6572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JULY 6, and after their report the Secretary of War shall approve it upon the him to the sundry civil appropriation bill; which was referred to the grounds that it is wise and just that it should be taken for the public Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to ba printed. benefit, and also upon the grounds ~t this sum of $150,000 is a just sum to pay for it." That is all there is in this question, and yon may EXECUTIVE SESSION. spend a week in pettifogging over these little amounts and that will be The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business. Af­ the final concln.Sion. It turns on the question of public policy. ter nine minutes spent in executive session the doors were reopened, and • The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment (at 5 o'clock and 47minutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-mor­ of the Committee on Commerce. row, Wednesday, July 7, 1886, at 12 o'clock m. Mr. EDMUNDS. I move that the senate proceed to the considera­ tion of executive business. NOMINATIONS. The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e. The question is on the motion of the Executit·e nomi11ations received by tlte Senate this 6th day of July, 1886. ·Senator from Vermont. .APPOINTl\IENTS IN THE ..tRlrY: Mr. McMILLAN. I think we had better take the vote on j.his ques­ tion. I hope the Senate will proceed with the consideration of this Capt. Theodore Schwan, of the Eleventh Infantry, to be a sistant bill until we get this item disposed of certainly. If we hope w get adjutant-general with the rank of major July 6, 1886. through with the business of the session in time adjourn at reason­ Fitz-John Porter, late colonel of the Fifteenth Infantry, to be colo­ to a nel in the Army of the United States, to 11U1k as such from May 14, able day it behooves the Senate, I think, to proceed with the business in hand. Certainly an executive session can be held at any time. 1861 (that being the grade and rank held by him at the time of his The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The motion is not debatable.- The dismissal from the Army), in accordance with the provisions of an act question is on the motion of the Senator from Vermont. of Congress approved July 1, 1886. Mr. McMU-LAN. I call for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the Secretary proceeded to call CONFIRMATIONS. the roll. • Executlt·e nominations confirmed by tlte Senate Jul.lf 6, 188G. Mr. .GRAY (when his name was called). I am paired with the Sen­ . ator from Rhode Island [Mr. CHACE]. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE TREA URY . Mr. SAULSBURY (when his name was called). lam pai~ with the Hugh Smith Thompson, of South Carolina, to be Assistant Secretary Senator from Vermont [Mr. MoRRILL]. of the Treasury. The roll-call having been concluded, the result was announced-yeas POST)!A.ST.ER. 31, nays 1~; as follows: YE.A.8-31. Henry J._Winn, to be postmaster at Birmingham, Jefferson County, Berry, Cullom, Jones of Arkansas, Riddleberger, Alabama. BJackbui·n, Edmunds, Kenna., Sherman, Brown, Eustis, McPherson, Teller, Butler, George, Manderson, Vance, Call, Gibson, 1\'Iaxey, Walthall, Cameron, Harris, Payne, "\Vbitthorne, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Cockrell, Hawley, Platt, Wilson of Md. Colquitt, _ Ingalls, Pugh, TUESDAY, July 6, 188u. N.A.Yd-18. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. Blair, Frye, Miller, Sewell, H. MILBURN, D. D. Coke, Gorman, l\Iitchell of Oreg., Stanford, Conger, Harrison, Palmer, Vest. The Cler.k proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Dawes, Hearst, Ransom, terday, when Dolph, l\IcMillan, Sawyer, On motion of Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky, by unanimous .A.BSENT-2i. consent the reading of that part of the Journal relating to the introduc­ Ald.rich, Fair, Logan, Sabin, tion and reference of bills and resolutions was dispensed with. Allison, Gray, Mahone, Saulsbury, The remainder of the J oumal was read and approved. Beck, Hale, Mitchell o!Pn., Spooner, llowen, Hampton, Morgan, VanWyck, LE.A. VE OF .ABSENCE. Camden, Hoar, l\Iorrill, Voorhees, Chace, Jones of Florida., Pike, Wilson of Iowa. By unanimous consent leave of absence was granted ns follows: Evarts, Jones of Nevada, Plumb, To Mr. DmBLE, for one day. ·So the motion was agreed to. To Mr. SPRIGGS, indefinitely, on account of importnnt business. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVALS. WITHDRA. W A.L OF P .A.PERS. A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. 0. L. Mr. BRADY, by unanimous consent, obtained leave to withdraw PRUDEN, one of his secretaries, announced that the President bad on from the files of the House, 1rithout leaving copies, papers in the claim the 3d instant approved and signed the follow.Jlg acts: of the Washington and Ohio Railroad Company. .An act (S. 16) for the relief of J. A. Wilson, administrator de bonis PENSIO:NS. non of the estate ofGregory Jarratt, deceased; The SPEAKER. A bill transmitted from the Senate has been mis­ An act {S. 498) for the relief of George T. Dudley; and lii.d; and the Chair therefore lays before the House for adoption a res­ An act (S. 1352) granting the right of way to the Leavenworth, Nor­ olution, which the Clerk will read. thern and Southern Railway Cqmpany through the military reserva­ The Clerk read as follows: tion at Fort Leavenworth. Resolved, That the Senate be requested to transmit, to the House an engrossed ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. copy of Senate bill No.l526, "amending sections 4756 and 4757 of the R-evised Statutes, relating to pensions of certain disabled persons who have served in the A message from the Honse of Representatives, by Mr. CLARK, its Navy or Marine Corps," the original having been mislaid in the House. Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the follow­ ing enrolled bills; and they were thereupon signed by the President pro The SPEAKER. If there be no objection, this resolution will be tempore: adopted and the Clerk directed to make the request of the Senate. A bill (S. 2692) to amend and correct the act approved June 1, 1886, There was no objection, and it was ordered accordingly. · granting a pension to J. H. Thornburg; and N.A.V.A.JO INDIAN AGENCY. A bill (S. 503) relating to the supreme court of Montana. Territory, The SPEAKER ]aid before the House a letter from the acting Sec­ and providing for the establishment of judicial districts in said Terri­ retary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate from the Secretary of tory. the Interi01: for pay of employes at Navajo Indian agency, New Mexico, llOUSE BILL REFERRED. for the current fiscal year; which was referred to the Committee on The joint resolution (H. Res. 199) providing for printing eulogies de­ Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. livered in Congress upon the late Michael Hahn was read twice by its PUBLIC BUILDING .AT VICKSBURG, MISS. title, and referred to the Committee on Printing. Mr. CATCHINGS. I ask unanimous consent that the Committee of 1\IA.RY . J. NOTTAGE. the Whole House on the state of the Union be discharged from tbe 1\Ir. BLAIR. Before the doors arc closed, I ask for the adoption of further consideration of Senate bill No. 179 and that the same be now the following order: put on its passage. Orde1·ed, That Senate Report 1424 be reprinted, the files being exhausted. The bill (S. 179) to provide a building for the use of the United States The order was agreed to. courts, post-office, custom-house, and internal-reYenue offices at Vicks­ Mr. EDMUNDS. What is the report? burg, Jl.1iss., was read, together with an amendment reported by the Mr. BLAIR. It is the report on the bill (S. 2005) granting a pension Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. to Mary J. Nottage-one of the vetoed pension bills. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration of this bill? .A.l\IEND~IENT TO .A. BILL. Mr. MORGAN. I desire to inquire whether any United States Mr. EVARTS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by court is now authorized by law to be held at this point. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 6573 • Mr. CATCHINGS. There are no United States courts authorized not dependent upon the son for support. With reference to that this to be held there now, and the bill does not so recite. state of facts is· found to exist from the record. Mr. .MORGAN. It proposes to erect a conrt-honse. Mr. SENEY. .What is the other ground on which the veto message Mr. CATCHINGS. No, sir; a building for the use of the public is based? offices there now, and as a court-house, if conrts should be authorized .Mr. TAULBEE. On the ground of the desertion of the soldier. I to be held there. will bring them both up in their proper order. Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Arkansas. I wish to inquire whether The facts shown by the record with reference to the dependence of any United States court sits at this point now. the father upon the son arc about these: Carter W. Tiller was a plas- Mr. CATCHINGS. No, sir. terer by trade, and resided in the city of Louisville, Ky. In 1861 his Mr. MORGAN. That is the very point about which I inquired. only son, a bright, beautiful, and obedient boy, enlisted in Company M~ BRECKINRIDGE, of .t\rkansas.
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