GENERAL rnmx OF VOLUBIES XXI-XXX OF TIXE THIRD SERIES. hTo~~.-Tlll~uanies of Minerals are i~isertedunder the he?d of MINERALS.811 Obitu~ry uotices are referred to orrly under OnrmAm. Under the heais Bmam GEOL~GTZOOL&+Y the refereuces to the topics in these departments are grou ed together:'in yeueral: however, the same retkrences appear elsewhere, st least under the aut&or3snmue. EF 111 Lhe referelices to volumes xxi lo xxix, Unly the nulrlernlh i to ix are here given. A Acid, nitrous, determination of, vi. 143. Abbott. Cf. (C., human tooth from gravcls. in evaporation of water, ii, 146. near Trenton. vii. 498. orgat~ic,in examination of minerals. Primitive Industry, ii, 32G, 401. v, 4711. Abbott. 13. L., Report on Uiues for L)e- pe'ltathi0nic, ii. 73. fense of Harbors, iii, 498: iv, 236. perchloric, iv, 391. Abney, pl~otographsof solar corona. v, ""cilarinic, 139. 130. sr~lphocyannric.xxx, 481. Absorption, atlnospheric. I,c~ngley. viii, sul~huric,freezing point of, iii. 236. 163, 242. mannfacture of, i. 75. 144. by carbon dioxide. Keele7.. viii. 190. tartaric, synthesis of a glt~cosideof. cell, new form of. ~octwicl;~SXX. vii, 483. 452. 1 tartrionic, xxx. i6. of dark heat rays, i: 238. tropic, synthesis of, i, 139, 400. spectra of colorless liquids, i, 500. uric, of, v. 229. Academy, California. T<ul\etin of, vii. Aconstic cnrves. optical projection of. 413; xxx, 319. Stevens, ix. 234. Conuecticut, Transactiolls of, iv, Actinic balance, Ln?yZey, i, 18i. See 159, A77 : xxx, 247. I Bolometer. ~~~~~~~~t,Proceedings ", 87. 1 Aerolites. see Neteorites. National, medals of, v. 482 : vjii, 77. , AEnity. chen~icnl. Lnnqlcy, viii. 360, Lieeting of, v. 100. 137. 1Iemoirs of, ix. 267. ' Africa. geology of Sonth, viii, 468. papers before, i, 84, 509: iii. 79: iv, ! &~%w'z, d.,Chun's Utenophorz. i. 81. 482 ; vi, 489; vii, 41 7 : viii. 406 ; xxx, Hzckel's hledusre, ii, 160. 490. Cretaceous and recent Echinid New York, Annals of, ix, 76. ' faun=. iii, 10. Philadelphia, Proceedings of, i. 81. obitmu-y of C. I'i'yriile Thompson, St Louis. Transactions of, iv, 319. iii, 498. Wisconsin. ~ran&a~ti~nsof: v. 233. hallenger Echiuoidea, iii, 75. Acetol. from sugar. vi. 66. Young Stages of Osseous Fishes, Acetosims, v, 228. iv, 401. Acid, aconitic. from ~orghr~m.iii, 488. Selectiousfrom Enlbryological Man- azaurolic, iv, 466. I ograplis, v, 239, vii. 417, carbonic; See Cwbon diozide. I Tortugas and Florida reefs! vi, 408, catechol-orthocarboxylic. v. 147. Echini of the Hake Expedition, i. chlor-liyponitric, i, 234. 338; ii3 4I:j: vii, 157. hyponitrous, iv, 143 ; vii, 141. Snrface Fauna of Gulf Stream. v~i. mandelic and paraotandelic. vi. 404. 417. ntonohydrated sulphl~ric,ix. 165. ' Agassiz, Idonis, his Life and Corres- rnucobromic, vi, 142. ,pondence. xxx, 406. new, in beet root, vi, 240. Air: boiling point of, viii. 150. nitric, ignition by. i. 398. electrical potential of the. ix. 403. production of hydroxylamine organisms in, at high altitudes, xi, from. vii. 234. 1 73, 498 GEKERAL IXDEX. [(2 Air. rarefied, as a conductor: v. 231. Arizona, pre-Carboniferous of, Walcott, results of analysis of, i, 83. 1 vi. 437, 484. ' vari:~tiousin amount of oxygen in. 1 Armsby, II. P., digestion experiments, ii. 41 7. 429. is. 355; xxx. 85. Air-thermometer, ,Ilic?telson, iv. 92. Arsenic, separation of. ix. 166. for chemical purposes, iii, 143. spectrum of, Huntington. ii, 214. Alabama, crystalline rocks of, xxx. 278. Arseuides, formation of. by pressure, v, geological reports. ii, 80 ; v. 3 11. , 381. Old Tertiary of, Afeyer. ix, 457, xxx. 1 Arsenobenzene, ii. 'i 1. 60. 421 : Hilgard. ib., 266 ; Smith. ib., Artesian wells in New Haven Trias, v, 270 : Aldrich, ib., 300. 1 '386. phosphatic deposirs ill Cretaceons in New Jersey. Cook, xxx, 161. of. vii. 492. at Cleveland, 0.. xxx. 31 6. Alaska, glacier phenomena of. viii. 74. Avwuni, groddeckite. vii, 74. notes on. Dall. i, 104. iv, 67. Ash of epiphytes, iv. 299. Aldrich. T. H.. Tertiary of Alabama. xxx. Bsl2mmer. C. A,: Anthracite survey of 300. I Pennsylvania, ii. 152. Algebra, Peirce, iii. 336. ~enn~ylvaniaGeological Reports. Alizarin-blue. soluble, iv, 468. i, 155, 341, 409; ii, 152 ; v, 387: Alizarin-orange, preparation of, iii, 486. vii. 40i ; viii, 234 ; xxx. 160. Alkali lands. reclamation of, i, 107. Atlas of Paniher Creek Basin, v: Alkillinetry, new iudications for. xxx. 75. 387 : vii. 407. Alkaloids, natural mydriatic, i, 400. Sssimilation, color and, v, 312. Allantoin in vevetables, iii. 147. Association, American, meetillas of, ii, Allen, G.. Colo& of Flowers. v. 236. : 86: iii, 495 ; iv, 157 : vi, 169, 248 : vii, Allen. 0. D., deep-sea magnesian lime- 497: viii. 78: xxx. 87. 168. stone, vi, 245. papers befdre, ii,' 240; iv, 303 : vi, Allen. T. F., Cliaracez dmericanre, iv, 72. 3'25 ; viii, 303, 307 : xxx. 315, 322. Allutropic states. density aud chemism British, at Aberdeen, xxx, 405. of elements in different, vi. 31 7. at hlontreal, vii. 496; viii. 300. Alloys, formation of, by pressure. iii. 485. 1,ubbock's address, ii. 268, 343. Alps. see GEOLOGYand Glacier. Southampton meeting, iv. 3 10. Altitude, see IIeiqht. Southport, vi. 332, 412. Altitudes, Dict. of. Gannett,ix. 424. Asteroids, see Planets. Aiuminurn, atomic weight of. i. 321. Astronomical Bibiiography, i, 415: iv, Amalgams. tliermo-electric relations of. 76. ix, 60. conference) international, is, 79. Bmerican Journal of Science and Arts. observations at I)unsink, is. 78. in 1818. vi, 79. papers of American Ephemeris. v. American Philosopliicai Soc., xxx. 86. 317. Ammonia. direct synthesis of, i, 498. Society. Jfemoirs of. i, 335. Aninionium. tribromide, iii, 145. Astronornische Nacbrichten, iii. 160. An&relc;s, E.. glacial markings of un- Atmosphere, buoyancy of, L'oote, vi. 3R. nsual forms, vi. 99. See Air. Animals, see ZOOLOGY. Atomic theory. vi, 63. 310. 478. Annals of hlathematics, vii. SO. weight of platinum, ix, 253. Anthemene, a hydrocarbon of chamo- weights.- new determiuation of. vii mile, vii. 149. 482. Anthony, W. A. JElementary Physics, ix. relations among the, vi, 236 : vii. 61. 485. Antfiracene. new synthesis of, vi. 66. Atropiue, i, 400. Anthracite. see GEOLOGY. Aurora borealis, annual chang.e of, xxx, Antimony, alomic weight of, vii. 55. 240. ~ntiiues.fraudulent. Putnarn, vii. 498. of Sept. 12-13, 188 1, Schrebevle, ii. Antlitz der Erde. Suess, vii, 151 ; ix, 41 8. 341. Arabinose, identical with lactose. i; 236. Australia, supposed subterranean drain- Arizona. Deer Creek coal field; Walcutt, age of, iv. 295. ix, 338 Ank, the. vii. 159 : ix, 76. Minerals from : jarosite, i, IGO ; vanadates. etc.. ii. 198. 410, v~ii.145 : dioptase iii. 325: turquois, v, 197. 31 VOLUMES xxI-xxx. 499 B Barrois, C., the Paleozoic of Spain. vii. Hockhouse, T. N, physiological optics. ! 491. vi, 305. 496. , Baru.s. C.. kaoliuization, xxx, 163. Bailey. L. 14.. Talks afield about Plants. i Bases, motllal displacement of. v. 380. sxx. 16'7. new organic, ii, 2 19. Bailey. L. W..Geology of Southern Sew Batteries, galvauic, see Electrical. Brunswick, i. 506. Bauermann, I]., hIineralogy. i, 506: viii, Bailey, W. W.. Botanical collector'^: 318. Handbook. ii. 326: iii, 246, Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. Baillon. If., Monographic des Compo- v. 159. skes, iii. 497. Beal. J. W, cross-breeding of Indian &ines, A. C.. deflection of streams by ter- corn, iv. 452. restrial rotation. viii. 431. Beam. W.. rocks of Tellowstone Park, Baird. S. F.. Reports of Fish Commission. v. 106. 352. i. 85 : iv. 320. Bean. T. H.. fishes of tile New ISnrland- Bulletin of Fish Commission, v, 240. coast, ii, 295. Report of Secretary of Smithsonian Beccari. 0.. blalcsia, vii, 241 : xxx. 487. Institution, xxx, 167. Becker. G. F. temperature and glacia- Baldwin. If.. Orchids of N. England, viii. tion. vi. 167. .> h LJI. Geology of Comstock Lode, vi, 414, Ball. J., Flora of North Patagonia, viii, 479. 157. mflnonce of convection on gldcia- Ball. V.. Geology of India. iv, 151. tion, vii. 473. Report on Museums of Bmerica mineral belts of the Pacific slope. and Canada, xxx, 168. viii. 209. Xallard. R., the Pvrauiid Problem. v. 482. theorv of faultin~criticized.viii.R48. sulphate, reaction of under pressure. ' vo1canic cones, Xxx. 283. xxx, 481. , stratigraphy of California. sxx. 399. Barker. G. El. chemical abstracts, i, 66. Constants of Xat~lre,is 510. 136. 232. 321, 396, 498: ii, 71, 145. Precious hIetal Deposits, xxx, 487. 217 ; lii, 143, 234, 409. 482: iv, 56, ~ecquw'r~,LI., magnetic rotatory polar- 141, 225, 387. 464: v. 74, 146, 226, ization of gases, 133. 305, 379 : ~i,66, 236, 316. 401 : vii, 53, magnetic properties of niclieliferous 140 233. 315, 103. 482: riii, 146. 452: 1 iro" iii 229. is. 163, 251, 331, 399: xxx, 73, 15.7. infra-red en~ission-spectraof rnetal- 380. 481. I lic vapors. viii. 45i. lnteraation;il C011gre.s of eleetri- wave-le~gthsin the infra-red of the ciar:s, ii, 395, solar spectn~m,vii~, 459. obituary of H~~~~ D~~~~~,v, 99, Beebe's Fol~r-PlaceTables, iii, 162. variability of the law of d6fiuite , Beecher. 6: R;abnormal forms of fresh- proportion^. vi. 63. water shells, ix, 26i. British Association, viii, 300. hvonian Ceratiocarid~,is. 69. *4maricnn Association, viii. 303. Behr. M. H.. Genera of T'ascular Plants Electrical exhibition at Philadelphia. ( near San Flar~cisco,viii, 156. viii, 386. , Behreus, J. V.. The Xicroscope in Bot- Draper's experiments. ix, 269. , :"TI xxx, 248, 319. Barnard. E. E.. transit of Venus, v. 430. i BehriW Strait. notes on, DaX i, 1114. Barometer. areas of low. Loomis. xxx, I. Bell, A.
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