\ Newspaper Devoted , , the Community Intereat ( Fairly, Clearly Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pirtiirei >l XXXIX-NO. 29 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBlfc *!, I960 This Corner. Parade U.S.M.R^Emergenc> y Hospital' Details Honors 9 s Suggested by Skiba; Kllioit. THeposkv Get Gold Watches or •-•«*** (Jive Program for Bonds at Dinner h'le Hallo ween F«>te Held las! Mi;hi Favors Early Study CARTERET - Robert El- (See Plotun- on liot Hiid Joseph Teleposky co- CARTERE_T Irluiinnon of the annual Hal-I employees" tf US Mpfils RP ,Iii«T,ni parade sponsored by the fining Co, received gold Vatr.1, Ueformalion Services Set WoilldAsk jCin-teret. Recreation Depart-|es Or U.S. Bonds at the annual 1 |m,.m. tn be held Sunday after- , 25-Year Dinner laM niKh! T ! innon, October 30 today Ut-\MnmT was held at thr Kli/a- |...nin,T<l that thr assembly ferth-Cartwt Hotel Eli7«belh By Council of Churches Group Get iimint. for the parade this year; - ™[ John Towers CARTERET Thr Car- Ice will be led by laymen of , * !is ...e Cartrrr. Shopping Cen- , ,. „ *"'; ager presidPd 0V(1 Council of Churches the participating churches of '^dunfT,R°0SeVelt Ave: monies «nd made the present,, will sponsor a Reformation the council. TIIP theme for mi-. All bands, groups and| , J •» tlon of awards 0 (| Service of Worship to be hold the rvmliiR is "The' Priest- All Data ^legations are requested to as- • p | , ^ Tne em ll)ypps who r( in the First Presbyterian hood of All Believers." l-cemblr there not later than! , „ awards WPrr fts Church on Wednesday eve- Thomas Pox. a lay lender CARTKRET - Mayor Stept*. 1:30 P. M, sn that the parade: and an employee of Bell Tele- mny start, promptly at 2 P. M. ! ning. October 26. at 8:00 P.M. n Skiba las Midlae l K The entile Thr parade route will be as'- ° ' ' t> « s . Alfredo the sermon. 'follows: start at Carteret Shop- Paiva, John Batista, Ithought should be given to th« establishment of a hospital In IpinR Center to Roosevelt Ave- Truch, Joseph Kllyk, Charles Carteret. Inue, down Roosevelt Avenue toKahora, B e n v i n d o Matrin, Stephen Ronyak, Michael Ko- Dolan Suggests He Rfiki the project could fat HI sV WITH (AMPAH1N fhoto 'how •Pershing Avenue, right on Per- Installation is i Frank Barrdird. center, candidate for Mayor, John Konci. left, and vacs, Julius Oensi. Louis Strat- an "emergency hospital" lor * in \l icltnllnski. r(«ht. for Connrll shing Avenue to Carteret Ave- •II. Miming from picture Is William Grrrnwald. Candida** f«r a«*.•...<>.• nue, left on Carteret Avenue, ton, Gary Sohayda: Anthony Drive Here to start, Mayor Sklba said he re- then left to Roosevelt Avenue, Foytlin: Stephen LeWky: Mi'- Held by New alizes what such a program right on Roosevelt Avenue to chael BlRdt. Jozsrf Mnuiar, -would entail, but expressed th* tan. Honors Republicans Hit 1 - Party (;h h WomePershinn g Avenue, right on Per-Adam Boranowski. Tony Russo Build Hospital hope that it could come Into ure Avenue to Carteret Ave- Steve Moravek, George Little! PostofJ.W.V. being provided a non-partisan Michael Kursak; Joseph Nas- CARTERET — A — 'group was behind it to raltt nue, , lefeftt on Carteret Avenue on hospital CARTERET New officers | ^ I Slremiau; iSyslem; Need 'Watchdog' Assemble Gifts j library side to Cypress St., right enough flmds make u on Cypress St. to Washington CARTERET Frank I. In vl( of p tity lor an extended period Avenue, left on Washington cslzmadia, Stephen Me- Mayor Edward J. Dolan urRed!jewlsh War Veterans I '» * increase in Bareford. Republican candi- of tl«e. We think all will Avenue to Carteret High School zey, James Rpsko. Stephen,at Wednesday night's Third avor Stenhm, 4kih. « .population here, the need of Danku, John Peter. M n n The Middle- date for' mayor in a state- agree that because of theFor Missions stadium where the awards will r Pa-District Democratic Women's.JZ L *^ti^L ^".^I'^ch a hospital is clearly wi- •••.:\ BHr Association ment luted "today" In behalf ! wmplete control exercised by be made. ' the .. th cl s CARTERET — Church ser- Joseph Gurney, miaster of name such a committee to ex- :ii,:li: honored Emll of himself and the other can- ; "."»" ^f' °« ^ List Entrlcf body. Councilman Alexander! HM».«. »„ tu nsm ti i-«. *rth an active Interest in tces at The First Presbyterian i plore nil angles. He said there n( 7 Cook* Avenue Church will be held at 9 -.30 i To date tne lowing en- attended. i ,MI of hi* 50th an- sr, about $75,000 in a hospital A. M. this Sunday. The minis- trants in the parade have been ,i' member of the ter will preach the sermon, "To- received: bands, Carteret High;mnk 1, STorkr^m^<=rat,c SS^^/STS^^^^ ™*^ ash, John Barbarczuk, Walterjbas hall^the Middlesex CountyrV «,..» .i,,, i,,. i „„„„>„.. was donated at thr end ol I! School, St. Mary's High School, wnaa the nl ncn o ! gether for Christ." There is Kielman, Frnri Koeble', Josephi prosecutor expressed hihis hope * i, . w» !!»l «{«"k«. | j • mimi was pretexted t^resU of the community. WorW War whnl CaltRn a nursery ln the manse during Jr. Elks Drum and Bugle Corps, i.,i..,u r>-_:-. r^-..- - • 'jj^ a hospital project 1 Mr, Bareford said there are ™W The borough Cathol^ Vf*r[sM to iwM a hospital. MMIII' »t the dinner Mr. Bareford declared that ! the 11:00 service. Church Melrose Drum and BUKIP Corps, assisted In the cere- f the association held | many deficiencies existing in St PatrlcllB be started in the near future., nie"8rraTsin"g"thelr'coiovs'with! QidS Rvittm on the local level, voters j Carteret which require cor- School meets at 9:30 with clas-i Cadets, Barron- Pasipanki. and John Kereluik. mO H IK Manor, Metuchen. should not be swayed by a s He told the gathering thatlti,05e Of the JWV as a gpsturej Cpimcil agai rejected two DW| rection. He felt that efficient ses for all. On Sunday after-! j£* ' Woodbridge Post 4410 Port Beading '.ition «u nude by party labels. He said: VFW, Madonna CYO Drum & public Interest has increaseincr d of of U11JK, . !for paving of Poplar Street, j management of borough af- noon at 3:30 the Jr. and Jr. HI Manuel Perez. Frank Sosnow- fFellowship meets, and in theiBuRle Corp- Boy Scollt Tro°P Ma UO „•„- *...— other'speakers included Ber-I^oimcllman Thomas Milik felt K,iplan. an attorney of j -R wilt be generally agreed | fairs through wjund budget- «ki, Steve Pasztor, Prank Bino, i (evening at 7:30 the Sr. Hi Fel-|82; floals' Lions club> Shore- local Demociatic candidates na].d Abrams. another pn fiRurefi submitted were that a one-party system has | ary practices call for an ac- Walter Osyf, Stephen Nagy, had been questioned on the e)iMSStvt> u aB ihc love and reapact lownhip meets. crest Civic Club: Carteret Wom- tionnl commander of the JWV,- * decided to re-. deprived our citizens here of ' tlvc minority on the Council. Robert Woodward and John number of thr ta<r": en's Club; St. Joseph's School, WssibiUty of a hospital byiEdwar(1 fw..*W*. The the benefit of representatives j Running with Mr. Bare- On Tuesday evening, Octo- Alach. be Middlesex said St. Mary'g High School. Girl ™member,rss o:tof thhe PkParkviei wCi Civiic Cminty prescutor „„.. „,..„ Products * would act *t watchdogs I ford are Chester Wlelgolinslcl j*»er 36. the Women's Associa- 1 Scout Troop 190. ^ EVan- Club «t Us Octolper 3rd-meeting.;^^, wl wn lost,,.bd (l, nfk** of the New yorfc on wl *•' over borough aftdns and John Konci for'cotincii \^" " h«ve . fr,.,„„.„»•. ui im. tit atrrtn-1 gelicai - Lutlieran uy Nicholas Babftsky', Michael At that trme"Mayor'Stephen commander ' ie&'tSMf, and C and William Gi»enwaia, can- |«wtnw at 8:00 MKThej will 1 1 a h8d iM club Schcol: drill teama. Naval Re- 'Lompcyx)mpcy. Amandlo Damas,TDamas,"FriBrtti7i f r , merabers, Other officers installed were Hopelawn 40.42s. "••«t to t-;! :-Jb ,liWt-d to ,.«.t; rV.,, „ e. i u- didaU' for reelection as tax packages and gifts for 1 serve Drill team from Perth Tnmnpv A m » „ H i« nnm.', tnat the money In the hospitaliiivinir Levit:/ .wiinv IM™m »J fwo bids for sewer cleaning ... <m *« iiv age oV. troi of an> governmental en- tuinessor. the children of the mission sta- senior vice com- Amboy, All Girl Rifiettes from ordered tabled. One cam* tions assigned to the associa- bl et 0 tot uwdfA or iisideru of New Brunswick, Candleiers Stephen Katko, Stephen Shaf- "* .J , ™, f' ' 'v>^ com m a n4 er ; Sidney from Fred Hryrkh Little Palls, tion. A list of the items needed from Newark. In addition the H.u Association, is as follows: clothing, toys, fer. Julius Horvath. ;a Hospital. The fund holds an Hwbst, adjutant and patrioticiasking $3 400 and the other following will participate tn dalD offlrel •ived for many years^Andre; w Charara (larteret Pupils and jewelry for 11, 12, and 13 Elizabeth ' o?h S!, V°i, 'J' ': Arthur Bauchner. quar-lfrom Robinson Pipe Cleaning; groups, Carteret Fire Dept., S kllla h8d rBedtheresldcnts •<•• of I he Committee Joao Carvallo Antnnin rn t ( . }; ,termaster; Nathan Jacoby,,co., CannonstuuK, Pa., for $3,- year olds; girls' dresses; boys' Port Reading Fire Dept., Ocean- Joao caivallo, Antonio Go-^o try to seek personal pledges chaplain; Summer Weener, 700. :<-..(l Grievances. pajamas; 3 wool skirts for mez, George Under, John Vi- port Fire Dept.,- Columbus Harold • of the Rites Saturday In Trenton Tour girls, size 14; 2 boys' sweaters, School, St.
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