SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 SEWARD PENINSULA SUBSISTENCE REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL PUBLIC MEETING TELECONFERENCE October 28, 2020 9:00 a.m. Members Present: Tom Gray, Acting Chairman Deahl Katchatag Ronald Kirk Lloyd Kiyutelluk Leland Oyoumick Elmer Seetot Regional Council Coordinator - Karen Deatherage Recorded and transcribed by: Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-227-5312; [email protected] Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 2 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Teleconference - 10/28/2020) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay, well, the 8 first thing that we're going to do is an invocation so 9 let's take a minute to be with our Lord. 10 11 (Invocation) 12 13 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Very good, so I'll 14 call this meeting to order and let's get a roll call. 15 16 MS. DEATHERAGE: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 17 18 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Yep. 19 20 MS. DEATHERAGE: This is Karen 21 Deatherage with OSM. 22 23 Lloyd Kiyutelluk. 24 25 MR. KIYUTELLUK: Here. 26 27 MS. DEATHERAGE: Louis Green, Jr. 28 29 (No comments) 30 31 MS. DEATHERAGE: Tom Gray. 32 33 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Here. 34 35 MS. DEATHERAGE: Deahl Katchatag. 36 37 MR. KATCHATAG: Here. 38 39 MS. DEATHERAGE: Thank you, Deahl. 40 41 Leland Oyoumick. 42 43 MR. OYOUMICK: Present. 44 45 MS. DEATHERAGE: Elmer Seetot, Jr. 46 47 MR. SEETOT: Here. 48 49 MS. DEATHERAGE: Charles Saccheus. 50 Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 3 1 (No comments) 2 3 MS. DEATHERAGE: Ron Kirk. 4 5 (No comments) 6 7 MS. DEATHERAGE: Ron Kirk, you on 8 board. 9 10 Thank you, Mr. Chair. With the number 11 of Council members participating, the Council has 12 established a quorum. 13 14 Thank you. 15 16 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Very good, okay. 17 We're going to go around the room or the telephone and 18 get everybody else to chime in and I understand it's 19 going to be kind of a pain in the butt doing it because 20 we can't look and see each other. The other thing that 21 I want to throw out is Louis called me earlier and he's 22 got a problem with his shoulder, he was going to the 23 hospital and hopefully he can get on line and take over 24 the meeting. Later on today he did say he had a water 25 heater problem that is leaking water all over his house 26 so anyway he's got a bunch of problems this morning and 27 that's why he's not here. 28 29 So let's have everybody that isn't on 30 the Board chime in and let us know who they are. 31 32 MS. KOELSCH: Hi, this is Janette 33 Koelsch with National Park Service. 34 35 MR. LEAN: Charlie Lean with..... 36 37 MR. GUSSE: Good morning, Walker Gusse 38 with the Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage Field 39 Office. 40 41 MS. HYER: Good morning. This is Karen 42 Hyer with OSM. 43 44 MS. VOORHEES: Good morning. This is 45 Hannah Voorhees with OSM. 46 47 MR. SPARKS: Morning, Tom Sparks, BLM. 48 49 MR. PELTOLA: Eugene Peltola, OSM. 50 Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 4 1 MR. ADKISSON: Ken Adkisson, National 2 Park Service. 3 4 MS. HUGHES: Letty Hughes, National 5 Park Service based here in Nome. 6 7 MS. BRAEM: Good morning. This is 8 Nikki Braem at Bering LandBridge National Preserve here 9 in Nome. 10 11 MR. UBLACKER: Good morning. Brian 12 Ublacker, Bureau of Land Management. 13 14 MR. MCKEE: Good morning. Chris McKee, 15 Bureau of Land Management. 16 17 MS. PETRIVELLI: Good morning. This is 18 Pat Petrivelli, Bureau of Indian Affairs. 19 20 MR. LIND: (In Native) Good morning. 21 This is Orville Lind, Native Liaison for the Office of 22 Subsistence Management. 23 24 MS. ATKINSON: Hi. This is Hannah 25 Atkinson with the National Park Service in Kotzebue. 26 27 REPORTER: Okay, so, sorry, this is 28 Tina, the court reporter. I didn't get your -- the 29 last person that just called in from Kotz, could you 30 repeat your name please. 31 32 MS. ATKINSON: Hi, this is Hannah 33 Atkinson. 34 35 REPORTER: Thank you, Hannah. 36 37 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay. Sounds like 38 -- is there anybody else before we move on. 39 40 (No comments) 41 42 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Sounds like we got 43 a telephone full of people and hopefully we have a good 44 meeting today. It's going to be a pain in the butt 45 trying to do this over the telephone, teleconference, 46 so be patient and be courteous about talking. I heard 47 Charlie try to chime in and he got stepped on and 48 didn't chime back in. But Charlie's also on the phone, 49 Charlie Lean. So anyway we'll get through this meeting 50 Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 5 1 and hopefully we have a good meeting. 2 3 So next thing is review the agenda. On 4 the agenda we have: 5 6 Approval of minutes. 7 8 Reports -- Council member reports. 9 10 Chair's report. 11 12 Service awards. 13 14 Public and tribal comments, non-agenda 15 items. 16 17 Under old business we have: 18 19 I'm trying to -- it's a report, .805(c) 20 report. 21 22 Norton Sound Crab -- king crab issue. 23 24 Under new business we have: 25 26 Fishery closures. 27 28 Regional closure reviews. 29 30 Let's see..... 31 32 (Teleconference interference - 33 participants not muted) 34 35 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Pardon. 36 37 (No comments) 38 39 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Then it looks like 40 we have a bunch of proposals to address. 41 42 Agency reports. 43 44 Tribal government. 45 46 The Park. 47 48 BLM. 49 50 Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 6 1 Fish and Game. 2 3 OSM. 4 5 Future meeting dates. 6 7 Closing comments. 8 9 Is there anything else that needs to 10 get on the agenda, you guys from the public, did you 11 hear where your participation is in the meeting, if you 12 don't have a slot speak up so we can make a slot for 13 you. 14 15 (No comments) 16 17 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay. For the 18 Board, is there anything else we need to put on the 19 agenda. 20 21 MS. DEATHERAGE: Mr. Chair. 22 23 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay, Karen, did 24 you have something. 25 26 MS. DEATHERAGE: Mr. Chair, thank you 27 very much. This is Karen Deatherage. A couple items. 28 After the meeting minutes are approved by the Council, 29 the Council needs to -- the Chair needs to invite a 30 motion to accept the current slate of officers until 31 the formal elections are scheduled, for this winter, 32 are held because the Council did not elect officers at 33 the last Council meeting. 34 35 Also there are some issues that will be 36 removed from the agenda this morning. If you'd like me 37 to just -- the service awards, we don't have any 38 service awards currently so we won't be having that on 39 the agenda. 40 41 And then Federal Fisheries Closure 21- 42 06 is being removed and our anthropologist Hannah 43 Voorhees will explain why that fisheries closure review 44 is no longer on the agenda. 45 46 Thank you, Mr. Chair. 47 48 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay. Back to the 49 Board, is there any other additions, deletions. 50 Computer Matrix, LLC Phone: 907-243-0668 135 Christensen Dr., Ste. 2., Anch. AK 99501 Fax: 907-243-1473 SEWARD PENINSULA RAC MEETING 10/28/2020 SEWARD PENINSULA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE RAC MEETING 1 Page 7 1 (No comments) 2 3 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: If not, I need a 4 motion to adopt the agenda. 5 6 MR. KIYUTELLUK: This is Lloyd, I make 7 a motion. 8 9 MR. SEETOT: Elmer, Brevig Mission, I 10 second the motion. 11 12 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Okay. Any 13 discussion on the motion. 14 15 (No comments) 16 17 MR. SEETOT: Call for question, Brevig 18 Mission. 19 20 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: All those in favor 21 say aye. 22 23 IN UNISON: Aye. 24 25 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: All opposed, same 26 sign. 27 28 (No opposing votes) 29 30 ACTING CHAIR GRAY: Motion's carried, 31 so we do have an agenda.
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