U i ! r i 1 la i. miiTina in in I ll ii si k t U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, November 12. 21 SUGAR. 96 Degree Test i r Last Hours Rainfall, .00. Centrifugals, 3.92c. Per Ton, $78.40. Temperature, Max. 76; Min. 61. Weather, fair to cloudy. 88 Analysis Beets, 10s. 3d. Per Ton, $83.20. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1856. VOL NO. 8195. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. II XLVm, PRICE FIVE CENTS. SHRINERS ENTERTAIN FEAR SENATElRECEPT IS DSEVELT ORDERS 1 PAST POTENTATE OF ISLAA WILL NOT W T jf j? f p K f t? " & is K" sf F ji " ARINES TO LEAVE HELP E NVOY SHIPS EOR SHORE : i .1 Anti-Saloone- rs Sec the Chinese Excellency and Will Serve Henceforth as Garrisons for Navy Finish of Local Prince to Arrive ' Yards and Stations German Kaiser Option Bill. Tomorrow. I Will Be Restricted. Anti-Saloo- n League Plans Excel- Members of the for the reception of His (Associated Press Cablegrams.) are afraid of what the Senate will do lency Tang Shao-y- i and His Highness to their local option bill in the coming Prince Tsai Fu on their arrival here WASHINGTON, November 13. President Roosevelt yesterday issued an session. They are satisfied that the on the Mongolia, have now been com- order detaching all marines from service aboard the vessels of the navy. Tha House will be favorable, and know that pleted. marines are to be withdrawn and used ashore as garrisons for naval posts is predisposed in to the country generally The Mongolia is expected arrive and navy yards. favor of a local option measure, but early Saturday morning. At the wharf there is head-shakin- g when the complex- to meet them and act as an escort will ion of the Senate is sized up. be two companies of the Twentieth In- At least there was head-shakin- g yes- fantry, U. S. A., from Fort Shafter de- GERMAN COMMITTEE WILL terday, Lyle Dickey speaking sorrow- tailed by Captain Exton, who is in com- fully of the prospect and having his mand of Fort Shafter in Major Dun- SUPPRESS THE KAISER sorrow confirmed by his father, C. II. ning 's absence; and by two companies ( Pi ) - . DickeyT This was just before the Auti- of the National Guard of Ilarwaii de- , Saloon League executive committee tailed bv Colonel Ziegler. : BERLIN, November 13. The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Reica-sta- g went into executive session yesterday Secretary of the Territory E. A. has assembled and intimated that it has under consideration steps to re- Board for govern- at the rooms of the Hawaii Mott Smith representing the strict the Emperor's independence of the Reichstag in acting for Germany in the purpose of hearing the annual re- ment of the Territory will meet nis the foreign relations of the country. C. Atkin- port of their attorney, A. L. Excellency and His Highness and will M son. accompany them .in an automobile, un- With three liquor men elected to the der the escort of the four companies of 'l . OIL Senate from this island, I must say I troops to the Capitol, where the emi- STANDARD FINE CASE OF ISLAM TEMPLE, WHO am afraid for the fate of our local op- nent visitors will call on Governor GEORGE EFIiMER, PAST POTENTATE IS THE GUEST OF ALOHA TEMPLE. tion bill," said Lyle Dickey. "'The Frear. HEBE AS v& 6? WILL fc t? BE tu t& CARRIED tS v t v t. i$ t$ ON House is all right, but the Senate From the Capitol still escorted by the t it before, and I think will do troops, the distinguished foreigners will "You have a unique city here," said ippines on the City of Peking, then be-iin- g Anti-Saloo- n a transport, J to again. The work of the proceed to the. Chinese Consulate on George Filmer, Past Potentate of used as as Captain WASHINGTON, November 13. The Department of Justice has decided to ft League lately has been to work up a Sheridan street. There the duty of the Islam Temple, San Francisco, who is of Company B, First. California Volun- carry an appeal against the overruling of Judge Landis decision against the sentiment in favor of loeal option. We escort will end. here as the guest of Aloha Temple, for teer Tnfantry. The regiment was in Standard Oil Company to the Supreme Court. Judge Landis found the Standard have the sympathy of the people with Governor Frear accompanied by his its ceremonial session next Saturday. port..two days and Captain Filmer re Oil Company guilty of accepting rebates from transportation companies on a us, Then there but that Senate!" staff will call on them at the Chinese "I have had some experience with calls with great pleasure the enter- large number of counts, inflicting fines to the total amount of twenty-nin- e mil- was further shakings of the head, cities in tropical countries. But you tainment and hospitality extended to "If we could put it to a vote of the: Consulate. lion dollars. The decision was overruled. people, we would carry the bill easily," Prince TsaiFu being of Imperial blood have a city here within the tropics the men of the regiment. The regi- lie added. will be given a salute of twentv-on- e vhich is entirely without the features ment took part in the capture of Ma- Iln7.. V . Ti. L .. 4 . , I ser- vu.y uru t got a5 i.tr as i"e j Runs from the Naval Station as the which are a drawback to most cities nila and after several months' vice in and around Manila was sent to SAN WILL BUY Mongolia arrives in the harbor. As he so situated. You have a climate that FRANCISCO mented Mr. Dickey, Senior. reaches the Capitol grounds occupy the Island of Negros, in the you consider Sunday Quinn a a salute is superb. A situation that is health- "Do of twenty-on- e guns will be given him southern part of the archipelago, liquor man!" they were asked. there. ' ful and beautiful, and a city that i3 where it remained for seven or eight HETCH HETCHY WATERSHED "Well, he was elected by the liquor Following Governor His! months. said Dickey, Junior. Frear 's call, well built, well kept and well cared men," Excellencyi and His Highness will be '"But it seems to me that your city 9 "And he's a jolly good fellow," said for." shown about the city by the Chinese has greatly changed since then," he SAN FRANCISCO, November 13. The proposal to issue bonds for $600,00C Tiekey, Senior, with an air of finality. Consul. Mr. Filmer was in Honolulu ten said yesterday. are a number Then Atkinson with his They will be taken to the "There to acquire to lands and claims reservoir sites and water rights in Jack arrived Aquarium, and perhaps to the Pali. At years ago, going through to the Phil (continued on Page Two.) title for tha report in an inside pocket, and the rep- two Hetch Hetchy watershed for a municipal water supply was voted on here ye resentative of the press was invited to o'clock they will be the guests of the Chinese Consul at luncheon, at the terday and the bond issue authorized. The acquiring of the rights and the in- get out, in a very kindly way though. Consulate. Mr. Atkinson was asked if a copy of stallation of the reservoir system will give a water supply of two hundred his report might be had to give the At 7:30 o'clock they will be the million gallons a day. guests at dinner of Mr. Tang Kau at public. There was nothing doing. Planters End Their Labor . Anti-Saloo- his residence on Vineyard west "I am not manager of the n street, League," Mr. explained. of Nuuanu. Atkinson The Mongolia is expected to ,'What relations I have with the mem- sail on DODGING CHINESE ARE DROWNED bers is that of lawyer and client, and Sunday morning. The Hawaiian band With Banquet and Drama my report is confidential. I will not will probably be at the wharf to play read it if there is to be a reporter at them off. Two military men, an officer BUFFALO, New York, November 13. Six Chinese were drowned here the meeting." from the Twentieth Infantry, and an With a record crop to celebrate, a I er, W. C. Parke, S. S. Peck, J. N. S. while attempting to dodge the immigration inspectors and effect a officer from the First Eegiment, Na- "We will probably have a very free of banqueters a Williams, J. II. Mackenzie, G. II. Tut-tle- , in the country from Canada. things tional Guard of Hawaii, will be detail- record number and discussion of and people," said W. TuHar, G. F. Davies, George Mr. Dickey, Junior, "and it what wo ed as aids to the visitors throughout roc rd menu to discuss, the banquet i their stay in Honolulu. Captain Thos. Ross, H. L. Lyon, C. F. Hart, R. Hall, said was published it might hurt some of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Asso peoples' feelings." l ummins has been detailed as aid from R. S. Hosmer, F. T. Dillingham, John ROOSEVELT GREETS THE FARMERS There were present at the meeting the National Guard by Col. J. W. Jones. ciation held last night, to wind up the The following is the order issued by Hind, W. L. Hopper, George Gibb, J. Messrs.
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