WEATHER FORECAST mtlotto WM8 WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Kor 38 hours rjidin* 5 pro. Thursday: h;r»i yirinria—Ortnaals ia iispaias Blah. V In or I* and Tlclsll, aSÉUS wind. „r 1 - —n rfl*. «*•<?». I«llh»rl) ami eeaterh un. 1XWI1E16B—city That Never Sleep* «■■tTtrd and TflMT^Ilh' HOm. ( bUnuib—Tin y of Bloomsbury. Columbia Captain Blood. Playhouse—A Wife • Homaoeo. VOL. 66 NO. 6 VICTORIA, B.k, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1925-16 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS EARTH SHOCKS ALARM MASSACHUSETTS PEOPLE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF WILL BE USED SOON AS TARGET BY GUNNERS J. ROBERT DUNN ACTING OF BRITISH ATLANTIC FLEET; BATTLESHIP MONARCH DEPUTY MINISTER OF BOSTON, GLOUCESTER, SALEM BENGAL REJECTS BILL FOR B.C. MINES BRANCH Robert Dunn Jr., formerly sec­ retary to Hon. - WUHam Sloan* AND OTHER TOWNS IN NEW Minister of Mines, has been ap­ pointed acting Deputy Minis*er of SUPPRESSION OF EXTREMISTS Mines In the absence of R. f. Tolmle, who is about to retire from the Civil Service. J. W. B. ENGLAND FELT EARTHQUAKE Macdougall, well-known Victoria Refuses Approval of Measures Put Into Effect Under newspaperman. has been ap­ pointed to "fill Mr. Dunn's former Northeastern Area of United States Had Unusual Ex­ Ordinance Promulgated by Viceroy Last October; position "os 'secretary to Mr. „ Under That L^w Three Lieutenants of C. R. Das Hloan. perience This Morning; Shocks Accompanied by and Other Men Were Arrested. Rambling Noise; Families Report Pictures Were sr Shaken From Walls of Their Homes. STOCKS GO ABOVE Calcutta. Jan. 7. (Canadian l’ress Cable via Reuter's)—The Bengal Legislative Council, which reassembled to-day, rejected LEVELS OF 1924 ON BostoD, Jan. 7—An earth tremor which laated 15 seconds snd the Government bill to give effect to the ordinance promulgated NEWYORKMARKET was of considerable intensity was recorded at 8.07 o’clock this by the Viceroy of India, the Karl of Reading, and put into effect morning at the Harvard Seismograph leal Station. Because of last October for suppression of crimes of ~a revolutionary nature. New, York. Jan. 7.—Block prices some storm or disturbance offshore at the time, it was not posaiblo Cnder this ordinance three lieutenants of C. R. Das, leader of on the exchange here bounded up­ to estimate the distance of the tremors, but the direction was ward Again to-day under the impetus believed to be north. the. Home Rule Party, were arrested, as well as a number of of a. further relaxation In money other men. rates, more than t wo-wcorv issues Gloucester, Marblehead. Salem and other Massachusetts cities eclipsing their 1924 high points, with to the north of here reported heavy shocks which lasted from The ordinance was legally effective for only six. months. the general railroad average lifted twenty to thirty seconds and were accompanied bv a rumbling The Earl of Reading, in a state­ to^Utu highest level In eight years. ...— JP__________ ment accompanying the ordinance, Indian Refining preferred soared ten, res^mblmg the noise made by a loaded truck on a Daved street- which he invoked under special tf&y'ï’SiïïW'ïiï In Sw-mpxeott xtove covers were dislodged ,„d in^'.h^nt piriu^ powers given him. Ha id It would in other* mowd up foi ... ! Werewere lrnn«»lr<wlknocked frnmfrom wallcwalls. nowise touch the liberties of citisena. B.C. CANNOT BE to six points, with total sales' „ running close He was reluctant, he said, to take to 2.000.006 shares. Scores of persona sought safety in cellars. such a course, but he had become convinced that all other means pi I ortamouth. Eng.. Jan. 7 -The battleship Monarch, the last capital ship urtlleh tfrear-Britatm» lo st rap dealing with revolutionists in India PERMANENT HOME under the Washington Treaty, will be taken to Portsmouth and before the end of Thin month will go to sea to be­ had been exhausted. He realized, he come a target for the vessels of the Atlantic Fleet. The Monarch, from which all usable furnishings have been ELEVATION OF NAVAL said, that the anarchical movement removed, must be completely destroyed by February 1. was deep-seated and that plans for HOPE TO SETTLE Th» Monarch, a dreadnought of the Orton class. .a, completed In April. 1912. she I» 544 feet in length and HEAVY MAJORITY GUNS IS DISCUSSED criminal outrages had developed to a displaces 22,600 tons. She is armed with ten 12.6-inch guns and sixteen 4-inch guns and three torpedo tubes. Her 5145452 serious extent. complement was 000. The Orion and Conqueror, of the same class, were scrapped recently. The Thunderer is a Washington. Jan. 7,—Preeldent sister ship. Coolldge was asked by the Senate Ü5. CLAIM FOR Government to Proceed With what protests had l»een made by foreign governments against ele­ Relief Work Here Conser­ vation of guna on United States CHILLIWACK POLICE vatively, Manson Warns Nearly 89 Per Cent of 376 battleships. SNOWPLOUGH TOOK Without debate the Senate REPARATIONS MAGISTRATES IN FAVOR OF LASH Presbyterian Congregations A WOUNDED HUNTER adopted a resolution of inquiry Municipalities Must Take Endorse United Church by Senator Garry. Democrat. Churchill and Logan Had Dis­ OFFICIAL RESIGNS TO PRINCE RUPERT Rhode Island, favorably reported Share of Burden; Minister TO STOP CRIMES OF VIOLENCE only « few minute» before by the cussion in Paris After Minis- Returns Now Coming in From Foreign Relation» Committee. Not Worried by Attack • ' - —------------------------ Prince Rupert. Jan. 7. -Rudolph : , ters' Meeting British Columbia Liquor Law Lennenberger was brought here British Columbia and Mari­ Cannot be Enforced, Says British Cotambis roast trot be Magistrate* of Greater Vancouver and Vancouver Inland arc}: a wowpTouJflr it uM /BUBiu time Provinces unanimously of the oplaioc that the lash must be used if crime | Siding last nleht.' WhIBc on a Problems For Solution at J. B. Semple allowed to develop into a per­ goat hunting trip he shot himself manent cent re for Canada’s Win­ accompanied with violence in British Columbia is to be stamped1 when using Ms gun as a club in Toronto. J.n 7.-Votln« on church Allied Conference Are Many ter unemployed, and to forestall out. At a meeting of magistrates held in Vancouver Monday, at j the bush. Hie partner. Jacob nnloa In Presbyterian ■ un«regutior.x TWO MEN ON TRUCK Mayor Barber to Come to Vic­ Wsldk need ht* shirt to bandage IhrouAho"! Canada i, rew-hlmt IS , And Complex such a situation publie relief which Magistrate George Jay. of Victoria, ami Magistrate Potts, ' e bad wound in hie leg and then ISï'Li Len,lve *“•». Hitherto me toria For Explanation of works roust be conducted on very of Nanaimo, were present, the subject was discussed with At-I brought help from Pittman. relorno hove come In from the nralr- ■Pari", Jan. 7 — Wington Money Deduction tomey-Heneral Manson and- his deputy W. |), Carier, K.C. Ift Both men. who are recent arrivals !e"-;nd ^"fluent Ontario, which Have KILLED BY A PLANE conservative lines. from Prince George, came - west neen mainly in favor of union. The Churchill, British Chancellor of This is the attitude of the was the opinion of all present. Magistrate Jay reports on his re­ seeking work. relurna anr now coming In from OM the Exchequer, ami James A. Chilliwack, ,B.C., Jan, ÿ 7—Police Ontario. Nova Ncotla. Ivin ce Edward Accident at Wright Field in Commissioner J. B. Semple pre­ Government as indicated to-day turn to Victoria, that whenever possible hold-up men and others lolnitd and British Columbia, t.vl ere Logan Jr, représentative of the sented his resignation at a meeting by Hon. A. Xf. Manson, Minister committing crimes of violence should be punished with the lash. meet varied In their character. Ohio First of Its Kind on United States with the Repara­ of the Police Commission to-day. and of Labor. "We have our public works This was regarded as the only way to stop robberies of such a ,0‘el number reported to date Record tions Commission, conferred this Commissioner A. H. Harvey stated programme for relief purposes mapped or 334 t oted for union he would not consider re-election. out and we intend to carry it on nature as have been too common in British Columbia. and 42 against. Thle la a percentage evening following the plenerv Commissioner Semple's resignation conservatively." Mr. Manson de­ The drug traffic formed the basis VANCOUVER WANTS | °r nearly g* in favor cf union. Aeroplane Was Flying Over session of the Allied Finance concluded: clared. ‘ The Government cannot be of much discussion at the meeting Ths following is a summary by *T reg et not being able to complete expeeted t« take care ef all casus of centred chiefly around the dope provinces up to noon to-d«y: Speed Course; Neither Man Minister* ’ Conference and it was my term. My one year's experience unemployment. The municipalities peddlers as the men responsible for Aboard Injured understood the prospecta for a has taught me the position is an im- will have to accept a very consider­ the spread of narcotic evil in the . RAILROAD TUNNEL British Columbia . *.v « 2 able responsibility. We must not SAYS CANADA NEEDS Alberta .................................. $3 0 settlement df United State* poeslble one for me," L.._ province. The magistrates unani­ The commissioners believe their make this Province a permanent cen­ mously endorsed the resolution Union of Surrounding Dis­ Saskatchewan ,l6l 5 Day tori. Ohio. Jan. 7.—Two em­ claims for reparations were fav­ position, under the present provincial tre for unemployed." paaaed by the legislature In Decem­ Ontario ...............
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