INDEX Almy, Captain Christopher, Arkwright Mills, II-128, 132 , AARON'S POND, I-158 135 Abbott, John H., III-51 , 53 I-50, 103,131, 138117, 1 25, 129, ,154 Armistice Day, III-143 Abbott, William E ., II-95 Almy, Franklin L., II-172 Abolitionists, III - 132, 133 Armory Building, III - 113 , Aborigines, The, I-4-57, Almy, Franklin S., II-172 142 III-9 Almy, Job, I-103, 112, 117 , Armory Hall, III-44, 57 Academies, II 125-126, 129, 13 1 , 133, Arnold, Caleb, I-138 -35, 48-49 1 38-1 39, 154 Arnold, Henry, II-23 Academy of Music, III-49 Almy, John, I-122, 13 9 Acid Mill, I-93 Almy, Thomas, II-171-17 2 Arnold, Sion, I-137 Ackerman, J. Walter, III-59 Almy, William M., III-4 Asbestos Row, II-16 1 Acoaxet, I-100, 104 ; II-156 3 Ash Grounds, Pocasset Pur- Almy's Peasefield, I-49, 54, chase, I-11 4 Acushena, I-3 1 10 3 Adams' Bookstore , II-161 Almy's Wharf, I-103 Ashley, Job B ., III-46 Adams, Edward S ., II-41, 96 ; Alumni Field, II-8 7 Ashley Lane Steep Brook , III-143 American Cotton Fabri c I-8g Adams, James Truslow, I-60-61 Company, II-130-13 1 Ashley, Stephen B., II-13o, American Expeditionar y Ashton, Thomas J ., III-59 Adams,., III- Col . Melvin O Ashworth Brothers, II-166 101 Force. World War I, III - Assawomsett Pond, I-33 Adams, Robert, II-161 ; III- American Linen Mill, III-47 Assonet: meaning of word , 20, 47, 133 American Print Works, II-11 I-10; Neck, I-8, 10, 34, 66- Adams, Rev. W. W., II-13-1 4 26-27, 135, 1 38, 142-1 43, 67 ; Bleachery Pond, I-93 ; Adamsville, III-23, 28 15o, 167 River, III-6, 10, 65-66 ; Adamsville and Westpor t American Thread Company, Village, II-68, 70, 88, 90 ; Harbour Stage Line, III-28 II- 1 3 1 , 1 35 Rivalry with Steep Brook Adirondack Grove, I-82-83 ; Anawan. Indian leader in I-88 ; ledge, III-3 ; post III-157 King Philip's War, I-30 , road, III-23 ; in the Revo- Agawam Indian Tribe, I-1 5 43, 56, 1 23 lution, III-125 ; in the Civil Alcock, Mabel, II-69- 70 Anawan Mills, I-72 ; II-122, War, III - 132 ; generally Alden, Cyrus, III-88 1 25, 1 32, 135, 1 44; III-7 mentioned, III-22-23, 96-97 Alderman. Two Indians of Anawan Rock, I-56, 12 3 this name, I-40 Anawan Street, I- 133- 1 34 ; Assonet Light Infantry, III - Alderman's Pond, I-105, 1 27; II-13, 15, 23, 25, 5 1, 53, 1 3 7 III-15 7 r ó63,175, 177, 18 7; Athearn,-100 Roy C., I-94; II Aldrich, Charles, II-75, 78 III Atheneum The, 11-91 .92 ; Aldrich, Mary L ., II-83 Ancona Mills, II-127, 132, III-6 Alexander, alias Wamsutta, Attleborough,6 I-21 ; III-21, I- 1 4, 23, 45, 49, 107 Anthony's Block, III-39 Alfred S. Letourneau School, Anthony, Byron W., II-,o8 26 II-69 Anthony, David, II-106, 118- Auctions, III-67 Algonquin Indians, I-12-1 3 Authors. Alphabetical list of 119,125-126; III-117 authors who have lived i Algonquin Printing Com- Anthony, Earl B ., III-26 n pany, II-1 35, 1 38, 140, Anthony, Edward Lovell, II- Fall River, III-169-177 Automobile-95 Day, 1911 , III 152-153 108-109, 12 9 ., Allen, Arthur W., II-107 Anthony, James S., III-49 Avery, Rev. Ephratus K Allen, Howard B., III-43 Anthony, Joseph, I-111-112; III-95 Allen, Ralph I, 98, 12 7 III-66 Avery, Joseph, II-4 Allen, Rev. Ralph W., II-20 Anthony's Hill, I-97 ; III-25- Avery Murder Case, III-95- Allen, Rodolphus N., II-1,4 26 96 Allen, Sion, I- 1 37 Antinomian Schism, I-26 Aviation Day, 1911, III-5 7 Allen's Hill, III-15 7 Awashonks, I- 15, 37, 45, 49.- Allotment of houselots and Anti-Slavery Movement, III- 57 132-133 , Awashonks ill, I-12 9 Great Lots of Pocasset Pur- Apollonian Hall, II-5 2 -109-118chase, I Ayres, Major, III- 128 Allotment of lots in the Free- Aquidneck, see Island of Azores, III-110 man's Purchase, I-67 Rhode Island Allotment of land to veterans Archer, Jason H ., III-31 BABCOCK, WILLIAM H . of King Philip's War, I-5 9 Arkose Clay, III-3 "Early Norse visits to Almy, Anthony, I-133, 139 Arkose Granite, I-96 ; III-3 America," I-5 186 INDEX Back Way, alias Back Road to Battle of Fair Oaks, III-13 6 Blacksmith Shops, I-74-75, Adamsville, III-23, 184 Battle of Mariel, off Havana, 89-90, 101-10 2 Baker, Joseph A., II-128, 187 III-140 Blackstone River, 1-2 5 Baker, Virginia, I-46, 4 9 Battle of Rhode Island, III - Blaisdell, Josiah G., III-4o, Ball Grounds, III-7 3 129-13 0 45, 89 , 101-102 Ball, Phineas, III-8 2 Battle of White Plains, III - Blake, Sabin, III-29-3 1 Ballard, Alvin S., III-43, 45 127 Bleacheries, II-x29-130, 1 Ballard, Mrs . Charles M., Battle of Winchester, Vir- 33, II-6o ginia, III-137 1 35 Ballard, Mrs. George A., II- Baylies, Stella, II-76 Bleachery Cove, III-15 7 92, 10 8 Bay State, The, II-41 Bliffin's Beach, III-15 7 Banks and Banking, II-105-116 Bay State Print. Works, II-2o , Bliss, Genevieve H ., II-76 142 ; III-19, 47 Bliss, George N., II-82 Bank Panic, II-509 Bay State Steamboat Com- Blossom Brook, III-15 7 Bank Street, I-76, 80-81 ; II- pany, 11-x76 Blossom Burial Ground, I87 10, 13, 20, 38, 89, 97, 106- Bay Street, III-3, 25, 26, 72, (not Boomer ) 107, 161, 184, 191 ; III-18, 73, 7 5 Blossom Cove, .III-157 31 -32, 39, 72, 9 2, III, 118- Bean, Charles F ., II-x29 Blossom, Elijah, III-3 6 119, 164 Bears, III- 5 Blossom's58 Grove, I-83 ; III-1 Bankruptcy, III-49 Bears Den, I-114 ; II-87 ; III- Baptists, I-28, 98, 127 157 Blossom's Road, I-84, 87-88 , 11, 13 ; III- Bears Den Road, alias Laure l 92, 94 ; II-60; III-9 Baptist church, see Churche s Street, III-164 Blossom's Way, I-82 ; III-16 4 Barbary Hill alias Barberr y Beattie, John, II-159 Boarding Houses, I - 74 - 75 ; Hill, II-57 ; III - 157, 164 Beattie's Ledge, III-15 7 see Hotels Bardol, Edward A., II-155 Beattie, William H ., II-159 ; Board of Finance, II-70; III- Barges on Quequechan River, III - 1 39, 1 43 60-62 3 Beaver, III-15 Board of Health, II-65, 69 Barker, Benjamin, I-11 3 7 Beckett, Anna L ., II-7o 8 ; 6 Barker, Edward, II-13 2 Bedard, Rev. Pierre, II-31 , 33 Boats builtiin Fall River Ship- Barlow, John, II-11 4 Bedford Road, III-16 4 yards, I-go-9 2 Barlow, Wilfrid A ., I-71 Bedford Street, alias East Cen - Boats on Watuppa Ponds, Barnaby's Cove, I-95 tral Street, alias West Cen- I-83 Barnaby House, II-100 tral Street, I-65, 67, 70-71 , Bodge, John P., II-32 Barnaby Manufacturin g 73, 79- Bogle Hill, II-6o ; III-158 Company, II-13o, 1 82, 97, 109, 11 4, 33, 1 35 11 7, 1 3 1 , 1 33 ; II - 1 4, 37, Bogle, Peter, II- 60 Barnaby's Pond, see Shaw' s 39, 62, 110, 113-116, 1 Bonney, Nathaniel, III-4 Pond 59, 3 165 - 1 70, 1 75 - 1 76, 185 - Bonus, III-127, 135 Barnard, Louis L., II-127 , 186, 191 ; III-4, 21 , 24, 30, Boomer Cedars, I - 85 ; III - 135, 1 38 32, 44, 53, 67, 69, 72, 75 , 158 Barnard Manufacturin g ,1 12218 Boomer, Caroline, II-2 o Company, II-129, 135, 138 Bedford Street School, II-59, Boomer, Ephraim, III - 36, Barnes, John, I-46, 65, 67 , 61, 65 130 69, 153 Beetle, III-13 Boomer, Frederick, III-18, 2 0 Barney, Edward E ., II-169 Belisle, Hector L., II-67 Boomer, Matthew, I-85, 88 ; Barneyville, III-2 8 Bell Rock, I-94; III-15 7 III-22, 13 1 Barnstable, I-15, 2 1 Bell Rock Road, alias Blos - Boomer, Nathaniel, II-9, 82 ; Barrels manufactured in Fall som's Road, I-93, 95 ; II- III-36 River, I-89-9 , 6o ; III-23 Borden, Abbie J. (Mrs . An- Barrel hoops, III-1 3 Bemis, Frederick E., II-106 drew J. Borden), III-g7- Barrett, Rodney, I-8 2 Bence, Eli, III-9 9 11 0 Barrington, III-2 1 Bennett, Philip, III- 70 Borden, Abraham, I - 136 ; Bartlett, I. H., III-28 Benson, Horace A ., II-76 III-97 Basin, The, I-74 ; III-4 Berean Temple, II-3 9 Borden, Andrew, II-108, 16 7 Baskets made by Indians, III - Berkley, I-8, 1 Borden, Andrew J ., III-97- 1 3 4, 29, 65, 89 ; III-21, 26-27, 128 110 Bassett, Charles A ., II-11 1 Berkshire Fine Spinning As- Borden, Anna H ., III-143 Batchelder, John C., II-106, sociation, II- 128, 13 1 Borden, Ariadne J., III-1 8 11 6 Bertenshaw, Edward W., II- Borden Avenue, I-77 ; III- Batelle, Hezekiah, III-71, 88, 164 116 11 3 Bibliography, III- 1 47-1 55 Borden, Benjamin, I-13 6 Bates, Mary J.
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