FRroAT, AUmiST % k t S E S U T B l M ttbrnfftOtt E^ntbto Hm Sh A vcn iffff Daily Cirtaiatkm Tka Waathar Por tke Moatk of July. 1948 P M ea a t of V. a. Waathar M a rta A maating of tha Board of and driving while his license was Art School Pupils Salectmen la scheduled for Monday under auapenslon, was found guilty 6,367 PakP aad Boathwad oael today ' About Town Eight Months and sentenced to the county jail iBWniTrITPwTPr IclyPITTiTif ItlP r 811II aad tsnlgM ; Bmiday fair wtth i4s- night, August 5. for a total of eight months. The Developing Talent Maasbar n i tk* Audit Ing temperateie. accused, represented by Attorney Barsaa of Clroolatleas t t Um Senior Xp- Ward Oraan, Jr., of Parker For Car Theft George C. Leasner, had secured ___________ e ( tlM South Methb- atraet and Chaster Govang of ManchB§ter-—A City of YiUago Charm contlnuanca o f his case from early Hasal atraet have bean spending 4 M hhurch aro romlndod to bo at this week. Hayes has a record of The work accomplished at the We’re Ready for Fall tha dtureh at 7;S0 tomorrow •ve­ tha paat weak at Hampton Beach, John Hayes Is Found several other car thefts aiid tak­ Summer A rt school in ROom 15 VOL. LIX „ NO. 280 (UaaaMad Advnrtiamf on Pngs 19) RfANtHEHTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. 1940 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CKN’rS s t ^ , from whahea they win so to N. H. ing cars without permission, and of the High school building has With These New tha Bolton Playhowae to aao .the Guilty; Highland Park tin his record, sent out by the been most aatisfactory thua far. Rev. Earl E. Story who will of,- naifiii iiiaiii e o f “ Husband Hun- Man Not Guilty. FBI In Wauihlngton, it Is noted Mrs. Joaephine Pieaclk Hllla who. C a - » - flclate at the wedding of Mlaa Rose that he was held In Manchester, ia inatructing the classes, says Brown and Harold T. Jarvis, thU N. H. for subornation of perjury; that portrait painting la a favor­ Trying Depth Bombs in New York Bay evening at 7 o'clock at the South L’Aiglon SCm Clara Saara Bollarar of In towm court this morning El­ Hayes, in court here, denied he ev­ ite with many, with still life in W a it Hartford, soprano, will be Methodist church, will have two mer Weeks of Highland Park er had been in New Hampshire. oils a close second. ’ German Planes Stab British Arrest Japs; additional weddings tomorrow af­ tha gneat aoloiat at the flrst union pleaded not guilty to a charge of Police pointed out that the records Two of the boys have taken up ternoon before he leaves on his va­ soap, carving. Two mornings this Dresses . ■/-- I aervice of the South Methodist and reckless driving through his coun­ are home* out by fingerprints. Cantar Congregational churches at cation, Misa Edna Newton and Margin of error in such cases is week Mrs. Hills and the embryo tha latter church Sunday morning Edwin Pitiiey at two o'clock, and sel, Attorney William S. Hyde. said to be very slight. artists spent the time sketching In Misa Adeline Schmidt and Albert at 10:49. The accused, sifter testimony had In defense of Hayes. Attorney one of the towm'a tqost beautiful Atkina of Windsorvllle at three gardens, and had a happy time. Dashing new Fall styles In printed pat­ Empire-Wide Move been heard, was found not guilty Lessner related that he has an At Britain in Raids; terns and plaids on Charm Crepe. The o'clock, at the South Methodist Mrs. Hills directed the attention *The T.’Wted PoUsh societies of by Judge Raymond R. Bowers. obsession for automobiles, but in new styles feature both long and short church. every other way appears to be re­ of a Herald reporter to the mark­ Manchester wlli hold their meet­ Week# wiu arrested early this sleeves. You’ll find styles and sizes for liable. He has worked where he ed artistic talent Indicated by the ing, Saturday, August 3, at 7:30 week by Policeman David* Galll- all. ranging from 14 to 44. In the Pollsh-Amerlcan clubrooms has had to handle money, and has work of the following pupils: Mias Jacqueline jGoodrlch, Miss Phyllis on Clinton street. It will be the gan after a mlle-Iong chase in proven capable, Lessner said, and July Successes Told Hollister. Miss Virginia Eaton and Said Not Retaliatory monthly business oession. The totsl Slight Drop Highland Park. The chase, testi­ honest. Miss Tina Raimondo, sum received for the Polish Relief mony showed, was not a speedy Pronouncing sentence. .hidge Bowers said that he could not The classes will continue Fund to date is $M2.44. In Tax List one, but a difficult one, for the grant a light sentence In vl6w of through the month of August, 16.50 Gonliniir 3w‘iea of Seal- Delivering Bablen Part SivO Enemy Flanch Shot course of the pursued man's vehi­ the record of the accused, and he and the achievements of all will be Turtle Marked by Father Two Iximlon Repres«n- Miss Alma C. Hanson of Mem- cle Isd through woods. The sta­ imposed six months for the car exhibited at the close of the school trred Attarks Which O f Job for Policeman I Down; 260,(W)0 Tons Anti-Tfainiiig j Carries Son's Initials Too tativen o f Powerful phia Tenn , is the guest of Mrs, : But S246 Less Than tutes define reckless driving as an theft and 60 days for the license at a date and place to be an­ Emma U Nettleton of Huntington ‘ offense In which the accused must count. nounced later. ^Ranged from South- Philadelphia. Aug. 3. (iP) O f Merchant Shipping, Conway. ,N. H... Aug. 3. A'l MitHuluHhi and Mitsui Last Year in South End Delivering new-born children ia street. Miss Hanson, who is treos-1 have operated at such speeds and past Coast to Scot­ 2.'>,0<N) Tons of War 2-Party Bloc Bar k ill 1880, Edward Hale urer of LeMojme College, spend.s : in such manner as to endanger “just part of my Job" to Henut- found a turtle in a field and BankiW' Interests Are P'ire District. Car Policeman isadorc Rosen­ her vacation in the North each I others' lives. There was no other land'' Under Cover of VcahcIh Slink; ,*550,- ( arved hia Initials on the shell. .\inong^Tliose Held; summer, and every year pays a I traffic at the time of the pur­ berg. Now Possible I Twenty years later he found vialt to her longtime friend, Mrs j The grand list of tha South suit, it v s s stated. The not guilty Darkness; Several In­ Investigating "a disturbance" (MM) Tons of Commer­ the same turtle, a little larger, Action (>m »led with Nettleton in Miinchester. Afanchester Fire District, Just finding followed. In a house yesterday, he helped but still going. ! BINGO BINGO jured by Bombs in at the birth of a 7 1-2 pound cial .SbipH, completed, shows a slight decrease Pleading guilty to a charge of Summer A few flays ago his son, A r­ U neon fi niied^ Ru mors speeding more than 50 miles per ORANGE HALL — TOMORROW n i g h t : ' son of Mrs. Catherine Dill. r ' Foes of UoiiM*ri|ition De­ Miss Barbara Nelson of 29 from the list o f 1939. It is $26,077,- Wales; Siiiall Diiniage. T oiih of W arHbipH I.d)f4t thur Male, found the very same hour on Woodbrldge street. Rob­ 20 Cjaines..................... It was the third time In his ny Plan l4> Eililinster turtle, showing some signs of Of Huge Spy Ring. Mount Nebo Place is spending the 000. oh this {he tax of two mills, 17 years on the force that Ros­ ert Symonds of Hartford was fin­ age Me earvetl his own initials month of August at Rogers Lake, | voted at the June meeting, will 7 Special G a m e s ......... .................................5c per ffame Anklets enberg has assisted the stork Berlin, Aug. 3.— (A P ) — ed $10 and costs. lAindon, Aiig. 3.— (A P ) — But Say Driiate Will on the shcli-and sent it on its Old Lyme. j raise $52,154. This is $246 less Special Prize.s: Orders Valued At $5.00. and he ha." two children of his London, Aug. 3.— (A P > v - than was sBhwn on the list o f 1939. Continued to August 7 was the Six and four-ply mercer­ German bombing planes stab­ (Jerman sources tixiay said wav case of Jack Waldimer 37, of 90 own. (loiiHiiiiie Mneli Time. I Britain followetl up the « r \ , The amount is so small as com­ 3 Free Games! Sweepstake Game! ized anklets of terrl-tread bed re|>catedly at Britain in that during .luly their armed commander Frank Vallurzl of j Griswold drive. West Hartford. A physician said mother and I rost.s of many of her promi-* pared with the*estlmated income and fine gauge trimflt styles. the An'derson-Shea Post. VFW.t The accused was arrested charged First Door Prize: Order for $5.00. broad daylight today, contin­ child were "doing ftne." forces had shot down 350 Washington. Aug. 3 Ti Op- ; from the tax it will not effect the i . White and colors. Sizes 3 ' nent subjects in Japan with who Is a Sergeant in the F'oot | with passing a stop sign at Tol­ Second Door Prize: Order for $2 50.
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