t lUUBSDAT. MABCR tt. 19M H m WdRtkdr 'lu u si ftlGHTBEN Avsrags DsDy Net Press Ron jBattftrggter Eui^nfttg Ijlrralb Far Iks Moata oC Febrimry, I860 rteiaist at D. a WmOm(■aMaa Clef Club In May of 1927, With a necticut. On these trips thay hnv« Meotiy clendy and wtadlrlhtoaf- Members of Chapman Court, group of over thirty selected volc- been guests of church organisa­ 9,877 Ufwome ■■■■■•■§ Mii esmllMf SBA Ordef of Aiaaranth. are cordially G Clef Club ea, belonging to women who loved tions, the Elks in their memorial Wm have neum for you— good naive Manchester aC «ba ilattrhpatpr lEiiPtittm BpraUi iiiv wtHI MUb tih aafo About Town A m m Invited to attend an entertainment to atng. ha proaanted to tha town aarvlcea, Gaylord Sanitarium, the WfM^e at the Masonic Home In Walling­ flna concarta of beloved and famil­ Maaonle Homea, Cripplad Chll- Mandiaetar— A CUy o f VOIage Charm tsalitotllatardVffMtei Tht choir will preaeo*. h ford, Monday evening, March 27 Date Book Cite§ History iar mualc. dren’a Homa, Veterans Hospitals HIGHLAND PARK PTA nrocrmni of Lmtcn mude, Sundcy at eight o’clock, put on by the In eight yeara, the G Clef Club and clubs here In Manchester. *t T:SO at tho South Meth­ Grand Court, Order of Amaranth, Saturday. March SS built up an excellent reputation odist church, featuring the works Inc., of the State of Connecticut Annual election of officers at Local Musical Group to which has been carried on by Its roL. Lxix. NO. i n (UasMSad AdverUalag os Paga 18) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE fOURCRNTi of Johann Sebastian Bach, in com- present director, O. Albert Pear­ MINSTREL Brltuh American Club. memoraUon of the two hundredth Douglas Straw, son of Mr. and Also Swedish Smorgasbord at Unite With Beethovens son. Harfy Straw of 25 Brookfield Mirrorts Glass annlTersary of his death; l^ndele- Covenant CongregaUonsi church, In Concert Goto AnannI Ooaoerts Bear. Oretc^aninoff. and street has been named on the atttlnga 5:30 and 6:^5. In 1984, Mr. Psarson took ovsr Fresh Dispute Uturgies of the different denomln- Dean’s Hat for the spring semes­ 'Parnltara Tnps. WIinIow SHOW Also twenty-fifth anniversary the direction of the club. For six­ ter at S t Lawrence University. One of the outstanding features S lid Plate Glass, Aoto Glass atlons. AU are Invited. banquet of Dllworth-Oomell-Quey teen years, he has presented the, Revision of Fiscal Parade of Workers Cantoii. N. Y., where he la a sen­ Post at the Legion Home. Justice of* the twenty-fifth anniversary group In an annual concert. Over WED., MARCH 29 - 8:00 P. M. Overcharges An^ditorial on Schools The fourth In the series of five ior. To be eligible for this honor a Raymond E. Baldwin, principal concert of the Beethoven Glee Club one hundred and ninety eight student must have a total of .13 lecture W clarify the Protestwit speaker. wUl be the combined singing of the members have sung in annual con' White Gloss Co. Thea* art th« Ibsu m In the‘^school referendum to­ way of worship, and the funda­ hours and an average of S5 or Assembly Hall, Highland Park School, Sunday. March 2S local male chorus and the G Clef certs, both past and present. TTie 24 Birch St. Manchester Policy to Balance Of Red Links morrow M The Herald sees them: mental Protestant beliefs, wll be above for eaeh of the two preced­ St. John’s church second annual Club, also of this town. The con­ turnover Is naturally great due to 397 Porter Street given this evening at eight o’clock ing semeatera. minstrel In Ragle hall, 7:30 p. m. cert will be held Monday and marriage but some of the charter Open Dally S A SL Te 8 P. ■ . 1. Economy Erupts in Violence; In center church, by Rev. Dudley Passion play. "Master of Naza­ Tuesday. April 24 and 25 In the members are with the club today. InehidlBg Satnrday Donation, 75 Cents This was the Issue which originally set in motion Burr of East Hartford and Rev. John Peter Staum, chief holler- reth, ” auspices Cornerstone club, High School auditorium. In addition to annual ooncerta, McCarthy Assails State Clifford O. Simpson of Center man. U.S.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Mt. Bridget’s church, Hollister For twenty-three years, the O the club haa sung In Brooklyn, N. Plenty Ot Parking For Tickets Call Mrs. Howard Little, 5025 Budget Is Urged at least that part of the opposition which is not oon- dnirch. Peter P. Staum of 38 Middle Tum- school, 2 and 7:30 p. m. Clef Club of Manchester has Y., Lancaster, Pa., Massachusetts, Department's Stand atitutionsily opposed to new schools of any kind at any plke. West, Is serving aboard the On Preniace radar picket destroyer U88 Dun­ Monday, Starch 27 brought great music and talented Rhode Island, and all over Con­ Alleged Top Russian time. Meeting of Women’s Club at musicians to Its patrons. The issue proved something of a bubble. What both Street Cars Stoned can. operating out of San Diego, Ruml Advocates Stable To thoee who have followed the Spy Not Connected California. Hollister school at 8. Miss Freda Who*8 Cookin^? sides found, as they investigate, was that Manchester Barlow, mnimonlst, lecturer. club through the years, the names Tax Rates During Pe­ haa the cheapest standard school building program in Tuesday, March 28 of Helge Pearson and O. Albert BuUctin! ‘Death to Leopold’ Is Manchester Chapter of United Pearson’^ are familiar. riods of High Employ­ the state. Urge lo o k in g Will Die in Frccilom World Pederallsta. Dr. / Vernon Helge Pearson organised the O WashhigtoB. Starch 84— OP) Gian ted in Downtown M a ^ n a v o x Nash, speaker. HoUlster school ment in Speaking at —A Rei^bUcaa senator today 2. The Cost On The Tax Rate REPPIR at 8 o’clock. Quarterly Meeting of cMDo to the defenoe of Am­ Here, too, the opposition took a big leap before it Over Military |{riissp|g Today as One i S H O ^ Also League of Women Votere, bassador Philip C. Jraonp who had really looked. It attempted to give the people of ef unit discussion on water and sew­ SPRIH eriM B Fobn New England Council has been aocuaed by Senator Street Car Set Afira age. 2:00 p. m. home of Mrs. C. E. LOAM and McCarthy (IL, Wls.), of an Manchester the impression that an eight mill tax pack­ Jacobson, Jr.. 28 Otis street "nnuaual nainlty for Com­ age is up for decision tomorrow. Actually, of the eight Budget Again And Motorman Severe­ 8:00 p. m. home of Mrs. G. H. PEAT HUMUS Providence, R. I., March 24. munist onuses.” Senator H. mill package, only four mills is concerned with school ly Beaten; Demon­ KEMP'S Marlow, 17B Garden drive. —i/P)— Revision of the na- Alexander Smith (R „ N. J.), UUIRIT told the Senate he “ can tee no building costs, with one mill of that four mills involved Ineerporsted BB Wedneaday Starch 28 tionai fiscal policy to balance Demands Prompted by strators Fight Angri­ in the vote tomorrow. It is typical of tho spirit of the Highland Park PTA Mlnatrel, Several thousand yards the budget during high levels possible ground for question­ PumHure It Music Highland Park school. 8 p. m. ing 5lr. Jeoanp’e unUnpeach- opposition that it is still talking eight mills. Elsenhower’s Slate- ly to Halt Traffic of employment was urged to­ nMe Integrity or hie complete jl'Uif Green Stamps Also League of Women Voters in Vernon and South Wind- S. Double Sessions ment Nation Disarmed unit discussion. Home of Mrs. C. day by I Beardsley Ruml. au­ loynity nud patriotic devotion Brunsols, Belgium, March MAM'S to his country Sure, we could get away with double sessions for a 9M Mala St. TU. BSSS IN THE BASEMENT M. Sterling. 16 Oval Lane. 8 p. m. mr. Delivered or loaded at thor of the “ Pay as You Go” Beyond Safety Point 24.—(/P)—A parade of 16,000 Saturday, April 15 time. But we hope parents whose children have already income tax plan. Ruml spoke Washington, March 24—(P)—A Testimonial dinner to WlUlam the field. received single session Manchester education will please workers chanting "Death to ypwenas. at the 98th quarterly meet­ fresh controversy boiled today be­ Bulletin! I.^opold'’ erupted in violence S. Davis, chairman of the Repub- ing of the New England council, give a thought and a break to those parents and those llcan Town Committee, State tween the State department and Wsahlnston, March 24—(4*) Phone Hartford 8-0271 regional development organiza­ children who would be affected by double sessions today. in downtown Brussels today* Armory. tion. Senator McCarthy over hla charg Hwiatora working on tho Street cars were stoned, one Thnreday and Friday, April 20-21 HALE'S SELl ’’Bnrphiaea WUI Arlae” as that the agency la riddled with 4. The Manufacturers mlUtary budgot voted nnonl- was set on fire and a motor- Co-Wed spring show, at Hollis­ “The aettlng of stable tax ratea moml^K today to ask Gon. 2-4541 ter street s<^ool. Oommunists. We are afraid the town’s manufacturers, too. at Dwlxh'l D. Elaonhowor for man was severely beaten. to balance the budget at high em­ As Senate inveatigatora awaited Friday. April 21 ployment," be said, "means that first failed to realize how tight and conclusive a ca.se toatiniony on hlo rirw that The fife term prison sentence of Strike beadquartera estimat­ Square dance benefit by the surpluses will automatically arise a presidential decision on access'to existed for the present school program.
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