Perfil de mercado de almohadones (PA 9404.90.00) (PA 9404.90.00) “Art of bedding ex mattress etc, inc quilts cushions” 1.1.- REGIMEN DE IMPORTACION (tarifa arancelaria - documentación exigida) Posición arancelaria argentina: 9404.90.00 (almohadones) Posición arancelaria británica: 9403.20.00 (Art of bedding ex mattress etc, inc quilts cushions”) Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias (SGP): aplica 0% IVA: 17,5% No requiere licencia. No hay restricciones en la cantidad a traer de Argentina. 1.2.-IMPORTACIONES BRITANICAS TOTALES: Mill US$ KILOGRAMOS 2002 106,180 17.383.704 2003 142,379 24.451.876 2004 193,977 29.745.274 1.3.- PRINCIPALES PAISES PROVEEDORES: 2002 MILL. DE U$S KILOGRAMOS 1) China 53,273 8.884.499 2) Irlanda 5,949 510.756 3) Estonia 5,903 1.262.655 4) Alemania 5,107 666.425 5) Pakistán 3,368 815.754 6) India 3,015 271.571 ----- Argentina 0,000 0 2003 1) China 73,358 14.234.419 2) Estonia 8,599 1.651.920 3) Alemania 6,762 746.046 4) India 6,294 734.811 5) Pakistán 5,399 1.097.857 6) Irlanda 4,663 523.881 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com ----- Argentina 0,000 0 2004 1) China 104,988 17.830.215 2) Estonia 13,454 2.713.701 3) Pakistán 13,244 2.456.113 4) Alemania 12,067 943.732 5) India 8,925 1.067.133 6) USA 5,382 529.620 48)Argentina 0,008 306 1.4.- EXPORTACIONES BRITANICAS TOTALES: MILL. DE U$S KILOGRAMOS 2002 39,469 6.241.269 2003 45,569 6.884.665 2004 68,035 9.360.190 2.- NIVELES DE PRECIOS: U$S/KG 2002 6,11 (promedio todos los orígenes) 2003 5,82 (promedio todos los orígenes) 2004 6,52 (promedio todos los orígenes) 2002 6,00 (China) 2003 5,15 (China) 2004 5,89 (China) 3.- IMPORTADORES Casas de Decoración THE CONRAN SHOP Michelin House 81 Fulham Rd London SW3 6 RD Tel: 00 44 (0) 207 5897401 Fax: 00 44 (0) 2078237015 www.conran.co.uk Contacto: Hus Mozaffar E-mail: [email protected] PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com DESIGNERS GUILD A division of South of the River Ltd 56 Westow St London SE19 3AF www.gift-idea-uk.com Tel: 0845 166 1707 Fax: 0845 166 1708 [email protected] ACKERMAN GROUP PLC Units 15-16 Highams Park Ind. Estate Hickman Ave. London E4 9JG Tel: (0044) 208 523-1321 Fax: (0044) 208 527-6439 / 503-2002 Contacto: Clive Ackerman / Kevin Moroney E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Sitio internet: www.ackerman.co.uk SELFRIDGES 400 Oxford Street London W1A 1AB Tel: (0044) 8708 377-377 Fax: (0044) 207 495 8321 Contacto: Lisa Harris (Homeware Buyer) E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.selfridges.co.uk JOHN LEWIS PLC (Peter Jones www.peterjones.co.uk) 171 Victoria Street London SW1E 5NN Tel: 020 7828-1000 Fax: 020 7828-6679 www.johnlewis.co.uk Contacto: Robert Hennessy (Gifts Buyer) E-mail: [email protected] MARKS & SPENCER A 400 47 - 67 Baker Street London W1U 8EP Tel: (0044) 207 935-4422 Fax: (0044) 207 268-2275 Contacto: Mr. Sean Ryan E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.marksandspencer.com ALLDERS DEPARTMENT STORES LTD. PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com PO Box 359, Centre Tower Whigift Centre, Croydon, Surrey CR9 1NN Tel: (0044) 208 256-7872 Fax: (0044) 208 256-7680 Contacto: Ms. Louis Needham (Homeware, Gifts) Email: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.allders.co.uk LIBERTY PLC 210-220 Regent St London W1B 5AH Tel: (0044) 207 734-1234 Fax: (0044) 208 573-9876 Sitio internet: www.liberty.co.uk Contacto: Ms. Zoe Jackson (Homeware) E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.liberty.co.uk FORTNUM & MASON PLC 181 Piccadilly Mayfair / Soho London W1A 1ER Tel: (0044) 207 734-8040 Fax: (0044) 207 437-0778 / 3278 Contacto: Roseline Burstow Sitio internet: www.fortnumandmason.com HARRODS INTERNATIONAL 87-135 Brompton road Knightsbridge London SW1 7XL Tel: (0044) 207 730-1234 Fax: (0044) 207 581-0470 Sitio internet: www.harrods.co.uk Contactos: Matthew Hamlyn (Stationary Executive Leather) Ms. Ava Desai (Traditional Furniture) DEBENHAMS RETAIL PLC: 1 Welbeck Street London W1G 0AA Tel: (0044) 207 408-4444 Fax: (0044) 207 408-3366 Contacto: Diana Beckett E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.debenhams.com MATALAN PLC Gillibrands Road PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com Skelmersdale West Lancashire WN8 9TB Tel: (0044) 1695 552-400 Contacto: Leith Kenny E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.matalan.co.uk HOUSE OF FRASER PLC (incluye Dickens & Jones) 1 Howick Place Victoria London SW1P 1BH Tel: (0044) 207 963-2000 Fax: (0044) 207 963 2747 Contacto: Jo Hebden E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.houseoffraser.co.uk T K MAXX 50 Clarendon Road Watford WD17 1TX Tel: (0044) 1923 473-000 Fax: (0044) 1923 473-500 Contacto: Isabel Moloney E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.tkmaxx.com W J DANIEL & CO. LTD 96-122 Uxbridge Road West Ealing London W13 8RF Tel: (0044) 208 567-6789 Fax: (0044) 208 840-5705 Contacto: David Elsord E-mail: [email protected] FENWICK 63 New Bond Street London W1A 3BS Tel: (0044) 207 629-9161 Fax: (0044) 207 409-1890 Contacto: Susan Harrison (Homeware, Gifts) Sitio internet: www.fenwick.co.uk HARVEY NICHOLS 109-125 Knightsbridge, SW1 Tel: (0044) 207 235-5000 Fax: (0044) 207 235-8560 Contacto: Daniela Rinaldi E-mail: [email protected] PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com [email protected] Sitio internet: www.harveynichols.com Comentario: No tienen compradores para estos departamentos (regalos, artículos decoración), sino que conceden espacios en sus locales) TCHIBO Block B Long Island House 1 - 4 Warple Way London W3 0RT Tel: (0044) 208 896-4800 Sitio internet: www.tchibo.co.uk ARGOS RETAIL GROUP (ARG) (parte de GUS plc) Argos Ltd, 489-499 Avebury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2AF Tel: (0044) 1908 690-333 Fax: (0044) 1908 692-301 E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.argos.co.uk HOMEBASE (parte de GUS plc) Beddington House, Railway Approach Wallington Surrey SM6 0HB Tel: (0044) 208 784-7200 Fax: (0044) 208 784-7755 E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.homebase.co.uk MFI Southon House 333 The Hyde Edgware Road London NW9 6TD Tel: 0870 607 5093 Sitio internet: www.mfi.co.uk HABITAT 42 - 46 Princelet Street London E1 5LP Tel: (0044) 207 614-5500 Contactos: Florence Balamant (Buyer Home Accessories) E-mail: [email protected] Helene Liminana (upholstery) E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.habitat.net BHS PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com 129 - 137 Marylebone Road London NW1 5QD Tel: (0044) 207 262-3288 Fax: (0044) 207 723-1115 Contacto: Mr. Keely Bosati (Homeware Buyer) E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.bhs.co.uk GRAHAM AND GREEN Notting Hill 10 Elgin Crescent London W11 2HX Tel: (0044) 207 727-4594 Fax: (0044) 207 229-9717 Contacto: Antoia Graham (Homeware Buyer) E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.grahamandgreen.co.uk HEAL'S The Heal's Building 196 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7LQ Tel: (0044) 207 636-1666 Sitio internet: www.heals.co.uk For Interior Design Enquiries Tel: 020 7636 1666 [email protected] For Furniture Enquiries Tel: 020 7636 1666 [email protected] SCP 135-139 Curtain Road London EC2A 3BX Tel: (0044) 207 739-1869 Fax: (0044) 207 729-4224 E-mail: [email protected] Sitio internet: www.scp.co.uk Dutch Imports 3 Alfred Street, Hull, North Humberside HU3 2DD Tel: 01482 588098 Fax: 01482 222636 Contacto: Charles Kraawen E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.dutch-imports.com Global Table & Chair Co PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com 98 Kingsland Road London E2 8DP Tel: 020-7729-8410 Fax:02076132929 Contacto: Michael King E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.global-tableandchair.com Ironworks Designs in Metal Ltd Church Road Moreton, Ongar, Essex CM5 0JA Tel: 01277-890020 Fax:01277-890021 Contacto: Laurence Mc.Mahow E-mail: Prefieren que manden carta o Fax. Web: www.ironworksdesign.co.uk NEXT RETAIL LTD Desford Road Enderby, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 5AT Tel: 0845-456-7777 Contacto: Maria Hughes [email protected] The Merchant Chandler Ltd 4-6 Orange Street Canterbury Kent CT1 2JA Tel: 01227-762644 Fax: 01227-764424 Contacto:E.E. Arnold E-mail: [email protected] Trading 4 U Ltd 21-29 South Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 4LQ Tel:: 01444-454987 Fax:01444417295 Contacto: Chris Mac Kalin E-Mail: t4u/@ukonline.co.uk The Pier 10 The Academy Belmont Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB10 1LB Tel: 01235821088 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com Fax:01235821088 Contacto: Rosemary Brown E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.pier.co.uk Innovators International Ltd Unit A Colindale Business Park Carlisle Road London NW9 0HN Tel: 020-8905-9222 Fax: 020-8905-9111 Contacto: Mr.Nick Joels E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.innovator-international.co.uk The Interior Trading Co. 55-57 Marmion Road Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO5 2AT Tel: 023 92 838038 Contact: Ms. Simon Mc Keown E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.interior-trading.co.uk India Jane (Distribution) Ltd Eurolink House 2 Chase Road London NW10 6HZ Tel: 020-8961-8844 Fax: 02089618855 Contacto: Mr.Jay Bhasing E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.indiajane.co.uk Asimismo, se sugiere acceder a los siguientes sitios de internet: - www.giftsforgirlfriends.co.uk/homeware.asp - www.giftware.org.uk (The Giftware Association) - www.bjgf.org.uk (British Jewellery and Giftware Federation) - www.harrogatefair.com (feria local) Sitio de internet para telefonos: www.118118.com / www.
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