Neighbourhood On Show 24 February 2019 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 46 Abbotsford R5 200 000 Pam Golding Properties 21 Atholl R9 500 000 Russell Fisher Properties 32 Atholl R7 990 000 Jawitz Properties 32 Atholl R7 985 000 Jawitz Properties 32 Atholl R5 600 000 Jawitz Properties 32 Atholl R5 900 000 Jawitz Properties 41 Atholl R5 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 57 Atholl R8 900 000 Seeff Properties 76 Atholl R10 500 000 Vered Estates 76 Atholl R13 500 000 Vered Estates 76 Atholl R4 000 000 Vered Estates 96 Atholl R3 750 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 75 Auckland Park R3 300 000 RE/MAX International Property Group 37 Bedford Park R3 000 000 Jawitz Properties 36 Bedfordview R4 600 000 Jawitz Properties 100 Bedfordview R4 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 100 Bedfordview R2 550 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 100 Bedfordview R7 200 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 58 Benmore R6 800 000 Seeff Properties 29 Benmore Gardens R4 990 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 29 Benmore Gardens R4 200 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 58 Benmore Gardens R13 999 000 Seeff Properties 38 Beverley R2 150 000 O-Yes Properties 54 Beverley R3 150 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 54 Beverley R2 200 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 60 Beverley R3 950 000 Seeff Properties 102 Beverley R4 499 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 82 Birdhaven R1 950 000 Vered Estates 89 Blairgowrie R2 350 000 Firzt Realty Company 56 Boskruin R2 380 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 78 Boskruin R4 800 000 Vered Estates 78 Boskruin R1 990 000 Vered Estates 100 Bramley R1 980 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 68 Broadacres R3 790 000 Tyson Properties 102 Broadacres R1 950 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 28 Bryanston R30 000 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 28 Bryanston R6 825 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 28 Bryanston R5 990 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 28 Bryanston R6 700 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 28 Bryanston R4 400 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 29 Bryanston R9 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 30 Bryanston R7 999 000 Huizemark Holdings 30 Bryanston R2 550 000 Huizemark Holdings 36 Bryanston R2 399 000 Jawitz Properties 38 Bryanston R1 240 000 O-Yes Properties 38 Bryanston R2 599 000 O-Yes Properties 43 Bryanston R4 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Bryanston R6 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Bryanston R5 995 000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Bryanston R4 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Bryanston R3 799 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston R2 750 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston R1 250 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston R2 000 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston R999 000 Pam Golding Properties 54 Bryanston R950 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 58 Bryanston R1 700 000 Seeff Properties 62 Bryanston R8 250 000 Homes of Distinction 62 Bryanston R6 700 000 Homes of Distinction 62 Bryanston R4 990 000 Homes of Distinction 62 Bryanston R2 990 000 Homes of Distinction 62 Bryanston R1 390 000 Homes of Distinction 74 Bryanston R4 750 000 Tyson Properties 74 Bryanston R4 500 000 Tyson Properties 74 Bryanston R3 750 000 Tyson Properties 75 Bryanston R5 250 000 RE/MAX International Property Group 81 Bryanston R1 800 000 Vered Estates 81 Bryanston R2 800 000 Vered Estates 85 Bryanston R1 999 000 Fine and Country International 86 Bryanston R8 900 000 Fine and Country International 89 Bryanston R5 999 000 Firzt Realty Company 89 Bryanston R5 299 000 Firzt Realty Company 89 Bryanston R3 300 000 Firzt Realty Company 90 Bryanston R2 450 000 Dogon Group Properties 98 Bryanston R7 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 99 Bryanston R8 500 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 99 Bryanston R9 700 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 99 Bryanston R1 200 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 99 Bryanston R630 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 44 Bryanston East R5 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston East R4 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston East R3 750 000 Pam Golding Properties 44 Bryanston East R3 250 000 Pam Golding Properties 63 Bryanston East R5 990 000 Homes of Distinction 87 Bryanston East R5 899 000 Fine and Country International 62 Bryanston Ext 3 R3 000 000 Homes of Distinction 68 Cedar Lakes R3 600 000 Tyson Properties 51 Cheltondale R1 250 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 51 Constantia Kloof R1 850 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 69 Craigavon R1 795 000 Tyson Properties 101 Craigavon R2 250 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 102 Craigavon R1 749 900 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 34 Craighall R3 750 000 Jawitz Properties 38 Craighall R1 600 000 O-Yes Properties 41 Craighall R1 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 45 Craighall R4 700 000 Pam Golding Properties 63 Craighall R4 490 000 Homes of Distinction 73 Craighall R2 999 000 Tyson Properties 73 Craighall R1 599 000 Tyson Properties 94 Craighall R5 900 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 95 Craighall R6 700 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 95 Craighall R7 900 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 26 Craighall Park R4 500 000 Kings Estates 26 Craighall Park R4 850 000 Kings Estates 26 Craighall Park R2 999 999 Kings Estates 34 Craighall Park R6 895 000 Jawitz Properties 45 Craighall Park R5 400 000 Pam Golding Properties 73 Craighall Park R5 850 000 Tyson Properties 94 Craighall Park R1 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 36 Cyrildene R2 095 000 Jawitz Properties 51 Cyrildene R2 499 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 60 Dainfern R5 500 000 Seeff Properties 49 Dainfern Golf Estate R7 895 000 Pam Golding Properties 49 Dainfern Golf Estate R6 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 49 Dainfern Golf Estate R5 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 49 Dainfern Golf Estate R4 595 000 Pam Golding Properties 49 Dainfern Golf Estate R4 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 101 Dainfern Golf Estate R4 800 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 101 Dainfern Golf Estate R7 900 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 49 Dainfern Valley R5 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 75 Darrenwood R1 450 000 RE/MAX International Property Group 30 Douglasdale R3 595 000 Huizemark Holdings 63 Douglasdale R4 290 000 Homes of Distinction 63 Douglasdale R3 799 000 Homes of Distinction 69 Douglasdale R2 850 000 Tyson Properties 69 Douglasdale R1 250 000 Tyson Properties 53 Dunkeld West R2 785 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 90 Dunkeld West R4 300 000 Dogon Group Properties 55 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R9 275 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 55 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R6 950 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 55 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R5 995 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 55 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R5 985 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 55 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R3 485 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 58 Edenburg R5 000 000 Seeff Properties 76 Elton Hill R4 500 000 Vered Estates 38 Emmarentia R4 400 000 O-Yes Properties 59 Erand Gardens R1 250 000 Seeff Properties 56 Fairland R4 100 000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 75 Fairland R2 195 000 RE/MAX International Property Group 59 Fairmount R3 399 000 Seeff Properties 46 Fellside R1 850 000 Pam Golding Properties 95 Fellside R2 150 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 102 Fernbrook Estate R3 999 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 78 Ferndale R860 000 Vered Estates 60 Fernridge Estate R3 550 000 Seeff Properties 92 Forest Town R6 200 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 60 Fourways R2 700 000 Seeff Properties 60 Fourways R2 250 000 Seeff Properties 81 Fourways R2 699 000 Vered Estates 101 Fourways R2 295 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 101 Fourways R3 999 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 60 Fourways Gardens R5 999 000 Seeff Properties 101 Fourways Gardens Estate R5 495 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 21 Gallo Manor R4 199 000 Russell Fisher Properties 21 Gallo Manor R2 899 000 Russell Fisher Properties 42 Gallo Manor R3 200 000 Pam Golding Properties 51 Gallo Manor R2 500 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 83 Gallo Manor R2 900 000 Vered Estates 37 Glenhazel R4 499 000 Jawitz Properties 37 Glenhazel R3 499 000 Jawitz Properties 37 Glenhazel R1 999 000 Jawitz Properties 37 Glenhazel R1 699 000 Jawitz Properties 37 Glenhazel R1 699 000 Jawitz Properties 33 Greenside R4 500 000 Jawitz Properties 78 Greenside R1 200 000 Vered Estates 49 Helderfontein Estate R5 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 67 Houghton POA The Houghton 33 Houghton R5 900 000 Jawitz Properties 32 Houghton Estate R10 950 000 Jawitz Properties 77 Houghton Estate R9 600 000 Vered Estates 82 Houghton Estate Offers Vered Estates 82 Houghton Estate POA Vered Estates 95 Houghton Estate R7 500 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 27 Hurlingham R18 950 000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 73 Hurlingham R3 950 000 Tyson Properties 88 Hurlingham R7 000 000 Firzt Realty Company 96 Hurlingham Manor R3 250 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 96 Hurlingham Manor R4 950 000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 20 Hyde Park R5 990 000 Russell Fisher Properties 25 Hyde Park R3 800 000 John Livanos Estates 33 Hyde Park R3 199 000 Jawitz Properties 51 Hyde Park R7 000 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 51 Hyde Park R7 450 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 51 Hyde Park R3 100 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 57 Hyde Park R8 350 000 Seeff Properties 77 Hyde Park R21 000 000 Vered Estates 82 Hyde Park
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