Cotinga28-070209.qxp 2/9/2007 11:52 AM Page 88 Cotinga 27 Neotropical Notebook Neotropical Notebook contains two gularis for St Vincent and the publications on Guatemalan birds sections. The first summarises Grenadines (see Cotinga 26: 89) from 1577 to 2004, and a list of records published elsewhere in the have now been published55, and international museums with literature, following the format Hayes et al.34 report on the status holdings of Guatemalan bird previously established in Cotinga. of American Oystercatcher specimens. The second lists unpublished and Haematopus palliatus in this undocumented records. Photo- region of the Caribbean. Mexico graphs are published where Flesh-footed Shearwater appropriate. US Virgin Islands Puffinus carneipes has been McNair46 reports on the historical documented for the country, having WEST INDIES distribution and abundance of the been photographed in Baja White-crowned Pigeon California, in March 199664, whilst British Virgin Islands Patagioenas leucocephala on St other records from the same Surveys have yielded four new Croix. peninsula published recently species for the archipelago: include the first breeding of Magnolia Warbler Dendroica MIDDLE AMERICA Black-bellied Whistling-duck magnolia (in 1996), Golden- Dendrocygna autumnalis in Baja71 winged Warbler Vermivora Belize and more bird records from Isla chrysoptera (1997), Swainson’s Piaskowski et al.61 describe the Guadalupe63. Observations at a Thrush Catharus ustulatus (2000) avifauna of the Sibun riverine Forster’s Tern Sterna forsteri and Red-necked Phalarope forest. colony in Colima have been made Phalaropus lobatus (2004)9. available47. A study of Thick- Costa Rica billed Parrot Rhynchopsitta Cuba Hanson33 provides new data on the pachyrhyncha nest-site density in A recent study has provided a breeding ecology of Stripe- Madera, Chihuahua, has revealed detailed résumé of our knowledge breasted Wren Thryothorus that the species is a highly social of the present-day distribution of thoracius. Recent observations breeder, which may have the globally threatened Plain made available via The Gone important implications for Pigeon Patagioenas inornata in Birding Newsletter26,27 include the management and conservation of the country68. American first documentation of Swallow- their breeding habitat51. New Oystercatcher Haematopus tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus in natural history data for another palliatus has recently been Costa Rican waters, in April 2006, globally threatened endemic, recorded breeding in the country likewise the first documentation Sierra Madre Sparrow for the first time35. for American Pipit Anthus Xenospiza baileyi, have also been rubescens, in May 2006 on Cocos published recently53. The first Jamaica Island, the first report of Mottled records of Military Macaw Ara Graves28 reports the first record of Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata in militaris in the Sierra Madre del Audubon’s Warbler Dendroica the country, in March 2006, a Sur, Guerrero, in 20 years, have coronata auduboni in Jamaica. Brown-chested Martin Progne made been made since 20041. tapera, in March 2006, a Hooded Warbler Wilsonia citrina Puerto Rico southward range extension for has been recorded for the first 19 We recently mentioned the first Double-striped Thick-knee time in Jalisco , and further Western Hemisphere record of Burhinus bistriatus, as well as the records of Limpkin Aramus Western Marsh Harrier Circus usual host of sightings of migrants guarauna have also been reported 56 aeruginosus (see Cotinga 26: 89); and new locality reports. from the same state . Important two further records, both from records of Grey-headed Kite Puerto Rico, have now been Guatemala Leptodon cayanensis (the first in published49. Piping Plover Eisermann & Avedaño22 present an eastern Mexico for almost 100 Charadrius melodus has been updated list of bird species reliably years) and Eye-ringed Flatbill proved to overwinter on the reported in Guatemala, updated Rhynchocyclus brevirostris (second island39. distributional information for more state record) have been reported 69 than 130 species, an evaluation of from Hidalgo . New records of Banded Quail Philortyx fasciatus St Vincent vulnerability on a national level have expanded its range in Fuller details concerning the first using IUCN criteria, a bibliogra- western Mexico41. A small range Western Reef-heron Egretta phy of more than 1,200 88 Cotinga28-070209.qxp 2/9/2007 11:52 AM Page 89 Cotinga 27 Neotropical Notebook extension for Sparking-tailed capped Antshrike Thamnophilus Rufous-rumped Seedeaters Hummingbird Tilmatura ruficapillus and new localities for Sporophila hypochroma were also dupontii in the state of Morelos Salinas Monjita Neoxolmis the first for the province. The first has been reported76. Sandoval et salinarum in Santiago del Estero. documented record for prov. Chaco al.70 report the first Yellow- A bird in captivity in 1998 and five of Stygian Owl Asio stygius was headed Blackbird observations in 2002–03 were the obtained in August 200412. Bodrati Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus first records of Solitary Eagle & Cockle11 provide notes on the for the continental part of the Harpyhaliaetus solitarius for prov. range and conservation of nine Yucután Peninsula, but overlook a Catamarca and a 400-km range threatened birds of the Atlantic previous record (albeit not extension south24. Bodrati10 reports Forest in the north-east of the documented) mentioned in these notable records for nine provinces country, including São Paulo pages (see Cotinga 20: 99). including several first provincial Tyrannulet Phylloscartes paulista Peterson & Navarro-Sigüenza60 records: Cinereous Harrier and Swallow-tailed Cotinga provide an interesting comparison Circus cinereus, Zone-tailed Phibalura flavirostris, both of between the avifauna of the Valley Hawk Buteo albonotatus, Grey- which are known from rather few of Mexico in the present-day and breasted Crake Laterrallus Argentine records in recent 100 years ago. exilis, Crimson-crested decades. Orange-backed Woodpecker Campephilus Troupial Icterus croconotus of the Panama melanoleucus and Plain race strictifrons has been recorded Details on the breeding ecology of Tyrannulet Inezia inornata for breeding in Argentina for the first the panamensis subspecies of Misiones; singles of Puna Plover time45. A flock numbering 10,000 Yellow-crowned Parrot Charadrius alticola in San Juan Mississippi Kites Ictinia missis- Amazona ochrocephala in western and Mendoza represent a range sippiensis has been observed Panama have been made extension of c.300 km south and recently4, and the introduced available66. the first records for both provinces. European Starling Sturnus In prov. Chaco Ash-coloured vulgaris is apparently explanding 59 SOUTH AMERICA Cuckoo Coccyzus cinereus and its range . Common Thornbird Argentina Phacellodomus rufifrons were first Brazil Michelutti & Torres50 present new records, whilst Bran-coloured Pacheco & Olmos54 have records of waterbirds for the centre Flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus commenced publication of a of the country, including the and White-tipped Dove Leptotila valuable series of papers detailing second record for Santiago del verreauxi were detected in La new information on the birds of Estero of Least Grebe Pampa, and two Nacunda the ornithologically relatively Tachybaptus dominicus and the Nighthawks Podager nacunda at poorly known state of Tocantins; first records for Cordoba of Puerto Madryn were the first the first part covers the south-east Andean Goose Chloephaga record for Chubut. A sick Hook- region and details 308 species melanoptera, Andean Lapwing billed Kite Chondrohierax recorded during three rapid Vanellus resplendens and uncinatus found in northern Santa surveys, with accounts for the 17 Southern Pochard Netta Fe was the first provincial record57, which represent notable erythrophthalma (the latter also a and a dead Little Shearwater discoveries from either a distribu- new species for the country). Puffinus assimilis at Golfo Nuevo, tional or conservation standpoint. Savigny et al.72 present the first prov. Chubut, was also notable13. Another groundbreaking contribu- record for Argentina of Trindade Significant records from Santa Fe tion is that by Naka et al.52, on the Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana, presented by Manassero et al.42 state of Roraima, wherein the one observed in Golfo San Matías, include: the second province record authors provide information on 38 prov. Río Negro. Cinnamon of Hook-billed Kite; the first new state records, including the Warbling-finch Poospiza ornata records of Crowned Eagle first Brazilian specimen of Pale- has been recorded for the first Harpyhaliaetus coronatus for dpto. eyed Pgymy-tyrant Atalotriccus time in more than two decades in General Obligado; the first pilaris and second locality in prov. Entre Ríos67. Capllonch et province record of Bat Falcon country for Yapacana Antbird al.15 reports the first records of Falco rufigularis for some years; a Myrmeciza disjuncta, as well as Yellow-chinned Spinetail Semipalmated Plover discussing the avian biogeography Certhiaxis cinnamomea and Charadrius semipalmatus of this, the northernmost state in Firewood-Gatherer Anumbius (photographed) and a Least Brazil. Vasconcelos et al.78 present annumbi, and provide information Seedsnipe Thinocorus new distributional and natural concerning American Swallow- rumicivorus, in dpto. Rosario, were history data for some 40 species in tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus both second provincial records; Minas Gerais,
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