AUG. 12, 1926 .THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES. PAGE 5 in was of the class, Impressed so ket stands today for the first time grapes, 10 cents a pound; blue dam- Cross the coimty schools Junior PARENT-TEACHER PICNIC urged by McComT* and Miss Agnes College “Extrct* favorably that she was taken winter spinach, plums, three pounds for 25 this summer. New son Cruse, secretary. A back to Hollywood and now has a - opund, replaced the cents; Bartlett and sugar pears. 10 Red Cross Wins Job 20 cents a Urges Junior RC** Cross Work in resolution urged Lee Swails, county regular movie job. CRAB APPLES summer variety. Tomatoes were cents a pound; lemons, 20 to 40 CANTON’S WRATH NEW % County .Schools. school superintendent, to make a higher at 10 cents a pound. Can- cents a pound; 40 60 oranges, on at county in- taloupes were up 15 to 25 cents cents a pound; peas, 15 cents a place the program HOTEL JOURNEY BEGUN to Work of the Junior Red Cross stitute Aug. 23, for discussion of the each and home grown long red icicle pound, and sweet potatoes, 10 cents was the topic of E. H. K. McComb, subject. ►NOT SO FIERCE, MAKE APPEARANCE and -button radishes, priced at 5 cents a pound. Start Task of Turning 5,000,(100- Manual Training High School •'%. a was unchanged at reappeared. Shellout beans Silver corn - I’otind Building. bynch. v golden junior \* were lower in price at two pounds three ears for 10 cents and principal and director of the UEAD COLDS Workmen today began the three- Winter Spinach Sells at City for 25 cents and 35 cents a pound. bantam corn gyas the same price: body activities, at a picnic of Marion Melt in spoon; inhale vapoci) PRIMARY SHOWS week task of turning the 5.000,000- Fresh liipa beans were off sharply at Hale peaches were three pounds for County Parent-Teacher's Associa-, ■ I apply freely up nostrils. pound, six-story brick Haugh Hotel Market. 35 to 60 cents a pound. Green beans 25 cents; red raspberries, 25 cents a tion Wednesday, at. the home of and heading it east for its one-block were down to 10 to 15 cents a pound. pint; currants 25 cents a quart; Mrs. Bruce Maxwell, on Millersville — Voters Polls journey to anew New apples, today Few Go to location. crab at 10 cents Other prices included: Malaga alligator pears 50 to, 60 cents each; Road. VICKSVapoßub building was moved forty feet pound, appeared city grapes, pound; pickles, 50 cents to $1 a The a on the mar- 15 cents a seedless and hundred. Introduction of the Junior Red Over▼17 Million Jan deed Yamrly Same Old ‘Crowd’ Wins off its foundation into the street in front of 11 E. Michigan St. in first Control Again. moving operations Wednesday night. Su Times Special CLEVELAND, Ohl, Aug. 12.—The righteous wrath against vice that Kills Pesky swept Canton, Ohio, a few weeks ago as the result of the assassina- Bed-Bugs ' tion of Don R. Mellett was neither AYRES as righteosu nor as wrathful as It DOWNSTAIRS seemed to be at first, according to Quick COOP MERCHANDISE AYRES SERVICE. LOW PRICES Instant death for bed-bug*, roaches or fleas. ft returns from Tuesday's primary The moment P.D.Q.. the new chemical dis- covery-touches these insects they die. Can election. do no damage to your spring*, or furniture; or clothing. P.D.Q. uaed and 69,000 won’t rot stain I* Os approximately voters in recommended by leading hotels, hospitalsand safest way of County, Which Canton is railroads as the quickest and Stark of getting rid of pesky insect*. Inatantly tt VALUES DEPARTMENTS coats IN ALL kills living creatures; EXCEPTIONAL the county seat, only 22,000 went to smothers and the their eggs, and atop* them from hatching the polls. y and multiplying. A 35c package of this golden chemical will tiake a quart of mixture—so C. B. McClintock, county prose- bug*. P.D.Q. When a moving picture company deadly it will kin a million bed cutor, had failed to break up the can also be had in double-strength liqiJKl form visited the University of California —ready for use. Free patent spout enables rule of the "jungle,” the underworld'' you to hard-to-get-at places with ease. to reach Os Canton against which Mellett was take exteriors in a picture of col. Get P.D.Q. at your druggist's today. Yous money back if hugsarc notgone toiasrrow. battling the time of his murder. lege life, It employed a number of the at Haag's, all stores; Hook's, all stores; The result was that McClintock was co-eds as “extras.” Miss Margaret Goldsmith Bros., all stores.—Advertise- Friday Saturday Morning severely criticised, not only because Leisenring, shown here, president ment. and of moral conditions in Canton, but also because he failed to bring about an effective investigation of the —murder. Store Closes at 1 O'clock Saturday Wr “Let Gebrge Do It" Tet 47,000 of Stark County’s citi- 1 zenship which a few weeks before — talked of demanding an accounting from responsible officials, remained ~ * “Harford” Frocks for away from the polls on election day SHOE STORE . George George, L Sts. Junior Girls and “let do it.” And r-10Downstairs Wash. with the help of the politicians, nom- inated Prosecutor McClintock for NewDresses Congress on the Republican ticket. A storm- of indignation swept Boys’Tennis Shoes a against *1.29 Cleveland few weeks ago Sheriff Fred Kohler, when the For Fall Wear Charming.ffttle dresses of charge was .made that Kohler was Barefoot Sandals copies the well known “Harford'' denying prisoners enough to eat, All these dresses are of much higher priced make—which means ''that poeketipg the difference between the and Play Oxfords garments now being shown for fall wear. An opportunity they are splendidly made In amount allowed him to supply food /JP to authentic styles, new materials, and new colors at girlish styles, of very good and the amount he spent for it. buy materials. These are of Prisoners staged an all-night riot in this extremely low price— striped or figured rayon, county crying out they the Jail, that and striped sateen, with ' were WX H I hungry. dainty pockets, small col- lars, ribbons, Sheriff Again trimmed with Wins s pleating and smocking. Also The county grand Jury investi- frocks in polka dot voiles with gated and reported that there was l f\s^u made dainty smocking. Red, green, gold and blue. just ground for the complaint. Yet, Sizes 7 to 14. 500,000 qualified New Hats of voters in the county, only about 60,000 went to 1U Little Tots’ “Har- Fred re- c “Harford” Pantie the polls and Kohler was nominated for sheriff by a close mar- for Fall ford” Frocks, $1.49 Dresses at 79c gin. * Specially priced little Cunning little dresses in The Anti-Saloon League may try New Straight Lines * dresses of real wash pantie style, well made, of ./M% figured or to take credit to the cause of pro- silk In blue ehambray, either plain or g^69 New Dollman Sleeves rose. Short sleeves In in printed designs. They hibition for the victory of Myers Y-. shirred style, small yoke have small collars, and are Cooper, nominated as the Republican *1.95 Blouse Backs—Tailored Models and white collars; sizes 3 trimmed with novelty choice for the governorship. But to 6. pockets. Sizes 3 to 6. This wonderful assortment Slight Flares -V Judge Florence E,. Allen, every bit AT THE THRIFT of new hats for fall wear has as dry as Cooper, was badly beaten These trimmings add to their beauty; \ by Atlee Pomerene, classified as wet, just arrived from New York, W w|| Charleston Frocks in her race for the Democratic nomi- and Includes Pleatingrs, tucks, laces, embroideries, 1 U 3N£EX all the latest col- y Children, .nation for the United States Senate. <sVs and styles. There are apron fronts, for opponent Pomerene’s in November plenty of 'A\/ fevill be Senator Frank B. Willis. If the popular wide, $1.29—51.49 wins in the election, he Is roM-back brim models and Materials: Colorful prints of a very SPomerene cldse-fltting shapes in velvets, bound to be a serious contender for Georgettes, Flat Crepes, / good quality are the mate- satin and moire. f rials in these popular little the next Democratic presidential Satins, \ nomination. The colors Include! Jerseys j dresses. They are copies of In every important race Ohio, .big sister’s well - liked In " ose “home of Presidents,”, this fact is Sand u Colors: Charleston frock—with V Copenhagen n I[ l neck, made clear: Government in Ohio is B,acl < Black, Navy, Claret Red, I short sleeves and full majority, Wood vl yellow, by minprity rule. The in sjjjg and Chic j IK . circuit skirt. In Combinations. Tuesday’s primary, Jungle Green, Valencia - did not vote at *3 //i k> v vlv green, blue, rose and laven- all. Very Special Values Blue and Others. der; In attractive printed designs. WAS TOO FAST FOR HER Boys’ and Girls’ Dress Louise Fazenda Divorced—Hubby “Buster Brown” Hose, Silk 40-Inch Washable Crepe de Left By Motor Car. and Oxfords Bv United Press From Top to Toe Chine, $1.49 HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Aug. 12. First quality stockings of all-silk from .top Cos toe—a necessity very good crepe easy Fazenda, screen comedian, A de chine that is to launder. Comes in Louise when wearing short skirts.
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