November 18, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S15029 (5) NOTICE REQUIREMENT.—The amounts may Mr. KENNEDY. I think there is a commander of the Fifth Army. I first be obligated or expended only if the Mayor noti- consent that has been agreed to where- met General Clark over 5 years ago fies the Committees on Appropriations of the by there are 2 hours equally divided, when he was commander of the 101st House of Representatives and the Senate in with 40 minutes for myself and 15 min- Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, writing 30 days in advance of any obligation or expenditure. utes for Senator DAYTON. KY. Since that time, I have known (6) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Funds made Mr. WARNER. The Senator is correct General Clark to be an honest man and available pursuant to this section shall remain on that. an excellent soldier. The military com- available until expended. Mr. KENNEDY. I will not necessarily munities in Kentucky and Tennessee This Act may be cited as the ‘‘District of Co- take all of that time. surrounding Fort Campbell admire lumbia Appropriations Act, 2004’’. Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I thank General Clark very much. He is well re- The Presiding Officer appointed Mr. my colleague. spected throughout the Army, and we DEWINE, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. Major General Clark is a highly should be grateful that we have sol- BROWNBACK, Mr. STEVENS, Ms. qualified officer for promotion to the diers like General Clark serving and LANDRIEU, Mr. DURBIN, and Mr. INOUYE rank of lieutenant general. I have met protecting our Nation. conferees on the part of the Senate. with him several times. His proposed GEN Jack Keane, who commanded f assignment by the Secretary of Defense General Clark at Fort Campbell, said is to be Commander of the Fifth U.S. this about him: RECESS Army. In my 37 years of service, I have never met The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under He was first nominated for this posi- an officer who is such a tower of character the previous order, the hour of 12:30 tion in the fall of 2002. He has appeared and integrity. His peers, subordinates, and having arrived, the Senate will stand before the Senate Armed Services Com- superiors all respect and admire him for the truly special person that he is. in recess until the hour of 2:15 p.m. mittee in executive session on two sep- Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:39 p.m., arate occasions. On both occasions he General Clark loves the Army and he recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- conducted himself with deference and loves his country. Some may even say bled when called to order by the Pre- respect not only for the serious issues that General Clark was born with the desire to serve his country in his blood. siding Officer (Mr. VOINOVICH). at hand but for all persons involved in Both of his grandfathers served in both f this tragic sequence of facts which pre- ceded his nomination. World War I and World War II. His fa- EXECUTIVE SESSION He expressed great respect for the ther served for 31 years and fought in constitutionally-based advise and con- both World War II and the Korean con- sent power and the responsibility of flict. His older brother served in Viet- NOMINATION OF MAJ. GEN. ROB- the Senate to look into this nomina- nam. One of his younger brothers is an ERT T. CLARK TO BE LIEUTEN- tion with great thoroughness. Not sur- Air Force colonel, and another brother ANT GENERAL prisingly, General Clark has the full is an Army lieutenant colonel on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- support of the Chief of Staff of the front lines in Korea. The Clark family has made many ator from Virginia. Army, General Schoomaker, and the sacrifices so that future generations of Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, pursu- civilian leadership of the Army for this Americans can live in peace. General ant to the order of November 14, I ask promotion. Indeed, the Secretary of Clark has given 33 years of his life in that the Senate now proceed to execu- Defense personally, in a very respectful the armed service to this great Nation. tive session to begin consideration of way, has talked to me about this nomi- He is a decorated soldier and has shed Executive Calendar No. 418, the nomi- nation and his strong support for this his own blood for our country. He led a nation of Maj. Gen. Robert T. Clark to nominee. platoon in Vietnam, commanded a bri- be Lieutenant General. I will detail at length later on in the gade that was dropped deep into Iraq The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without course of this debate the very thorough objection, the clerk will report. during Operation Desert Storm. steps taken by the Senate Armed Serv- As commanding general of the 101st The assistant legislative clerk read ices Committee. I commend my col- the nomination of Maj. Gen. Robert T. Screaming Eagles, he deployed himself, leagues on the committee. There were with his troops, all over the world, Clark to be Lieutenant General. unusual facts associated with this Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, there from Kuwait to El Salvador. Most re- nomination involving tragic loss of cently, General Clark has been deputy are a number of Senators who desire to life, a strong disciplinary action speak. I will just say a few words. To commander of the Fifth Army and mo- against those who brought about the bilized Guard and Reserves for home- accommodate my distinguished col- direct harm to the victim who gave his league from Kentucky, who has been a land defense and Operation Iraqi Free- life. In the course of that, I and other dom. He has worn just about every hat valiant supporter of this nomination members of the committee took it and very persistent over this long pe- the Army has to offer. upon ourselves to meet with the family COL Mike Oates, who served under riod of time, I will yield the floor. He members of the deceased victim in this General Clark at Fort Campbell, said then could be followed by the Senator particular case. I wish to commend this about him: from Massachusetts and then I would them. They handled themselves in a He spoke straight to the soldiers. He continue my remarks. manner of great distinction, given the looked them in the eye and he set high I wonder if I just might ask unani- depth of emotion on their part. standards for wearing our equipment and mous consent that the Senator from I also commend the former Vice how we behaved. Discipline is what keeps Virginia proceed for not to exceed 3 or Chief of the Army, General Keane. He good units effective and reliable. He enforced 4 minutes, followed by the Senator took it upon himself time and time discipline and set the example himself. from Kentucky for about 10 or 12 min- again, working with the distinguished I could go on and on about General utes, followed by the Senator from Under Secretary of the Army, Les Clark’s distinguished career. But I need Massachusetts. How much time does Brownlee, to repeatedly go back and to address the tragic incident that has my colleague desire? reinvestigate certain aspects of this held up his nomination, which occurred Mr. KENNEDY. I think 40 minutes. case, I hope to the satisfaction of all while General Clark was at Fort Camp- Mr. WARNER. Not to exceed a period Members, certainly to this Senator and bell. A murder occurred at Fort Camp- of about 40 minutes for the Senator generally members of the committee. bell on July 5, 1999. PVT Barry from Massachusetts. Mr. President, I yield the floor to ac- Winchell was killed in a tragic event Mr. KENNEDY. I think Senator DAY- commodate my colleague. I again that none of us should ever forget. Pri- TON also had 15 minutes. I think there thank him for his strong tenacity in vate Winchell was murdered by a fel- is a unanimous consent agreement for supporting this nomination through- low soldier, who is serving—and deserv- this; am I correct? out. edly so—a life sentence for this horren- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I rise dous crime. ator is correct. in strong support of MG Robert Clark I do not wish to address the details of Mr. WARNER. I was not able to hear. to the rank of lieutenant general and this horrible murder, but I do wish to VerDate jul 14 2003 03:47 Nov 19, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO6.076 S18PT1 S15030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 18, 2003 extend my thoughts and prayers to Pri- capacities during his more than 30 extraordinary response from the com- vate Winchell’s family and friends. I years in the Army. munity’s leaders. Such a crime sends have spoken with General Clark sev- I am concerned, however, about Gen- the poisonous message that some mem- eral times about this tragic incident. I eral Clark’s performance as Com- bers of the community deserve to be know how sorry he is about the murder manding General at Fort Campbell, victimized solely because of who they of Private Winchell, especially since it KY, at the time of the brutal murder of are. The potential for such a crime was did happen on his post and under his PVT Barry Winchell on the base in magnified in this case because of the leadership.
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