BLl'K MARK NOTICE A blue mark around Ihis nolire Odd S and Ends will call your allrnliun lo your address labd. which shows thai Here and There it's time to renew. LOWELL L Brirf Paragraph* of News and Infornalion on Variety of Topics LEDGER FORTY-THIRD YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, AfRIL 2, 1936 NO. 46 for Michigan ENTRIES Keene-twp, Loses isi: \rerded Ol.- Skilled Craftsman Along Main St. ind r«1> nted St Special Election Dies at Age of 52 Soil Conserving Respected Citizen School Children the siatr" agri cultural Being a Collection of Various hair\ing B hard w<irk George Herald has a right l< Topics of Local and .ind cails for heavx inveslmenls t- i . •, , , j,r._..^1feel "j»uff<-d up" over his ability Keene township and the c<.ni- in cows and dairy equipmcni. General Interest ^ ""V for „ bSe delicious salt rising On New Buildings Meetings Called munit\ generalh lost one of its To Be Coached Milk f<«r fluid markets must be Burt, a- Umell ^ "jf bread. Ijst week Mrs. Matin past .i4 years, were held Sunda> „ „ k-., im'st vubsianlial <ilizens Friday produced under the most vini- RECOVERV FROM DISASTER r, Bouse, who is rx-siding with her larx conditionv Speaking in I»w- at ? p n> the residence. Ubbie Taplin in with the death <•! Jacob Bueg- Mrv segger. 7.r«. at his farm home ell recenlly. James F. Thomson. HE TERRIBLE FLOOD that Rev . S. B. Wenger < •ffici ati ng^I n - ^ hungrv fur County Infirmary Thursday,Friday following a six weeks" illness. Mr. In Dental Health •mmissioner of Agriculture, has creaU'd the most in- lermenm-nlt mas in Oakwood ceme- ^ uf j, |hal ^ wr,iU. Mr staled that the dairy business of T credible havoc in twelve lery. Ruegs<*gger had resided in Ihis ( 1h<- stale aggregated a total much eastern stales is again illustratinliKtraiings Ait n mm m'\ Mr Burt's sudden death, earlv ' 'i «< vicinilv sinc<- his r(*moval from greater than the auUMmtbile busi- some fine trails in i!^0y Stroctore Called F^v ^ New Program Will Be I'Sponiored By PTA ness. character, particularly the energy 0 with which our people set lo Miss Emma Gurlzler in 1 ~<(i. Much interest is revealed in the work lo rccover from a disaster. A Fire Hazard __ ' Told in Detail this union eleven children were And Other Bodies figures which show that thus far There are some countries .ures employed lalleriv had fail-j . K,t horn. Ihree of whom prweded led to relieve. slalishaan has him in death. Mr Buegscgger this year autom<»bile licenses and where such a flood would see . .. v,ick r> 10 people lying down discouraged .A1 1^ /"""l. elec- Born in lUUMskau Midu JuneK«-nl Countv farmers will have with his wife and son -Good Teeth for ilealth" will f Michigan rejeh 16. 1884. he was the only son jn opportunity on Thursday and Jr. I« America the theme of a puppet show * l»rge as the maximum and disposed lo accept their hard 1° ^ he'd nexl Mondav r A |,nl fCW l ,0n W,,1 F .\mbrose and Alice Bobins Burl. Howvrr. a second rida>.. o. f this week lo leam ^MlinK m VergenneIH s • hich has been schrdulcd f, r 'rat y .n for IHii. ^ There are fate. If their homes are destrov- 1 l5ii^ 1 1 !!^L . movw ,0 0 •'d. they would not attempt to re- 1° «f ,he After his mother's death, he came .* ihlt^'Tr alxnt the new soil conservation I ^ present home in several sch(»ols of Kent Counts a ' 'al ot I-./l.|}«i motor vehicles of ( un to Lowdl in I<KI2 and made his n !^ ; r Tn ;"!«ervk* program bemv! set up by Mrs. Bu^-gw gger died twelve from April 6 lo 10 inclusive. Kent or ***** place them in their forWr con- ^ ^ »> uiK»n the ,ra c cc , dfnls lo in dition, but would just accept 0J. 5°? "a hom*MHC. wit*111h1 uthis sistesisicir auuuiuunriand brother-- ® » . continue ^|(<J>vlo an-lh(. sovernim-ni nujciltl IIin] nUUlste^r years ago. Counlv Cx>uncil Paren I-Teacher I the maximum n sl Uon uf ,ale Mr. Buegv gger has alwass Association through its health «ff«raliou was 13IS5al. permanently whatever makeshift '/™ } I* budding and two -law. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Tay- ^ . haLilU-it m i crop reduction • was in sight. They would say ^ of the Kent r. and attended his last year of ^^ iTthin^ill L? bee^ n held in high regard as a chairman. Blanche H. deKoning. 0 C1S schooht«l at Lowell high. Later he ^ I nder the new Soil Conserva- prt^ressivl*- e farmer, a- tireles- s has worked out the plan with th.- , Charge, s of extravagance in the was no use to struggle against ^ ® ' 00 <,n< l(n ( nis f f,!,. | notice for such election appears was a student a-•t a- businesi—;—^s col«- ' J ' ^ ' tion program, farmers max qual- softer, and an indixndual of high Holmes Dental Club. Dr. Stewart <^« ral housing, administration bel') ' obs<-n-ation lfv for r1 r m <1 Th<Te is a sj ark of hope in thel lege in Pennsylvania. i. r, mar. lh . , if lTTVL •'"'her or both of two Ivpes Christian principles. DeVnes. president. andtheCirand * " t * f. M^roh if. b\ Meprr- x f l V r American temperamen•tI that rises' "Mull the Board of Super- <tn July 1(». IW'7. he was united . 4.i«i;ci;#-i-«r»». ' -..r. tairi..nt <-n(l-iTt "" "inn. «•(I>) aa mmsoiil consei>iiifconsen-ngs —»Survivin• g —ar e eight children-—..-k-'.. Bapi.1v' Anti-tuberculosis Society ^21 u .%. .iL . , Map.. - ^ of the high after even defeat. It savs visors of Kent County. Mich lin marriage to Ethel Jay of Low- T" * J ^ xi J* Tr-..rV rvyiiH mn payment for the shifting of acre- Mrs, Harry Mead. Mrs. J. B. wherebs the two latter orpamra- Michigan distnet in \harp age from soil depleting crops tol^'unM"S- Clara and I^eo Bueg- tions will finance the project. ,0 that the things' it accomplished 'Pan. be authorired loappropri - dl. oxer them very easily. before, can be- accomphshcl 'he sum of not to exceed Throughout his active career soil building crops or approved all of I-ansing; Mrs. The pla\ was written b> Dr. I>jii •'^'end the June for ni'Mlermta- ,, .f jh, 'ion loans. Mapes assert<-d the ad- again. It sets out with redoubled from the General Mr, Burt was a skilled cabinet- -j-u rr.nH bnilding uses; and (2» a soil Budolph Browand of Grand Bap- w. M^.rrex. Superx-|v r relations. \mer- niinistrative costs in one year delermmal'on tlo acr<.mplii^ h 1 Fund of said County, the pro- maker and craftsman of the type ^ **' . ^ ^ building payment for such farm- "K weU f-**- John and Frank of bureau of i»ublic rela ...... rt Mmrfrtwrfl then;. And this second' effor- t "has thereof' to be usej*—-—d fur the I —which the reputatio^ n of coees. .. e iruck anver wno nness ,ng" practices a—s are recoemeed-|Lo.— — ; !*<- >- . asters. Mrs. hliia ican Denial Association, and Miss 9aM«"»^0a. the advantage that it corrects constructi<»n of a new admin- Grand Bapids and environs as a ^ - X|"^ xilv *»J i'ir' ^ 'be stale committe*- and <•/ Switzerland and Mrs. .\nr^ B. T-.wm-, author f chil- istration building and two dor- c<-nler of quality furniture pro-"".. approved by the secretarx of ag- Wmgeier of South Lowell; dren's stories. some of the defects that created ,,nr trouble before. The man whose mitories as part of the Kent duction is Daseobased. Mr,. ttuBurnl wasirwas . ^ incunurencullun-. >ucSucnh farmin(arming prac-prac-'"?<• t""''her, Ciins Buegv uger f naiionannat .nails knknow- n innnign ine," ' v County Infirmary, in accord- :-mplosed for mans years by the 1 ? ^ i u ' , liee^. have n(«l been definitels de- West Branch; ten grandchildren, efforts <»f i^e Good Teeth Council reaching the npe old house was swept away because it i> n tw> r 4, , 1 ,w, ance with the determinatioanon iSligh and Berkev 4 Gav Fumi- 1^", ' ? " * , r # PtJ lermim-d as set Ihi! are bkels to 'her relatives and mans friends. f„r children of Chicago, • J^^^nties of the did not have a strong enough 1 therefor made by the Boarrd of 'un Companies in Grand Bapids.'". *,!®™*^ include the establishment of new Funeral services were held on \t a meeting of health chair- ' ^.muleted the j.4i Wednes- foundation, will build more se- <la Supervisors of said Countyv . at and more recently by the Super- ,k kISP iLL ff soil building crops. Monday at 1 p m. from the resi- men of Kent County Omncil. >- April I. of taking over the curely the next time. n ,n,n K ,om ,p r ,,e a session of said Board held ior Furniture Company of Low- hf'JIJe f^tue ba obbers [ia^,ur<. improxement and liming, 'b-nce and at 2 p m from the Mrs. Adolph Krause. president "• I? , , ."^ f J?^ fl55 Another typical .American ( 0 m characteristic now beinc observ- March 3rtl. 1936.- ell. In consid< ring political and ...A, ^ ' <1.. The soil cooserring pasments l-owell Congregational church. and the others pr«-sent expresse*] "1 'h I ' 7, Krv s <"d is the generosity with which ~<hils such persons having economic questiosa. MrTBurt was ^ ' ' " *ill ^ made on land taken oiit: - ^ ^"engir mas IheHergy- a real need for more dental misfortune is relieved.
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