SCHOLASTIC ^ANUAilY iU iOOO ^^^^^vr^rvvvrnvvr^^^v^vvv^^ V^HtlliBllS^ilOp ^•^^^nnnrrraimnmnnnnnm^^ ^ The exclusive Campus Shop Way to buy . PAY ONE-THIRD IN JUNE, PAY ONE-THIRD IN JULY, I PAY ONE-THIRD IN AUGUST Stop in, select your wardrobe needs from our large selection of university-styled apparel . wear and enjoy them now when your need is greatest. pay in June, July and August of this year. You pay no service or carrying charge. Stop in soon, your account is already open. P.fl.n.tLB,0.B.g,9J.0.n,g-0-g.g.0-P-0J GILBERT'S i.0g-0.9.g.Q.0.P.9.gJLg-P-P-0-Q.0.<LfiJL^ ON THE CAMPUS NOTRE DAME nnrrrroinnnrrroTinnrinnn laM^^kdp TinrnroTOTrroTnroinnnnroinr^^ i Announcing our annual SALE of university-styled SUITS —SPORT COATS TOPCOATS Savings of t Yoii can choose from a fine se­ lection of quality apparel now at savings of twenty-five per­ cent! You'll sec famous-name clothing that you know and trust to give you maximum \vear and looks. Buy now dur­ ing this oncc-a-year event. Use the exclusive Campus Shop Way to buy! :Lg-0-tt.0-0-0.P-g-0-0-0-0.0.0.QQ.0.0.01 ULO-Q-P.Q.O 0 0 ttJLO-Q.O.Q 0 0 g ON THE CAMPUS . NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC coming distractions The Studenf Weekly of the DAILY University of Notre Dame 8:00 a.m to An exhibit on "Spark Chamber Display of Cosmic Rays," spon­ 11:45 p.m. sored by the High Energy Group _ of the Notre Dame Physics Founded 1867 Sun. 1 p.m. t department, is in the Memorial Library Concourse. 11:45 p.m. Vol. 107 January 14, 1966 No. 11 8:00 a.m. to An exhibit of student architectural work is on display in the 5:00 p.m. Hbraiy of the .Architecture Building. Exhibits in the University Gallerj': The Arnhold Collection of Editor-in-Chief: John Twohey. Prints. Richard Hunt, and Loren Mac Iver. Managing Editor: Rick Weirich. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 2:45 p.m. William D. Manly ol the Union Carbide Satellite Division will lec­ Business Manager: Joe Kaminski. ture on "A Metallurgist Looks at Nuclear Energy Materials" in Room 5 of the Engineering Building. The lecture is preceded by a coffee Associate Editors: Reagan Burkholder, hour. James Ed. Kee. 3:10 p.m. Dr. William R. Perkins of the Coordinated Science Laboratory of the University of Illinois will lecture on "Parameter Variations in Contributing Editors: John Gorman, E. Feedback Control Systems" in Room 303, Engineering Building. Brian Graham, Peter Carey, Bill Roach, Refreshments. Dan Murray. 4:00 p.m. Professor Barnett of Michigan State University will conduct a sem­ inar on "The Electrical Conductivity of Proteins — Theor>', Experi­ News Editor: Bob Anson. ment and Applications" in the Conference Room of the Radiation Research Building. A^ews Assistant: John Noel. 4:10 p.m. Dr. Stephen Manning of the University of Virginia will speak on Features Editors: Geof Bartz, David Sauer. "Chaucer's Gothic Pardoner" in Room 104 in O'Shaughnessy Hall. 4:30 p.m. Dr. Alan G. Goodridge of Han'ard Medical School will conduct a Sports Editor: Tom Bettag. biology seminar on "Lipogensis in the Pigeon" in the Biology Au­ ditorium. Refreshments will be ser\'ed at 4 p.m. Copy Editor: Anton Finelli. Dr. \Villiam F. Hammond of Brandeis University will conduct a col­ loquium on "The Modular Groups of Hilbert and Siegel" in Room Art Editor: Jay Macdonald. 226 of the Computing Center. Layout Editor: Mike Seibert, 8:00 p.m. SMC Speech and Drama Department presents directing class finals — one-act plays in the Little Theatre and O'Laughlin. Advertising Manager: Ron Schmidt. 9-12 Midnight Catholic Young Adults Dance in the Eagles Lodge, 321 N. Michigan, featuring the Shamrocks. Circulation Manager: Charles Datz. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Photography: Mike Ford, John Sawyer, 2:00 p.m. & Cinema '66 presents A Chaplin Festival in the Engineering Au- Ernesto Sol. 8:00 p.m. ditorium. Faculty Advisor: Frank O'Malley. 8:00 p.m. SMC Performing Arts Series presents Puccini's Opera La Boheme in English by the Goldovsky Grand Opera Theater in O'Laughlin Auditorium. Tickets: $2.50. 8:30 p.m. University of Notre Dame presents the National Players in Shake­ Contributors: Vince Beckman, Mike Brad­ speare's Romeo and Juliet in Washington Hall. Tickets: $2.00. ley, Jim Bridgeman, Pat Collins Wil­ liam Donovan, Robert Haller, Mike SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 Mclnerney, John Lahey, Carl Magel, 1:30 p.m. "The Catholic Hour" will present the second of four programs pro­ Dave Malone, Jamie McKenna, Dan duced in Rome during the Second Vatican Council on WNDU-TV. Morper, Tom Murphy, Stephanie 2:00 p.m. & Cinema '66 — A Chaplin Festival — Engineering Auditorium. Phalen. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. University of Notre Dame presents the National Players in Moliere's Staff: Steve Anderson, Tim Andrews, Mike The Miser in Washington Hall. Tickets: $2.00. Baroody, Ken Beirne, Julian Bills, Ken Black, Jim Bresette, Ned Buchbinder, MONDAY, JANUARY 17 Ollie Cameron, Mark Crewson, Larry All day Use your imagination. Dwyer, Estelle Ford, Joel Garreau, Steve Heagen, Jim Heaney, Mark Hen­ TUESDAY, JANTJARY 18 ley, Larry Houdek, John Korcsmar, 4:30 p.m. Dr. Charles E. Kellog, Deputy Administrator for Soil Sur\'ey of Joe Magnano, Terrence Mahoney, the United States Department of Agriculture will lecture on "Trop­ ical Soils" in the Auditorium of the Biology building. Refreshments John McCuen, Gary Morrow, Lou will be ser\'ed at 4 p.m. Smith, Tom Sullivan, Carolyn Sugg, Robert Thomas. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 Last class day. Second class postage paid at Notre Dame, Ind., 8:00 p.m. Basketball: Loyola of Los Angeles. 46556. The magazine is represented for national advertising by r^Tational Advertising Service, Inc., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 18 East 50tli Street, New York, N.Y., 10022. It Study Day. receives its covers including the four-color back­ page advertisement from College Magazines Inc., of New York City. Published weekly during the FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 school year, except during vacation and exam­ Study Day. ination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 46556. SMC Exams Start The subscription rate is $5.00 a year (includ­ 8:00 p.m. Lions Club presents film Wings , to Puerto Rico with James ing all issues of . the academic year and the Metcalf in O'Laughlin Auditorium. FOOTBALL REVIEW). The special subscription rale for St. Mary's students and faculty is $3.00 9-12 Midnight Catholic Y'oung Adults Dance at the . Eagles Lodge featuring a year. Please address all manuscripts to the The Apollos. SCHOLASTIC, Notre Dame, Indiana. All un­ — Compiled by MARK CREW^SOX and LEW SMITH solicited material becomes the property of the SCHOLASTIC. The Scholastic editorials Ave Maria magazine, a national GatlioUc loeekly The public relations consultant did not delve into the printed on the Notre Dame campus, this loeek published correctness of the action of Berrigan's superiors; he an entire issue devoted to discussion of a grovnng trend concentrated on showing how "from almost every public among some bishops and religious superiors to put an relations point of view, the Berrigan Case was a dis­ end to social and political protest activities among their aster." Berrigan's superiors seemingly overlooked his pi'iests. Dan Murray examines this timely contribution. symbolic importance as a leader of the Catholic pacifist movement. The timing of the deportation — immediately before the anti-Viet Nam War conference — was xm- believably stupid. By refusing to comment on the re­ A Contribution to Openness moval authorities gave the impression that they recog­ nized their actions were indefensible. And finally the If nothing else, the staff of Ave Maria proved last superiors allowed the Protestant and Jewish co-chair­ week that one does not necessarily have to conduct a men of Berrigan's organization to make the first an­ fast in a chapel to have an impact on the life of the nouncement of his removal, enabling them to present Church. By devoting its entire January 8 issue to the initially the whole affair in a bad light. recent trend of silencing priests, Ave Maria accomplished The South Bend consultant concluded by reminding what Notre Dame's recent demonstrators inevitably could the Church that it is still in the world. He asked how never do — it initiated a meaningful dialogue within the world is "to understand a Church that sometimes the Church on the subject of the tension between authority seems bent on bungling simple situations? How is the and freedom of conscience. world expected to believe a Church whose oflBcials some­ Containing eleven case histories of the silencing of times seem to go out of their way to intensify ill will?" priests within the last two years and also sixteen con­ The second in-depth examination of a silencing is by tributions representing various viewpoints on the silenc- a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal. In October of last ings, the issue had immediate impact. The Associated year several priests of the Milwaukee Archdiocese planned Press picked up a South Bend Tribune story on its to use their parish plants in assisting a boycott of the wires, and newspapers throughout the nation ran it. The city's schools to protest alleged segregation. Archbishop New York Times carried a substantial article of its own Cousins was at the Council in Rome at the time, and his on Ave's treatment of the problem.
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