Kippax Matters December 2019 Supporters of The Growing Zone Your Local Community Magazine Sponsored by Kippax Parish Council 2 EDIT ORIAL Hello, by the t ime yo u read t his perhaps Brex it is sor ted, there is going to be an electi on and yo u ar e getting stresse d by C hristmas? We , as a f amil y, are going t o mak e our own crac kers , not sur e about the des ign, my sister has purch ase d the ‘banger’ pa rt. I am not sure w hat will go in the middle, but it won’t be plastic. I need some go od jok es too. We also ha ve ag reed not t o sp end a lot on prese nts as it is the thought t hat co unt s, not how muc h is sp ent. My fav ourite son g is ‘Always l ook o n t he bri ght side o f li fe’, wi th all t he pro blems of the govern ment it hasn ’t been easy . Howev er, loc all y we a re a lway s here t o help each o ther, Kippax is a great co mmunity. See our Kind Kippisers letter on page 21? Hav e yo u any good news t o sha re? I had a Macmill an Cof fee Morning at home i n Septemb er and raise d £252, thanks to t he generos ity, of friends, neighbours and the Monday Wa lk and Ta lk Ladies. The vi llage CO OP su pports many ch arities they raise a l ot of money , thank s again to the genero sity of t he com munity and t he people who su pport them. There are many vo lunteers w ho organ ise the sp orts t eams f or our yo uth, the Guides Brownies Rainbows Cubs and Sc outs are a ll run by vo lunteers. There are m any more groups who work hard for no financ ial gain but help su pport t he yo ung and the o ld i n our vill age. Let’s not forg et the ‘posties ’ who deli ver yo ur ‘Kippax Matters magazine 4 times a ye ar. The Par ish C ouncil is also pu rely vo luntar y, and works many hour s trying t o do the best for our vill age. We are hop ing to produc e anoth er bo ok o f walks , which w ould be free t o ev ery hous ehold. It is easy enough to do the walks, its not so easy t o write t hem down and produc ing a map f or each. A map good enough so w e don’t lead peo ple to getting los t! The walks will vary in l ength 3 to 6 mil es and w ill be in K ippax and sur rounding are a. So, if any one has any sk ill s t hat could help, please contact me via the magaz ine email address (see ce ntre pages) In the ce ntre pages yo u will se e yo ur parish cou ncill ors and the ir co ntac t deta ils. Happy C hristmas and New Year. Di ana McEwan A VER Y HAPP Y C HRI STMAS And All Be st Wi she s to you WON DERFU L POS TI E On ce again everyone c onn ecte d with the produc tio n of the Maga zine and KIPP AX PAR ISH COUNCIL send thei r grat eful t han ks to yo u for your c onsist ent d edicat ion. 3 4 5 Slimming World Parties have been held in over 19,000 slimming world groups up and down the UK and Ireland during September to celebrate Slimming Worlds 50 years of success in helping people achieve their dreams and change their lives. My members have plenty to celebrate having lost nearly 350 stone between them since January this year. To find out how to be part of this amazing group please contact Jean on 07753958403 or just pop along any Thursday 3pm, 5pm or 7pm. 6 CCHAIRMAN’SHAIRMAN’S CHATCHAT HHelloello K Kippaxippax It Ito nonlyly s eseemsems lik likee ye yesterdaysterday th athatt I s aI tsat do wdownn to wtor itwritee the the firs tfirst cha chat.t. We lWelll time time flies flies and andhere here we a were agaarein again.. It’s just around the corner, the lights are on the trees are up and dressed. It’Merrys just aChristmasround the candorne Prosperousr, the lights a Newre on Yearthe tr etoes all ar eKippax up and Villagers dressed. from all on the Parish MCouncil.erry Chr iIfs tmyouas canand pleaseProspe rememberrous New Y thoseear to who all K needippax ourVill ahelp,gers evenfrom aifl lit o isn onlythe P poppingarish Co intounci l. If ay oneighbouru can plea tose see rem theyemb earer th OK.ose who need our help, even if it is only popping into a neighbour to se e they are OK. Talking of this time of year we hope that you all enjoyed the 30th Anniversary Light switch on. TaAl kbiging thankof thi syou tim toe oallf ythoseear w whoe ho helpedpe that putyo uit atogether.ll enjoye d the 30th Anniversary Light switch on. A big thank you to all those who helped put it together. We had a special visitor to Kippax in September HRH The Princess Royal visited The WGrowinge had a s pZone.ecial vCouncillorisitor to Kip pDianaax in SMcEwaneptembe rwere HRH Tthehe Pluckyrince soness Ro ywhoal vis gotited Ttoh erepresent Growing Ztheone . Cparishouncil locouncil.r Dian aDo M lookcEw outan foran dthe I reportwere onthe pages lucky 24/25.. ones who got to represent the parish co uncil. Do look out for the report on pages 24/25. To all those who attended and took part in the Remembrance Day Parade. Thank you for again making it a very special day. To all those who attended and took part in the Remembrance Day Parade. Thank you for again making it a very special day. You hopefully will have noticed we have a new website, do visit it and let us know what you think, and if there is anything you think is missing or can be improved on. Thanks to YoCouncilloru hopeful lMichaellay will have Biscomb noticed w fore hallav here a hardnew wworkebs ittoe, getdo viti supit itand and running. let us k now what you think, an d if there is anything you think is missing or can be improved on. Thanks to Councillor Michaella BWeisco mhadb f oourr a lfirstl he rGala hard forwo rak veryto ge longt it u ptime, and rdespiteunning. the weather everyone who came seemed to have a good time. It is coming back next year. Keep an eye out for further details coming Wyoure ha dway ou r first Gala for a very long time, despite the weather everyone who came seemed to have a good time. It is coming back next year. Keep an eye out for further details coming your way Flags, well we seem to have the fastest flag changers in the west, as soon as one lot come Fdownlags, w theell w nexte se eonesm to hgoave up,the fdownastes t cameflag ch atheng eRemembrancers in the west, a sDay soo nflags as o n–e uplot cwentome dtheow n thChristmase next one sones. go up Please, down cdoam lete thuse Rknoweme mif bthererance is D anyay fl aothergs – uoccasionp went th thate Ch canristm beas recognisedones. Pleas e doby le flyingt us k nflags.ow if there is any other occasion that can be recognised by flying flags. TThingshings w wee o uoughtght to to ke keepep yo youu up up to toda datete wi twith.h. TThehe H iHighgh S trStreeteet Up Upgradegrade is sistil l stillund eunderr disc udiscussion,ssion, slow gslowoing .going. We a reWe pla arennin gplanning with ou rwith frien ourds i n otfriendsher org ainn isotheration sorganisations a Peace cele bar aPeacetion to ccelebrationoincide with to V Ecoincide and VJ dwithays VEnex tand yea rVJ, a gdaysain lo onextk ou t foyear,r furt hagainer de tlookails. out for further details. WWee a arere j ujustst sstartingtarting ttoo llookook aatt whatwhat isis requiredrequired forfor thethe village village to to become become a adementia dementi afriendly friendl y vivillage.llage. W Wee w iwillll ke keepep yo youu up updateddated on on pr oprogress.gress. TThankshanks a gagainain fo forr lis listeningtening FFrancisrancis T TK eKellylly CChairmanhairman 7 GO TRI Kippax Venue: Kippax Leisure Centre Date: Thursday 29th August 2019 Having already proved popular at other sites, GO TRI arrived at Kippax Leisure Centre for the first time in August. A brand new venue event for 2019, GO TRI Kippax included an aquathlon event for juniors and a full triathlon for adults. Starting in the late afternoon sun, 40 competitors gathered ready to race. The aquathlon saw competitors take part in a 100 metre swim followed by a one kilometre run. Those taking on the triathlon needed to complete a 200 metre swim, a six and a half kilometre open-road cycle and a three kilometre run. Competitors briefed and last-minute puncture repairs completed, racing got underway. The juniors were first to go with a packed gallery of spectators watching the action. Four lengths of the pool was followed by two laps of the playing fields after a quick transition into running gear.
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