November 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13983 apt. The Jewish community in Hun- cially considering the large Muslim sustained when an improvised explo- gary is understandably wary of its new population in these countries. But it sive device detonated near his vehicle. Guard, and I feel it is incumbent upon does seem true that there is still a Specialist Rodriguez was assigned to all of us to watch future events in that strain of the old European anti-Semi- the 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regi- country closely. tism running through the Hungarian ment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd But it is not just the fringe organiza- Guard, Russian fascists, and their like, Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA. tions which are growing in popularity; a disturbing taint which has never He was from Oxnard, CA. inch by inch, more moderate groups quite vanished from European political CPL Sean A. Stokes, 24, died July 30, with the similar tenets are moving to culture. from wounds suffered while conducting the mainstream. Last month, the Anti-Semitic violence was one of the combat operations in the Al Anbar somewhat xenophobic Swiss People’s terrible specters of the last century. province of Iraq. Corporal Stokes was Party, SVP, romped to significant suc- After the Second World War, Euro- assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine cess in Switzerland’s national election. peans made a solemn commitment Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Ma- Perhaps this should not be cause for never to let such hatred loose again on rine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pen- excessive alarm. After all, Switzerland their citizens of Jewish faith. Despite dleton, CA. He was from Auburn, CA. has a highly developed political sys- neo-Nazi movements in several coun- SPC Daniel F. Reyes, 24, died July 31, tem, with a republican tradition dating tries, the European commitment to in Tunis, Iraq, of wounds suffered from back hundreds of years. These people this resolution has been impressive. It enemy indirect fire. Specialist Reyes are also not marginalized discontents is equally important to remember, was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, with a perennial grudge on their shoul- however, just how recently was the 377th Parachute Field Artillery Regi- der; indeed, they seem to address sev- Holocaust. The slaughter was ended 62 ment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, Air- eral issues about which the average years ago, and many still live who were borne, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Swiss citizen is concerned. But if there caught in its vice. In the breadth of Richardson, AK. He was from San is not cause for alarm, there is cer- human existence, 62 years is barely a Diego, CA. tainly cause for unease. One reason is lifetime. So I strongly believe it is nec- LCpl Cristian Vasquez, 20, died Au- an election poster used by the SVP, de- essary, even as extremist parties be- gust 2, from wounds suffered while con- picting a white sheep kicking a black come increasingly visible, that respon- ducting combat operations in the Al sheep off of the flag of Switzerland. Be- sible leaders recommit themselves to Anbar province of Iraq. Lance Corporal cause of its racial overtones, the U.N. the eradication of anti-Semitism in Vasquez was assigned to 1st Light Ar- has already condemned the poster, their realms. mored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st though the SVP claimed during the Uncertain times often lead men to Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- campaign the poster was not racist. seek the simplest solutions, the ele- tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. He Perhaps. ments of their national culture with was from Coalinga, CA. I do not believe that the SVP are a which they are the most comfortable. SGT Jon E. Bonnell Jr., 22, died Au- fascist party, as some of its critics al- Two of these traditions are, unfortu- gust 7, from wounds suffered while con- lege. However, its success is indicative nately, extremist nationalism and ducting combat operations in the Al of a potentially ugly mood across the anti-Semitism. Given the history of Anbar province of Iraq. Sergeant Atlantic, as Europeans born into wel- Europe, each nation should redouble its Bonnell was assigned to 1st Battalion, fare state luxury are unsure how efforts to make peace with those in 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Divi- globalization and the mobility of cap- their ranks who are different. And it is sion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, ital will affect their economic birth- also up to Europe to ensure that when Camp Pendleton, CA. right. In uncertain economic times, op- they say ‘‘never again,’’ they mean it. SGT Michael E. Tayaotao, 27, died probrium then falls easily on tradi- f August 9, from wounds suffered while tional scapegoats; Jews, gypsies, and HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES conducting combat operations in the other minorities. It is critical for the Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I Al Anbar province of Iraq. Sergeant Europeans to remember that these mi- rise to pay tribute to 35 young Ameri- Tayaotao was assigned to 7th Engineer norities are no less citizens for being cans who have been killed in Iraq since Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logis- different. They lead law-abiding lives, July 23, 2007. This brings to 812 the tics Group, I Marine Expeditionary pay their taxes, and serve in the mili- number of soldiers who were either Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. He was tary. It does not thus stand to reason from California or based in California from Sunnyvale, CA. that European societies can treat them that have been killed while serving our SSG Sean P. Fisher, 29, died August eternally as second-class citizens. country in Iraq. This represents 21 per- 14, in Al Taqqadum, Iraq, of injuries Groups like the Hungarian Guard cent of all U.S. deaths in Iraq. suffered when his helicopter crashed. would likely protest that their rigid Hospitalman Daniel S. Noble, 21, died Staff Sergeant Fisher was assigned to stance is only aimed at those who be- July 24, as a result of enemy action the 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regi- come illegal, who commit crimes or while conducting security operations ment, Task Force 49, Fort Wainwright, threaten Hungary’s law-and-order. But in the Dilaya Province of Iraq. AK. He was from Santee, CA. given the heated rhetoric on this issue, Hospitalman Noble was permanently SGT Matthew L. Tallman, 30, died and the current torrid geopolitical cli- assigned to 1st Marine Division, Fleet August 22, in Multaka, Iraq, of injuries mate, the status of minorities, particu- Marine Force Pacific, Camp Pendleton, suffered when his helicopter crashed. larly Jews and Muslims, in Western CA. He was from Whittier, CA. Sergeant Tallman was assigned to the countries is an issue which needs to be SSG Joshua P. Mattero, 29, died on 4th Squadron, 6th U.S. Air Cavalry tackled carefully. Many of the current July 24, in Baqubah, Iraq, when an im- Regiment, Fort Lewis, WA. He was challenges facing the world are rooted provised explosive device detonated from Groveland, CA. in the Middle Eastern and Islamic na- near his patrol. Staff Sergeant Mattero SSG Jason L. Paton, 25, died August tions, and it would be foolish to place was assigned to the 725th Ordnance 22, in Multaka, Iraq, of injuries suf- lives in jeopardy over election-day Company, 63rd Ordnance Battalion, fered when his helicopter crashed. Staff rhetoric. 52nd Ordnance Group, Fort Drum, NY. Sergeant Paton was assigned to the 2nd Coincidental with rise of the Hun- He was from San Diego, CA. Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd garian Guard and its ilk, there is an- CPL Matthew R. Zindars, 21, died Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th other factor I find particularly trou- July 24, while conducting combat oper- Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, bling: the increase in overall anti-Sem- ations in the Diyala province of Iraq. HI. He was from Poway, CA. itism in Europe. This has several pos- Corporal Zandars was assigned to 2nd CPL Nathan C. Hubbard, 21, died Au- sible causes, and I certainly do not Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st gust 22, in Multaka, Iraq, of injuries want to lay the blame solely on the Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- suffered when his helicopter crashed. shoulders of rightwing extremists. Pas- tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA. Corporal Hubbard was assigned to the sions arising from the Israeli-Pales- SPC Jaime Rodriguez, Jr., 19, died 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, tinian conflict surely play a part, espe- July 26, in Saqlawiyah, Iraq of wounds 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:13 Jan 10, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\S06NO7.REC S06NO7 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S13984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 6, 2007 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Bar- Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Garoutte was assigned to 1st Fleet racks, HI. He was from Clovis, CA. Pendleton, CA. Anti-terrorism Security Team Com- LCpl Matthew S. Medlicott, 21, died CPL Carlos E. Gilorozco, 23, died Sep- pany, Marine Corps Security Force August 25, from wounds suffered while tember 10, while conducting combat op- Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary conducting combat operations in the erations in the Al Anbar province of Force, Norfolk, VA. He was from San- Al Anbar province of Iraq. Lance Cor- Iraq. Corporal Gilorozco was assigned tee, CA. poral Medlicott was assigned to 1st to 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, SPC Wayne M. Geiger, 23, died Octo- Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expedi- ber 18, in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds sus- Marine Division, I Marine Expedi- tionary Force, Camp Lejeune, NC. He tained when an improvised explosive tionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA.
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