NORWAY AND THE ARCTIC: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NORWEGIAN DEFENSE POLICY IN COPING WITH MILITARY DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION (2013 – 2016) By RONALD INDRAWAN IMANUWEL WOWILING ID No. 016201300132 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities, International Relations Study Program President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Defense and Strategic Studies January 2017 II III IV ABSTRACT Ronald Indrawan Imanuwel Wowiling, 016201300132, NORWAY AND THE ARCTIC: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NORWEGIAN DEFENSE POLICY IN COPING WITH MILITARY DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION (2013 – 2016) Advisors: Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph. D; Indra Alverdian, Msi The Arctic, situated in the northernmost area on Earth, has become increasingly attractive for many nations to claim their rights to territorial sovereignty over some portions of the region. The early exploration was began since the first decades of the 20th century merely to have scientific, geopolitical, and even commercial purposes with the pursuit of national interests. Being aware of the fact that climate change is happening in the Arctic has made most of the ice melted that it resulted to give several access to bigger continents, abundant resources and path to the other Arctic nations, have created uncertainty and possible tensions in the region. Norway, as one of the Arctic nations, is impacted by this uncertainty of global security environment in the Arctic and the state can’t deny but to feel the massive increase military pressure and political activity in the Arctic region. Among all of the Arctic nations, Norway is one of the Arctic nations that value deeper international cooperation and believe in using military as the last resort. However there is one state that is being the most anticipated Arctic nation by Norway in the High North which is Russia. Russia’s illegal actions encompasses both hard security issues and soft security issues thus Norway needs to increase its military capabilites since Russia has started to eyeing the High North. Therefore, Norway has been aiming a defense policy based on cooperation and deterrence, improved and developed by current Prime Minister Erna Solberg. The Norwegian Armed Forces (army, navy, air force) will be reformed and modernized, military budget will be allocated more, in hope that it will be able to cope and prevent potential threats and challenges in the Arctic especially against Russia’s illegal actions and military developments. Key Words: The Arctic, National Interests, Arctic Nations, Military Capabilities, Norwegian Defense Policy, Military Reform, Military Development, Threat Perception V ABSTRAK Ronald Indrawan Imanuwel Wowiling, 016201300132, NORWAY AND THE ARCTIC: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NORWEGIAN DEFENSE POLICY IN COPING WITH MILITARY DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION (2013 – 2016) Advisors: Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph. D; Indra Alverdian, Msi Arktik, terletak di paling utara Bumi, telah menjadi semakin menarik bagi banyak negara untuk mengklaim hak-hak mereka untuk kedaulatan teritorial atas beberapa bagian dari wilayah tersebut. Eksplorasi awal telah dimulai sejak dekade pertama abad ke-20 dan eksplorasi tersebut memiliki tujuan untuk ilmiah, geopolitik, dan bahkan komersial dengan mengejar kepentingan nasional. Menyadari sebuah fakta bahwa perubahan iklim yang terjadi di Arktik telah membuat sebagian besar es mencair yang mengakibatkannya terbukanya beberapa akses ke benua-benua besar di Arktik, sumber daya yang melimpah dan jalan ke negara Arktik lainnya, dan juga telah menciptakan ketidakpastian dan ketegangan di wilayah ini. Norwegia, sebagai salah satu negara Arktik, dipengaruh oleh ketidakpastian ini terkait dengan keamanan lingkungan global di Kutub Utara dan negara ini tidak didapat menyangkal selain merasakan peningkatan tekanan militer besar- besaran dan aktivitas politik di wilayah Arktik. Di antara semua negara Arktik, Norwegia merupakan salah satu negara yang menghargai kerjasama international dan percaya dalam menggunakan militer sebagai pilihan terakhir. Namun ada satu negara Arktik yang paling diantisipasi oleh Norwegia di High North yaitu Rusia. Tindakan ilegal Rusia meliputi hard security issues dan soft security issues sehingga Norwegia perlu meningkatkan kapabilitas militernya karena Rusia telah memulai untuk mengincar High North. Oleh karena itu, Norwegia telah membidik kebijakan pertahanan didasarkan pada kerjasama dan pencegahan, ditingkatkan dan dikembangkan oleh Perdana Menteri Erna Solberg. Angkatan Bersenjata Norwegia (darat, laut, udara) akan direformasi dan dimodernisasi, anggaran militer akan dialokasikan lebih, dengan harapan bahwa kiat-kiat tersebut akan mampu mengatasi dan mencegah potensi ancaman dan tantangan di Kutub Utara terutama terhadap tindakan ilegal dan perkembangan militer Rusia. Kata Kunci: Arktik, Kepentingan Nasional, Negara-Negara Arktik, Kemampuan Militer, Kebijakan Pertahanan Norwegia, Reformasi Militer, Pembangunan Militer, Persepsi Ancaman VI ACKNOWLEDGMENT After battling and struggling through storms & thunders composing this thesis, finally I could scream loud and proud that I have accomplished my thesis as so close towards the deadline. This thesis would not be completed without all the guidance and assistance i need from amazing and inspiring people around me. They have contributed their priceless time and support since the preparation of writing the thesis to the the accomplishment of the research. First of all, I would like to present my greatest and biggest gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the Almight God who have never given up on me and enlightening me with tons of guidance, love and peace I need. You have shown me to believe in myself and left the rest to you. I can’t thank You enough for what You have given to me, You have blessed me with so many fairest things in the world! Second, this thesis would not be finished in time without the prayers and supports from all of my families. I would like to thank my father, Imanuel Wowiling, for supporting me morally and financially, for teaching me in not giving up on yourself. I would like to thank my mother, Anita Widayanti, for kindly encouraging me with all the sweet words, special mother-made and supporting me morally and reminding me to always pray and ask for forgiveness and clearance from Him. I would like to also thank my brother and sister even though we are miles apart, but you somehow magically poured me the support I need. Third, this thesis would not be finished perfectly without the guidance and assistance from the most caring, inspiring, gaul, awesome, down-to-earth, the coolest, the best, the funniest (ALL THE SUPERLATIVES) advisors one could ask for, Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph. D., and Indra Alverdian, Msi. If it was not because of you all motivating me, guiding me, and encouraging me, this thesis would value less but a mere requirement to get degree. So I thank you! I’d also like to thank one of the best lecturers International Relations of PU could have, Hendra Manurung for suggesting me ideas for the betterment and improvement of this thesis. Fourth, I would like to personally thank to all of International Relations lecturers and staffs because you all, I have received valuable knowledge and materials I need for my thesis. I would also like to thank President University for letting me, giving me a chance to study in the one of the most reputable university in Indonesia especially within the coolest study program, International Relations. It has been an honor for being part of its growing! Special thanks, I would like to present my sincere gratitude to my best friends, my chingus1, my weirdos, geniuses; Marella, Lanny, Gabi, and Anti. Without you all I could not find the joy of having spectacular and superb friends filling your memories in University life. To Marella, thank 1 Korean for ‘friend’ VII you for being my second-mother, thank you for reminding me to prioritize my thesis more than anything else, thank you for always cheering me up and encouraging me. To Lanny, thank you for inspiring me with your geniusness. One of the reasons I was able to finish this thesis is because I was inspired on how you are so persistent and your dedication is just Amazing. To Gabi, thank you for always teaching me about things that I have no idea about. You are like the Mr-Know-It-All a friend could ask for! Whenever we are in doubt towards something, you always set a light to guide us through. To Anti, thank you for giving me and providing me materials and reference I need for my thesis. Without them, I would need to do double job to research and it indeed would take much of my time but through the references and materials you have shared me, I feel assisted! I’d also like to deliver my special gratitude to Mita Listya (IR Defense 2014) for assisting me in preparing my oral examinations and has been showing me lights somehow. You have helped me when I was not certain to whom I should ask, I thank you! Last but not least, I would like to present my gratitude to the one and only defense squad and classmates could ask for, Defense 1. We have been in the same class since the first time in this University, we have learnt each others’ potentials and lackings. Thank you, for being there as the best ever squad, I wish you all to have clearer paths in the future! Cikarang, January 26th, 2017 Ronald Indrawan Imanuwel Wowiling VIII TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION LETTER .....................................................................
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