
CENSUS OF INDIA 1951 GLOSSAllY OF CASTE NAMES CHITTOOR DISTRICT Ol<'l<'lUl~ O["iTHE RINTENDEN'l/ OF CENSUS OPERATIONS :MADRAS 1955 Ii'OREWORr At the 1951. Census, t.abulation in respect of castes, trib~s anef commu­ nities was limited to the collection of traotwise and di8triotwis~ population figures of Soheduled Oastes and Scheduled Tribes only. No data reg!l-rding other castes and tribes were publillhed at .the.J951 Census although informa­ tion regarding the caste or tribe to which the individual belonged and by which he returned himself had been recorded on the enumeration slips. In the composite Madras State, the ~numerators were furnished with 9nly one_list of castes, which the State Government considered as belonging to tJ;le non,Baok­ ward Classes. The list covered the names of 25 communities specified on the reverse. In the case of these coinmunities or sub-sects thereof, the enumerators were instructed· to write down the symbol '1' against question 2 (c) rela~ing to "Classification of community". In the case of .all other oo'm:r1lUnities, the enumerators were instructed to record the name of the community as retnrned by the individual. 2. The appended Glossary of Caste names has been prepared under instructions from the Deputy Registrar.General, India. It has been o~)llsidered that a Glossary ·of Caste names as returned at the 1951 Census may ,be useful for purposes of a correct and rational classification of castes, in case any data regarding classes and communities are required to be gat~ered at the next oensus. 3. In certain States the Glossary has been prepared from the 10 per cent sample slips but in Madras State the Glossary has been prepared by running through all the enumeration slips relating to male categories where the slips relating to suoh oategories were kept distinct from those relating to female categories. Where such categories were not kept distinot all the slips were examined. Thl_) Glossary having been prepared praotically by an examin~tion of all the census slips it can be taken as a complete list of castes returned at the 1951 Census. 4. Some of the names, it, will be found, are but synonyms of other caste names and many of the names represent sub· castes of individual main castes. The names of castes are those actually returned by the individuals. The same caste may be ocourring under different or inoorrect spellings and corrupt forms. It has not been possible for me within the limited time at my disposal to examine and find out ill consultation with Collectors the correct sp,elling of each caste name and to bring together the corrupt forms of the same caste name. However, as the lists may prove useful, I suggest that the Collectors may be requested to examine them ca.refully and take steps to bring together under a standard spelling all the variations of the same name. MADRAS, J. r. ARPDTHANATHAN, 1st December 1955. Superintendent oj Oensus Operations, Madras. 2 Lid of Non·Baekvlard OkuU$. 1 Adi.Velama.. Ii Muslim oth~r than Dudllkula, Lliobbais and Mappillll8. 2 Ba1ija. 15 Nadar. 3 'Brahman. 16 Nattukott~i Chettiyar. ol Bunt. 17 Nayar. I) Christians other than IIarijans and 18 Padma Velama. Trihe. ,converted to Christiani~y. 6 Gounder. 19 Raju (Raja). 7 Grmllani. 20 Reddi. 8 Kamlllll. 21 Talega. Ii Kapu. 22 Thiyya.. 10 Karkat&rs. 23 Uda.yar. 11 Kavam. 24 Va.ieya. (Chetti, Komati). 12 Lingayat. 25 Vella.las. 13 }.!'udaHar. GLOSSARY OF CASTE NAMES RETURNED AT THE: CENSU§ OF 1951 CHITTOOR DIS!BIQX ACHARI ARYA., ICSlIA. TRIYA 1IY""tJ"~ ~d'.J .i@.)CW ACHARI VADLA ASADI -&..,., e ;{, r! {;.:1of) ADI.-ANDHRA- ArAVANDLU -?Ie'.., ;Po ~ ~e .1&06 ,,~ ADI-DRAVIDA BAHUSAllA KSHATRIYA -0ee~ ~ ZJ ~ ':f> 6 ci.@J cW ADI-DnAVIDA CHAKALI BAlTA KAMSALA ~~~fu~ ......"s;) ~w to~tJ ~ ADI -KARNATAKA BALI.JA ~B '1 U"d (.; S ~e::>tZ IillI-VELAMA BALI.J A RAJULU .Q>e ~eJ~J w I). U! 1J> ut ow AGAMUDAIYAR BANDA, ~;( t:w L ~~ '6 UJ o-t., AGNlKULA KSHATRIYA BARIKA ~sz). 'S.J <u j,@yo:1-.1 w-sv t AKPJ.iA BABIKI ~lv 'l.j'53 ALvlARU BEllI €" n.s /:..; iEB ANDHRA VAISHNAVA BERl CHffiTTI tro!J ~ ':",1J :;SD :z3 £ AM V)( G~rID£A BERI VAISYA fb 6.6 ""0 t_ i.§ ~ ~ i') , "-- - ARAVA GOLLA'" BESTHA €::Jr!~ ~~ '3~ AlliWA KAPU BHAJANTHRI <1=>6:1, ~V '26 ~o~ ARE! HARRATI BHATIlAJULU -If c .::v rf> f.) ~ e, t.;;'eu !' ARUDBA " BHATTU 2.)fl'w fl!6.J,e/ . eo ARUNDHATHIYA BHQGAM ® 6.J 0 ~ ~ o.:f.J '2S' K 0 AnY fI. DRA vrm.-: BOMMALATA ~~\3~~ Wk..{.-f:7".~ -2- Cbittoor district (Contd.) BONDIL! DASA NAMBI ZS>o7.:i~ CF' t. ~<.) LS BOYA DASARI 1.S'( oj.; ~~e BOYANAIDU DASARLU ~ oj.) ;:r 0.$.".. c,,J ~~rS:j BOYA RAJULU DEVADIGA '1.0"< Cl.S0 0" IXt <w 1S~e,.< BOYA VALMIKI DEVAGANDLA 1S' of,.., ;:r-> <5_(~ "ii .;5 7\" 0 C, '" BRAHMANA DEVAGANIKA t5~~ CIt> '1i>4t((">-,?s BUDABUKKALA DEVANGA 7-wC:: ~~&U -a;~Qr< BUKKA DEVANGULU ~t& i'.:! .:l .,u IW BURROLLU DEVAR "kll ~~ ~~g- BYRAGI"" '" DHABMARAJ A KULAM =ii> O"'~ 9 ~r:r ~ S")eJl) "'- CHAKALA DODDI GOLLA -w'"'seJ &e. R'><l..> CHARMAKARULU DOKKALA'" '" ..s 6..( ;)' 6... w e tit e.> CHATTADA VAISHNAVA DOMBARA -r.SJ'r:.7:J';::":; &01..)0 ~ Q_.."'l CHEGIDI DOMMARA -t:5'R a &~:L{,6 CBEMBADI DRAVIDA -i3c. <.;I a e~~ CHENOHU DUDOOJLA (M) .::r3o-doJ 6r;~ fJv (t...,) CHtSNGUNDI EKAMBARA KULAM -a,,{.,oa, ;J rQ~6{,oo CHETTI GAJULA CH8TTI 731iJ Ii" l;:/ eJ 1:; ~ c.v CHeTTI KARANAM GAMALLA i3d! r< ;f:;<.J «i <:Q 56'''',0 "., DAKKALA GANDLA n>o~ t.. ~ (S"CI "" DARJEE 6tf ri', -3- Nhittoor district (Contd.) GANDLA CHETT! I RLABATHULA j'\-) 0 c(, .:c3 e3 "... w ~ ~ 'W4?u GANlKA IRLAMU KAPU f..c;..gt ~ ~~..., "S'to GAHADI JALARI i\'> 11 e.. ~eJ~ GAVADA JAMBAVA ~~6 '1£'0 tv ~ GOLLA JANAPA f\-'e;,..., Zd~.G GOOLA JANDRA f\rif .?:t:'o b GOOLAMA DASARI Jf.l.NGAMA DEVARA f...p oJ.>SJ 1J" ~ 'f) <;;'.or<.ot>.;)-a::~6 GOSAYI JANGAMU ;t<;t>cw Z:!o~ 06"" GOUNDER JETTY 'U,iS A'oti.b e...> GOWDA JOG! Pc(, I 1£'~ GUJAnATHI JOTHINAGARA VAISytuLU f\.J ~ ~~ r1! ~ -j, 1< 6 =...._ ~.... ,.$ ~ GURIKA KABBERA iuS' -tlb t GURIKALLA KAKA ~~ S"> ~ '3"" 3""\ GURlKALLABOYA KAKATHEEYULU iu ~ ~~ ?%' oJ.., 3"" S .;S' d....> ~ GUVVALA'" JATHI KALALI fu ~.s eJ 2:;7 ~ sc:.:P:; HAJAM KALINGA {v-. If:'o "5"' C!? 0 ,< HARIJIiNA KALYANA KULAMU tr?> tt,~ t U',S i".:I ~..; eJ iMJ IDIGA KAMMA 6i' a r( ~ ~.)-t, INDRA KAMMA NAIDU Uos t~...{, Truw c..J lELA KAMMARI ra-6 '" ;$~e -It- Chlttoor district (Contd.~ KAMPILA KORIeRA ~o~u ~'e~ KAMSALI KORISA to ;:j->tJ 8"!)~ KANAKA PILLA! KOYA S!'S!.l~ 5'~ KANNIYA ~ KSHATRIYA 1, ~.J. c.J.: a,@.>a3u KANTIPAPA KUMMARA S 0 es rtJ"> tJ 5,-,44,6 KAPU KURABA GOUNDLA. &"ow 1."'06 ~.v. "' KAilAMALA KURAPA S6~V SJ6~ KARAMU KUnAVA :f6~ s.;6:S KARANAU KUIIA VA GOLLA 561'>.,0 ~o.6 I~f!.j,.... KARNA GOLLA KURUVA 5 6.J_ 0'~ $..J 6.., 05 KARNA SALE KURVA SdJ., ~~ .. S~ 6S KARTHI!:2KA RAJULU KYKALI S"'>!$ S t:r> ~ e.J y~ _..;> KARUNEEKAR LABBE (M) S 6.J ""1' .5 b~ 0ib (!MJ) KASAYI LAMBADI S ;J> OJ\) Vo z.r'C. KAVALI LINGA BALIJA ~c6t> ;)0 (. w:i) ct KAYASTHA LINGAYAT 500\' cd.., ~ :s-->cw~a. KOMATI • MADDl 6.Jfr) :sf ..6J (3 <;, KOMMULA MADDILA g>~v ~ev KONDA DORA MADIGA" S>()i 8"6 ~~1( KONDA KAPU MADIVALA :;$.) e.;y<>j' g>oc. ~~ -5-- Chittoor district (Contd.) HAHARASHTRA NASTHIKULU ~i:rlJ""~ ?_;~>Jw MARRATI NAVIDA i>.J7P1j) ::P~ ~ HALA NAYAKAR ~eJ ::Pru..> t g' MAN GALA NAYANAR '&0,.( V ;:S>~..J ;s> ~ MANGALI NAYANIVARU ~ot(t:J r?o.1" '" ~6J l1ATHANGI NAYAR .:s..,....do~ ~cdub' MEDARA NAYI BRAHMANA -;R; £6 ;:r:. ~ ~ ~~ ro MOCHI NBSE: "3r~ "i'3 11DGUL (M) N~THAGIRI -;'-\...;J K£~) ~r6l1~ MONDI PADMASALE ~....)o~ .G4.{;;t>'£, ~OORE r ADMA VELAMA ~o iJ ~"7l e;;$<) MOPLAH (M) P AKANATI J ANGAN ~....:> ;;:P(.t5...» .n--t::s'ell ~ot{o '>'l ::'illDALIAR PAK;zER 0 ...:)1:5 ~ ciT> b tJ'S"6 ~;-i]THARASI PAKI .;0 ~ l1" ~ ;;T>~ :rADAR PALAVYAKARI ;:p~t: @">o~.s ~3 :Lii.C·ARALU RALAYEKILA -fJt< zPev ;;;Pv ~v g I!J WUDV PALEGARU ,";f'ru...:> t::..J o:? ~ "i)" {,.). NA..T(KALA VANDLU PALLE :f, 5uv :;Po ~ :O~ N;"'1BI PAtLE KAPU ~c>L3 ~~- 'S"'-t> NAMBIAR PALLE REDDI ~ 0 ~ c.J.sw E: ~e, -e.e... "" ~ -6- Chittoor District (Contd.) PAMBALA Ii'INJARI (M) ~o l.)C) ~o we (.tw) PAMULA POKANATI KAPU ~.6....lv .:J'< ~ .:r-e3 ~.v PANASA POKANAT! MALA /.;Jfd ;J<s::r-CS Lru PANCHAMA PROTESTANT (c) ~o~ .6.; ~i._,boesf~) PANCHANANA PUJARI ~ O"t,;r> ~ ~ trCG-V PANDARAM PULA BALAJ A ~o~6o 4::r v z.) :'Ht PANDITHAR PURl GOLLA ~o'l..6 r: ~e R" e.> PANDULA PUSALA "" ~o 6-,V ~~o:J PANDutA JOGI PUSALA DASARI ~o.6" 0 If:'~ 4:,-:. u 'tl" :1 e PANIKKAR HAeHA GOLLA ~ 0f ~(J go' r:r-.."j I\"'<u PAN TAKAP U RADHASWPJf;t'MATHAMU rJ> ;6u ~o e.. ,s->-b ~ ;!Pj~ 6~..:> rARVATHARAJA KULAMU RAJA BALIJA ~ 6'.,.5 ;$ !,-. 'l.;! :So.) Qj.&J 0' l:t w~!.l pATHAN (M) RAJ AKA ~ U"S(.:0) 6u:1 PATRA RAJU / !1' W "'''b PATM NAWLLU RANGARAJU ~6 ~cl..J~ 6o~ ~'Lt' PATTUNULU RASAPUTRA ~W~IWw t)1.J ~e; PATTU SALE RATHIVADDE tr>o':> ~-a ::J ~ ::t>i) Go pEJ)DINTI GOLLA REDDI ;., ~c e3 R"'~ err.
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