Ex-Senator’s Son Sentenced As I’icket CATHOLICS IN HIJACKERS GET STRIKE ENDED HITLER OUSTS LEADER GERMANY DEFY A TRUCK; COPS IN MILWAUKEE HITL^S REE GETIflJACKERS AFTEMDAYS OF HIS STORM TROOPS Charge That Church Is Yic> Post Road Piracy of Cargo Serions Rioting Marked La- General Housecl^ning of ton of Suppression and of Dresses Quickly Fol- bor Disturbance; Union Slain Man Is Found Radical Nazi Forces Fol- That Priests Are Perse- lowed by Capture of Four Hails Agreement as Signal Near Pirated Craft lows Rumors of a Matiny cuted hy Nazis. Who Kidnaped the Driver. Victory for Labor. Scituate. Mass.. June 30. —(A P)—* . v-inen a priest of a Jesuit ■ summer — Streets of Berlin Pa- The body of a slain man lay on an retreat discovered the slain man's Berlin. Jim«30.—(API—Charges Stamford, June 30— fA P)—Stam - Milwaukee. June 30.— -(AP) — I b.'dy which lay not a hundred yards exposed mud flat off Scituate, • trolled by Police Armed that the RomMXIatlioIlc church in ford police left for New York at 10 Peace, after serious rioting, de- I from the moored craft, Nearby was moored the 40-foot Nazi Germany is a victim of sup- a. m., today to pick up four men al- scend.?:! on the strike-tom areas of i The body was unidentified. It .was yawl Chimbcrlnmcc piiatcd last S at- that of a man about 40 years* old pression and injustice and that leged to have hijacked a truck load Milwaukee twlay, with the ending With Rifles — Many urday as it lay at its dock in New , and there was a bullet wound in the priests are being persecuted were of women’s dresses and suits on the of the four-day strike of employes L'lndon, Conn. ' I'cad. Police said the man had been made today in a fiery episcopal Post Road near the Greenwich line of the Milwaukee Electric Railway Police connected the mysterious I root from behind. There were no Arrests Made. letter. at 4 a. m.. and to have kidnaped the T.llling vrith the equally mysterious I wcapo)3s on the. body, but a .38 and Light Company. Drawn up by the German cardi- driver of the truck. The quartet di.scovery of the stolen craft. I c.ollbre revolver was found alongside Transportation was back to'nor- The Cumberbunce was chartered nal bishops at their annual meeting was picked up by Bronx police af; mal as a result of a . settlement ' the yawl. Bri.LEtiN! at Fulda early in June, the letter ter three hours after‘the hijacking by a group of sluucnts from Mrs. A watch on the body had stopped Berlin, .lune 80..—(.-\P)—For- agreement reached last" night be- M argaret Love of Malden. They sail- was sent to all Catholic clergymen and the truck and its contents were tween the striking American Fed- at 2:1.5 and Medical Examiner Oliver mer (huncellnr K urt Von to be read from every Catholic pal- recovered.. ed her to. New London, where they A Howe said the man had been dead Sohleleher was killed today Arrested for picketing a furniture plant In Jersey City, N: J.. Alfred eration of Labor Unionists and the attended the Harvord-Yale crew pit in the country tomorrow. ,- The truck was bound from New company. i bout 24 hours. while resisting police attempt- York to Bridgeport and was in M. Bingham, 29-year-old aon of former Senator Hiram Bingham ot races last Friday, and docked her The document is amazingly frank Connecticut, is shown in ccurt holding the placards that were used lo ing to arrest him as a conspira- in Its review of'the church sUua charge of Arthur Granatlempo of The agreement wa.s heralded by while watching the regatta. •MAY BE TH E PIR A T E tor against the government. 459 Ninth avenue. New Yorl^ when make a test case of the right of police to prevc’it peaceful picketing. organized labor tm a distinct victory Duncan Perkins one of the stii- tion, for the church was dosU'd Bingham, sentenced to 30 days In Jail, was released on bail pending an New London, June 30.— (AP) — The police had been assigned participation of the Catholic clergy four men in a sedan with New York for the labor cause. Most of the derits, was held up as he boarded her Duncan Perkins of Norwich. Conn., Ity I’remier llernmnn \\ ilhelm appeal on July 2. original demands for which the early Saturday. Ho ran from the in politics since the advent of the plates forced the truck to the side : loft for Cohasset. Mass, today to Goerlng to arrest the former Nazis. of the road. The driver was com- strike vi’as called and began last dock as the piratical stranger brand- I try to identify the man who wns chancellor, the man who preced- Thursday morning were met. The Letter pelled a t the muzzle of a revolver ished a revolver an.d when he return- ! found on the mud flat off Bcltuate ed Hitler as head of the Oer- Xlaln Pointn of Pact. Discussing Nazi Paganist plans to quit the truck and enter the ed with New London police officers, ; with a bullet in his head. mah government. sedan. Then botli machines were Main points of the pact accepted the yawl and the stranger had dis- Police believe that the man is the Von Sehleleher was alleged to for a new national church and faith headed for New York. the letter says: EUROPE WATCHES TODAY Jubilantly by members of the three appeared. Coast Guards all along I [liralc who stole the yawl Cum-ter- have eonspInHl with the reae- Driver Released striking unions last night were: the New England coast sought the ] bunce from Perkins last Saturduv tlonaries against ..the precept "Christ’s fount of grace cannot be replaced by an allcgeo mystj-y On a lonely rogd In Yonkers the Return of all strikers-to the posi- craft, which was found, abandoned, i in that city. The Cumberbunce was regime. / of the Nordic blood which has con- truck driver was released from the tions they held when the walkout o.n the Scituate mud flats yesterday. located yesterday at Cohassef and became effective. Police were .still puzzling over ; the. body ot the apparently murder- quered the old Sacraments." sedan and both machines continued FOR SIGHT OF AVIATORS Berlin, June 30.— (AP) — A gen- Opposing Nazi anti-Semitism,' the' •towfard New Yorkv : Granatlempo -.-'Ralastateinfnt.'.of i 43 employes th e - finding'. of -the ...Cumberbunce, ’i!ral''hbus«el6aHlhr''or'fflillia»t Naz$' who were discharged for alleged document says the Ten Command- made bis way to Yonkers police forces, with Chancellor Adolf Hitler ments hold for the Jews as we'i ac headquarters, where he told his union activities and whosa cases Weather Conditions Almost ■wielding the hro&m Htte a bludgeon* for others. story. Stamford police were noti- PRISONER KILLED were heard by the National Labor "We solemnly protest agi n^t fied a t 7:40 this morning by the Board Tribunal. appeared to be in progress through? spreading Neo-Pagan heresies in Yonkers police and a few minutes Ideal On Other Side of Selection of collective bargaining SUN TEMPERATURE PRESIDENT STARTS out Germany today. 71 our fatherland and protest against later the Stamford police received agents by groups—one of the main A reliable source said Karl Ernst, -all attacks and insinuations hc'ng word from the Bronx police of the IN KENTUCKY FEUD points stressed by the unions. -commander of the Nazi Storm made by their members against arrest of four men and the recovery Atlantic— Not Reported X pledge by employes of the com- IN NEW YORK 137 CRUISE TOMORROW Troops in Berlin and Brandenburg, pany they will make every possible God, against Jesus and His Holy of the truck. had been arrested together with Church, almost dally in wr.ttcn According to the story told to effort to win back the Blue Eagle many other Storm Troops Extrem- . While Over Ocean. for the utility. and spoken word. local police, two Bronx policemen Was on His Way to Visit lals. cruising in a radio car saw the truck Against Christianity Company Statement. Reading Taken iir Central Will Be Away for a Month— Capt. Ernst Roebm, National "We emphatically protest against parked on the street and the driver S. B. Way, president of the utility leave the scene in the sedan 4vhich Aged Mother — Is Shot commander of the Storm Troops and . an attempt to undermine charcU ... Dublin, Irish Free State,. June declared the new method of collec- one of the most radical leaders, Christianity also, because this is a ■had followed the truck. The police 30.— (A P)—No word came today tive'bSiipilnlng ""preserve the spirit Is Clearing Up His Desk in gave chase and overtook the Park But ORicial Reading was'deposed from his p'Oat. deliberate attempt against the -v. from the brother trans-Atlantic from Ambush. and substantially the form of that The streets of Berlin were pressed intentions of the govetn- sedan and arrested the quartet. which has been in effect for 16 years The nrlnes of the four were with- filers. Benjamin and Joseph Adam- Preparation. patrolled by police armed with rifles ment which If successful will de- owlcz, due over Ireland on their under the continuing contract be- Is 97 Degrees. and equipped with steel helmets. stroy all hope for security in our held until Granatlempo looks them tween Employes Mutual Benefit over, he was taken to New York by projected non-stop flight from Har- Guards In Force state and for a happy .
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