P-3 Aircraft Location History Report P-3 Orion Research Group - The Netherlands Over 54 years old and still going strong: the Royal new Zealand Air Force’s P-3K2 Orion NZ4203 during a display in ‘Wings over Wairarapa’ on 1 March 2021 (photo: RNZAF) Issue date: April 2021 1 P-3 Aircraft Location History Report Changes to the ALHR since the previous report 407 VP-1 after upgrade mar21 151394 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 18aug20 152743 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 17aug20 153418 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 19aug20 153420 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 18aug20 154587 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 20aug20 154594 dep AMARG to HVF West scrapped 17aug20 157326 SOC Greenville mar20 159326 VQ-1 / 326 oct20 scrapped Kaneohe Bay jan21 60+02 SOC Manching jan21 60+05 stored at Nordholz jan21 60+06 grounded with contaminated fuel tanks jan21 60+07 stored at Nordholz jan21 161408 SOC Jax apr20 161411 arr AMARG 08dec20 161414 VQ-1 / 414 feb21 161415 VP-69 / 415 jan21 161588 VQ-1 oct20 161593 VQ-1 oct20 A9-658 gate guard Edinburgh 05nov20 162770 scrapped Greenville SC oct20 162772 scrapped Greenville SC nov20 ?? 162998 SOC Waco oct20 163291 VX-30 / 291 / 304 oct20 140103 14 Wing nov20 140118 Block IV update feb21 5019 2 Kok feb21 5033 scrapped Atsugi feb21 5036 203 Kok jan21 5047 5 Kok jan21 5053 2 Kok jan21 5059 5 Kok dec20 5061 2 Kok oct20 5066 2 Kok nov20 5078 203 Kok feb21 5079 5 Kok nov20 5082 2 Kok oct20 203 Kok feb21 5096 2 Kok jul20 5097 51 Kok oct20 5098 2 Kok jan21 5100 5 Kok jul20 9161 81 Kok 01oct20 9162 81 Kok 01oct20 9163 81 Kok 01oct20 9174 81 Kok flying again ! 13jan21 2 P-3 Aircraft Location History Report The following abbreviations have been used in this list: ff first flight cr crashed rd re-designated mod modified ntu not taken up nwd nose wheel door rr re-registrated pres preserved SOC struck of charge w/o written off AIP ASuW Improvement Program ARTR Acoustic Receiver Tech Refresh ASA Administration Support Aircraft ASuW Anti Surface Warfare BMUP Block Modification Upgrade Program DFI Deleted From Inventory ETD Executive Transport Department GOFCO General Offshore Company Jax NAS Jacksonville LCC Lockheed California Co. LASC Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co. LAC Lockheed Aeromod Center Moffett NAS Moffett Field NADEP Naval Aviation Depot NARF Naval Air Rework Facility (now NADEP) NARTU Naval Air Training Unit NASC Naval Air Systems Command OPS Operations OSIP Operational Safety & Improvement Program Pax River NAS Patuxent River Pt. Point (as in Point Mugu and Barbers Point) SRP Sustained Readiness Program VAST Vocaline Air Sea Technologies AMARG status levels: FLA Force Level Assurance (spare parts bird) FMS Foreign Military Sales (available for sale) MUSEUM exchange object for museums REC Reclamation (to be scrapped) HOLD war reserve USN P-3 Squadron-codes The "P-3 Orion Aircraft Location History Report" gives the codes of US Navy Orion-squadrons. In the past 50 years we can distinguise four major periods: 1962 - end 1986 US Navy Orions were amongst the most colourful aircraft of the Navy. They had large BuNos, squadron codes and colourful squadron markings painted on the tail and large code numbers on the side of the nose 1987 - end 1990 All markings were removed from the Orions. What remained was a small BuNo below the stabilizer or on the inside of one of the nose wheel doors and a small code on the outside of the nose wheel doors. 1991 - 1994 Squadron-codes and markings were painted on the aircraft again: in dark grey on the aircraft that have been re- painted in the Tactical Paint Scheme (TPS) in the meantime (MIL-STD-2161 (AS) dictated the introduction of tactical 3 P-3 Aircraft Location History Report paint schemes on 18 April 1985). BuNos are removed from all aircraft with the exception of a small BuNo stencilled on the inside of the refuelling connection hatch. 1994 - current Starting mid 1994 the codes on the side of the nose are replaced by the last three digits of the BuNo, making it a bit easier to identify an Orion. Production blocks, Model- & Contract numbers BuNos Block Type Model Contract For Qty 148276 P-3A 185 USN 1 148883 - 148885 LO-01 P-3A 185 59-0194 USN 3 148886 - 148889 LO-05 P-3A 185 59-0194 USN 4 149667 - 149672 LO-10 P-3A 185 61-0002 USN 6 149673 - 149678 LO- 15 P-3A 185 61-0002 USN 6 150494 - 150505 LO- 20 P-3A 185 62-0019 USN 12 150506 - 150520 LO- 25 P-3A 185 62-0019 USN 15 150521 - 150529 LO- 30 P-3A 185 62-0019 USN 9 150604 - 150609 LO- 30 P-3A 185 62-0019 USN 6 151349 - 151360 LO- 35 P-3A 185 63-0087 USN 12 151361 - 151376 LO- 40 P-3A 185 63-0087 USN 16 151377 - 151396 LO- 45 P-3A 185 63-0087 USN 20 152140 - 152155 LO- 50 P-3A 185 64-0009 USN 16 152156 - 152171 LO- 55 P-3A 185 64-0009 USN 16 152172 - 152187 LO- 60 P-3A 185 64-0009 USN 16 152718 - 152733 LO- 65 P-3B LW 185 65-0043 USN 16 152734 - 152750 LO- 70 P-3B LW 185 65-0043 USN 17 152751 - 152765 LO- 75 P-3B LW 185 65-0043 USN 15 152886 - 152887 LO- 70 P-3B LW 185 65-0043(NZ) RNZAF 2 152888 - 152890 LO- 75 P-3B LW 185 65-0043(NZ) RNZAF 3 153414 - 153428 LO- 80 P-3B LW 185 66-0039 USN 15 153429 - 153441 LO- 85 P-3B LW 185 66-0039 USN 13 153442 LO- 90 P-3B LW 185 66-0039 USN 1 153443 LO- 90 YP-3C 285A 68-C-004 USN 1 153444 - 153458 LO- 90 P-3B HW 185 66-0039 USN 15 154574 - 154580 LO- 95 P-3B HW 185 67-C-0057 USN 7 154581 - 154591 LO-100 P-3B HW 185 67-C-0057 USN 11 154592 - 154605 LO-105 P-3B HW 185 67-C-0057 USN 14 154606 - 154613 P-3B HW 185 USN CANCELLED 155291 - 155297 LO-95 P-3B HW 185B 67-C-0057 RAAF 7 155298 - 155300 LO-100 P-3B HW 185B 67-C-0057 RAAF 3 156507 - 156521 LO-110 P-3C 285A 68-C-0073 USN 15 156522 - 156530 LO-115 P-3C 285A 68-C-0073 USN 9 156531 - 156546 P-3C 285A USN CANCELLED 156599 - 156603 LO-105 P-3B HW 185C 67-C-0057 RNoAF 5 157310 - 157320 LO-120 P-3C 285A 69-C-0237 USN 11 157321 - 157332 LO-125 P-3C 285A 69-C-0237 USN 12 157333 - 157341 P-3C 285A USN CANCELLED 157934 P-3C 285A USN CANCELLED 158204 - 158214 LO-130 P-3C 285A 70-C-0158 USN 11 158215 - 158226 LO-135 P-3C 285A 70-C-0158 USN 12 158227 LO-130 RP-3D 285A 70-C-0158 USN 1 158563 - 158574 LO-140 P-3C 285A 71-C-0053 USN 12 158912 - 158927 LO-145 P-3C 285A 72-C-0019 USN 16 158928 LO-145 P-3C-I 285A 72-C-0019 USN 1 158929 LO-145 P-3C 285A 72-C-0019 USN 1 158930 - 158935 LO-150 P-3C 285A 72-C-0019 USN 6 158936 - 158947 P-3C 285A USN CANCELLED 159318 - 159327 LO-155 P-3C 285A 73-C-0075 USN 10 159328 - 159329 LO-160 P-3C 285A 73-C-0075 USN 2 BuNos Block Type Model Contract For Qty 4 P-3 Aircraft Location History Report 159342 - 159343 LO-155 P-3F 685A 73-C-0075 IIAF 2 159344 - 159347 LO-160 P-3F 685A 73-C-0075 IIAF 4 159503 - 159514 LO-165 P-3C-I 285A 74-C-0018 USN 12 159773 LO-165 WP-3D 285A 74-C-0018 NOAA 1 159875 LO-165 WP-3D 285A 75-0012 NOAA 1 159883 - 159888 LO-170 P-3C-I 285A 75-C-0012 USN 6 159889 LO-170 P-3C-II 285A 75-C-0012 USN 1 159890 - 159894 LO-170 P-3C-I 285A 75-C-0012 USN 5 160283 - 160289 LO-175 P-3C-I 285A 76-C-0017 USN 7 160290 - 160293 LO-180 P-3C-II 285A 76-C-0017 USN 4 160294 P-3C-II 285A USN CANCELLED 160610 - 160612 LO-180 P-3C-II 285A 76-C-0304 USN 3 160751 - 160757 LO-180 P-3C-II 285D 76-C-0433 RAAF 7 160758 - 160760 LO-185 P-3C-II 285D 76-C-0433 RAAF 3 160761 - 160770 LO-185 P-3C-II 285A 76-C-0304 USN 10 160999 - 161000 LO-190 P-3C-II 285A 76-C-0304 USN 2 161001 - 161014 LO-190 P-3C-II 285A 77-C-0077 USN 14 161121 - 161131 LO-195 P-3C-II 285A 78-C-0134 USN 11 161132 LO-195 P-3C-II½ 285A 78-C-0134 USN 1 161267 - 161269 LO-195 P-3C-II½ 785A 79-C-0196 JMSDF 3 161329 - 161335 LO-195 P-3C-II½ 285A 79-C-0083 USN 7 161336 - 161340 LO-205 P-3C-II½ 285A 79-C-0083 USN 5 161368 - 161369 LO-200 P-3C-II½ 285E 79-C-0403 RNLN 2 161370 - 161373 LO-200 P-3C-II½ 285E 80-C-0254 RNLN 4 161374 - 161377 LO-200 P-3C-II½ 285E 81-C-0146 RNLN 4 161378 - 161380 LO-200 P-3C-II½ 285E 81-C-0485 RNLN 3 161404 - 161409 LO-210 P-3C-II½ 285A 80-C-0253 USN 6 161410 LO-210 P-3C-III 285G 80-C-0253 USN 1 161411 - 161415 LO-210 P-3C-II½ 285A 80-C-0253 USN 5 161585 - 161596 LO-215 P-3C-II½ 285A 81-C-0145 USN 12 161762 - 161767 LO-220 P-3C-III 285G 81-C-0514 USN 6 161768 - 161773 P-3C-III 285G USN CANCELLED 162314 - 162318 LO-220 P-3C-III 285G 83-C-0017 USN 5 162319 - 162325 P-3C-III 285G USN CANCELLED 162656 - 162665 LO-225 P-3C-II½ 285D C338098 RAAF 10 162770 - 162778 LO-225 P-3C-III 285G 84-C-0008 USN 9 162998 - 163006 LO-230 P-3C-III 285G 85-C-0016 USN 9 163289 - 163295 LO-235 P-3C-III 285G 86-C-0086 USN 7 163296 - 163299 LO-240 P-3C-III 285H 86-C-0086 RNoAF 4 163578 - 163590 285? ? CANCELLED 164467 - 164469 P-3C-II¾ 285J 89-C-0190 PNY 3 165098 - 165105 P-3C-III+ 285K KFX-DPA RoKN 8 140101 - 140104 LO-39 CP-140 285B 2RM6-001 CF 4 140105 - 140110 LO-40 CP-140 285B 2RM6-001 CF 6 140111 - 140118 LO-41 CP-140 285B 2RM6-001 CF 8 140119 - 140121 CP-140A 285L W8475-9-FD01/0 CF 3 Deliveries from Kawasaki Heavy Industries production facilities (JMSDF only): P-3C-II½ serials FY QTY 5004 - 5008 1982 5 5009 - 5013 1983 5 5014 - 5018 1984 5 5019 - 5025 1985 7 5026 - 5032 1986 7 5033 - 5040 1987 8 5041 - 5050 1988 10 5051 - 5060 1989 10 5061 - 5069 1990 9 P-3C-III 5 P-3 Aircraft Location History Report serials FY QTY 5070 - 5078 1991 9 5079 - 5088 1992 10 5089 - 5096 1993 8 5097 - 5098 1994 2 5099 1995 1 P-3C-III+ serials FY QTY 5100 1996 1 5101 19.
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