4&.*b"/ / 6 "- 130 ( 3& 44 3& 10 35 MaintainingBiologicalIntegrityofCriticalBiodiversityHabitats AssociateCooperativeAgreementNo.687-A- - 4- 9 - JANUARY 1,2 8* JUNE , ,2 8 This publication was produced for review bythe United States Agencyfor International Development. Itwas prepared byConservation International (CI ,Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS ,World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF and Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Prot'g'es (ANGAP . Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats SEMI-ANNUA. PR01RESS REP0R2 2 8 PROJEC2 SUMMARY ProjectName: MIAR0 Projectactivity: MaintainingBiologicalIntegrityofCriticalBiodiversityHabitats CooperativeAgreementNo.: 687-A- - 4- 9 - Projectperiod: May17,2 4* March,1,2 9 Implementing Organization: ConservationInternational*Madagascarin partnershipwith5 CS and 5 5 6 Reporting Period: January1,2 8* June , ,2 8 Page 2 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats SEMI-ANNUA. PR01RESS REP0R2 2 8 2AB.E 06 C0N2EN2S .IS2 06 ACR0NYMS ___________________________________________________________4 I. Introduction __________________________________________________________________ 6 II. Project Activities______________________________________________________________ 8 AC2I9I2IES .IN:ED 5 I2H RESU.2 M0DU.ES __________________________________________8 Result Module 1: Ecological linkages established and maintained______________________ 8 Result Module 2: Management effectiveness for conservation areas improved ___________ 21 Result Module 4: Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Mobilized and Operational ________ 26 USAID A..IANCE AC2I9I2IES _____________________________________________________,, III. Problems and constraints encountered __________________________________________ 34 IV. Recommended solutions ______________________________________________________ 35 V. Discussions of objectives not achieved ___________________________________________ 36 VI. Lessons learned_____________________________________________________________ 37 VII. Achievement Table _________________________________________________________ 38 VIII. Next Steps________________________________________________________________ 43 Page 3 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats SEMI-ANNUA. PR01RESS REP0R2 2 8 .IS2 06 ACR0NYMS ADRA AdventistDevelopmentand Relief Agency A6D Agence Française de Dévelo ement AN1AP Association Nationale ourla Gestion des Aires Protégées - Parc National de Madagascar PNM BB0P B siness and BiodiversityOffsetProgram BIMP Birdlife International Madagascar Programme BP/BPC B siness Planning forConservation C2D Contrat Désendettement Dévelo ement CA1 ConservationActionGrants CAZ CorridorAnkeniheny%ahamena CBD Conférence ourla DiversitéBiologique CD6IDE Comité ourle Dévelo ement des Instruments de Financement Durable ourl’Environnement CDM Clean DevelopmentMechanism CE6 Cantonnement des Eau)* For+ts CE.C0 Cellulede Coordination PE3 CEP Commission Environnement , P+che CIM6 Comit&Inter-Minist&riel Mines For)ts CIREE6 Circonscri tion de l'Environnement,des Eau)et For+ts CISC0 Circonscri tion 0colaire CMP ComitéMultilocal de Planification CNE/NEC National Environmental Co ncil CN26 ComitéNational 1echniqueForestier C0AP Code des Aires Protégées C0BA Communautéde Base C06A9 CorridorFandriana-Vondrozo CSPN ,igher AdvisoryBoard forNat re Protection DEAP Droit d'Entréeau)Aires Protégées D1EE6 Direction Générale de l’2nvironnement,des Eau)et For+ts D1EM DirectionG&n&rale des Mines DP Directeurde Parc DREE62 Direction 3égionale de l'Environnement,des Eau)et For+ts et du1ourisme DSAP Directionde l-App ia .Syst0mes des Aires Prot&g&es D91/19D D r1an VisionGro p D9RN Directions r la Valorisationdes Resso rces Nat relles EIA Environmental ImpactAssesment EP, Madagascar2sEnvironmental Program Phase 3 EPP Ecole Primaire P 1li4 e ERPA EmissionRed ctionP rchase Agreement ERI Ecoregional Initiatives EU E ropean 5nion 6A Facilitating Agent 6APBM Fondation ourles Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité4Madagascar 6BM Fi5ambanana Bongolava Maintso 6SC ForestStewardshipCo ncil 62HM Finances Technology,ighManagementConseils 1C6 Gestion Contractualiséedes For+ts 1DRN Gestion Durable des 3essources Naturelles 1E6 Glo1al EnvironmentF nd 1E.0SE Gestion 6ocale 0écurisée 1ERP Gro ped2Et des etde Recherches po r les Primates 1IS GeographicInformationSystem 106 GovernmentofFrance 10M GovernmentofMadagascar ICRA6 International Centre forResearchinAgroforestry IDA International DevelopmentAssociation IDEE Initiatives Dévelo ement En7eu)0 atiau) I6C International Finance Corporation IE1 Indice d'Efficacitéde Gestion IUCN International 5nionforConservationofNat re and Nat ral Reso rces Page 4 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats SEMI-ANNUA. PR01RESS REP0R2 2 8 :f5 8reditinstaltf9r : iedera f1a MAE Minist9re des Affaires Etrang9res MAEP Minist9re de l’Agriculture,de l’Elevage et de la P+che MAP Madagascar ActionPlan MB1 Misso riBotanical Garden MECIE Mise en Com atibilitédes Investissements MEM Minist9re de l’Energie et des Mines M6PAB Madagascar Fo ndationforProtected Area and Biodiversity MEE62 Minist9re de l’Environnement et des Eau)et For+ts et du1ourisme MENRS Minist0re de l-Ed cationNationale etde RechercheScientifi4 e MPA Marine Protected Areas N10 Non-governmental organization NP National Park NPA New Protected Areas N5 PH Nat re : ealthPower ,ealth 0MNIS Office forNational Mining and StrategicInd stries 0NE Office Nationale de l’Environnement 0N2M Office Nationale du1ourisme 4Madagascar PA Protected Area PA1 Plan d'Aménagement et de Gestion PBZ2 Parc Botaniqueet ;oologiquede 1simbazaza PES PaymentforEcosystem Services P1D Plan de Gestion de Develo ement P1ES Plan de Gestion de l’Environement et 0ocial P1RM Programme de Gestion des 3essources Min=eres P.ACAZ Plateforme duCorridor An5eniheny ;ahamena PME ProjectManagementEntity PNAM Parc National Analamazaotra Mantadia PRD Plan 3ural de Dévelo ement PRSP PovertyRed ctionStrategyPaper P2A Plan de 1ravail Annuel QMM ;IT Madagascar Min&rals S.A. REBI0MA 3éseau ourla Biodiversitéde Madagascar REDD 3educins Emissions fromDeforestation and Degradation REPC 3éseaud'Educateurs Professionnels ourla Conservation SANREM S staina1le and Nat ral Reso rce Management SAPM 0yst9me des Aires Protégées de Madagascar SA1E 0ervice d.A ui4la Gestion de l'Environnement SN16 SiloNational des Graines Foresti0res S0 StrategicO1jective SP6 0ervice de Pérennisation Financi9re S22A Short-term technical assistant 2AMS 1eti5'Asa Mam ody 0avo5a 2BD To1edetermined 2BE Ta1lea de Bord Environnemental 2DY TemporaryD ty 262 Tropical ForestTr st 21: (1,2,,) Tsitongam1arika 21RN 1ransfert de Gestion des 3essources Naturelles UC PE, Unitéde Coordination PE3 USAID 5nited States AgencyforInternational Development 9NA Vomieran'ny Ala 5 B The:orld Bank 5 CPA :orld CommissionforProtected Areas 5 CS :ildlife ConservationSociety 5 ED/JME Jo rn&eMondiale de l-Environnement ZPC/CPZ ConservationPriority%one ZUC %one d-5tilisationConcert&e Z0C %one d-Occ pationConcert&e Page 8 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats SEMI-ANNUA. PR01RESS REP0R2 2 8 I. INTROD5CTION Thisreportcovers activitiesfortheperiodfromJan ary1 toJ ne 30, 200A forthe5SAID MIARO Program nder theBMaintaining Biological IntegrityofCritical Biodiversity,a1itats,CDeader Award No.DAG-A-00-EE-00046-00. Thisisthemainprogram thro ghwhichConservationInternational, :: F and the: ildlife ConservationSocietyprovide coordinated technical s pporttothecreationand effectivemanagementoftheMadagascar ProtectedArea System (SAPMI. J stless than fiveyears ago,PresidentMarc Ravalomana declared atthe:orld ParksCongress in D r1an thathisco ntrywo ld expand itsprotectedarea systemtocover appro.imately10% ofthe co ntry-ss rface. Since thattime enormo s progress has 1een made int rning thatBD r1an VisionC intoa reality. In J ne 200A there are appro.imately5.5millionhectares protectedorwhere conservationorganizations, whetherinternational, national orlocal, are activelyworking tosecure the conservationofnat ral ha1itats. Thisachievementhas already1een an enormo s taskthathas re4 ired nparalleled colla1oration1etween diverse organizations fromgovernmentministries, conservationNGOs and r ral developmentpartners all thewaydown tothecomm nitiesliving aro nd thenew protectedareas. A new protectedarea system has 1eendesigned, h ge datasetson 1iodiversitydistri1 tionhave1eencompiled and analyzedtoidentifythemostimportantsitesto protect,theverydefinitionofprotectedarea has 1eenteased apartand reconstr cted, new models for engaging comm nities inconservationhave1een conceivedand tested, new tools forimproving managementeffectiveness and monitoring have1eendevelopedand adopted, and new financial reso rces have1een fo nd and p ttoworktoconserveMadagascar-s ni4 e nat ral heritage. Theconservationcomm nityinMadagascar iscurrentlyengaged inthelargesttaskithas ever faced. In thefield thepromoters ofthenew protected areas are inprocess ofdetailed negotiations with stakeholders toagree onthepathofover 10,000 kilometers ofprotectedarea limits, access and reso rce se rightsand zoning. Theyare identifying ther ral developmentneeds oftheco ntry-smost marginalized comm nities and esta1lishing thefo ndations forgoodgovernance starting withso nd nat ral reso rce management.Atthepolicylevel there isstill worktodotoprovide a legal framework thats pportsand reflectsthepolicies forprotectedareas thathaveemerged fromthepastseveral years ofdebate. Defining thefinal prioritysites toincl de withintheSAPM
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