asso- I, . ra uatlon er·e.· . · -gin. eei.~s Local 3 called attention to . account of the Operating Engineers. However, there has never been em ted General Contractors . '= the high percentage of- deaths in -enough in the account to ·take care of the demand and the account . the Building Trades field .. His let- I is now depleted. finally came in the form of a R h d G AFL B 'ld Members should make contributions to the -blood bank. An exam- 'I6Yzc hourly increase across . lC&arC rtay, t' T. Udl ~ . ter follovys: · ·! ination is given by the attendants at the Blood Bank to ascertain th b d 11 1 'fi t' · mg - ons rue 1011 ra -es 0-P-.E.. RATING. · ENGINEERS , ·' whether. or not you are- ph ysically- fi t, before taking the donation. I e oar .on a c .assl ca lOns D ep, t . pres1'd en t ,t came o -San · · - · · 'Therefore vou need not worru as to whether or not it will affect of Operatmg Engmeers. The' F · · t k t 1 b. ' J J • • ranctsco o eyno e a or s Local Union, No. 3 · your health in any way. agreement lS wntten to c9ver I -· - · GREETINGS: . Contact the San Francisco Offic_e for full pArticulars. MAKE A the next 2 years and will be in . / . Note . these important ; facts! In CONTRffiUTION "FOR THE FUTURE BENEFIT OF SOME l\IEJ.\'I- 1947 twenty-four hundre.d .. deaths BER OF OUR ORGANIZATION, THEIR FAMILY ... OR MAYBE I effect in 46 counties of North- ! from accidents occurred in. th~ YOUR OWN.; .. YOU ·NEVER KNOW! ern and Central California. ··.·· construction industry. .In · six maJ·or·l TECHNICAL ENGINEERS, LOCAL No. 3-E MEETING: The The old contract expired May · • next meeting of Local No. 3-'E Technical Engine_er ·s will be held I30th · · industries i~ '. th~t y'eai.· t\\T'elve thou~ Friday, 8 p.rn., July 22nd, at the Union Offices, 1444 Webster !;>treet, · · sand seyen huJ?.dred deaths re;mlt•id Oakland, Calif. AGC WANTED CUT from accidents. - Nineteen ~ per . cent - of the total \Vel'E{ suffered by ·work- . R'. .h ' w·. R b'l. s. u. T h . e Associated ers" in the.• constrilction .:industry, lg:·· t · 1ng .. : epu . ·t·can-s-- et p Contractors attempted - re- . bufbn:ly five ~er · cent -- ot.the wol.; kc _ · . · ·· · · ·· ... ·. '- ·. · . _· - ~eatec;lly to instigate a 12!-/2 . .· ers .in :· the -' six • major: iP.dustries . , , . ' . .. cen't' wage cut on the Engi- ~- .·~~f:k ;~~;QK~t: e~~p\i~~~:~tr uc~iop: ~ ·· c· .-_e. n.f.· er· t _Q.·: . ~>- ,R--·o"_c:k. _.... a·rb'bed·· . ·c···.· a·mpa·lg ·n ,rieers. Othel; minor points The c~~stnicti~J1~ j ri"d'Jsti;y _ . is . a,: .- 'N . t 1- '" - ·.. ' ,; c ·,. /. ' ; ·, ' - ·- ·J.~ I \V~~~ peg?ti(l;ted :_~: ~rifJ,?-¥' ·and _ h_aza;dou~.- .one _. B~, its n~t~re those .. ,... , . .. _ .. , '"" . , :. .e , . , ; , ·'.- ·, • ..·:·'' • , . _, tlle . fmal dra_ft was : Slgl}.~(j . of"oqr meinbei·s who are emP'I9yed ~ : :·· A, -pubhc· relatwns c~nter J_n ·Washmgton ;staffed_,:by· \~t:ll JsJl~Wn Three of the f1ve crafts whtch in. ii:': .'are)4_!ij~ct _td ~cci .derits b_ut 1journalist :ic ap~sfles of the National Association ~~ --Manuf~cturers ,has . negotiate with the A. G . C~,-. •.. L :r_npst ,·acq~~~ts : ~re - pr_~_ve~ -~~bl~. _A_ been- s~t ·up· near ~ongress by: the Jo·seph lVIartm, Jr. chque of the namely Teamsters, Laborers · careful worker, •. m :Il'!af!y 'cases;.wi!l Repubhcan party, It was learned July ll. 1- d -C_. • t · h · ·. · -.· -_· ~~?rl<· safe}Y_utt~e~ -- unsa~e .condi" ,. :Backgroti'ild of"the ·staff gives a · ._- · _ . a.n , arpen ers . ave_ . ·· t~o11~- ,A ca~·e.le~s: : ~v.o:·ker w1ll be~ess . clear iiidication that the group \vill w1ll be so_li?Ited from . m~Ividu~l Slgned u~ . _new a~~el)'lents. f()nun~te. ·Accidents ' do . not ~- us~ - ~ make a '· strorig bid for election of sot~rces · fnendly .t? the ~art!~ TJ:le ()peratmg Engmeers ar,,e :. h~ppen; _-They p.re Ca]lS~d by h~IP:- 11 anti-labor Congl:essmen next year.' phi~osophy of pqhtlcs.' ~artm IS the fourth craft to come to ail' failures or by- mec~amcal f~Jlures $25 ooo-YR. MAN I' c~airman of the congresswnal com- agreement with the cohtrac- -or by both BUT the nu~ber ean be · · ' . m1ttee. reduced. : . · _, ·:.·' _ Chief of_ staff is Rober~ Hun:- · HuinphFeys, Slater and O'Brien tors assocmtwn. Gener.lil Presiden,t .of tlte AFU 1 - As General P1:esident of this or- phreys, until recently associate ed1- were moving into an elaborate 4 ·JOBS TIED· UP Building and' Constri1ction · ganization r" have ··be.come deeply · tor of Newsweek magazine who is suite of offices in the George Wash- . Prior-- to the agreement on Trades Dept. concerned· over: the humber of a'cCi- reliably reported to be getting $25,- ington Inn, just behind .the old dents that befall· our ~embe1~s and · ·ooo a year. Humphreys brought House Office building this week. the 6Yzc increase, four large part in the Joint Labol.· Ma.n:.. training I "have directed that a . campai,gn 1 with hjm a rising you,ng. star of * * * · jobs were' tied up in San Fran- agement Apprentice be undertaken that will 9per.ate. to Ithe NAM school, Ed 0 Bnen who cisco. They were.::,the Charles program. reduce the n'umber . of. them and work~d with him on Newsweek and Ba_ s~lt Ga'ng Thanks Harney Potrero Freeway .con- He was -selecte(t · as fea.tured' .greatly_ lessen. the r_es\lltal).t lpss of author~d many ariti-labor stories as . st.ructl'on J'ob, the Metropoll.- · · · h' f f th N k D t ·t b P · "ff-· f f 't. speal{er at the m.ass graod'ua.tion of ·life, physicaL suffering a_rl_d d~crease l:c ,.le o } e~swee . e rol _ u~ . ~om. c rae - the consequent mate.rial costs. : ·, · reau · durmg tlie· G_eneral Motors m_l ee . 0_r on tan Housing Project job by 500 apprentices in the· Sari Fran~ · This is the first · 0 { a series · of .strike -and later as head of the bu- Napa., California Dinwiddie Construction Com- cisco Civic Auditorium July 19, letters that will be sent, to yqu· reau in Chicago. _ . .:.: JuJy 7, 1949 pany, the Mt. Zion Hospital His schedule while in the Bay which deal with -this· gravely· im ~· . Third man in the setup is J. Har- To the Comniittee: construction, and Swinerton Area included speeches before busi-- portant subject. You are urged to· old Slater who until recently was Many thanks for the· fine new & Walberg's Standard Oil of- ' Bness l:epres:ntatives and_ officials of read them before the meetings of top man on Capitol · Hill for contract--the back pay was lik'e fice building construction J. ob. I UJldJ~ g Trades Councils ~f San your local union and to. afford time Hearst's International News . Ser- getting money from home. Francisco, San Mateo, Mann and for their ft{ll discussinn. Additional vice. Before going to Newsweek The Committee that worked· _on After many prevw~s sesswns, Alameda counties. information respecting the furth- early in the 1940's· Humphreys held our new _agreetilent should be' con- the _negotlatmg committees repre- The public graduation of appren- erance o~ . this. pr_ogram will- be ith~ ·sa m ~ position for I.N.S. g-ratulated for a clamri, hard job, sentmg the UllJOn and the A. G. C. I tices vvho have spent from two to made available upon request. 1LABOR SMEAR well. done. met Wednesday at 11 a. m. until four' years of on-the-job training 1 6 -with kindest regards, I am • During his time on Newsweek . (Signed) The Gang a.t Basalt a. m. Thw·sday mornmg. The>y a;ld related classroom instruction Fraternally your~. :Pipe· and-Tailk Yard. went into ·session again on Thurs- ' wa~ t~ be the first of its kind s~ . E. MALONEY, Hump[.]teys was in charge of the - '* ::·.;~r- day .afternoon and did· not come to WM national news section which · con- .* .. Frai1cisco has witnessed since be- General President.
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