PIED PIPER FRIDAY NIGHT Horace McNure Mayoralty StiW Enters Campaign fflECHCUT Open to All Volume XXXVI Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, October 18, 1949 No. 10 DAD'S DAY PLANS Dad's Day this year is scheduled for November 12. Team Gives Christian OX. The feature event of the weekend will be a replay of Raisin' Cane. The day will begin at 10.00 with ex- Gridmen Stand by hibits of the various schools and a University Enrollment Up; tcur of the university. From 10.30 Their Coach Until until 2.00. parents will register at Beach. Under 50% Vets on Campus The Season i$ Ended The Pushball contest between the The UConn football team took its Frosh and Sophs will begin at 1.15. Enrollment figures for the entire; For Storrs, Branches and Profes- sland on the Coach Christian «„,. hvDy ' sional schools, with data still incom- . — »._ .,__._ The football game. UConn versus university, recently released ,..,.', - . , - , troversy at a meeting held in their New Hampshire, which will feature plete, the total of male and female * ■ President Jorgensen, indicate on in- veterans is pegged at 3,500, a figure \ hotel room at Orono, immediately the presentation of this year's May- crease in enrollment at Storrs of 1,- representing 42% of the group. In! after the Maine game. or of Storrs. is set for 2.00. 099 students over the 4,068 enroll- the Fall of '48, veteran enrollment' The team holds that perhaps a Raisin' Cane will start at 7:30. All ment record set last year. at Storrs, Branches and Professional j s is necessary, but parents and relatives are welcome to change in coache Altlhough the 5,167 total of stu- schools, , reached 51% of,, the , total ... Ii that, this... change . „_ should^ „ mm not.. take«,.„ the events, according to Bob Ber- students registered in these facili-; _ don. Chairman of the Student Sen- dents on the Storrs campus repre- place during this season. The team Percy Grainger. Noted Pianist ate's Dad's Day Committee. sents an increase in enrollment, the "vote of confidence" to Coach three branches of the University all Frosh Lead Numerically mm ■ showed decreases in the numbers of | For Storrs and Branches, a break- jJ- ° Christian for the remainder ol this vear s f tbaU students enrolled. Statistics from | dcwn by semester rating reveals the' ' °o schedule. Hartford, Waterbury and Ft. Trum- Freshmen leading the list with an The controversy was touched off Grainger To Play Wed.; bull revealed enrollments of 635, 408 enrollment of 1,992 students. Next by a letter to the CAMPUS from the and 959 for the present semester, Druids. To paraphrase the letter: compared with totals of 721, 433 and are the Juniors with 1,562, the Seni- there is unrest over the football sit- Overflow Throng Expected 1,509, respectively, for the Fall sem- ors with 1,527 and the Sophomores ester of 1948. with 1,506 members. uation: friction exists between the An overflow crowd is expected to throng to the Storrs Congre- The statistics revealed a grant to- The enrollment of Freshmen and jcoach. ** staff ■"* the **»****> moh gational Church Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m.. to hear Percy Aid- tal of 9,151 students in the entire Seniors has increased by 203 and 615 rule threatens on the issue; an in- rich Grainger . present the first cultural convocation of the academic University, including Storrs and the students, respectively, while at the vestigation should be made through three branches, the professional year 1949-50. same time the numbers of students the proper channels. According to Carleton W. Erick- schools, advanced and graduate ex- rated as Sophomores and Juniors tension courses, and non-credit ex- According to reliable sources. son, Director of the Audio-Visual PIED PIPER COMING! dropped respectively by 182 and 446 tension courses. This all-university since last fall. Coach Christian had heard about Aides Department, two loudspeak- Latest flash! Despite the fact that figure represents an increase of 731 A & S Leads in College Rolls the Druids' letter before the game ers will be installed in the parlors the Pied Piper's Tisit has been rain- students over the Fall 1948 tabula- Undergraduate enrollments by, against Maine Saturday, but did of the Community House in order to, •* <"»» »*"<* this year, hell be on tion of 8.420 students in the entire I Schools and Colleges for Storrs and I not tell anyone about its contest ha d U eora university. The total for the present accommodate those who are unable «\ * ,. *» ****-!** » by lead all the good little Freshman se'mesterVernonn^ *°*£ **??. ■*■» after'the game. tc gain admittance to the church. fellas and gals in the greatest of all students in Research, since registra-:| k-ge of Arts and Sciences, with 2,- Later that ^ m a meeting held 834 undergrad students registered. , ... ... ,_ > Mr. Erickson also revealed that two j UConn traditions. Remember. Class tion for this group is as yet incom- ...._ o. L , < T, AJ at the hotel at which coaches and I The School of Business Adminis- microphones will be placed in close!of '53, SHORT skirts, hairbows. and plete. During the Fall semester of tration rated second with an enroll- team were staying, he presented the toys are in order for the girls, and 1948. this category totaled 64 stu- proximity to Mr. Grainger's piano, ment of 1,612 students. The School; general context of the letter and leud pajamas for the boys. dents. in order to insure high fidelity in ol Engineering was a close third I offered several comments on it There will be a rip-roaring foot- Vets Under 50% Mark the reproduction of the musical According to the ragistrar. there with 1.063 scholars, and the College'Then Mr. Christian and the other ball rally, the traditional candle- of Agriculture rated fourth with an coaches withdrew to allow the tonm tones over the loudspeaker system. light ceremony, a sensational pro- are 2,406 veterans, male and female, enrollment of 395. members to discuss the issue aad to A precocious musician as a child, gram of entertainment, and a dance or. the Storrs campus. Thus, the vets I comprise 47% of the Storrs campus: The statistics for the other schools j decide their stand. Grainger was taken to Germany at until midnight in the Armory for jot the university were announced as At this time, the team made its the age of twelve for advanced all classes. This is what we're been enrollment, as compared with 54% i waiting for! See you there! in 1948. (Continued on Page 5) decision to stand by their coach un- study with ranking masters of the l til the end of the season. piano, eventually becoming a pupil President Albert Nels Jorgeunen, of Buseni and a great friend of De- COURSE CRITIQUE who received the letter, promised a There will be an organization thorough investigation of the prob- Vard Gried, whose interest in Nor- Raisin' Cane Has New Book nxeting of the Course Critique Com- ■ lem. He said that he would appoint wegian folk music led to a similar mittee of the Student Senate at 7 a special committee as soon as pos- interest in British and kindred folk p. m. on Thursday evening in Gul- sible after the present football sea- music on Grainger's part. ; ley 18. The committee puts out a son to undertake the investigation. i I For Dad's Day Production From the outset, young Grainger's course critique each year evaluating The proposed committee will be various courses and professors. This made up of administration and fac- concert appearances met with most "Incongruity, thy name is Raisin' Cane!" This is the decision that : year the committee will attempt to; ulty members, trustees, students and enthusiastic receptions. He has con- was reached by Phil Isaacs and Peter Sudarsky when they got to- I greatly extend its coverage of the alumni. tinued through the years to, be one gether for three solid nights last week and rewrote last year's hit courses. All students who are in- The complete text of Dr. Jorgen- of the most popular and active re- Junior show. terested in such a project are invit- sen's public statement on the issue Raisin' Cane will be produced!" 1 citalists. a schedule of three or more ed to attend. is on the editorial page. concerts per week constituting his again this year on the tenth,, Music Inc. accepted five of the twelfth, and possibly fourteenth of i show's tunes for publication and average season. Grainger is well known in musi- November. The,™_ showu_ is•„ beingu/,;.. «,.„pro- ' may publish two more of the songs this year. cal circles for his endorsement ol duced by TOUCHSTONE humor Gil Pearlroth. co-author of the Theta-Theta Chi Bovine Battle the "moderns" in serious music. In magazine in cooperation with the many lands, he became the first music, is now at Julius Hartt person to perform publicly the Student Senate committee on School of Music in Hartford. He ■'. works of such composers as Debus- Dad's Day. will return to play first trumpet Ends In Christening of Calf sy, Ravel, Cyril Scott, Delius, Al- Following a suggestion of Bob j for the revised show. ■ beniz, Carpenter, Dett and Guion. Berdon, Senate Chairman of the Arthur Godfrey was reported to A six-day-old bewildered calf was The pledges, not yet indoctrinated In the compositional realm, Dad's Day committee, Isaacs and have played several of the show christened "Theta" yesterday by its in the Theta-Theta Chi Bovine Con- Grainger's Countiy Gardens is prob- Sudarsky decided to reproduce the tunes on his program this summer.
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