I THE NORFOLK NEWS TnUKSDAY MAY 31 1900 TUESDAY TOPICS tbo peoplo of Norfolk on their musical ANIMALS AS BESIEGERS Knox Tipple visited in tho city over talent tbcro evidenced and paid glowing JXPEWKJINCDBA perfect Their InllmpR and rWrntrary Indi ¬ nifjht compliments to Mrs Boels as a cate Power of Itntliioluatlaa teacher Ho also took occasion tb ex ¬ Court Reporter 0 A Williams of There aro plenty of garrisons nnd on elegant now Facts Gleaned from a Talk Neligh was a city visitor yesterday tend congratulations the RlcgoB and reliefs In wild life and Porno Auditorium which had been secured of them very pliicklly sustained Short With W H Robinson Editor U K Foster of tbo Plainviow CiOhollc Mlonliiti rations sorties and assaults tread on News was in tbo city over night on bus ¬ f A mission which commenced last each others tails and the bcslecera do iness not nlways get of It THE OODNTBY IS UNDEVELOPED Sunday evening is being conducted this the best champion besieger Is n wild pig Tho postofllco will bo open tomorrow Heart The week in the church of tho Sacred called the peccary which Ib About the from 11 00 n m and iu tbo evening nt The American Ciiliiiijr nt ln tlliirip Soil Catholic by Rev S K Brockbank O tnoRt frightful beast alive and liven in 730 Ik Very Klch mill Irotfiirllte- - Ktillchl P In addition to tho subjects din herds In tho South American forests en Milium Want A Ichiih to Control Ou account of Decoration day no enpsed a question box is maintained aud You cannot discourage a peccary you til met anil the Ignorant Like Their Money paper will bo issued from this ofllco to- all questions asked with an idea of can only kill him These beasts have a - morrow learning tho teaching of the Catholic particular dislike to monkeys and fre-¬ From IriilnjF Pull- to W 11 Robinson who returned from 0 A McKim V S went to Pierce church aro answered ench evening quently watch for nn opportunity cut one off from the main woods Now Cuba tho other relates some nud Foster this morning ou professional Tho following aio tho subjects dis ¬ evening and then tbo herd will nmnnge to sur¬ business cussed morning services beginning at wonderful and interesting facts about prise n party of monkeys near an Iso ¬ tho island Ho at where it oclock and In tho evening at 7 10 was La Glorie S II Ellison of Lincoln is visiting lated tree or chimp They make the there is nn American colony of several Wednesday morning Forgiveness of most of the chance with Secretary W W Hnghcsof the hundred people The company which Y M O L Injuries The pigs rush forward and the mon Thursday morning Tho Blessed keys skim gayly up the trees out of promoted tho colony is organized by Prof II E and S K Warrick Funk Virgin barms way But as the clump Is lolat Americana with Paul Vandervoort were visitors iu tbo city yesterday from if Friday morning Death ed from the forest there Is no oBcape formerly of this state as president Battle Creek Saturday morning Judgment via tho branches and they dare not The company purchased a tract of land Mrs W T Jones of Wiusido is iu tbo Sunday morning Perseverance come down and run for It Tho pec of about lUOlK acres in extent which city visiting her cousins Mrs Frtd Tuesday evening Tho Confessional carleH surround and Invest the tree they aro selling in from fi to 10 acre clump nnd there they will patiently Sidler and Miss Nettie Lowe Social Evils sit plots A modem American city iB be Wednesday evening The for any length of mon time while tho ing laid out four miles from tho harbor Ensipn Bonnrrt junior soldier btaff Thursday evening Purgatory keys chatter angrily aloft If a mon ¬ TO THE MAN WHO THINKS and prepar- ¬ secretary will conduct meeting at tbo Friday evening Tho Last Supper or key comes to the end of the rations purchasers of the land are VI ing to Ono gontlo OOK yourself squarely in the face and sec Salvutiou Army hall tonight Admis ¬ Real Presence within reach and becomes so desperate raise fruit orchards jfc sion free Saturday evening St PeterB Suc- ¬ through hunger that ho tries to run the man from California states that the if you are not half ashamed to be without cessor or Infallibility of the Pope gantlet he Ib torn to pieces by the land Ib much bettor for tho purpose than There promises to be a largo attend ¬ Ivory Soap in your housei Worse than this tuskB of the besiegers In a few seconds tho portion of Calfornia from which he ance at the Junior exercises at tho High Letter Mm it The only chance of escape Is that some caino Three bundled peoplo went your wife is without It is bad enough nchool room this evening and an inter ¬ List of letters remaining uncalled for prowling Jaguars -- a of of the kind down on tho samo trip with Mr Robin ¬ for a man though a man often doesnt care how esting program is anticipated at the postoflico May 28 1500 leopard In neighborhood may get the son and many havo since followed S W h Carl Anderson Andrew Anderson to siege they do they his comfort is mis spelled But a woman misses all The new coal pheds for II E Hardy know of the If Rose Storm of this city bring one of them ¬ A Adams CharleB Bridgoford will come to tho rescue not for the these little helps to housekeeping And Ivory Soap near the union depot have been com- Mr Storm encountered a real storm on Frank Beal G W Bentley Geo Bran ¬ monkeys sake but because they pleted autl the work of rebuilding the one tho trip and beeaino very sick He is one its great potency makes it actually cheaper son P L Bussey Helen Blair Wil- ¬ arc fond of peccary Then the was on Fourth street has been commenced so for general It floats lie Blair Edward Black Mrs D Chap beleaguered garrison escapes while the sick in fact that ho does not want to than yellow soap work Miss Agnes Thompson relieving column Is tackling the Invest ¬ undergo experience an ¬ retumedllast iu Harry Cunningham W C David ¬ another such and She accom- - ing peccaries But these pigs aro bo night Grand Island was son R O Deuuou Lucy Daniels Sadie nounces that ho will not leave tho island panied by Miss Etta Hodgetts formerly fierce that even jaguars will not at ¬ Many of those who went down have Evans Egyptian Remedy Co M J tack a really big herd of them of this city who willj visit for two returned because they went with no in- ¬ Furnace Emma Fredrick W B Gal- The most formidable of besiegers are weeks tention of remaining but simply for the lup Martha Guse J W Hardy May the wild buffaloes of Central Africa can creep through an onlinary scram NAPOLEON AT ST HELENA Echool purpose of looking their invest ¬ The annual banqnet of tbo High HnrdyJ J II Gerk Louise Jensen These will Imprison even a panther if after aio very plentiful and their bito ih most nluinni will be held at tho Pacific hotel Mrs Anna Kelly Walter King Paulina they get him In the open The panther ment annoying Tarantulas aro plentiful IIIh Vloun on the IrnrimtliiiiH Tnlcen Tho III Cmiipc at 9 oclock next Friday evening and an Kittel Frieda Kirch Frank Mehring generally makes for a high rock but town lots which havo been laid but no moro attention is paid to them to Iriiiill as tho buffaloes can browse on the grass out aro nearly sold A One of the extracts from Dr OMea excellent program for the occasion is in Jas T MeAlpiu Rynold Mass Mrs all road has than people of tho north do to a coiniiH u around they will hold out any length been graded up from bay over raa St Helena diary In The Century course of preparation Melton Laura Peterson J W Pep ¬ tho of panther starves spider Napoleons views on Hie pre ¬ per time while the which a street car line will bo run and records Tho government thermometer regis J II Peterson W R Price Franz They form a big Irregular circle round Thero aro fish in abundance aud the cautions tnlen to pieent his escape ¬ everything now points to tho develop tpred 90 degrees yesterday which is con- Preuknat Tlios Stoue A C Warwick the rock the sentinels keeping an eye natives depend on them largely for their Ih npoke anew about escaping and ment of a prosperous city Tho town sidered fairly warm weather for May If not called for in 10 days will be on the besieged beast while they meat supply Thero aro also a number said that If he was Inclined to try It Bite is high nnd healthy but ono death i Old Sol seemed to be endeavoring to sent to the dead letter ollico browse Often a man gets treed In of wild hogs in tho woods and tho na ¬ which he was not here were make up tor tho lost time wbeu the Parties calling for auy of tho above this way His only chance unless a occurring during Mr Robinsons stay tive youths drive them out with dogs chaneeH In 100 against his effecting It moon covered his face in the forenoon please say advertised party of horsemen relieve him Is to set of three of four months and dispatcli them with their machetes Hut said he this Jailer every week the dry grass alight on the lee side of Thero is ary amount of undeveloped Imposes new ami vexatious restrictions Dr Sadie Miller of tho osteo- ¬ P F SlKECHMt P M There nro also numbers of boa con- ¬ Hart his rock This will lire half tbo dis- ¬ upon me ns If I was In a place territory in that part of tho island but seem to Just pathic school is iu the city visiting her ¬ strictors iu the woods but they Wanted Honest man or woman to trict If there Is any wind and It al it is all owned in largo tracts In the where l hail nothing to do but to step 1 husband Myron Miller tho jeweler be perfectly harmless Mr Robinson I travel for large bouse salary 05 ways scares the buffaloes off woods wild lemons and oranges grow in Into a boat and be away
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