("l 0 t 1Jrnqu!lis nst ... AND ADVOCATE ---- \ ~ Authorized as Se~nd Clas.9 Mail, VOL. XXXI N t, 3 Post Office Deoartm.~nt. OttawL IROQUOIS, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 $2.00 per Year in Advance --'"""'='-==--~~~~~--------~--~~-----=-~~:---- - --- - ./ -=-~~==~~~===~~~ LEADING AUTHORITIES LAUD CANADA'S ACHIEYEME:'JT Propose Precautions Be Taken Grenville-Dundas To Be Contested Fram all ,p1arts ,of th·e w.o:·ld eome3 a flood of flattering apprai.;;als of Canad,a's ,growbh and ac-hievemt?nts during the past severa,'. year~. QuoL­ As Polio Protective Measure ing from lead•ing U.S. and British By Casselman vs. Casselman news,paners and .magazines. Oharles :Poliomyelitis has deaLt this village .3-Keep, ,one's 1body clean. Cody, Stal' W ee•kly staff wri:er, has a blow wit,h the announcement Fri- 4-Wash fruits, tomatoes and, un- A straight two_-way fight 1between •:•;,e claimed, would be $350,0·U0 highel' reduce the Tequircd cash outlay nee- composed a noteworthv article for day that little ,Brenda Lee St. Pierre, cooked ,vegetables ibef.ore serving - ,t,he two -old parties was assur~d for 1than the ,1,9,52 figure. essary fo-r home builders from the The Star Weekly of August 1, show­ daug<hter of Mr. and Mrs. Basil ,St. or better -still peel ,them. •GrenvilleJDundas riding when A. C. , The PC whip, who has represented present 12,0• per cent to 10 per cent ing t:hat Canada is making the worlid Pierre had contracted t•he disease. In 15-Boil all water ,which is not ade- •Casselman and A. C._ (?asselma_n rw~r<! 1'he riding for the past 35 years, and would grant a longer term for Isit up and take notice. The lauda­ . quately chlorinated and all milk mame_d 3:t the off1c1al . nommat10n Imade uointed reference to the gov­ mortgages. tory c·ommcnts of m:rny shrewd ob- rnterv1ewmg a local doctol' on the which is 11ot pasteurized. meettng m the Community Hall, at ernment housing program. Ile Fred Broder, of Morris-burg, pre- servers should ·bring a glo1Y of pride subject one •year ago, The Po5t re- 1 6--1Destroy all flies, paying par­ Ohe5terville, recently. \ claimed a PC administration would sided at the meeting. I to any Canadian. ceived a list of ,precautions which ticular attention to those places Arthur Clark Casselman, school I should be taken during the period where flies mig,ht be expected to rprinc_ipa! and reeve of the village of IMONDAY'S REGATTA when the disease is mo·re prevalent. breed. Keep· food clean o.f flies. Cardmal, was named to carry t ·he !t cannot 1be to-o, sti:,ongly emphasized ,7~Keep garbage covered. Liberal banner. The last incumbent Clare Casselman, Prescott ,barrister, / Al , READY LISTS .hat these prec:au-t1ons be earnestly 8-Avoid injury to mucous mem•• followed as an effort to ward off or branes ,of nose and throat such as was again the choice of the Progress-! prevent .fu~·ther oubbreaks. that resulting from tonsillectomy. 0 iveD~sp1~:rvth~v~1~ ilarity in names, j The mP.d1cal profession states, how- 9-Av 'd h'll' " 1 MANY GOOD ENTRIES ever, that t•here i3 no cause for im- QI c I in.,. the two _candidates arn not yela_ted. The ·big re,,.atta of the year will 1 0 mediate alarm but advises that the . 10-Keep the child~·en from being­ Following- ·the close of nomination, . following prccautio-ns ,be taken as a m the ~un too long without a ,hat ·O•r ,both candidates were o-iven time to hit Iroquois on '..Honday, August 3rd, 0 protective <measure for -che good of protection. ,outline t.¾eir re,pective platforms to with some of Eastern Ontario's top all concerned. 1111-Av,oid over-exer,tion and fa- ,a small audience of less than 60 ! drivers competing for the prize mo1,­ . 1-Avoid contact with known po- tigue. !Peo·ole. ey and the silver troph,r ,\'l1ich goes Ito cases. 12- Caution agains;; bathing ,or The Libera\ candidate defended to the •highest point winner of the the record of tne St. Laurent govern- . 2-Keep all children away from [ swi.mming in contaminated wa~er. ment whic-h he predicted would be day. Drivers like Ron Rom1eser, .of crowds. Stay away from crowdea ,l~-Take ,dowb_le pre ca u t 1 o. ry s, xeturned at the August .1·01 election. Ottawa, driving at speeds of 60 mi:es beaches and 1bathing ,places. (The agamst colds, chills -or stomach d1s­ Under Liberal administration Can.- an ,hour; J,oe Can, Ottawa, ,d1·iv:'lg dioctor felt that as long as -parents orders. 1<lians i}md enjoyed full employment for Cliff 'Jac·kson; Harry Keyes, oi t,ook their ·children ,to the swimming 11'4-If something ,develop~ rtha!, ,and ,t,he natio-n had a high level of W1inchester and T•he Point; Te·d Craa~ poll in time for a lesson and took y,ou aren't certain ,of, consult y,our iec-onomic welfare. of 'Ottawa; Don Thompson, Freddie them straig•ht 1home, making sure doctor immediately. Minutes saved The speaker was critical ·of thi! Br-ouse, of Iroquois; Art Strader anri they ·didn't s-tand aTound getting at the beginning, may save limbs in !Progressive Conservative pledge to W1alt ,P1,osser, of Ca1,dinal, aTe amon.; chilled, that there c,ould be no •harm. i the ·end. ireduce taxation. ·He term ed that dur- the entries of .the day who will keep ,.., ing 'PC Leader George ,Drew's years Iyou entertained and ,thrilled. at Ottawa he ·had •a chance to men- :Freddie Brouse is out to retain hi, ition n1ethod~ of_ l'edu~ing taxation I hold . on t he •Clarke :Memorial Trophy Don't forget ith~ Regatta here on Monday, August 3 but he had 1 ema_me·d silent when ,he I and 1t has tbeen rumoured ,that oth.:tc jpressed for details. 1will ,be vigorous contenders for t,1;; sponsored by the Iroquois Boating Club Social Security I coveted trophy. In addition a cash The sc·hool teacher-politician re- prize goes wibh the trop,hy. :::::::::;:•••••••=:::::::::::::::::::::::,::,,,u::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::::;;:;;;;;!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!:!!:!!!!!!!!!~'!!: tferred' t-o the social security benefits Carm_ Caldwell, George J ackso~! being ,drawn tby resid,ents ,of Gren- ,De.an 1G1lmer _and ·Bo,b :.Vlc-Do na_ld, _:.t-ll rville-Dundas. He stated thel'e were local fans, will ibe_ entered, bn_ngmg ;18101 ,old age pensions in the -d u•al t he number ,of y1llage ,and d1stnct ENJOY THE HOLIDAY WEEK--END! iriding and beneits •bein,g ·paiid to •boys to ,a new ,h~gh. them, and to families with children W·ith the number of entries ex­ ~Hgi,ble for famiJ.y ail.Jo.wanceJs, ,a:s pected arud the ent:husiasm which hi.;, A large assortment of well as pensions for the 1blind, been s·hown, as is evident 1by th-~ :at'nounted to more than ,$11,000,00(1 numiber of new participants, the day FISHING TACKLE annually. should ,be well received. IROQUOIS WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R. Shepherd are pictut·ed fol­ SOFTBALLS and BATS P-C Views . ·The P rocrressive Conservative can- A small ,amount -of 1nfor,mahon lowing their wedding •at Knox Presbyterian Manse, Iroquois, recently. The CAMPING SUPPLIES ldidate, A•r~a Clair Casselman, was a:b~ut canceT _may. be enough to save bride is the fo:r,mer Willa Mae Clark, daughter of MT. and Mrs. Genzmer <:ritical -of the government's ta~atio,·, a life, your life •or someo1,1e dear to Clark, Iroquois, iand Mr. Shepherd is the son of Mrs. C. P, Shepherd and p•olicies. Ir • ou. ,Leal'n ithe •danger s1·gna,ls. 1Do the late Mr. She}rlier<l, also o:f' Iroquois. The young •couple are living in and many useful articles to make your week-end a "It aupears that it is seemingly wh;i.t ,you c_an to ,help others to· ·k~ow ·i mpo_ss ible for !!hem (the Li·berals) the early s1,gns of cance1:, _Encoura•g_e Prescott, where Mr. Shepherd is employed by C-I-L Maitland Works and success! to lose their s,pendthrift attitudt?," people to ,have a _n y ~usp1c1?us cond:­ Mrs. Sheph erd is on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. •he stated, r <efen•i.,g t o, .t,;1e amount of tion corre;cted with 1mme·diate me-d1- ;,;,ede1·al .taxes colle·cted eac1h ~rear·. cal attention. Have 1.·egu_lar an,d c,om- S M • I · er H e predicted this year's Fede.al IJ)lete ,p,hysical exammat10ns _yourself outh ounta1n Boy •)'--•-- ·-·-----.., FOR FOOT COMFORT taxes would reach a record figur<: of if you are a woman over 315 or a Serving With. RAF I ff d Th I ,al,most $4;345,000,000. T.his ,amount, :man over '415. I ere an ' ere A good selection of Summer Footweai.· .§f"l:#"".1"'4~,. 1 :1..#:.." .... ~~'IY l..~ "'A:.~~~:,~~:1..~11~ Presented To Queen f 87 Ka:, Ka:, · f at REDUCiED PRICES to suit everyone! ...,,,. ~ Word was re.<;eived la.st .•wee]f. '· . PHONE 21 OR 315 PROMPT DELIVERY ~:-, Mr. arid 'Mrs. 'William Montg-0mery, 1'"- •-•-•------o ~ ~ of Soubh MIOu-n,tain, that ,their son, In another column of t·his is~ue ,.!4 & FISHER\·~~ ,Squrudron Leader Verne S. Mont- wiJ.l 1be found advice re-garding the STONE t.o ~ ' • ~ g-0mer.y, of t·he Royal Air For-ce, sta- p1·ecau,tions take again5t po!io- •., -."-11! · ~""'I tioned at Rutland, ,E ng,l•and, ,had been advice well given.
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