VOLUME 5, NO.4, JUNE 1975 AssociationII~"'S leadership to the Council. Many other people The Wheels Grind worked to sign up members and as scrutineers U OF 0 Seeks during the vote. In fact, CUASA has managed Exceeding Slow! to deny the "iron law of oliqarchv?.. the Certification Jill Vickers question remains, however, can we continue to involve the membership in future years. On May 14th, the executive committee of It has been an interesting and rewarding the Board of governors of the University of It is now more than a month since the Labour year from my vantage point. I have been Ottawa notified the Association of Profes- Relations Board heard the arguments con- privileged to serve the Association as its presi- sors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) of cerning the inclusion or exclusion of Depart- dent during this exciting period. It has been a their refusal to accord voluntary recognition mental Chairmen from the bargaining unit privilege and a pleasure to work with so many to the Association, which had earlier voted to and we have still not been favoured with of my colleagues who have proved to my seek recognition as bargaining agent for the their decision on this matter. (We hope to satisfaction at least that CUASA is alive and faculty. The necessary constitutional changes have news before this issue goes to press.) well. I look forward to continuing to serve were approved at a general meeting on April The fact that this issue remains in doubt has the Association under its new President and 24th. A membership drive is now in progress; meant that CUASA has not yet received its Council. 360, or about 37% of the faculty, had signed certificate and cannot commence the formal up by last week, in preparation for an applica- bargaining process. tion for certification to the Ontario Labour While this delay has tried our patience, it Relations Board. Some members of the clin- has undoubtedly been a blessing in disguise Salary Increase Letters ical teaching staff of the Faculty of Medicine since it has given our Council and the Draft- are seeking a separate union. The outgoing ing Committees it established (See Council Will Be Delayed president of APUO is Ralph Tross of the De- Report, April 28th) considerably more time partment of Mathematics; incoming presi- to develop their ideas concerning various J.M, Vickers, President, CUASA dent is Georges Sarrazin of Psychology. aspects of the first collective agreement. G.R, Love, Vice-President Academic Council has also authorized the drafting of a questionnaire (to be received shortly by all The usual practice at Carleton of announcing Contract-Drafting members) to ensure in-put from the member- new salary levels to faculty members some ship on the various matters to be included in time prior to July 1st will not be followed this Chairmen the draft collective agreement. I hope that as year. Announcement of the new salary levels many of you as possible will respond to this for the 1975-76 academic year will await the The chairmen of the committees to draft request for assistance. I would also note that formal ratification of the collective agree- contract proposals are as follows: the Drafting Committees urgently need your ment to be negotiated between CUASA and Committee on CUASA-Board Relationships: assistance. The Chairman of each Committee the Board of Governors. This does not, how- A. BrOOk, Philosophy, 3868 and a number at which he can be contacted ever, preclude the negotiation of an interim during the next month appears elsewhere in salary adjustment at an earlier point in time Committee on Rights and Responsibilities this issue. Please make whatever contribution to ease cash-flow problems. The CUASA in- (including existing documents): you can to this phase of our venture. terim negotiating team made a proposal for J.F. Campbell, Psychology. SPC, 2666 It is now clear to all of us who have been such an interim adjustment in May and, while Committee on Terms and Conditions of Em- closely involved in the certification drive that the administration's spokesmen declined to ployment: by adopting this course we must now collect- discuss the proposal prior to the opening of G. Neuspiel, Law, 3618 ively accept the responsibility for our fate. formal negotiations, Dr. Ross Love, Vice-Presi- Committee on Salaries and Benefits: The new context within which CUASA must dent Academic, indicated that the University D.w. Sida, Mathematics, 6752. work demands a new level of sophistication would be willing to discuss the matter at an in our organization. Ample evidence of this early point in the context of formal negotia- fact is already before us: our office staff has tions. Membership Open been increased and our Council members are now expecting to work throughout the sum- Faculty who are not yet members of CUASA mer. are invited to join at any time. Phone or Clearly, there is a danger of increasing New Face In The Office write the CUASA Office, 424 Physics (10-12 bureaucratization unless CUASA can retain noon; 1-3 p.rn.) and the necessary forms will its character as a grass-roots movement - the The CUASA Office, Room 424, Herzberg be sent to you. It should be noted that former character it has displayed during this past Laboratories for Physics, is now staffed by members of CUASA who have not signed ap- year. It is for this reason that the current two half-time people. Barbara Smith started plication forms and authorization forms since election of a new Council is so critical. This work on May 22nd. February 14th, are no longer members. election comes at a bad time of the year; but The office hours this summer are: 10 to 12 given the circumstances this was unavoidable. noon, and 1 to 3 p.m. - Monday through Friday. It is essential, however, that the Representa- tive Council of CUASA, which retains full Council Nominees legislative authority in all areas of the Asso- ciation's business except for the ratification of Needed! collective agreements, is peopled by mem- There are still vacancies to be filled in the bers who are prepared to devote considerable nominations for the 1975-76 CUASA Council, time and effort to the job. particularly in Divisions I and II, which are The Council I have had the pleasure of allowed 11 and 8 representatives respectively. chairing this year has demonstrated clearly Deadline for nominations is Friday, June 13th, that the domination of Associations such as at 4 p.m. They should be sent or brought to CUASA by a small clique need not be the the CUASA Office, 424 Physics. The office rule. During the past eight months close to a will be open every day from 10 to noon and hundred members have been actively involved 1 to 3 p.rn. in the Association's affairs. Most of the Coun- Pending the decision of the Ontario Labour cil members have been devoted to their duties Relations Board on the status of depart- and only once (out of almost two dozen Coun- mental chairmen, they are encouraged to run cil meetings) was it necessary to scurry about for Council. In case of their exclusion, they to achieve a quorum. The members of the would then have to be disqualified. Steering Committee have endured, on average, "They tlTeconsf4erirtw ow offer. Now they are ALI a meeting a week and have provided superb 1,,,,china and I_pi,.. and s/appi"C each other 0" the back." Elections For 1975-76 dent-Elect (A. Brook 117; J.F. Campbell 74; Annual General 2 spoiled ballots). Two of the three stages prescribed by the Meeting Professor Langford presented the Treasur- Constitution for the election of the 1975-76 er's Report and Budget for 1975-76. In the face CUASA Council and Steering Committee have The Annual General Meeting was held Wed- of the increased demands presented by certi- been completed. nesday, April 30. in Physics 356. After adop- fication, the general meeting approved an in- tion of the minutes, Professor Vickers re- crease in the fee structure from 3.25 to 5.00 Brook President-Elect ported on the year's activities, including the mils based on 1974-75 average salary levels. The resulting monthly FEEs are: Andrew Brook of the Department of Phil- hearing on the inclusion of chairmen in the bargaining unit, interim negotiations with the Professor $11.26 osophy became the 1975-76 Presi.dent-elect administration, the establishment of contract Associate Professor 8.49 of CUASA as the result of a mail ballot held Assistant Professor 6.84 in the week preceding April 29th. He defeated drafting committees, and other activities such as watching briefs and observation on univer- Lecturers, Librarians 5.68 James F. Campbell of the psychology depart- sity committees. It was noted that certifica- Other Instructors 4.00 ment at St. Patrick's College by a vote of 119-74. Professor Brook. a graduate of Alberta tion is under active consideration at Ottawa, A balance sheet at March 31st. is presented. Windsor and York Universities. Professor and Oxford. has been at Carleton for five and Reading of this sheet must be tempered by Wand for the Nominations and Elections a half years. and served on the 1974-75 Coun- recognition of the fact that legal fees for cert- Committee reported on plans for Council cil and Steering Committee. ification have not yet been billed and will be elections and results of the balloting for Presi- very substantial. Officers Elected CUASA's non-presidential officers are elect- ed by the Council.
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