THE MOUNTAINEER'S SPORT PAGE 1941 Edited by Marion T. Bridges Attend The REA Exposition Friday and Saturday READY FOR TEST By Jack Sords "l Tourney Men Astride - Burros rrrxutm .wnw si 'llf't'7S'"i' Amateur T A 0ft Will Attempt Game .4. , Gets Underway Here T0V P bridges Of Basketball 2nd Tonight, 8 Teams In ; The Independent Amateur Captained by Major H. Howell first oppor- - J. Basketball Tournament will get nwill have the a team of courageous State Guard If underway here tonight (Thursday) Industrial League will ride forth upon trained Rocky Tourists Will with eight teams participating in to tne bp"' Mountain Burros to compete with t. .ti Training the event. The number teams V 7. ..iohtin theiorm To April 19 a likewise mounted T Berin of Start to enter were expected go a game of Burro Basketball to be to far beyond to donkey softball The Industrial League of this piayea tne waynesville Next Thursday this number, but due the w at Armory, entry blanks were JThere but never a section will get underway with a April 2nd, 7:30 p. m. late hour that the bacics Nick Cullop Rated As Heavy sent out and also the season be .i.vedonthe"- 21 weeks schedule of baseball on Captain of the Lions will be HP:.Uufl gnie -' ing over in this line of sport, tha April the 19th with seven teams Bill Byers, whose quintet is com- Hitter, Will Lead Strong Lorrors. response was gratifying. already in line for the season and posed of such worthy citizens as Looking Team The eight teams to enter the jit will Pi66 thc Sff opening: for one team which is ex- .miriRrnn Hari.n onH m. flO". tournament include the Shooting the Lions-;viu- pected to be filled in the next few Many substitutes will be furnished On Thursday morning, April 3rd, have Stars of Canton, Sylva, Champion .loted to Dy Dotn ciubs. , 18 players will days. Asheville Tourist Canton, Bethel, Boo- xperts in their Hazelwood Manufacturers All players are mounted Cullop in Paper from The on rub report to manager Nick Hazelwood. & 'SiX laughs ber-sho- sters Club of W. H. e one of the teams in the league will d Burros. The game con Columbus. Ga.. for their initial , . fmember lw-a- ..- -, . x somt-- .... ' - begin practice Monday under the sists of four ten-minu- te periods, workout. Two catchers, seven " to reas. With A mintltA . 'SLftii one stands direction of Georere Bishoff and fifteen intArmuainn nitrhern four infielders and 4 . on the five!'.AIlO J.1IBI. XUUIIU Ui. Wilt the edge in fun Jerry Rogers with a fair prospect at the half, which will, undoubtedly outfielders Py fc ,C U at 6:30 tonight on the uc juyv.. L.il period all in view. ofiJictmicu!i.J uotn organiza- and local court with Shooting Stars bv-la- iiritVi the tional V . nn the Tourist roster The leatrue revised its 0 O i u meeting the Sylva cagers. The the basketball season to each club to have two unfamiliar ball, animal and rules From a. standpointJinni.of power the - that permit Second game which is scheduled . inc it- the sporting players instead of one who are of the came, a rest will h in nnfor. new club looks far stronger than ina . r 7:80 will place Champion Paper f1 . v! .anfinn TOT The team of 1940. Cullop himself is for hand iorw not employed in the plants which entertainment will proceed the Rethel. Tha third eame tut until the base-- alone the linen nf n rotrnlnf inn tower strength ana nas lea weeks the teams represent. a of of the evening will place the Boost-- Uonopcn, It tne.og.ca. The officers elected in the league basketball game interspersed with every league he has played in so goes. rs nd Oyde together and the L sonuuu A. antics tne Durros ver- - far as the department ti pt the for the coming season were A. oi and their ....... 'f orama r'nllnwhee- ann W. A H. ttion nf tnA onma XOion o LoaVaf out a pucnerwun hibernation ana get mo Floyd, of Sayles Bleacheries as SUrting as semi-fina- i The -ls will be played i.. mminff season. It president, and Coke Candler of is made the ball is put into play as Cincinnati some 18 years ago and niim- - Friday evening with the first of the of a vice-presid- being transferred to the New C,dy on the minds Enka as with Jimmy an such plays Deing later two games to be played beginning as w w made from the floor, (the only J York Yankees Nick because of his local citizens Williamson of Canton acting as time V at 7:80. will be year. the player is permitted to Hupsoh terrific hitting ability did not spend jyut this secretary and treasurer. leave his The finals will also begin at animal). AH shots for the basket, Sid much time on the mound. After The teams already in the leage MO?e xPB?r6JC 7:30 on the following night which game grow CVJ leaving the Major League most of L mason saw the are Sayles Bleachery, Beacon, all passing and all guarding must PftSf Of KtlO,0OAFRAlt? the WMK31 been spent in the AA is Saturday. At this time Cimateur infancy to a type Enka, Champion "Y", Tryon, be done from a mounted position. IP'ftiS.SDfMciMOR&JIAJX his time has made. leagues having played in trophies and awards will be mfasional playing mat w Ecusta and Hazelwood. By standing erect on the backs of and Al champion team of the ana nzsr the American Association, Pacific The grand Ufith a little practice these little animals a tall partici- VR tuornament will receive a 23-ln- would be second to none. pant may place the ball in the bask- Coast, Texas and Southern. For tank Asheville and trophv and the second place win- wold make the suggestion wis et, providing he can coax his mount years the fans of h, with the Howell Arrington Western North Carolina have long- ner will receive a thit only one league be formed close enough to the goal. The play- third place winner carrying off .. .ii.stnr team picked from ers mav dismount to recover ft ed for a player who could hit the together U. S. Army Meets banks of McCormick Field 21 -- inch trophy. and uracticed loose ball, but may not leave their distant players SPORTS and now they are all singing the Individual of the three to knock out the kin Ks tnax burros more than one step, holding t their new manager and top teams will receive trophies for erident last year. Death By Accident onto the reins tne while. ROUND-U- P praises of game, anxious for the new season to be- their part in the the frst Dribbling and advancing the ball receive sunburst TTowell IF5 Arrinffton. 21. will play right field. place players will . M last year's glove has Private are permitted when tne player is gin. Nick place nf tli a Quartermaster Sunnlv De The Piedmont season opens in finished trophies, the second Wed off and Oiled up lor the hall are nermitted when By place bronze, Corozal Station, Canal on Saturday, April 20, silver and the third tor the coming season in many tachment at the player is astride his animal. Asheville Mrs, Asheville playing its arcn There will be a small admission bum, as several have Been Zone, son of Mr. and bins Spurs are not allowed. with games which will Arrington, of Hazelwood, was fa- rival Charlotte. charge for the in the back yards and alleys The best basketball will be nlav- - under the direction of Can up. tally injured recently, when a train be at the old arm limbered ed by the team which most quickly Ratclift. former Waynesville and struck him. 9-- 4, re- keeping of the balls way. learns the whims oi tnese unpre Princeton crushed Army, time out Cullowhee basketball star. A renort of the accident Stated He was struck in the face by a Bethel Girls hm are numerous details "to dictable little burros. Much ex cently to win its second consecu The tournament is under the worked out season that Private Arrington was seated and batted ball in hitting practice, re Base-hu- before the citement and many thrills tive national intercollegiate indoor Against sponsorship of the Hazelwood ll under with head bent down between ana was or To Go way, and there is no his spills are promised, all of which polo championship. tired to the bench nit club, which is a. link in the like knees on the main line track by a foul ball during the the present to get things his will add up to a howling event at the head Industrial League chain, and who hipe point between the Corozal Creek 'and start the wheels in at a the Armory on the evening of April Gregory Rice, Notre Dame, who game. Green desperately in need of equip- Station and the department Engin- are 2nd. 1941. has won the 1940 Sullivan award ment for the coming season. eers crossing. Just before the fencing is sissy! The undefeated Bethel sextet will and has twice been named the out- So you think Saturday night to he Industrial League had its train reached him the engineer saw Captain Ed McNamara of the rn to Valdose standing athlete of the New York Green Creek neeting of the year this week the man and attempted to stop the To University fencing meet the undefeated Senior Class indoor track season, keeps lower- Northwestern winners of the slate.
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