Issue 67 September 2010 HRVI September 2010 Newsletter Glenn Curtiss Day where guests will be able to explore and observe countless artifacts and an- The Hudson River Valley tique airplanes which are Institute (HRVI) at Marist enclosed in the realm of College and the Glenn H. four hangars. Furthermore, Curtiss Museum have col- at 2:00 PM the Old Rhine- laborated together to celebrate beck Aerodrome Pioneer Glenn Curtiss Day, which Aircraft and Barnstorming will be held at the Old Rhine- Air Show will present a beck Aerodrome on October full featured event of the 9th in Red Hook, New York. Curtiss “D” Pusher, flying Glenn Curtiss began his ca- exhibitions of an original reer building bicycles and Curtiss JN-4H Hisso Jenny motorcycles, which later Manhattan. This accom- built for the Great War in landed him the name as the plishment gained him the 1918 and a Curtiss Wright “Fastest Man on Earth” accreditation as “The Father Junior CW-1 built as a through attaining the speed of of Naval Aviation,” “The recreational aircraft for 134.6 mph. One hundred Founder of the American those low budget flyers. At years ago, Glenn Hammond Aircraft Industry,” and for the closure of the air show, Curtiss became distinguished being instrumental in the the Hudson River Valley for a different kind of feat emergence of inter-city Institute is sponsoring a when he undertook and suc- aviation commerce. lecture by Trafford Do- ceeded in flying down the herty, Executive Director The celebration will Hudson River Valley in his of The Glenn H. Curtiss commence at 10:00 AM, Albany Flyer from Albany to Continued on page 4 Inside this Issue: Celtic Day in the Park 2 Twin Forts Day 2 Haverstraw Street Festival 3 Van Wyck Homestead 3 Glenn Curtiss Continued 4 Meet the Intern 4 Contact Us/ Staff Listing 5 Special points of interest: Glenn Curtiss Day YOUR GATEWAY TO THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY Celtic Day Twin Forts Day Meet the Intern Hudson River Valley Institute Celtic Day in the Park Celtic Day in the Park, celebrated at The caber toss, in which contestants heft and Ruth Livingston Mills commis- the Mills Mansion in the Staatsburgh and throw a large wooden pole, was a sioned New York City architects State Historic Site on Sunday, Sep- highlight. Another competition was the McKim, Meade and White to reno- tember 26th, featured music, dance, haggis hurl (not an eating contest) in vate and enlarge the home, resulting games, and demonstrations. which contestants must toss a haggis, a in the structure seen by visitors to- boiled sheep’s heart stuffed with oat- day. The Celtic nations of Ireland, Scot- meal and spices as far as they can, while land, Brittany, Wales, the Isle of Man Their daughter, Gladys Phipps keeping its contents intact. Celtic Day in Galicia, and Cornwall offer a rich va- Mills, having donated the house and the Park also hosted Gaelic storytelling riety of traditions. surrounding 192 acres to the state in and a children’s area to cultivate interest Local Celtic bands, including the Ta- for younger participants. 1938, has ensured that the public conic Pipe Band, the MacLeods of can continue to enjoy the house and Joanie Mac Irish Dancers, Braemar Cornwall Pipe Band, Amerscot High- grounds. Dancers, Solas an Lae School of Irish land Pipe Band and Mt. Kisco Scot- Dance, and the Caledonian Dancers also tish Pipes and Drums, paraded and By Gail Goldsmith performed. serenaded in celebration of Celtic tra- ditions and provided a festive accom- Staatsburgh State Historic Site often paniment to the sheep herding demon- hosts events, as it offers a stunning view strations, bonniest knees contest, and of the Hudson River and Catskill Moun- Clydesdale horses. Other performers tains. The Gilded Age-era mansion, included Carl Peterson, Glenfolk, and built by Morgan Lewis, the third gover- the Brigadoons. nor of New York State. Ogden Mills Twin Forts Day troop formations, artillery firings, firing of the grand battery. For more On Saturday October military music demos and an actual information please visit http:// nd rd 2 and Sunday October 3 Fort reenactment at 4 PM which will focus www.palisadesparksconservancy.org/ Montgomery in will be host to Twin on the assault on the interior of Fort news/144. The Fort Montgomery Forts Day. This year’s event will Montgomery. Sunday’s focal point State Historic Site is located at 690 rd mark the 233 anniversary of the as- will be on the Crown Forces Occupa- Route 9W, in Fort Montgomery, NY. sault on Forts Montgomery and Clin- tion in the fort interior. The end of the ton by British forces under the com- day and the end of the weekend’s By Sean Vitti mand of General Sir Henry Clinton. event will culminate with an artillery The main focus of the event will by a reenactment. The actual assault which took place on October 6th 1777 re- sulted in the capitulation of both forts to the British as well as the disman- tling of the Hudson River Chain. Be- fore the reenactment begins on the 2nd there will be a free lecture at the Fort Montgomery Visitor Center con- ducted by Todd Braisted on loyalist troops in General Clinton’s army. Sat- urday will kick things off at around 9 AM with the opening of the camp. Featured throughout the day will be Page 2 HUDSON RIVER VALLEY INSTITUTE The 9th Annual Haverstraw International Street Festival On Sunday, September 26th, vest Farmer’s Market had extended Street Fair”. For more information the town of Haverstraw once again hours during the event. about the festival, volunteering or celebrated Rockland County’s cul- The Festival was held on being a sponsor, contact tural landscape with their Interna- Broadway, Maple, and New Main [email protected] or tional Street Festival. Presented by Street in Haverstraw NY. Running the Historical Society of Rockland call the chamber office at 845-947- 11 am to 5 pm, there was plenty of County, this community event was 5646. time to enjoy the many street ven- full of activities and arts for the dors and activities. The festival was whole family. Face painting, crafts, By Samantha McNerney be free of charge and open to the and non-traditional forms of enter- general public. tainment such as Irish Dance, mas- ter folk artists, and Indian henna Having a great reception in hand painting were only some of years past, this event is always a the many events of the day. Live wonderful time- especially with the music was provided by Cloud- new “International Food and Music NYne, a high-energy band playing Court” that occupies the whole popular music from today and yes- terday, with food venders through- street. Directions to the event can out. For those who enjoy local be found at www.rockland.org , nourishment, the Haverstraw’s Har- under “Haverstraw International Van Wyck Homestead On September 18th and discussions were held on subjects musket firing demonstrations and 19th Fishkill Historical Society and that included “Importance of the TAPS to signal the end of each day. the Friends of the Fishkill Supply Fishkill Supply Depot to the Ameri- The Museum is open from 1-4 PM Depot cosponsored a Revolutionary can Revolution”, “Fishkill during on Saturdays and Sundays from War weekend at the Van Wyck the American Revolution”, and June to October. For more informa- Homestead Museum. The event “Land in Crisis- Saving the Fishkill tion on the Van Wyck Homestead spanned two days, Saturday and Supply Depot.” Also featured was a and the Fishkill Historical Society Sunday, and included a wide selec- dramatization of the Major John visit http:// tion of events and activities. Satur- Andre-Benedict Arnold Conspiracy. www.fishkillhistoricalsociety.org/ day featured an encampment of the This month marked the 230th anni- index.html 5th New York Regiment throughout versary of the meeting between the the day. Tours of the Homestead two conspirators. Had they suc- were given up until 4 PM. Interpre- ceeded Benedict Arnold would By Sean Vitti tive Walks of the Fishkill Supply have surrendered West Point to the Depot and Continental Army Burial British. The encamped regiment, Grounds were also held throughout the 5th New York contributed to the the day. Various presentations and festivities with music, campfires, Page 3 HUDSON RIVER VALLEY INSTITUTE Glenn Curtiss Continued... Museum of Hammondsport, New flight in his Albany Flyer down the For further information regard- York in addition to a special exhibit Hudson River Valley from Albany ing Glenn Curtiss, please visit the web- that will feature the Curtiss aircraft. to Manhattan. We will also recog- site of the Glenn Curtiss Museum at nize those who strive to preserve the This celebration will exhibit http://www.glennhcurtissmuseum.org/ memory of his innovative spirit,” Curtiss’ ambition, innovation and bril- said HRVI Executive Director index.shtml. Also, for more details about liance, which will inevitably resonate Colonel (Ret.) James Johnson. The the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, you can in those who attend. “We will be memory of Curtiss’ visit http://www.oldrhinebeck.org/. making this day a celebration of the 100th anniversary of Curtiss’ historic By Andrew Loveland Meet the Intern: Andrew Loveland College as a Business Marketing ma- from his studies as a member on the Andrew jor, Andrew has rediscovered his child- board of the Marist Student Program- Loveland, born hood passion for History and has since ming Council, Circle K International, and raised in the declared a dual major in both Business and in addition to attending various suburbs of Hart- Marketing and History. Marist sporting events. Apart from his ford, Connecti- extracurricular activities, his interests Although his primary focus cut, spent a sig- and hobbies include skiing, rowing, and interest in history pertains to mod- nificant portion biking, water-skiing, cooking and play- ern Germany, Andrew joined the of his teenage ing the guitar and piano.
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