DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 11TH JANUARY, 2011 A MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE was held at the MANSION HOUSE, DONCASTER on TUESDAY, 11TH JANUARY, 2011 at 2.00 p.m. PRESENT: Chair – Councillor Eva Hughes Vice-Chair – Councillor Georgina Mullis Councillors Andrew Bosmans, Eddie Dobbs, Karen Hampson, Chris McGuinness, Susan Phillips, Jonathan Wood and Yvonne Woodcock. APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Susan Bolton and Mick Jameson. 211. DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PREJUDICIAL INTEREST, IF ANY In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Andrew Bosmans declared both a personal interest and that he had been lobbied on Planning Application No. 10/01860/3FUL, which was referred to as Application 1 in the Schedule of Applications, which is attached hereto at Appendix ‘A’, by virtue of being a Ward Member for the Balby area, but had given no opinion thereon. In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Andrew Bosmans declared a personal interest on Planning Applications 09/02048/OUTM and 10/02652/OUTM, which were referred to as Application 2 and Application 3 respectively in the Schedule of Applications, which is attached hereto at Appendix ‘A’, by virtue of being Chair of Friends of Doncaster Sheffield Airport (FODSA) and being a Member of the Robin Hood Airport Consultative Committee & Noise Monitoring Sub Committee (as Chair of FODSA), but had given no opinion thereon. In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Yvonne Woodcock declared a personal interest on Planning Applications 09/02048/OUTM and 10/02652/OUTM, which were referred to as Application 2 and Application 3 respectively in the Schedule of Applications, which is attached hereto at Appendix ‘A’, by virtue of being a Member of the Robin Hood Airport Committee Community Sub and a Member of the Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport Consultative Committee (ACC), but had given no opinion thereon. In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, Councillor Jonathan Wood declared a personal interest on Agenda Item 5. by virtue of being the Portfolio Holder for Business, Development, Planning, Regeneration, New Enterprise. 212. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14TH DECEMBER, 2010 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th December, 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 213. PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS RESOLVED that upon consideration of a Schedule of Planning and Other Applications received, together with the recommendations in respect thereof, the recommendations be approved in accordance with the Schedule hereto and marked Appendix ‘A’. 214. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990, SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS RESOLVED that prior to the issue of planning permission in respect of the following planning applications, which are included in the Schedule of Planning and Other Applications marked Appendix ‘A’ and attached hereto, the applicants be required to enter into an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, regulating the development:- 09/02048/OUTM Outline planning application for erection of 750 homes, roads, footpaths and cycle routes, carparking, landscape, open areas and play facilities on approx. 18.6ha of land (being resubmission of application 08/03481/OUTM, withdrawn on 10.02.09) Land Off Hurst Lane, Adjoining Airport, Hayfield Lane, Auckley, Doncaster 10/02652/OUTM Erection of business park comprising upto 60,700sqm of building for use classes, B1, B2 and B8. Doncaster Sheffield Airport Ltd, Doncaster Robin Hood Airport, First Avenue, Auckley. 215. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: CORE STRATEGY – PUBLICATION Members received a report advising them of the draft publication and the results of the consultation that had taken place over the summer and how it was proposed to address the issues arising. The report also sets out how it was proposed to respond to recent developments at both a national and local level. The issues were divided into key issues and other issues. Following adoption of the revised Doncaster Borough Strategy, the report also summarised how the Core Strategy objectives aligned to the Borough Strategy priorities. Members were informed that an LDF Project Board had been established, which provided a forum to consider any issues in detail. The next step in the production of the Core Strategy will include consideration by Full Council in February 2011, prior to the statutory stages of publication and submission to Government. A Government Inspector will then consider whether the strategy is fit for purpose and if so adoption is anticipated in early 2012. RESOLVED that: A. the proposed approach to resolving the key issues as set out in appendix 1 was endorsed; B. the proposed response to other issues as set out in appendix 2 was endorsed; C. the reformatted/ordered Core Strategy objectives as set out in appendix 3 were endorsed (to reflect and align with the update Borough Strategy); D. it was noted that once the Core Strategy reaches the formal publication and submission stages, it would carry some weight in the determination of planning applications (although it would not have development plan status until it was adopted); and; E. the risks, and responses to risks, outlined in the report were noted. 216. SITE VISITS The Committee was invited to look at a list of applications attached at Appendix 1 to the report and requested to determine whether Members wished to hold a visit in advance, should the application be presented for decision by the Committee. RESOLVED that on this occasion, the Planning Committee do not wish to visit the application sites suggested in the report in advance of it being presented to Committee for decision. 217. APPEAL DECISIONS RESOLVED that the following decisions of the Secretary of State and/or his Inspectors in respect of the under-mentioned Planning Appeals against the decisions of the Council, be noted. 09/01850/FUL Temporary siting of Appeal Dismissed agricultural mobile home at 09/12/2010 Rockley Farm, Rockley Lane, Owston, Doncaster 10/01499/RET Retrospective application for Appeal Allowed the retention of stable block 06/12/2010 (approx 12m x 5.8m) and the erection of hay/straw store (approx 12m x 5.8m) at Land Adjacent Homelea, Remple Lane, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster 218. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded from the remaining proceedings of the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, on the grounds that exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Schedule 12A is likely to be disclosed. 219. ENFORCEMENT CASES RECEIVED AND CLOSED FOR THE PERIOD 30TH NOVEMBER, 2010 TO 16TH DECEMBER, 2010 (Exclusion paragraph 6). The Committee considered a report which detailed all Planning Enforcement Complaints Cases and Section 215 Cases, received and closed during the above period. RESOLVED that the Enforcement Cases received and closed for the period 30th November, 2010 to 16th December, 2010, be noted. Appendix A 11th January, 2011 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND OTHER PERMISSIONS PLANNING COMMITTEE – 11th January, 2011 Application 1. Application 10/01860/3FUL Application 29th September 2010 Number: Expiry Date: Application Planning FULL (DMBC Reg3) Type: Proposal Provision of cycleway/footpath and access barriers to form Balby Description: Woodfield Cycleway (Phase 3) (being application under regulation 3 Town and Country Planning (General) Regulations 1992) At: Balby Woodfield Cycleway St Catherine's Railway Embankment From Aldcliffe Crescent And A6182 White Rose Way Balby For: DMBC Strategic Transport (Mr S King) Third Party 8 Parish: Loversall Parish Council Reps: Ward: Torne Valley Author of Report Mark Sewell MAIN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT Proposed by: Councillor Eddie Dobbs Seconded by: Councillor Yvonne Woodcock Decision: Planning Permission Granted subject to the additional Condition No. 4 as follows: Condition 4. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby granted full details of the proposed landscaping and ground treatments along that part of the site adjacent to the properties on Arden Gate shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. These details should include plans and specifications of layout, drainage, soils, grass seed mixes, turfing, tree and/or shrub planting together with proposals for maintenance and other horticultural operations necessary to implement the development and in particular of any area to be retained for indigenous ecological conservation purposes. REASON In order that the Council may be satisfied as to the details of the proposal STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR DECISION TO GRANT PERMISSION The Local Planning Authority has decided to grant planning permission:- 1. Having regard to the policies and proposals in the adopted Doncaster Unitary Development Plan set out below, and all relevant material planning considerations: ENV 3 – Development within Green Belt ENV 7 – Recreation and Leisure Developments ENV 41 – Sites of Regional / Local Importance for Nature Conservation T42 – Cycle Routes and Facilities 2. For the following reasons: Having taken into account all the planning considerations raised in the consultations and representations, against the policy background referred to above, it has been concluded that the proposed development is acceptable. In particular, the Local Planning Authority is of the view that its accordance with the relevant policies of the Doncaster Unitary Development Plan, taken together with
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