Library Observes Centennial; Willis Page Conducts Concert Today; Displays Wiggin Treasures The Boston Public Library is observ­ These prints, reproductions of first Panasevich Serves as Concertmaster ing its centennial with a public cele­ sketches made by famous artists pre­ Music to suit all tastes will be the bration from November through May. pa ratory to painting masterpieces, in­ objective of Mr. 'Willis Page when he Mr. Arthur ]. Man ning, exhibits' chief, clude R embrandt's " Hundred Guilder conducts the New Orchestral Society has scheduled a series of d isplays of Pla te," more read il y recognized as of Boston in a concert here in the the library'S many treasures. "Ch rist H ealing the Sick," and Van a uditorium this afternoon at 4 p.m. In accord with the special even ts Dyke's "Self-Portrait." Prin t of the Mr. Page, a member of the Boston program of t he celebration Mr. Arthur nineteenth century artist Goya, Mill et, Sy mphony Orchestra, and conductor of W. Heintzelman, k e e per of prints, Maryon, Haydon, Whistler, and Tou­ Boston's Ceci Ii a Society, has selected a has arranged exhibits featuring some louse-Lautrec are a lso on display_ varied program ranging from master­ of the best sketches in the graphic arts In the Treasure R oom is a collection p ieces of the classical period, to oper­ field . The majority of these prints of rare books, selected by Mr. Coltan atic excerpt, to the musical comedy come from the Albert H . ' Viggin Col­ Haraszti, keeper of Rare Books. Fea­ score. lection given to the library in J une, tured in this group are St. Augustine's The concertmaster at this afternoon's 1941. City of Cod, set in l' lemish type in performance will be Mr. Leo Panase­ Germany in 1466, and Saba tier's Col­ vich who gave a violin concert here lection of Francisca ns including Bibles, last spring. Kappas Open a nd a pocket-s ized breviary used by The program will include "Overture one of St. Francis' fo ll owers over 700 from t he Barber of Seville," R ossini; Story Contest years ago. Also on exhibition is a n "Symp hony No. 88," Haydn; "Fin­ Italo-Byzallline ill umina ted ma nuscript landia," Sibelius; "Farandole from th e To promote good wri ting among of an Itali an picture Bible. Printed in L 'Arbesienne Suite," Bizet; "Prelude to Catholic college students Kappa Gam­ the latter half of the fourteenth cen ­ MR. WILLIS P AGE, m e mbe r of t h e Bos ton S ymphony , will again Deluge," Saint-Saens (violin solo by ma Pi, national Honor Society of the tury it contains 4B fu ll -page m iniatures. raise his baton a t t his afternoon's conce rt by t h e new Orches tral Mr. Panasevich); "Emperor Waltz," Of particular interest to college stu­ Strauss; Selections from "South Pacific" Catholic Women's Colleges, announces Socie ty of Boston. its twenty-second short story contest. dents are the first editions of Tom by R ogers and Hammerstein. Jones, Pilgrim's Prog1-ess, and The ___________ ______________________• ____________________ _ As an added incentive this year the amount of the cash awards has been Scarlet L ette1-. increased . First prize will be 50.00, the second, 25.00_ Participants m u s t observe Frosh Receive the following rules: 1. S torie s must b e the orig­ inal work of an unde rgraduate Sodality Pins woman s tude nt of a Cat holic Members of the freshman class will college affiliated with Kappa be received into the Sodality of Our Gamma Pi and mus t not have Lady Thursday, Dec_ 3, at 4 p.m. ____________________________________________---:-=-==-_ b een pre vious ly published un­ W9ringwhi~ dr~ ~ ~e ~nd~a~s _~V~0~1~._6~,~N:O~.~2~ ___ _____E=m=m:a=n:u= e:I_C=o=I=~~g~e~,~B=o=s=t~o_n~,_M~a_s_s_._________ N_o_v_ e_m_b_e_r_l_7~,_1_9_5_3 __ less in the colle g e periodical. wi ll be led into chapel by Hazel Con- 2. The story's the m e n e ed a ty, odality prefect, and Patricia not be r e ligious but s hould r e ­ Flynn, vice prefect. flect s ound C atholic thought in Rev. Vincent F. McHe;,ry, O.P., Clubs Present Career Directors Probe s ome circ umstance of life. freshman theology professor, will offi c­ 3. The contestant'5 name, iate at the ceremony during which address, nom - d e - plume, the each freshman will receive her college Joint Concert Trouble-spot Job Fields name of h e r college, and the The Glee Club's new quartet will . I b - sodali ty pin. Trouble-spot fields III p laclllg lI beral arts women graduates was t le su Ject s ignature of h e r Englis h pro­ The Special Liturgical Group will make ItS debut at a combllled concert of a two-day discussion for vocational directors sponsored by jVlademoiselle f essor s hould b e e nclosed in a given by the Emmanuel and Provi- - Y k C' sing motets honoring Our Lady while magazine Nov. 5-6 at the Hotel Biltmore, New or ' Ity. sealed e n velope accompanying the freshmen fi le into chapel and dur­ dence College Glee Clubs Sunday, Dec_ Upon reLUrning from the workshop sessions Miss Rose Mullin, appointment e a c h Inanuscript . ing the inves titure_ 6, in the audilorium at 3 p.m. The bureau director, reported lhat a t presenl the " diffi cu lt" job fi elds a re writing, 4. M a nuscript copies, pos t ­ Sodalily o fTi cers a re now planning to quartet consists of Marya nne Bousquet, I b d mercha ndising, social work, illlerior d ecorating, a nd jo bs invo lving nave a roa . m a rke d n ot later tha n mid­ enterta in children from "Nazareth" at '55, Eleanora IOinnegan, '56, Virginia nig h t Mar. 15, 1954, should b e a ChriSlmas Parly the afternoon of Good, '56, and I\fary E. Loughran, '55. Good w r iter s n eed e d maileti to: JU TS. AlthlU' J. Dec. 15. To a muse the little guests LIce Curt·ayne i\lr. Lu " ard 'ranle) , pu i>l ic service Selections to be Sling by both Glee A II program manager of NBC, revealed Schoe nbe r ger , 3138 D eSo to St., the Gerlllan Club will prese ll t Hum­ Clubs are the antiphonal "Filii and the need fo r college graduates with New Orleans 19, La. perdinck's version of the operetta " Han­ V . D fi lia e" by Leisring; a nd an a caJ)ella ability to write cl ear, effective news- Additio nal information may be ob­ lews ante sel a nd G re te l. " Games, ball oons, toys, arrangement o( "Turtle Dove," based letters for radio stations in order to tain ed from Sr. Marie of the Trinity, refreshmellls, a nd a visit from Santa O l 'a I1 1' s' "("lno11 ,. \ I, Il t tOt1cl1 " '1' 11 Dante admirers will gather in the n " ,' . - 0 sell progra ms to advertise rs and to English department chairma n . Cla us wi ll add to the fun. be provided by the popular fa vorite, a uditorium Thursday, Dec. 10, a t li steners. " Yo urs Is My H eart Alone." 4 p.m. to hea r Alice Curtayne, Irish Qualifi cations and opportunities for a Lllh o r and leclUrer, evalua te Dante's I n add ition to tile jOint selections, liberal arts grad uates in journalism, Cinderella Ball Climaxes contribution to medieval literature. each club wil l present a number of particularl), o n editorial staffs o f house In her late teens Ali ce Curtayne individual co mposition . Emmanuel's o rgans, was stressed by Mr. Daniel (known in private life as Mrs. Stephen Sophomores' Social Daze se lectio ns wi ll include: " To A Ma­ R ochford o f the Standard Oil Com­ Ryn ne), manifes ted a deep interest in donna," by C. R epper; " I Will Bless pa n y's employee rela ti ons department. Da nte alld spent three yea rs in Italy the Lord," by R . E lm ore; a nd, to add " With in the next 10 yea rs 150,000 sllldying the poet in his native sur­ a Christmas to uch, "Beth lehem Bell s," socia l wo rkers will be need ed ," asserted by T. Dun hill. ro undings. The reslli t was a book en­ Mrs. Ca therine Guyler, representative titled A Necail 10 Danle published in Providence College wil l sin g "Silent of the Nationa l Committee o n Social 1930. As Night," by Ca rl Bohm; "Soldiers' Work in Defense Mobi lizatio n. "Sa1- Over a period o f 25 years, Alice Chorus," by Gounod; and "J esu R ex aries a re good . and tho ugh you may Curta)'ne has written several saints' Admirabi lis," by IJalestrina; also " Ileal' see man y tired wo rkers, yo u never see li ves, numerous essays. a nd a recent 1\ly Praye r," by .\ rkha ngelsky; " Vienna, one bored," sa id Mrs. G u yler. novel, H Ollse 0/ Cards. H er la test book, My City Of Dreams," by Sieczynski; The Trial 0/ Oliver P/lIllhet, was pub­ Buyer s wanted and "Landsca ping, " by Greig. li shed last mo nth by Sheed and 'VarcL The relucta ll ce of the liberal a rts Fo ll owing the C'" .~" people know Alice Curtayne's graduate to enter the re ta iling field wi ll be hos tesses at a dinner, which part in the promotion o f the Legio n wa s d isc ussed by r- l iss Marion Crosby, will be fo ll o wed by a social hour in p lacement bll rea u d irector, Hunter the lou nge.
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