******************** ~+++++++r++u+++++r+~ ++ +* ++ +* 10 SEPTEMBER 1936 BUREAU OF NAVIGATION BULLETIN * NUMBER 239 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ PUBL I SHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF D I SSEM INAT I NG GENERAL I NFORMAT I ON OF PROBABLE I NTEREST TO ++ THE SERVICE, ++ ++ + The Secretary of the Treasury has awarded Silver Life-Saving Medals to the folloning-named enlisted men: PONlJER, Thomas Harold, Boatswain's Mate IC,U,5,N., U,S,S, Peary, for bravely rescuing a moman from drotming on 13 November 1935. RIGFIT,EYER, Harry Howard, Boatsmain's Mate IC,U.S,N,, U.S.S. Chester, for bravely rescuing a shipmate from droming on U. July 1955, SANDmS, Philip Eazl, Boatmain's Mate 2c, UuSonTe, U.S,S. Lexjngton, for bravely rescuing a shipmate from drowning on 10 November 1935v The Sesre+,ary of the Navy has addressed letters of commendation to the folloniLg: Lieut, E. E. Coil, U,S.Navy, Fourth Naval District, for his djligence, high sense of duty, and interest in his profewion during the competxtion year just closed, which resulted in his Uni.t, the Naval Comxi'.cat,i.m Reserve Unit of the Fourth Naval District, standing highest ~'GYthe year. Lieut. John C, !7oelYel, U.S.Navy, U,S. Navel Acad?my, for his inithative, untiring efforts, and interest in his pmfession -*.hpredaring a mo3oE;rayh entitled, 'Wotes on Precise Latitude and LongitiJJe Ob:n-?rations", for the use of naval officers doing survey duty in isoki,ad regions. ", Orville Lonzo, Machinist's Mate 2c, U,S,Nnvy, U.S.S. Nautilus, for prompt and courageous actio4 on the acc.isim of a crankczse explosion in'the U.S,S, Nautilus, which minimized vl-at mi.@> have been serious damage to the ship and personnel in the vicinity, Amy-, George Patterson, Xlectrician's Mate IC,U,S,S. Nautilus, for irompt and courageous action; on the occasion of a crankcase exi;losion in the U,S,S. Ma?ltilus, which minimized nhat mtght have been serious damage to the ship and personnel in the vicinity. OLSZEJTSKI, John Joseph, Seaman lc, U.S.Navy, U,S.S, Hopkins, for prom'pt and courageous action in resctuing Sugene Stepanuk, Seaman 2c, U.S,Navy, from drowning on 18 April 1936. PRITCHETT, Clinton Kimbrough, Aviation Machinistt s Mate 2c, U,S,Navy, Naval Air Staltion, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk., Va, for neritor?311s conduct in making repeated attempts to rescue Linu4;snant (je) C. K, bT:d23~y~ U.S,Navy, and TJ, C. Gray, Rad.ioman 3c, U,SNavy, dscsazed, frsm a Surn- ing plane rhich had crashed at the Naval Cperathg Base, Norfolk, Va,, on 17 June 1336. FIELDS, Glenn Dave, Ship's Cook 3c, U,S,Navy, U,S.S. Texas, for prompt and courageous action in rescuing James F. nillis, Jr,, Seaman IC, U,S.Navy, frem drowning on 9 Nay 1936, .- !XITC, Arthur, Chief Carpenter's Mate, U.S.N 3.23. Hannibal, for consistently meritorious akld outstanding per nce of duty in perform- ing extremely difficult and hazardous tssks, guarding life, and displaying great physical courage during the od from 21 December 1923 to 2 May 1936 while attached to the U.S.S. H The Acting Secretary of the Navy has ated Nrs. Huberta P, Xarle, nife of Honorable George H. 3arlel G F of Pennsylvania, as sponsor at the launching of the U,S.S. PYIUDEWIIA, Light Cruiser, (CL41), mied for the city of Philadelph$a, and the fifth vessel of that name. This vessel is buildirq at the Phila phia Navy Yard and is sched- uled for launching in November, but no date has been set. The U,S,S+ PHILADEIPHIA (CL41) was authorized and appropriated for under Act of Congress, 16 June 1933. OFYImS ENTITLED TO ADV.CZ&Tm IN .WCON €ETI€WENT OR AWANCET.IW ON "Z RZTIRZD LIST. In accordance with the instructions of the Secretary of the Navy, the Permanent Board of Awards has recently cobcluded a review of the cases of all officers of the Navy and Marine Corps on the Active and Retired List who were commended by the head.of an Executive Department for performance of duty during the Vorld l;!ar. The reconanendations of the Board have been approved by the Secretary of the Navy. The study was mde to establish a list of those officers of the Navy and Marine Corps, who, within the purvien of existing legislation (Acts of March 4, 1925, March 5, 1931 and January 16, 1936) are entitled to advancement in rank on rejiirement or advancement on the Retired List because of having been commended by the Head of an Zxecutive Department for perfomnce of duty in actual combat with the enemy during the '7orld ',Jar These Acts provide respectively for such advancement in rank for officers retired for age-in-grade, and service-in-gFade - after failure of selection - and for physical disability incurred in line of duty. Officers retired for any other cause aye not so privileged. The folloning officers are entitled to advancement: Rank indicated is that held as of 18 June 1936, the date of report by the Board of Awards. ' /' Navy --Active -Name Rank Bagley, David '17. Cap t. Bastedo, Paul €1. dam&,* Lt Blackvood, James De, JI'O .wlnar, (MC) Blakely, Charles A* Capt . Boone, Joel T, Runkley, Joel '7, Carpender, Arthur S, Gomdr; Compo, George L. Lt, Omdr,, Cooke, Henry D. 1 Capt, Crosby, Paul To Lt, %omdr. (r.ic) Dickinson, Dwiglit Jr. Lt, Comdr. (MC) Fairfield, Arthur P. Rear Ah. Farquhar, Allan SI Cap t . Foote, Percy W, Capt. Heil, Edward J. Chf .Bosd. Herbster, Victor Do Oomdr. ' Hook, Frederick R. Lt. ,&mar. (LE) James, Jules . Comb, Johnson, Alfred 5". Rear -4'dm. King, Ogden,D, Cbmdr.' (MC) Leahy, Lamar R, Cap+: I Lyle, Alexander Go 8 Comr7r. (DC) Mack, Cornelius KO . Comdr. (DG) LlcClaran, Joh YJ. ,Cornfir, Michael, Rilliam H. Comilr, (!\IC)- Moring, Travis S, ,, * .. ; Lt. co&r.(m) Porterf ield, Lewis Ba , Cap*;, Powell, Halsey cap+,* Pratt, Lester L. Com-ir, (!,E) Riefkohl, Frederick I,. Gun;J.r. ' Schuyler, Garret L. Capt. Scott, Norman COmdr. Seymour, Pkqilip Comdr . Shan, Howard R.. Lieut . Staton, Adolphus Cap%. Taussig, Joseph K. Rear Ada. Terry, Jack S, Lt.Comdr. (A%) Tisdale, Ryland D. Lt. Corndr. Twining, Robert B. Lt, Comdr. Umsted, Scott Lt. Comdr. Vernou, ??alter N, Rear Ah. G'eber, John, Jr, Chf .Bosn. mitemarsh, Ross P, Lt .Comdr . Villiams, Obed E. Chf-Elec, (a) Navy --- Retired ! -Name ~t -Rank Brady, JobJ.- Cape. (mc) Doyle, James M. Lt, C omdr . Fallon, H u. Lfeut . Huf fman, er D. Lieut .(MC) Izad, Zdouard P, Lieut. Lanler, Robert J. Zieut. (LE) lIacNa.ir, James D. capt.(mc) . Park, Albert N. fr, comdr. ( G~C) Peterson,. Oylis A, Lieut .(DC 1, Barker, Fredsr Col. Berry, Benjamin S. Col. Blake, Robert Lt.Co1. Bleasdale,-Victor F, Major Cates,.Clifton B. Lt .Col. Corbett , Murl ' Capt. Cornell, Percy D. Ida j or Cukela, Louis Capt. DeCarre , hlphonse Lt.c 01. Denig, Robert L. (301. Evans, Frank E. Col. Fox, Daniel R. Capt . Galliford, Valter T.H. &lajor Geer, Prentice S. Major Geiger, Roy S. - Lt.Col. Groffj John Major Hermle, Leo D. Lt.Co1. I Holcomb, Thomas Brig.Gen1. Hunt, LeRoy P. Lt.Col. Keyser , Ralph S. Col. Larsen, Henry L. Lt.Co1. Lee , 77i11-H. Capt. Lienhard ,-Jacob Major IVICNUltyy X~hnSo CU3'Iar. Gun. Matthews, Hugh Brig.Gen1. Montague, Robert L. Major bhulcahy, Francis P. Ma j OF Murray, Charles I. Lt. Col. Noble; Alfred W. Lt. Col. Puryear, Bennett, Jr. Cole Rea, Leonard E. Major Roberts, Harold C. Capt, . Robillard; Fred S. hlajor . Rockey, Keller E. Lt.COl. Rogers, Ford 0. Major Harine Co~ps- Active ( Contt d) . -Name -Rank Shearer, Maurice E. Lt. COL Shepherd, Lemuel C. Jr. Lt e Cole Silverthorn, Merwin €1. Major Sneet , Yalter Capt Ulrich , 7illiam Cap to :?kitehead, Frank Lt.Col* Marine Corps --- Retired Bearss, Hiram 1. Col. Beauchainp , Felix Capte Cogsmell, Julius Ca Cap to 'I . Cunningham, Alfred A. L ** Ma 507; Dunbeck, Charley Capt . Eddy, 5'illiam A. Capt . Fay, John He Major Hagan, Joseph A. Cap?;, Hart, Sack So Capt. Heckman, Jacob 11. 1st.I.t e Hope, Edward B. Capt, Hughes, John R. Lt,a Go1 Israel, Frederick 3.9t. McLeod, Herman L. .iC,-t; Q Lt. Robinson, Robert G. 211d Lt. Sibley, Barton T?. Lt .COl. 77illiam, Xrnest C. Major !7i3se, Frederic M. Col. Information received from the Comnder in'chief, Asiatic Fleet, indicates that about one hundred and sixty officers will be required as replacements on the Asiatic Station during the calendar year 1937. Volunteers are requested, Estimated requirements (exclusive of submarine officers) are as f0 llons: January, 1937 - 1 Comnder 2 Lieutenant Comnanders 10 Lieutenants 3 Lieutenants ( jg) February, 193'7 - 1 Lieutenant Commander 7 Lieutenants 1 Lieutenant ( jg) March, 1937 April, 1937 May, 1937 ' June, 1937 July, 1937 August, 1937 September, 1937 October, 1937 November, 1937 December, 1937 L. '- .I Submarine Officers reqGiGed: ' January, 1937 - 2 Lieutenants ( jg) February, 1937 t - 9 Lieutenants (jg) April, 1957 1. 'Lieutenant , - 1 Lieutenant (jg) May, 1957 ' - 2 Lieutenants July, 1937 - 5 Lieutenants (jg) October, 1937 - 2 Lieutenants (jg) The Bureau will give consideration to requests forI' duty on the Asiatic Station from officers who have already been at sea for about a year provided they are willing to complete a full cruise on that station. Officers on the promotion list nil1 be considered as of the next higher grade in filling the above vacancies. ****I*************** Vacancies will occur at the various optlying stations at the times indicated below. Requests for assigment to these stations nill be given consid erat ion.
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