vNfVegct A f x i l & O ? ' mSiS': ^ .s*if r — /V'^ ■■ ;«"s»«Si3"' Major Essay '** _ * ‘ > J "r'- ''' » I 1.1. Inin your experience at NNU, which major have^ j — you -------------------------------------------— found to be the most difficult? What evidence hasHas forcedlorcea vouyou to thithis conclusion? Please explicate,Avn1i/»o^o citing two incfan/'AGinstances fhthat a l Giinnnsupport: your claim. 'OW, :■ , ... - ,s ' • .,- ■• ..- < - 1 ; • ■ : A..H W , b ^ - ^ ■ J < ., ■- • -■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■■■ •• • ■« . .(k>.5S.V.i0 ftvi.Vor W ■ .■■■■■ ; "■■■.... - ' - ■ , - . ' I k Vv/1.^ Eff' ^ : - a ■ •■ ■■••..■ ■ - . : m aj^ wWt. WjC o» m ( h . The best things and best people rise Senate: what’s in out of their separateness. I am against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise. - Robert Frost the minutes? by Kevin Seward I won’t lie to you, some mornings I resent my roommate. Every Monday, Is there a motion to approve the minutes Wednesday and Friday morning as I get up of the previous meeting? These words for my 7:30 linguisties class, I can’t help can be heard every Wednesday night at but notice how peaceful she looks. And 8:00 PM in Wordsworth meeting room. I wish that I were the one safely tucked These words come directly from the beneath down feathers, while she drudged mouth of Executive Vice President Josh out in the cold to diagram sentences. In Anderson during the opening moments those tired, bitter moments, I find myself of senate?xSenate is the governing body feeling a little “major envy.” I begin to that helps allocate the funds brought in wonder what it would be like to paint my by student fees as well as enforces and homework or have my classes begin at follows the constitution set down by our 11:00. And then I remember that I have no university. Many of you may be inter­ artistic ability! An art degree could never ested in what has been going on recently be an option. with our senate and want an update on Ah, the great major debate. Ranking who’s been getting the money. The sen­ majors on some proverbial scale of dif­ ate has been busy! Many events have ficulty is pointless. The beauty of a liberal been happening on campus that have re­ arts college is lost when we try to label quired much participation of the Senate. each department. The term liberal arts Some of the most prevalent topics lately itself implies that we should learn to ap­ have been that of the Jr/Sr. Retreat and preciate the differences in all chosen fields the Freshman Spiritual Awakening re­ of study. treat. There was much debate surround­ In this issue, Angie lays it all out there ing these two events concerning their Weekly Senate Meeting takes place in Wordsworth to finally determine which major is actu­ success ratios from years past as well as ally the most challenging. We aren’t trying the precedents that would be set for the rfffiAinftg 1 rijC>!liiuBiAev«uliii cau- This is-4vtim«-whea numbers 1 low what you think. Oh, yeah; the facts. So if you want to know if your not happen without the involvement of be crunched and thellecision has to be senate...senate^is continually wofk^----- major made the cut, see what Angie dis­ you, the students. And the Senate would made of how mueh it’s going to take to ing on making our school a well-oiled covered in Afy major s harder than yours.like to thank all who have helped make make everything run. Business Manager machine and we need the student body However, keep this in mind, our choice these events a success. Other issues Jadyn Wilkes, as well as newly ap­ to be the WD-40 that keeps us running of major is usually based on our strengths, that the senate has been wrestling with pointed Business Manager Molly Bales smooth. so if your major is the “hardest,” imagine are that of Skaters in Christ, budgeting have been spending hours in the office Democracy at its finest was at work how much more difficult it would be to for next year, and the appointment of meeting with club presidents and execu­ recently with the election of new class major in a weakness. newly eleeted officials. tive officers diseussing and continually officers and the appointment of the exee- The Skaters in Christ club has been crunching those numbers. I think I’m utive eouncil. Newly elected Executive Ali Brown on a roll as of late in their pursuit of safe to say that this is not a really fun President Carrie Hayes has been dili­ having an established park for their min­ time of the year for these ladies, but it’s gently working at setting up the eabinet istry. Recently the senate entertained all part of the job. One of the key roles whieh she feels will lead next year’s stu­ a bill that would transfer $1,000 to the of senators is to be in constant dialogue dents to success. These newly elected SIC club for further advancements of with you, the student body. They want officials will soon be sworn in by Chief the skate park. It was great to have a to know what you think and how you Justice Seward and, at the request of all strong showing of individuals at these feel about how they are operating and if the offieials, they ask that a large turnout Views expressed In The Crusader do meetings giving input as well as ideas they are doing the job whieh you eleeted come to welcome these newbies to Sen­ not necessarily reflect the opinions of to how their money is being spent. The them to do. Budgeting is a continued ate. Well, that is what has been going The Crusader staff, Student Govern­ senate encourages the campus communi­ area of concern for all who are on sen­ on in senate these past few weeks and ment Association, or the Institution of ty to come to senate every to see how it ate and it is the purpose of those on the I’m sure much more is on the table for Northwest Nazarene University. works and also to give valuable sugges­ council to see that you are all happy. next week. Please feel free to stop in to tions on major topics of concern. Speaking of happy, has anyone seen that Wordsworth any Wednesday night at 8: Please send letters to the editor to: Budgeting is a hectic time of year for new movie “Anger Management” with 00 and participate in the fun. The Crusader Box C many involved in student government. Adam Sandler? I hear it is hilarious! Chad Frosland - Assistant Editor Dane Leach - Graphics and Layout Amy Garner - Photographer Box C, 623 Holly St, Nampa Idaho 83686 Angle FInton - Feature Editor Andy Kerr - Graphics and Layout Nathanael Lyons - Copy Editor Crusader Office (208) 467- 8656 Dawn Stuviand - 1 Hear Voices Gideon Thomas - 623 Holy St. Sarah Chase - Out of the Loop All Brown - Editor Jeremy Hodges - Captain Obvious Anna Salisbury - Life in General Chris Canton - Benchwarmer cai^'i^^Sbvioas Boston cream pies and a little learning too! by Stephanie Pape Boston anyone?? Due to its location, students what we do at NNU, Ali Brown, Eastern Nazarene College has always Molly Bales, Carrie Hays, Kassandra sounded like a faraway place that I would Seltzer, Josh Fishbume, Josh Maggard, be able to visit when I became old, retired Josh Walker, Tiffany Vanoumey, JCrystal and rich. All of this changed when I Back, Julie Beymer, Tim Milbum, Karen was able fly to Boston with our newly Pearson, Carey Cook, and I packed up elected and appointed SGA members for and headed out bright and early Thursday this upcoming year. As a new person to morning. Once we arrived, we had the the group, I had no clue what to expect. privilege of riding in a va»i driven by an Students from all over the United States East coast driver! I am hot saying every and cold weather were the only things I east coast driver is crazy, but most of the was able to prepare for. I had no idea that ones I road with were too close for com­ I would be walking imtil my feet felt they fort. Even in California we slow down would fall off, smashing spiders found in for stop signs; however, the narrow streets my bed, or miming around trying to dodge and stop signs do not seem to stop them! the sheets of rain falling. Despite these Despite the crazy driving and the pouring incidents, I had a blast! The four days in rain, we were all able to learn a lot about Boston were packed with training semi­ ourselves and each other while at NSLC. nars, group meetings for our selected posi­ National Student Leadership Conference Carrie Hays, Stephanie Pape, All Brown, Molly Bales and Julie Beymer tions, worship, sightseeing, communion, is a time for all of the Nazarene institu­ bonding and, my ultimate favorite, eating! tions to send their student leaders to a small part of what God wants to do in our you if you are to go to Boston is to try all ENC was a great host as every night we conference at a selected Nazarene school school and lives here at NNU. of the desserts! I had the wonderful privi­ found little chocolates with Bible verses and share ideas while creating vision for You may or may not have noticed some lege of being on Lent and having given on our pillows.
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