BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, 65(3): 677–685, 1999 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF THE KING ANGELFISH HOLACANTHUS PASSER VALENCIENNES 1846 IN THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Marcial Arellano-Martínez, Bertha P. Ceballos-Vázquez, Federico García-Domínguez and Felipe Galván-Magaña ABSTRACT Aspects of the reproductive biology of Holacanthus passer, a valuable ornamental fish, were studied. Male and female specimens were collected monthly from June 1992 to May 1993 in the Gulf of California. The sex ratio differed significantly from 1:1 over the size range of the sample; females prevailed at small lengths and males at larger lengths. The ovarian and testes development was analyzed by histological techniques and the reproductive cycle was determined. H. passer is a partial spawner with asynchronous development of the gonads. The period of reproductive activity was from April to No- vember coinciding with the highest values of gonadosomatic index and temperature. The gonadosomatic index adequately describes the reproductive activity of the species. The king angelfish Holacanthus passer V., ranges from the central Gulf of California to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands (Gotshall, 1982). Their juveniles are caught in the Gulf of California for sale to aquaria because of their great color pattern, yielding prices as high as US $100 each in the international market (Pérez-España and Abitia-Cárdenas, 1996). Despite their importance in the aquarium industry, there are no studies on their population biology or the impacts of exploitation and studies on their biology are scarce (Pérez-España and Abitia-Cárdenas, 1996). The fishery for H. passer juveniles is presently prohibited because their excessive ex- ploitation caused the depletion of the populations. An alternative for preserving economic benefits is the culture of king angelfish. Past attempts to culture this species have yielded poor results. Knowledge of the reproductive biology may help in the development of angelfish culture. Observations on the ecology and social organization of H. passer in the Gulf of Cali- fornia were reported (Reynolds and Reynolds, 1971). Studies on the food habits and feeding behavior (Reynolds and Reynolds, 1971; Pérez-España and Abitia-Cárdenas, 1996), and a macroscopic description of the digestive tract (Pérez-España and Abitia- Cárdenas, 1996) have been conducted. The reproductive biology of H. passer is undescribed. The objective of this study was to examine the gonadal development and the timing of reproduction of this species in relation to the gonadosomatic index and water temperature. METHODS The study was carried out at Cueva de León (24°02'N, 110°24'W) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. From June 1992 to May 1993, adult specimens of H. passer were collected monthly with a Hawaiian harpoon at 2 to 10 m depth between 09:00 and 14:00. Standard length and total weight were recorded for each fish. The water temperature was recorded at the time of sampling. 677 678 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 65, NO. 3, 1999 Gonads were dissected, weighed, and fixed in 10% formalin solution. Gonad sections were dehy- drated in alcohol and embedded in paraffin. Sections (7 µm) were placed on slides and stained with haematoxylin and counterstained with eosin (Humason, 1979). A modification of the developmen- tal stages established by Ceballos-Vázquez and Elorduy-Garay (1998) for the golden-eyed tilefish Caulolatilus affinis Gill was used to categorize the gonads. Sex ratios were analyzed by month, and by length class, with a χ2 test (α = 0.05) for the signifi- cance of the deviation from the expected ratio (1:1). The gonadosomatic index (IG) was calculated with the equation: × IG = Gonad weight (g)/Total weight (g) 100 In order to make a quantitative comparison of IG results with histological results, a monthly gonad index (Ig) was computed for each sex (Heffernan et al., 1989) utilizing a numerical grading system with 1 = resting and spent, 2 = developing, and 3 = ripe and spawning. A correlation analy- sis between IG and Ig was done to determine if the IG is an accurate predictor of specific reproduc- tive condition. A linear correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between gonadosomatic index and temperature. Correlation analyses were carried out with all the specimens caught through- out the annual cycle (Encina and Granado-Lorencio, 1997). RESULTS A total of 200 specimens was collected, 114 females (55.9%), 86 males (42.1%); and four immature (2%). The sex ratio for the total sample was 1.32F:1M and differed signifi- cantly (P ≤ 0.05) from the expected ratio of 1:1. The analysis by month shows that only in October there was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in sex ratio (Table 1). Fishes ranged in standard length from 81 mm to 253 mm (mean = 177.8, 37.6 SD). The analysis of sex ratios by length class, carried out on all the data, shows significant devia- tions from the expected ratio of 1:1 in seven length classes (P ≤ 0.05) (Table 2). It was found that nearly all fish >200 mm are males. Gametogenesis, either spermatogenesis or oogenesis, of H. passer was divided into five stages (resting, developing, ripe, spawning, and spent) (Table 3). The reproductive (erauqsihC,seicneuqerfelamdnaelameF.1elbaT χ2 fosoitarxesdnaseulav) ressapsuhtnacaloH b P(oitar1:1amorfecnereffidtnacifingisyllacitsitatsaetacidni*.htnomy ≤ .)50.0 M htno Feelame Malχ2SexratioF:M J767une 07.071:1.1 J5uly 151501.121: A60ugust 111:0. 6 September170 03.55 61:1.4 O5ctober24154.733 *1:6.2 November180 05.22 21:1.2 D5501ecember 1: J6312anuary 1: February30301: March 1551 22.21:2. A72pril 1618.311:0.5 May 911202.1:0.8 T4OTAL1618*31.921.32: ARELLANO-MARTÍNEZ ET AL.: REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF KING ANGELFISH 679 (erauqsihCdnaseicneuqerfelamdnaelameF.2elbaT χ2 foseulav) ressapsuhtnacaloH htgnelyb P(oitar1:1amorfecnereffidtnacifingisyllacitsitatsaetacidni*.ssalc ≤ .)50.0 S)htgneldradnat (emmFeemalMlalTotaχ2 80−90 12330.33 90−100 21330.33 100−110 21330.33 110−120 1120 120−130 52761.28 130−140 61713.57 140−150 831132.27 150−160 1286 1*10.889 160−170 3451 3*20.828 170−180 2406 3*16.133 180−190 1451 173.26 190−200 35850. 200−210 333 210−220 14151*11.267 220−230 12232*19.174 230−240 100101.* 240−250 666.* 250−260 111 Table3.DescriptionofthedevelopingstagesofthegonadsofHolacanthuspasser. SetagesFeemal Mal ReestingOocyteswereembeddedinfinger-likLittleornospermatocyte fyolds,thepredominantoocyteswereearldevelopmentpresent.Spermatogenic alndprevitellogenicoocytes.Gonadatubules,ingeneral,wereinactive. lumenwasgenerallylarge. DsevelopingLargeearlyandprevitellogenicoocyteIntensespermatogenicactivityin wereinlesserquantities.Thevitellogenictshetubuleswithcellsinallstage aendmatureoocytesweredominant.Thofdevelopment.Spermatozoa lumenwassmallerthanatthepreviouscollectinginspermatogenictubules. stage. ReipeThematureoocyteswerethemorThespermatozoawaspredominant representativeones.Prehydratedandwithlittleornonespermatogenic hydratedoocyteswerepresentinsomeactivityoccurring.Thecollecting ovaries.Therewasnolumenvisible.tubulesweretotallyfilledwith spermatozoa. SrpawningThegeneralappearancewasverysimilaChannellingofspermatozoainto toripeovariesbutthedistinctivecollectingtubules.The characteristicofthisstagewasthespermatogenicandcollecting presenceofpostovulatoryfollicles.tubuleswerepartiallyempty. S.pentTheabundanceofearlyoocytesincreasedTubulesalmostempty,withsome Thevitellogenicandmatureoocyteswereresidualspermatozoa.Some inreabsorption.Theatreticstructureswerespermatogenesismayoccur. dominant,sothatthegonadcouldbe consideredinreabsorption. 680 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 65, NO. 3, 1999 Figure 1. Reproductive cycle of (a) females and (b) males of Holacanthus passer. Relative frequency of gonadal stages between June 1992 and May 1993. cycle of H. passer from Cueva de León, B.C.S., is summarized in Figure 1. From Novem- ber to May most fishes were inactive, as determined by the dominance of the resting and spent stages. The developing stage (both sexes) and the ripe stage (males) were present in this period from March to May, indicating that the reproductive activity started in March. Ripe and spawning females were present from June to October, whereas ripe and spawn- ing males were found from April to November. Monthly quantitative assessments of histologic reproductive condition are illustrated in Figure 2. From these data, it is apparent that the gonad index of both, female and male, have a similar tendency along the year, with high values coinciding with reproductive activity. The values of Ig were lowest during the end of autumn and winter then, by spring Ig started to increase reaching the highest values in summer and early autumn. For males, a decrease in Ig values was in summer but Ig values increased again by autumn. The Ig ARELLANO-MARTÍNEZ ET AL.: REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF KING ANGELFISH 681 Figure 2. Monthly gonad index values throughout the year for females and males of Holacanthus passer. values indicated that spawning started in summer and continued into the early autumn, with fish quiescent by the late autumn and winter. The mean values of gonadosomatic index were low from October to May, except in April for males when there was a considerable increase coinciding with ripe individuals. In June, females index reached the highest value, and tended to decrease in the following months (Fig. 3). For females a significant correlation (P < 0.05) was found between gonad index and gonadosomatic index, whereas for males a significant correlation (P < 0.05) wasn’t found (Table 4). From December to
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