NIST Special Publication 1024 Technical Digest: Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements, 2004 Sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in cooperation with the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society and the Optical Society of America NIST Special Publication 1024 Technical Digest: Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements, 2002 Digest of a symposium sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in cooperation with the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optical Society and the Optical Society of America September 28-30, 2004 National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, Colorado 80305 Edited by P. A. Williams G. W. Day September 2004 U.S. Department of Commerce Donald L. Evans, Secretary Technology Administration Phillip J. Bond, Under Secretaryfor Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology Arden L. Bement, Jr., Director National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1024 Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 1024, pages (September 2004) CODEN: NSPUE2 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 2004 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: (202) 512-1 800 Fax: (202) 5 1 2-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 PREFACE »0C!« ' Welcome to SOFM 2004, the quarter-of-a-century mark for this meeting that has taken place every other year since 1980. Since that time, SOFM has provided this glimpse of what's going on in the area of measurements relating to optoelectronics. This year, we again see a broad range of topics including wavelength metrology, nonlinear measurements, OTDR improvements, fiber index characterization, fiber Bragg grating measurement techniques, and PMD. This year, we also see an unusually strong international participation with two thirds of the papers originating outside the U.S. We have also added some variety to the Symposium by organizing workshop on the "last mile" fiber solutions and related metrology. Please enjoy your visit, the technology, the mountains and the people. Happy reading, Paul Williams Gordon Day Boulder, Colorado September 2004 Except where attributed to NIST authors, the content of individual sections of this volume has not been reviewed or edited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST therefore accepts no responsibility for comments or recommendations therein. The mention of trade names in this volume by no means implies any endorsement or recommendation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. iii SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE BOCSS G.W. Day, NIST, General Chair P.A. Williams, NIST, Program Chair M. Artiglia, Pirelli A. Barlow, PerkinElmer T.J. Drapela, M5r S.C. Fleming, Sydney University D. Franzen, NIST N. Gisin, University of Geneva M. Hackert, U.S. Navy T.A. Hanson, Corning D. Humphreys, NPL J. Jackel, Telcordia J. Jones, Heriot-Watt University W. Reed, OFS K.B. Rochford, NIST G. W. Schinn, EXFO C. Shaar, Photon Kinetics K. Takada, Gunma University iv 51 CONTENTS PREFACE iii SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE iv The Era of Coherent Optical Frequency References (invited) L. Hollberg, C.W. Oates, S. Diddams, G. Wilpers, A. Bartels, C. Hoyt, Z. Barber, NIST 1 Generation of Standard Frequency References over the C and L Bands Using an Acetylene Cell and Four-Wave Mixing Enhanced by Raman Amplification A. Carrasco-Sanz, S. Martin-Lopez, M. Gonzalez- Herraez, P. Corredera, M.L. Hemanz, Instituto de Fisicia Aplicada (CSIC) 7 Infrared Frequency Comb for Frequency Metrology Based on a Tunable Repetition Rate Fiber Laser B. R. Washburn, S.A. Diddams, N.R. Newbury, NIST; J.W. Nicholson, K. Feder, P.S. Westbrook, OFS Laboratories; C.G. Jorgenson, OFS Fitel 1 Accuracy Limits for Simple Molecular Absorption Based Wavelength References W. C. Swann, S.L. Gilbert, NIST 1 Fast-Fourier-Transformation De-convolutions for a Fabry-Perot Filter Based OSA: Demonstration of 15.0 dB Increase of Optical-Rejection-Ratio at ±25.0 GHz from Peak K.-C. Zeng, Sunrise Telecom, Inc. 19 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering: An Overview of Measurements, System Impairments, and Applications (invited) A.B. Ruffm, Coming, Inc. 23 Coherence Effect on the Measurement of Optical Fiber Nonlinear Coefficient in Continuous-Wave Dual Frequency Method S.K. Kim, H.S. Moon, R.K. Kim, J.-C. Seo, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 29 ITU-T Round Robin Measurement for Nonlinear Coefficient {njlA^efj) of Various Single Mode Optical Fibers Y. Namihira, University of the Ryukyus 33 Broadband Continuous-Wave Source Based on Fiber Nonlinearity M. Gonzalez-Herraez, S. Martin-Lopez, P. Corredera, M.L. Hemanz, A. Carrasco, Instituto de ^^sicia Aplicada (CSIC) IBMBf Characterization of Photonic Crystal Stmctures (invited) J. O'Brien, J.-R. Cao, A. Stapleton, M.-H. Shih, W. Kuang, W.J. Kim, Z.-J. Wei, S.-J. Choi, P.D. Dapkus, University of Southern Califomia 41 Ultrasensitive Measurement Method for Refractive Index Difference between Two Wavelengths M. Legre, M. Wegmuller, N. Gisin, University of Geneva 47 Tomographic Reconstmction for Arbitrary Refractive Index Distribution of Optical Fibre Preforms Y.C. Zhao, S. Fleming, K. Lyytikainen, M.A. van Eijkelenborg, Australian Photonics CRC, Optical Fibre Technology Centre, University of Sydney 5 V Micro-Analytical Techniques for Imaging Erbium Doped Optical Fibers F. Sidiroglou', S.T. Huntington^ R. Stem", G. Baxter", A. Roberts', 'University of Melbourne; ^Victoria University; ^University of Western Australia 55 Measuring Electro-Optic Coefficients of Poled Polymers Using Fiber-Optic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Y.-P. Wang, J.-P. Chen, X.-W. Li, J.-X. Hong, X.-H. Zhang, J.-H. Zhou, A.-L. Ye, State Key Laboratory on Local Fiber-Optic Communication Networks and Advanced Optical Communication Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 59 Concepts and Techniques for Short Optical Pulse Characterization (invited) C. Dorrer, Bell Laboratories-Lucent Technologies 63 High Spatial Resolution PON Measurement Using an OTDR Enhanced with a Dead-Zone-Free Signal Analysis Method N. Araki, H. Izumita, Y. Koshikiya, M. Nakamura, NTT Corporation 69 A Bi-Directional Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Technique Optimised for Short LAN Fibers N.D. Channon, Megger Limited; A.G. Hallam, Halcyon Optical Services 73 An Improved Method for the Distributed Measurement of the Chromatic Dispersion of an Optical Fiber Using a Wavelength Tunable OTDR S.G. Murdoch, University of Auckland; D.A. Svendsen, Photon Kinetics (UK) 77 Inter-Comparison of Chromatic Dispersion Reference Fibre Measurements: Results of Euromet Project 666 J. Morel, Swiss Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation (METAS) 81 Generalized Interferometric Method for Accurate Match with DGD Measurements and Comparison against Standard References (invited) N. Cyr, EXFO Electrical Optical Engineering 85 Study of Variation of the Laplacian Parameter of DGD Time Derivative with Fiber Length Using Measured DGD Data P.K. Kondamuri, C. Allen, University of Kansas; D.L. Richards, Sprint Corporation 91 The Long-Term Distribution of Differential Group Delay in a Recirculating Loop H. Xu', B.S. Marks' ^ J. Zweck^ L. Yan', C.R. Menyuk', G.M. Carter'' 'Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County; "Laboratory for Physical Sciences; ^Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 95 Experience in Reflectometry and PMD Measurements for WAN in Costa Rica L.D. Marin-Naranjo, University of Costa Rica, Photonics and Laser Laboratory LAFTLA 99 Locating High PMD Sections of an Overhead Cable Using Polarization-OTDR A.B. Connibear', F.J. Visser", F. Audet\ R. Salmi\ A.W.R. Leitch', 'University of Port Elizabeth; ^Telkom S.A.; ^EXFO 103 Effects of Polarization-Mode Dispersion on Four-Wave Mixing Efficiency M. Gonzalez- Herraez, J. Pelayo, P. Corredera, M.L. Hemanz, J.A. Mendez, S. Martin-Lopez, A. Carrasco, Institute de Fisicia Aplicada (CSIC) 107 vi 1 Calibration of a Polarisation Rotator, to Launch Defined Polarisation States D. Ives, NPL 1 1 Extraction of Orthogonal Incident State of Polarization Spectra Using Mueller Matrix Approach E. Desfonds, K. Pimenov, MetroPhotonics; T.J. Hall, University of Ottawa 115 Detailed Polarization Properties Comparison for Three Completely Different Species of Highly Birefringent Fibers M. Wegmuller, M. Legre, N. Gisin, University of Geneva, K.P. Hansen, T.P. Hansen, C . Jakobsen, Crystal Fibre A/S 119 Determination of the Phase and Group Birefringence of Single-Mode Optical Fibers Based on the Twist M. Legre, M. Wegmuller, N. Gisin, University of Geneva 123 An Improved Lyot Fibre Depolariser M. Matar', I.M. Bassett', B. Gordon", J.H. Haywood', A. Michie', 'Australian Photonics CRC, Optical Fibre Technology Centre; "Cochlear, Ltd 127 Measurement Issues in Microwave Photonics (invited) J. Capmany, D. Pastor, B. Ortega, S. Sales, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 131 Applications of Metrology for Optical Coherence Tomography (invited) T.E. Milner, N.J. Kemp, C.G. Rylander, D.P. Dave, University of Texas at Austin 137 High-Power Nonlinearity of Optical Fiber Power Meters 1. Vayshenker', R. Swafford", S. Yang', 'NIST; ^OZ Optics 145 Characterization of a High Power and High Accuracy Integrating Sphere Radiometer for Fiber Applications P. Corredera, M.L. Hemanz, M. Gonzalez-Herraez, S. Martin-Lopez, A. Carrasco-Sanz, Instituto de Fisicia Aplicada (CSIC) 1 49 Insertion Loss Measurement of Low Loss Fiber Optic Splices L. Wesson, Aurora; P. Arrowsmith, R. Suurmann, Celestica; D. Gignac, Nortel
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